Could TNA pull off an attitude era?


The King Of Chaos
Well, with the ECW invasion, then fortune, who knows what can become of this. Maybe more use of blood, more violence like when Samoa Joe carried around that big knife sort of thing. Anything is possible right now. Judging from last night when the ECW originals attacked Abyss.... But is something this crazy can mean attitude era. Or an alliance sort of matter. Because do you remember when in WWE crazy things would happen. From it being DX dropping a truck on Vince's car, or some crazy riot happening we could always expect something entertaining. So my question is, with TNA having the ECW, Fortune, or who knows what "they" are..... Can TNA pull of an alliance, or attitude era sort of angle? Now I know that many of you will say this is copying WWE, but I think that it can set up TNA for more intense promos than Mr Anderson calling himself an asshole....... Or riots, I know they have an occasional backstage fight or something, but if TNA had an attitude era sort of thing, they can have something big and exciting happening. While in the WWE, they have the Nexus messing up the arena.....
The Attitude Era, in my opinion, has run its course. The whole aura about it was that it was "deviant" and so different from the generation before it. Now that it's been going on for 13 loses both of those aspects. Things that wowed the viewers back in the day (due to not being used to it) aren't even batting an eyelash.

Going from clowns, sailors, snakes, policemen, etc. to a bunch of "degenerates" taking over the place was something different, so it worked.

It's hard to be more deviant than before when you're on cable television with rules and regulations. Thus making it tired and overdone at times.

What else would they do? No idea...but the lack of competition in addition to the repetitive and overdone "attitude" era can't really go anywhere else but down.
The Attitude Era, in my opinion, has run its course. The whole aura about it was that it was "deviant" and so different from the generation before it. Now that it's been going on for 13 loses both of those aspects. Things that wowed the viewers back in the day (due to not being used to it) aren't even batting an eyelash.

Going from clowns, sailors, snakes, policemen, etc. to a bunch of "degenerates" taking over the place was something different, so it worked.

It's hard to be more deviant than before when you're on cable television with rules and regulations. Thus making it tired and overdone at times.

What else would they do? No idea...but the lack of competition in addition to the repetitive and overdone "attitude" era can't really go anywhere else but down.

Aren't we in that same position right now? The only difference in my eyes is that it's all happening in two companies, not one. Of course, WWE's product nowadays is not all clowns, cops, aliens and all that, but at the same time it has that whole goodie two shoes mentality. No blood, no gore, no explicit content. They just seem to do things that kids would totally enjoy, but adults wouldn't. Hornswoggle? A dance off between two grown men? It's that same situation all over again.

Just like Heyman said, Vince is producing a grandpa product for grandpas. All the limitations and everything. Then you've got TNA, they're in a position to offer an alternative to WWE's product. A more violent, wrestling-based, blood soaked action filled with hot chicks and all that BS, which a lot of people might not like and consider immature but at the same time others like me are dying to see. I hate what WWE does these days. It's not fitting my description of what wrestling is all about. The day I let my child learn from a muscle head will be the day I lose my freaking mind. I despise this whole mentality that WWE has. It's wrestling, it's not meant to be a family program. I can't even picture my or any other family gather 'round on the sofa to watch wrestling as if it was freaking sit com. It's not right and just the thought of that makes me puke.

But anyway, can TNA pull off an attitude era? I don't see why not. But there's no way it's getting as big as the original one. The times are different. I can see them having an era of their own where everything is nice and awesome. That's what the attitude era was, basically. It wasn't just DX by no means. It was about great, talented wrestlers, mixed with awesome TV, good writing, great crowds, pushing the envelope, breaking the taboos and making some goddamn art. That's what the Attitude Era was. Some good ass wrestling. TNA has the resources to provide it whether people like to believe it or not. WWE has the resources to make it again, whether I want to believe it or not. It's just about making that first step, having the balls to go that direction and see what happens. So far, TNA's doing that step and WWE's getting staler than stale.
No!!! It's that simple. TNA doesn't have the continuity to pull off an Attitude Era. Allow me to explain.

The BEST thing about the Attitude Era wasn't the blood, or the language in promos, or chairshots to the head. The best thing was the storylines.

Austin vs Rock vs HHH. Corperation vs The Minestry. The introduction of Kane, and his fued with Taker.

All of the best storylines from the Attitude Era were built up slowly, they went on for at least 6 months each. TNA simply doesn't have the booking staff to think that far ahead, create a storyline that will still be interesting in half that time.

