Creationism Is Coming Back

You don't want to screw with the Chosen One, hiphop. He'll fuck you right up.
LOL, this is some funny stuff. What do you mean the chosen one? You mean, the guy who had to go to a barely functioning company to get a main-event push? The guy who had to start his own company to keep his spot once WCW closed down? Whoever did the choosing, trust me, I wouldn't rely on their judgment for one second.
LOL, this is some funny stuff. What do you mean the chosen one? You mean, the guy who had to go to a barely functioning company to get a main-event push? The guy who had to start his own company to keep his spot once WCW closed down? Whoever did the choosing, trust me, I wouldn't rely on their judgment for one second.

The guy who is having his way with Karen Angle at this very moment.
You can't be very good at science if your name is Creationism.
Dogma is the best fucking movie ever.

But I'm still sticking with the nWZo.
I may just rock this badboy.


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