Could we see Rock/Y2J vs Punk/Cena


Occasional Pre-Show
I, like everyone else have been not only looking forward to this years WrestlMania but as April 1st has drawn closer I have begun pondering what not only the outcome of WM will be but also the implications.

Much like the hugely speculated finish to the Taker/HHH match where many of us again are left wondering about the finish and pay off along with the implications and so forth, I believe the same theory should be applied to Rock/Cena & CM Punk/Y2J
Unlike Taker/HHH there is a capacity for there to be what is dubbed a 'dirty' finish to either this match or the Punk/Y2J bout that can spill over into further programming maybe as a lead up to SummerSlam.
So my fan boy conjecture has lead me to speculate that however WM closes, with advertised booking of Y2J up until SummerSlam it would seem, and the Rock booked for the night after WM could all lead to something.
Rock and Y2J have been saying similar things with regards to 'real men' and 'real champions' and so forth so maybe a proper Rock 'heel' turn at WM much like Austins could eventuate and lead to a booked match at SummerSlam before Y2J is on hiatus again and Rocky tends to other commitments.

I know this is just a fantasy booking and I don't pretend to be anything more then a fan who enjoys the product and talking wrestling.
This idea has been floating round in my head for a few weeks and I decided I would like some feed back about the likelihood of this happening sometime in the future and also the merits of the idea itself.

Thanks for reading.


Just my humble opinions
I dont even want to read what you wrote, Ill just go by the title.


Seriously, if this happens Ill turn WWE off forever. FOR-EV-ER. This doesn't need to happen, nor SHOULDN'T.

Triple H/Taker is being billed as an "end of an era" make it so. Let Triple H walk off into the sunset, let Taker do his once a year thing, let Rock go make more movies and come back periodically...but BUILD YOUR STARS UP!

No more legends vs new blood. It sucked in the WWECW days when they did that, it STILL sucks now.

Give guys like Dolf, Rhodes, Kofi, Truth, Miz...give THEM the spotlight. Cena and Orton won't be around in 5 years, they will be just like Triple and all the other guys. Push the guys you have. Let them get over on Orton, Punk, Cena, Kane, Christian...guys that will be here a little bit longer. Guys that have the star power to take someone to the next level.

The vets need to stop hogging the spotlight and give it up to the guys that will still be here in 5 years. The problem is, Vince relied so much on them, he didn't build new stars until it was too late. It's going to happen again if he is not careful.
I would love this!! We’re talking about former Tag Team Champions, The Rock and Chris Jericho. Greatest Tag Team Champions?? Probably not, but they are both in my Top 3. Let’s call them, “Rock and Rolla”. Okay, let’s work in that.

I would also love a Survivor Series match between The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H, and the Undertaker vs. John Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan, but I digress.
Give guys like Dolf, Rhodes, Kofi, Truth, Miz...give THEM the spotlight. Cena and Orton won't be around in 5 years, they will be just like Triple and all the other guys. Push the guys you have. Let them get over on Orton, Punk, Cena, Kane, Christian...guys that will be here a little bit longer. Guys that have the star power to take someone to the next level.

I agree with almost everything about your post but this little part. Somthings you should know. One Cena, Punk, and Orton are not that old so they can stick around. Miz, Barrett, and Ziggler are the same age as Orton so if Orton has to go in 5 years so does Miz,Barrett, and Ziggler. Kofi is only a year behind also.
Also Truth is 40 so most likely he would be gone soon.
I agree with almost everything about your post but this little part. Somthings you should know. One Cena, Punk, and Orton are not that old so they can stick around. Miz, Barrett, and Ziggler are the same age as Orton so if Orton has to go in 5 years so does Miz,Barrett, and Ziggler. Kofi is only a year behind also.
Also Truth is 40 so most likely he would be gone soon.