WWE's writers these days are nowhere near as good as the ones during the Attitude Era, that's why long running fueds (HHH vs Orton for example) get stale, however, they can still last a few months.

TNA writers seem unable to carry on a storyline on from one week to the next. That is why they can not bring in another Attitude Era.
Samoa Joe? Kevin Nash? Eric Young? Abyss? They have all flipped between face and heel. AJ was micro-Flair, then he wasn't, now he's in his stable again.

Jarrett was against Hogan and Bischoff for 'stealing' his company, but this week he defended tham to Kevin Nash.

The Band were only around for a few months, same for Bubba (they were right to get rid of them, but it just shows that they shouldn't have even been brought in in the first place)

Just look at their 'Top 10 Championship Ranking' system. Tell me how exactly that lets a storyline develop?? Apart from "I'm going to fued with you because that's what the fans want". Fueds should be more personal than that. This is a short term measure, because the number 1 contender will change every month. WWE may become repetitive, but you still get the feeling that people EARN their title shots, and that other fueds actually mean something. You just don't get that feeling from TNA, at least I don't
If they do, it would just be another attempt of TNA copying WWE, which is something they have done a lot of in the past.

Compared with the WWE, TNA is a second-rate promotion. But that's mostly because WWE is a billion dollar company and has been around for decades while TNA is barely less than 10 years old and is struggling to turn a profit.

But the Attitude Era worked wonders back when it took place, but times are different now. When it took place, nobody had seen anything like it before. But now, people have gotten used to seeing things just as risque, if not more so.

If TNA wants to stay alive and be successful, they need to concentrate on what they have that the WWE doesn't have, such as a more adult-oriented and wrestling-based product.
Name a few storylines from the past month that were not carried on from one week to the next.

Well, there was the Anderson/pope storyline. Kazarian/styles....flair/lethal.. beer money/mcmg...abyss/"them"....hernandez/matt morgan.... all of those were ended abruptly and led no where. Oh, wait...

This is why I can't stand TNA bashers in the IWC. Most do not even watch the product and since they feel left out of the Cena kids bandwagon, they jump on bashing TNA.
TNA is not the worst wrestling show on television. However, they're not perfect either.

Yes, I do believe TNA could captivate a higher audience with a direction towards the attitude era. But, everyone needs to realize that just because TNA try and appeal to an older audience (for Gods sake, they're on a channel with such shows as Manswers and former home of the Ren and Stimpy resurgence) doesn't mean they're trying to recreate the attitude era or copy WWE. The era was not a literal gimmick. And let's not forget that WWE were not the first ones to do an ECW reunion/rememberance ppv.
To some degree, TNA has already attempted to do some version of the Attitude Era and it failed miserably. TNA iMPACT! featured wrestlers getting bleeding on a regular basis. For a while, Ric Flair seemed to bleed like a stuck pig every other episode of iMPACT!. You had other stunts like Lacey Von Erich's strip tease in the middle of the ring that was part of a clusterfuck angle involving the various titles in the Knockout Division, Samoa Joe running around carrying a knife, wrestlers tossing out curse words every so often, etc. and all it got TNA was criticism from fans and insiders for the poor attempts at using cheap stunts and gimmicks to increase ratings.

I grew up during the Attitude Era and it was fun, but too many fans have this romanticized view of what the Attitude Era was. In spite of what you may hear out of some, every match was some all time classic nor was every storyline this unbelievable epic. People tend to gloss over the train wrecks that came about during the Attitude Era like the Katie Vick angle, all the ridiculous gimmick matches & segments featuring the Divas, The Oddities, Chris Jericho & Chyna feuding over the IC title, Val Venis getting kidnapped by Japanese mobsters and getting his dick chopped off with a katana, Steve Blackman & Ken Shamrock's feud, 2 minute main event matches on Raw, etc. There are lots of others, but my point is that just because something is "controversial" or "bloody" or "gore filled" doesn't mean that it's quality.

TNA is already heavily criticized because of various attempts at what many perceive as imitations of WWE and WCW and now ECW is being added to the mix. Until TNA manages to establish its own identity, until it manages to do something to set itself apart from other companies; then it's not going to shirk this second class label that many have assigned to it. Cheap stunts and lame attempts at controversy aren't going to fix TNA's problems. They've gone that route and the result were some of the poorest shows in the company's history both quality and ratings wise.

