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That Rock sig is amazing, Doc. Your style really has improved since you joined you know. I love your work more than ever and I need new sig incidentally. Interested?
Absolutely. It's the start of a three day weekend, so I'll have tons of time for sigs. Just tell me what you want and I'll get it to you as soon as possible.
Hmm... What do I want exactly?

I want a Jericho one with the code shit that he used to use. I don't necessarily want Jericho in it but I do want that code stuff in it. I want the code to say _D&v3.US=D2s_ or some shit like that.

All clear?
Just a quick update:
Do you think it looks better when she's in black and white?
They're both good, but the color version is definitely better in my opinion. I really like how that sig turned out man, what anime is that from?
Agreed with X, the colour one is the better of two great sigs. It feels abit "alive" if that makes sense?

Really liking these latest ones
They're both good, but the color version is definitely better in my opinion. I really like how that sig turned out man, what anime is that from?

I was partial to the color one myself, just getting some opinions.

She's actually BAD GIRL from the absolutely phenomenal game No More Heroes, for the Wii. It's violent, hilarious, and just plain fun. A system-seller, in my opinion, and the sequel is coming out around Spring.
hey, your work dude is seriously brilliant your so talented, you really have a nack for this, on the topic i was wondering if you could do me a eddie guererro sig, with his name, the dates 1967- 2005 and a message saying something like he lied, he cheated and he stole all ouf our hearts, if you could do that i will be always greatful, thanks again.
When you get a chance, can you make me a sig with Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness? Something about them going to the E, but make it however you would like. Try new shit, practice other stuff, I will use it however and rep handsomely, lol. You sigs are awesome!
Here you are, Thriller.

And while I was making it, I really liked how it looked with just Danielson, so I saved that too:
I dunno, man, you just asked Theo for one. Why make one when you already have a request in with another guy, especially when the other guy is my friend? Seriously, brother, like I said to Mr. Baller...that's not cool.
Doc my boy, some awesome stuff. Loved the Eddie G sig, very awesome, he was the man. And regarding the black/white or colored version of your current sig, I agree with x and Phoenix that the colored version is better, but both are great pieces of work. I love looking back at old sigs (not just of yours, but of mine as well) and seeing how much we both have improved. Keep up the good work bro, looking forward to seeing the masterpieces you continue to churn out.
Made his for Headbanger. He wanted a CM Punk as Jeff Hardy sig. I liked how it turned out so I'm also posting it here.

These are the two main characters from the awesome movie Appleseed Ex Machina. If you're a sci-fi fan, or an anime fan, I highly recommend it.
Hey Doc... can you make me a BP sig with Love & Velvet in the form of a tribute? I feel utterly depressed how they broke up due to Love's VISA expiring.
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