It's not viewing it as's viewing as star power. They have been on the top's only a matter of time until they step aside and let others take it. They may all be the same age, but Cena and Orton have been doing this longer, their bodies have taken more abuse. Cena and Orton have already had their fair share on severe injuries and surgeries. Truth may only be 40, but he can still go like he is 20 and is just at the peak of his career as far as star power. He has had a long career that has gone nowhere, both in WE and TNA. It's only lately that he has hit it big.
I dont even want to read what you wrote, Ill just go by the title.


Seriously, if this happens Ill turn WWE off forever. FOR-EV-ER. This doesn't need to happen, nor SHOULDN'T.

Triple H/Taker is being billed as an "end of an era" make it so. Let Triple H walk off into the sunset, let Taker do his once a year thing, let Rock go make more movies and come back periodically...but BUILD YOUR STARS UP!

No more legends vs new blood. It sucked in the WWECW days when they did that, it STILL sucks now.

Give guys like Dolf, Rhodes, Kofi, Truth, Miz...give THEM the spotlight. Cena and Orton won't be around in 5 years, they will be just like Triple and all the other guys. Push the guys you have. Let them get over on Orton, Punk, Cena, Kane, Christian...guys that will be here a little bit longer. Guys that have the star power to take someone to the next level.

The vets need to stop hogging the spotlight and give it up to the guys that will still be here in 5 years. The problem is, Vince relied so much on them, he didn't build new stars until it was too late. It's going to happen again if he is not careful.

Amen to that.

I agree they need to work on building up their young stars. I am not totally in the vets go away boat ... but I am definitely in the vets back off vote.

I have no desire to see The Rock team with a heel Chris Jericho. The Rock would have to be full on heel for this to work really. In all honesty ... after last nights long ass promo (which was ridiculous considering Cena was given like 5 minutes and Rock got 20+) I don't care if The Rock goes on another hiatus.

Lets stick with the guys you got instead of the guys that Hollywood has (that pretty much includes Jericho also unfortunately). Dolph, Punk, Rhodes, Cena, Kane, ADR, Kofi, Mysterio, Bryan, Big Show, Henry, etc. They are all more than enough to carry the promotion.
I don't see this happening for one major reason. The fact that Jericho always harps on the night he beat the Rock and Stone Cold in the same evening to win the Undisputed WWE title. That The Rock is going after Cena for something Cena said about 8 years ago in off-handed matter, would make him go after Jericho as well for basically saying that The Rock was a stepping stone for the legend known as Y2J. As The Rock would say, "Even a rooty-pooty candy ass squirrel can find an acorn in a bowl of Fruity Pebbles every once in a while".
I dont even want to read what you wrote, Ill just go by the title.


Seriously, if this happens Ill turn WWE off forever. FOR-EV-ER. This doesn't need to happen, nor SHOULDN'T.

Triple H/Taker is being billed as an "end of an era" make it so. Let Triple H walk off into the sunset, let Taker do his once a year thing, let Rock go make more movies and come back periodically...but BUILD YOUR STARS UP!

No more legends vs new blood. It sucked in the WWECW days when they did that, it STILL sucks now.

Give guys like Dolf, Rhodes, Kofi, Truth, Miz...give THEM the spotlight. Cena and Orton won't be around in 5 years, they will be just like Triple and all the other guys. Push the guys you have. Let them get over on Orton, Punk, Cena, Kane, Christian...guys that will be here a little bit longer. Guys that have the star power to take someone to the next level.

The vets need to stop hogging the spotlight and give it up to the guys that will still be here in 5 years. The problem is, Vince relied so much on them, he didn't build new stars until it was too late. It's going to happen again if he is not careful.
You don't do much research do you? Mid 30s isn't old for a pro wrestler. It's basically the tail end of their prime. Wrestling is cerebral that you need a good 10 years to really understand the art of it. Cena and Orton will be around in 5 years, they can give the rub to Ziggles and Rhodes.

As for the topic. YES I'd love to see this. In fact, I'd like to see it as the main event of the raw right before Mania. What better way to hype up what are essentially two generational feuds than by having them against each other? HUGE ratings, amazing match.

Rock/Jericho vs Punk/Cena is more of a super raw main event anyways. All 4 are too big to waste one feud on. Punk/Rock and Jercho/Cena are great matches for longer feuds. Rock/Jericho vs Punk/Cena is a great one time only match. I feel like those work best on Raws.
You don't do much research do you? Mid 30s isn't old for a pro wrestler. It's basically the tail end of their prime. Wrestling is cerebral that you need a good 10 years to really understand the art of it. Cena and Orton will be around in 5 years, they can give the rub to Ziggles and Rhodes.

As for the topic. YES I'd love to see this. In fact, I'd like to see it as the main event of the raw right before Mania. What better way to hype up what are essentially two generational feuds than by having them against each other? HUGE ratings, amazing match.

Rock/Jericho vs Punk/Cena is more of a super raw main event anyways. All 4 are too big to waste one feud on. Punk/Rock and Jercho/Cena are great matches for longer feuds. Rock/Jericho vs Punk/Cena is a great one time only match. I feel like those work best on Raws.

It's not viewing it as's viewing as star power. They have been on the top's only a matter of time until they step aside and let others take it. They may all be the same age, but Cena and Orton have been doing this longer, their bodies have taken more abuse. Cena and Orton have already had their fair share on severe injuries and surgeries. Truth may only be 40, but he can still go like he is 20 and is just at the peak of his career as far as star power. He has had a long career that has gone nowhere, both in WE and TNA. It's only lately that he has hit it big.

Learn to read through a thread better. Orton and Cena won't be around forever and will slowly start to slip out of being full-time in about 5 years. It's about RING AGE not human age.
Learn to read through a thread better. Orton and Cena won't be around forever and will slowly start to slip out of being full-time in about 5 years. It's about RING AGE not human age.
Yea, it is about Ring age. Cena and Orton will still be about as full time as they are now. Cena is only 34, Orton is only 31. Maybe Orton's fragile ass will be seeing less time (then again, I did say "as full time as they are now").

Why do you think they won't be as full time? Undertaker is 46 and has pretty much been on and off for a large part of his career. Triple H is 42.

Cena has a good 8 more years, Orton has maybe 10. Both will only become even bigger stars. If you put Dolph or someone against Rock, it just looks like rock and some nobody. You give Orton, Cena, and Punk the rub from Rock, then later on Orton, Cena, and Punk give the rub to Ziggles.
Yea, it is about Ring age. Cena and Orton will still be about as full time as they are now. Cena is only 34, Orton is only 31. Maybe Orton's fragile ass will be seeing less time (then again, I did say "as full time as they are now").

Why do you think they won't be as full time? Undertaker is 46 and has pretty much been on and off for a large part of his career. Triple H is 42.

Cena has a good 8 more years, Orton has maybe 10. Both will only become even bigger stars. If you put Dolph or someone against Rock, it just looks like rock and some nobody. You give Orton, Cena, and Punk the rub from Rock, then later on Orton, Cena, and Punk give the rub to Ziggles.

Triple H and Taker haven't been full-time for a few years now. Just because Cena is 34 and Orton is 31 doesn't mean that they will be able to go on for extended time. Remember they have BOTH had extensive surgeries and had to take prolonged periods of time off. Their bodies are not at 100%, and as they go on will continue to take more damage. They have families's not like back in the day with Taker being alone on the road or Triple H always having a partner with him.

You dont need to give a rub from Rock, Triple H, Austin, Jericho, Taker, etc. to get new stars over. WWE needs to STOP relying on veteran/legend talents. Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, hell even Hogan/Rock back in the day dont need to happen.

Cena, Orton, Punk...they are top stars. Let your younger talent like Ziggler, Barrett and Rhodes go ver these guys to get them to the next level. Dont give them a MITB. Let them win a RR and defeat a champion at Mania. Why go through veteran talents to give the rub to Cena, then a few years down the line Cena does it for someone else?

Fuck the "passing the torch" bullshit. Use the stars you have now. The product is mediocre because WWE took too long to push the talent they have.

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