I know Paul Heyman says WWE's product is for grandpas and all that but, what exactly does Paul Heyman know about running a wrestling company? Last time I checked, ECW went belly up because Heyman was a very poor businessman. Even when he got ECW it's own spot on TNN, he had to water his show down to such a degree that it hardly resembled ECW. I know that many fans would love for TNA to be some cross between your standard porn flick and ECW in its glory days before it appeared on national television, but it's not going to happen for both practical and realistic reasons. In order for TNA to not look like some imitator, they would have to go further than WWE or ECW ever really did and they're not going to be able to do that and stay on network television.
Samoa Joe? Kevin Nash? Eric Young? Abyss? They have all flipped between face and heel. AJ was micro-Flair, then he wasn't, now he's in his stable again.

Jarrett was against Hogan and Bischoff for 'stealing' his company, but this week he defended tham to Kevin Nash.

The Band were only around for a few months, same for Bubba (they were right to get rid of them, but it just shows that they shouldn't have even been brought in in the first place)

Just look at their 'Top 10 Championship Ranking' system. Tell me how exactly that lets a storyline develop?? Apart from "I'm going to fued with you because that's what the fans want". Fueds should be more personal than that. This is a short term measure, because the number 1 contender will change every month. WWE may become repetitive, but you still get the feeling that people EARN their title shots, and that other fueds actually mean something. You just don't get that feeling from TNA, at least I don't

When was Nash a legitimite face with TNA lately? Young flipped between the two to further a storyline with The Band. Samoa joe's turn went really well with the AJ storyline. And abyss hasn't been a heel with the company in a long time. Jarrett defended Hogan and Bischoff during his feud with Sting. Aj's run as "micro flair" began in January. That was over 6 months ago, but according to most, TNA only keeps stories going for a week. And your port about the Top 10 is bullshit. has the power 25, but rarely do you see it truly reflect storylines or anything else for that matter. And no, I do not feel people in WWE earn their shots. If so, orton, edge, jericho and big show would not be in MITB.
When was Nash a legitimite face with TNA lately?
He was a face not long before Hogan/Bischoff joined TNA.

Young flipped between the two to further a storyline with The Band.
How does flipping between heel and face (when fueding with the same people) enhance a fued or storyline?

Samoa joe's turn went really well with the AJ storyline.
He was kidnapped and came back with a completly different character, as yet with no explanation. Great continuity there.
And abyss hasn't been a heel with the company in a long time.
So Abyss works well as a face? The Hall of Fame Ring stuff? That was possibly TNA's longest running storyline, is was also probably their worst.

Jarrett defended Hogan and Bischoff during his feud with Sting.
Tell me when, I must have missed it.

Aj's run as "micro flair" began in January. That was over 6 months ago, but according to most, TNA only keeps stories going for a week.
He has since abandoned that gimmick, but now looks likely to take it back on.

And your port about the Top 10 is bullshit. has the power 25, but rarely do you see it truly reflect storylines or anything else for that matter.
TNA's Top 10 determines the next challenger for the World Heavyweight title. The P25 from WWE tells you who has perfomed well, or gained a decent reaction from the crowd. The P25 is about the past, TNA's top 10 is about the future. And the P25 NEVER gets mentioned on WWE TV. There is NO comparison between the two.

And no, I do not feel people in WWE earn their shots. If so, orton, edge, jericho and big show would not be in MITB.
This arguement would carry more water if the people you named weren't all FORMER WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!

What better way to earn a title shot than by being a former champion??

I could understand it if you'd named Mark Henry, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler, but you instead named some of WWE's biggest stars.
TNA needs to be TNA. What that is no one can tell you. All they've tried to do is be the WWE. Aside from AJ Styles they haven't produced or pushed any of their own talent. At this point they've managed to make Samoa Joe an after thought and pushed talent that would clearly not draw in the WWE.

As for Heyman, I have tons of respect for his ability as a booker and to some extent he is correct. The WWE is booking a very safe/younger audience style show but they're behind it and it's selling. TNA has been handed star after star and still can barely push a 1 rating every week. Jeff Hardy went from selling out Staples Center in Los Angeles to barely being able to sell out a bingo hall in Asbury Park.

On top of all of this TNA fails because their fans expect them to be WWE from 1998 instead of being TNA in 2010. Every discussion is comparisons between TNA now and WWE ten years ago. When that's all anyone talks about, your company isn't doing something right.
As some have said before, TNA needs to be their own company. They can't rely on shock TV and tactics that worked 10 or 15 years ago. They have to come up with something completely different. TNA has tried to use shock television with hardcore matches, strip poker, and even Val Venis but this is a different time. TNA even brought in the former NWO members. They need to concentrate more on becoming an independent promotion showcasing their great talent and X Division.

The reason TNA became so popular today wasn't because of former attitude stars or angles, but because of new stars taking wrestling matches to new limits. You are lucky to catch lightning in a bottle once, but rarely twice. Even if TNA and WWE were in a heated Monday night war no one outside of the normal wrestling audience would care. This isn't the 90s. With UFC and with reality shows like American Idol, people don't tune into wrestling anymore.

This era is more wholesome then the 90's were in my opinion. Teenagers are more interested in sparkling vampires then Abyss going through thumbtacks.
All righty. Everyone breathe deeply. Here's the way I see it: I agree with the posters who believe TNA needs to be their own company. What did they have that WWE still doesn't? The no-limits ever-evolving X-division and what was once a great KO division. They've still got the X-division but they've lost the greatness of the KOs.

The booking's mostly inconsistent but there has been one that was still going for a good while: SoCal Val's on-screen disdain for Jay Lethal even long after his feud with Sonjay Dutt. I'm sure people remember that.
In my opinion, the answer to this is "NO"

In order to be successfull they have to stop living in the past and train fans to like TNA for being DIFFERENT from the WWE. In todays day and age fans are different then how they were in the 90s.

I say its time for something different, its time For THE MONSTER era

Doing this would (if you clicked the link above and read it) be different and would appeal to people today.

I mean look at how Vampires are over now? In the 90's vampires were not that hot like they are now.. Tru Blood, Vampire Diares, Twilight, Underworld, etc etc its a pop culture of monster madness now.. if you read the link above the age of Monsters would work today.

Its time for TNA to be different than the WWE.

The attitude era is dead, it was a nice time. But wrestling is KNOWN for changing with the times. Let TNA lead this generation in that tradition. Personally I would love to see Vampiro in the X-division right now.
He was a face not long before Hogan/Bischoff joined TNA.

How does flipping between heel and face (when fueding with the same people) enhance a fued or storyline?

He was kidnapped and came back with a completly different character, as yet with no explanation. Great continuity there.

So Abyss works well as a face? The Hall of Fame Ring stuff? That was possibly TNA's longest running storyline, is was also probably their worst.

Tell me when, I must have missed it.

He has since abandoned that gimmick, but now looks likely to take it back on.

TNA's Top 10 determines the next challenger for the World Heavyweight title. The P25 from WWE tells you who has perfomed well, or gained a decent reaction from the crowd. The P25 is about the past, TNA's top 10 is about the future. And the P25 NEVER gets mentioned on WWE TV. There is NO comparison between the two.

This arguement would carry more water if the people you named weren't all FORMER WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!

What better way to earn a title shot than by being a former champion??

I could understand it if you'd named Mark Henry, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler, but you instead named some of WWE's biggest stars.

Sting/Jarrett- Yes, I'm sure you did miss it. Therefore, I'm giving you a link.

Nash being a face- I guess being a part of MEM and later trying to "take Abyss" out is a prime example of a face.

Eric Young- Young played his cards right while turning on his partners. That was the whole point of his storyline, was a double cross. It had nothing to do with continuity. On the other hand, it was extremely relative to The Band and their previous (NWO) attitude of "don't trust anybody."

Samoa Joe- Joe turned face back in October/November when he called out AJ for being stuck up. This ultimately led to the triple threat for the TNA title between Styles, Daniels, and Joe at Turning Point. Not to mention, I have a feeling that "they" are behind his abduction. However, I could be wrong.

Abyss-I never once said Abyss worked well as a face. I can't stand him as one. I stated that he hasn't been a heel with the company for a long time. And, Abyss taking Hogan's ring was not the beginning of his face run. Has everyone forgotten (hopefully) about his scaredy cat gimmick with Foley, which led to the Hogan's involvement.

Styles-This isn't even rebuttal worthy, but AJ never officially dropped any kind of gimmick. He's just involved in a situation where he's not the only wrestler that has Flair's eye.

MITB- My argument carries plenty of water. Think of every MITB. With the exception of those like Kane, and the first one where Jericho was involved, these matches have always been designed to explode young, relatively inexperienced (as far as titleholding is concerned) into the spotlight. Edge, Kennedy, Punk, Swagger. These were people who needed the briefcase to help get over as champion and as a heel. Some would argue that RVD could have done it without the MITB, but we all know Vince wasn't going to feel he deserved it. I do not need Orton to win MITB, or Jericho or Big Show, in order to believe they deserve a title shot. These superstars have enough swag to get a title shot without the need to climb a latter and retrieve a briefcase. That's not what MITB was all about. Side note: I'm pulling for The Miz.

P25/TNA top 10- I'm not saying that they're the same. However, they both go periodically (relying on the past.) But WWE's is the joke. As I type, Kofi Kingston is higher on the list than Rey Mysterio-the company's world champion. (But, when you click the link to view more, it's swapped. Talk about continuity issues.) I think the Top 10 adds a little more prestige to the superstars as it shows who truly are the ones to look out for. Not to mention, TNA does listen to the fans. Did I think Desmond Wolfe would defeat RVD for the title when he was ranked number 1? No. Was I excited as hell to see it? Yes.

I honestly feel the only issue with you and continuity is the fact that you have none when it comes to being updated with TNA's product. You're riding the metaphorical dick of the IWC's TNA bashing.
Aren't we in that same position right now? The only difference in my eyes is that it's all happening in two companies, not one. Of course, WWE's product nowadays is not all clowns, cops, aliens and all that, but at the same time it has that whole goodie two shoes mentality. No blood, no gore, no explicit content. They just seem to do things that kids would totally enjoy, but adults wouldn't. Hornswoggle? A dance off between two grown men? It's that same situation all over again.

The only reason Vince McMahon is putting out this product right now is because his wife is running for office and because (quite simply), he can.

He's in the driver's seat right now. Does he know this won't be as successful as what he could make it with an "attitude" twist? Of course. Does he know that it holds him back from doing many things? Of course. But he also knows that his product will continue to sell regardless and that he can afford making this decision because of the lack of competition he has.

He would NEVER be able to make this move if mid-to-late 90's WCW were still around today. Not in a million years.

Just like Heyman said, Vince is producing a grandpa product for grandpas. All the limitations and everything. Then you've got TNA, they're in a position to offer an alternative to WWE's product. A more violent, wrestling-based, blood soaked action filled with hot chicks and all that BS, which a lot of people might not like and consider immature but at the same time others like me are dying to see. I hate what WWE does these days. It's not fitting my description of what wrestling is all about. The day I let my child learn from a muscle head will be the day I lose my freaking mind. I despise this whole mentality that WWE has. It's wrestling, it's not meant to be a family program. I can't even picture my or any other family gather 'round on the sofa to watch wrestling as if it was freaking sit com. It's not right and just the thought of that makes me puke.

I agree to a point. If you're going to make a children's product...then go all the way with it. Bring back the imaginary gimmicks that made it work before. Having a rapper-turn-wrestler with a regular boring name (John Cena) isn't NEARLY as good. OR don't bring back the imaginary gimmicks and just go all out with your product. Putting out regular boring names with boring personalities running around with a censor over their mouths isn't good. It's as if rappers just suddenly stopped putting out uncensored cd's and you could ONLY buy censored ones from now on. It just wouldn't work (although I hate rap music - I used it as an example). You have to do either one or the other. Gear the damn thing towards kids or don't. This in-the-middle thing is a travesty. Although, like I said above. He knows the product stinks but he can afford to do it. If his wife is not elected - I gaurantee you see significant changes to his product going right back to the attitude era.

This being said, TNA could capitlize on this and go in an "attitude" direction...but I think they kind of already have. Just nobody is watching all that much and the storylines have been borderline disappointing in some aspects.

But anyway, can TNA pull off an attitude era? I don't see why not. But there's no way it's getting as big as the original one. The times are different. I can see them having an era of their own where everything is nice and awesome. That's what the attitude era was, basically. It wasn't just DX by no means. It was about great, talented wrestlers, mixed with awesome TV, good writing, great crowds, pushing the envelope, breaking the taboos and making some goddamn art. That's what the Attitude Era was. Some good ass wrestling. TNA has the resources to provide it whether people like to believe it or not. WWE has the resources to make it again, whether I want to believe it or not. It's just about making that first step, having the balls to go that direction and see what happens. So far, TNA's doing that step and WWE's getting staler than stale.

Wrestling in general is going staler than stale. WWE is forced to put out a baby product due to his wife running for office and TNA is too small right now to capitalize. Especially since a lot of people aren't giving it a chance.

The problem is, so much has been done in wrestling that it's hard to one up what's already been done. WWE is hindered by it's baby image right now and TNA just may not have the budget to do so. Not to mention, the whole internet spoilers dead horse that has been beaten repeatedly. That doesn't help either.

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