R Ruthless-RKO F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK! Apr 29, 2013 #27 You guys might love me for this 1.. [SP] [SP]
T The Butcher ð¶ Apr 30, 2013 #28 Why imitate when I can innovate? I think this suits me: Also could've been Superstar Billy Graham's custom sideplates.
Why imitate when I can innovate? I think this suits me: Also could've been Superstar Billy Graham's custom sideplates.
R Ruthless-RKO F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK! May 1, 2013 #31 Love this one.. We'll never get it though
D Dirk Ayatollah of Coca-Cola May 1, 2013 #32 Seeing as we're making some for ourselves, now... Spoiler