Could you help me with some ideas?

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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As you can see, The Adventures of Duane and BrandO are holding a contest to win their LP Of Devestation. If I don't win, I'll still buy it because I love them, but there's no harm in trying, is there? Only problem is, I can't think of a good idea for my submission. Think you guys could help? I'll be happy to email anyone some tracks if I win.

EDIT: "Artist's own work"...i hope that doesn't mean I can't use sprites....fuck.
They seem to have a thing for 8-bit games, but I'd imagine they want to use your artwork for commercial purposes, so you probably don't want to use any copyrighted images. So some ideas might be...

The artists rendered in 8-bit

A gaming console with controllers, rendered in 8-bit. Your own design, don't copy the exact look of an NES or anything

Parodies of popular 8-bit characters. Parodies are perfectly legal fair-use of copyright as long as it's clear it's a parody. Something that comes to mind would be say... having a parody mario stomp on a parody Master Chief's head.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll mull it over some more.
Yeah, problem is, I'm not good at that. Fuck. Their EP Of Doom had them in 8-bit, on an NES box. I'm thinking of a massive fight scene using characters from all the games they listed, but I don't know if that's allowed. They're giving it away for donation, online, so I don't know what the rules are for that...
Yeah, problem is, I'm not good at that. Fuck. Their EP Of Doom had them in 8-bit, on an NES box. I'm thinking of a massive fight scene using characters from all the games they listed, but I don't know if that's allowed. They're giving it away for donation, online, so I don't know what the rules are for that...

Like I said, it's perfectly allowed as long as the characters you're portraying are obviously parodies. As in, reminiscent of the subject but distinctive enough to clearly indicate that it's not actually them.

I know that's vague but... the law is a little vague.
Maybe I'll just go with my original idea. If they say they can't accept it, oh well. I'll just donate and get the album when it comes out.
Parodies of popular 8-bit characters. Parodies are perfectly legal fair-use of copyright as long as it's clear it's a parody. Something that comes to mind would be say...

Here's what I whipped up. Don't know if it'll be accepted, but oh well.

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