Could This Be The Beginning......


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....of a Cena/McMahon feud? Cena took a few shots at VKM last night and threatened to leave the company. Could this become kind of a Stone Cold type feud? No one truly knows what is going on with CM Punk. What if.....and this is just a fantasy scenario....Punk has re-signed and wins the title this weekend, leaving McMahon to have to swallow his pride and do something truly embarrassing on Raw to get Punk to keep his title in Vince's company and not take it elsewhere. Vince then blames this all on Cena which leads to Vince, Punk, and The Rock making Cena's life a living Hell until Mania. Could this work?
They've teased the Cena/Vince feud for a while now, and I hope they actually go through with it. It would be great TV but I think WWE wants to paint the picture of Cena being Vince's favorite. Last night when Vince told Cena not to be Hogan, its looks as if Cena has been on his good side thus far, but making Cena and Vince could really give us something to work with and add the extra edge the Cena character needs so badly.
I would really love to see a Cena vs. Vince feud. This could intensify Cena's feud with The Rock even more, as Vince could be behind the whole deal (or something like that).
I was going to make a thread about what im going to say but decided post it here instead.....would this work....

CM Punk loses the match at MITB, the following night the Nexus look to be disbanding. A few weeks pass and at Summerslam have Cena vs Del Rio, the Nexus come and take out cena (again) a few weeks pass and it happens again and again until at Survivor series it emerges that the new leader of the Nexus is in fact......Vince, who recruits HHH to co lead the group, this could lead to an epic Royal Rumble title match between Cena and HHH.

Might seem a stupid idea but Vince knows the problems Cena has had with the Nexus and if there were to be a fued between the two, what better way than use Cena's old enemies against him?
I honestly think it would be entertaining if Vince was behind the whole thing. Cena loses, but because of Vince. He then reveals that he and Punk were in on it the whole time. Or maybe even Vince sides with Punk because Cena slighted him and this was Vince's payback to Cena? Cena gets fired and then is brought back by someone?
I was going to make a thread about what im going to say but decided post it here instead.....would this work....

CM Punk loses the match at MITB, the following night the Nexus look to be disbanding. A few weeks pass and at Summerslam have Cena vs Del Rio, the Nexus come and take out cena (again) a few weeks pass and it happens again and again until at Survivor series it emerges that the new leader of the Nexus is in fact......Vince, who recruits HHH to co lead the group, this could lead to an epic Royal Rumble title match between Cena and HHH.

Might seem a stupid idea but Vince knows the problems Cena has had with the Nexus and if there were to be a fued between the two, what better way than use Cena's old enemies against him?

Not gonna happen. Simply put. WHY?

The fans will be behind HHH against Cena. You dont bring back HHH and expect the fans to get behind Cena against him. It just wont work.
The WWE has a bad habbit of not bringing anything new to thetable, They the WWE are alot like WcW in this manner. They The WWE has had Vince vs Stone Cold, Vince vs Undertaker, Vince vs The Rock, Vince vs HBK, Vince vs HHH, Vince vs Hogan, Vince vs Brett Hart, Vince vs Shane, Vince vs his Wife, Vince vs Steppthen, Vince vs Catcus Jack, Vince vs Trump, Vince vs Ted Turner, Vince vs God. So it will just be Cena's turn to beat up Vince in some form or fashion, so Vince can feel like one of the boys. But God Knows its funny when he walks down the ramp.....
How about...Punk has secretly signed a new deal with WWE , then resulting in Vince screwing Cena at MITB "Montreal" style, thus having Punk stay in the company and Cena being fired, only to come back a few weeks/months later and beat the holy hell out of VKM
Not gonna happen. Simply put. WHY?

The fans will be behind HHH against Cena. You dont bring back HHH and expect the fans to get behind Cena against him. It just wont work.
Lol, I guess you did not read the first sentence which stated said it was a stupid idea. INDEED IT WAS.
I honestly think it would be entertaining if Vince was behind the whole thing. Cena loses, but because of Vince. He then reveals that he and Punk were in on it the whole time. Or maybe even Vince sides with Punk because Cena slighted him and this was Vince's payback to Cena? Cena gets fired and then is brought back by someone?

The anonymous GM finally comes out of the dark?

Anywho I think for some reason the face of the company always has to go face to face with the boss at some point in their career. Or if you're a big star in the company period you have to. You could say that Randy Orton had his however it was tied in with HHH.
If anything I think Vince screws Punk "Montreal style", and helps Cena. This act alone will draw heat for Vince.

Next Monday on Raw Cena comes out to confront Vince. They have an intense stare down, followed by....a hug! Cena and Vince were in on it together. It has been well documented that Cena is Vince's perfect cooperate champ. This is how to turn Cena heel. They pull a Austin/Hart and turn Punk and Cena. Now at Mania we have Rock vs Heel Cena and Punk vs Vince with Austin somehow involved.
I honestly think it would be entertaining if Vince was behind the whole thing. Cena loses, but because of Vince. He then reveals that he and Punk were in on it the whole time. Or maybe even Vince sides with Punk because Cena slighted him and this was Vince's payback to Cena? Cena gets fired and then is brought back by someone?

I actually like the idea of McMahon siding with Punk, except, it's been done to death with other stars. It's a tried & true solution to something that could be expanded WITHOUT going this route. I don't think it has to go this way, with McMahon being on Punk's side all along, because that would really deflate Punk's promo BIG Time. I say let's just wait & see how it spins out in the wash, if you know what I mean
Cena vs McMahon, Punk, and the Rock??? Holy crap, are we trying to kill the poor guy? Yes, a Cena vs McMahon would be awesome but I think that should happen AFTER Cena vs Punk. Why? