Could TNA survive without the "rejects"?

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I agree with alot of the the previous post in that "rejects" is not the appropriate term for theses guys. That would mean that the Yankees are filled with other team's "rejects". TNA is the #2 wrestling company and there is nothing wrong with that. It's only good business to bring in these guys to help boost the profile of the company. TNA needs to bring in these guys to draw in viewers. The key is using the home-grown talent to hook them in. That's were more wrestling, less 'entertainment' would be better and a second show would be of great help.

The younger guys need to look like they can compete with these former WWE/WCW wrestlers who have a name and a following. That's why I think the Victory Road PPV was horrible. If I remember correctly,all the older guys won cleanly over the younger guys, making them look weak. I think they've done a good job recently with building up AJ, Morgan and Hernandez. However, it does no good to have Team 3D battle Booker/Steiner for the tag team titles when there are teams like Lethal Consequences, MCMG sitting around doing nothing.

So I agree with the general feeling that yes, TNA could survive without these so-called "rejects," but it helps to boost their profile by having them there. I'm sure it made it easier for TNA to get the contract extension with Spike.
I think TNA would survive but I don't think they would have the same TV deal/timeslot that they currently have. I'd guess that a lot of the viewing figures are made by casual regular TV viewers not straight up wrestling fans, born out by the fluctuation in figures throughout a show, it's regular people flipping channels, stopping when they see something they like or recognise (the ex-WWE/WCW guys from when wrestling was a hot product), then tuning out when they got bored. If the figures were made up from pure wrestling fans I'd think they be a lot more constant from the start to finish of the show, I'm sure most people on this board have the TV on a wrestling show all throughout the show, not tune out to watch something else for 20 minutes in the middle.

Now what percentage of PPV buys are from real wrestling fans compared to casual viewers? I'd guess far higher. Hypothetically I'd guess TV audience is 20% wrestling fan 80% casual viewer, PPV maybe flip that. So if that was the case it would be an argument for structuring the TV shows more the recognisable WWE/WCW guys (to catch the casual TV audience) but shaping the PPVs more towards the hardened wrestling fans.
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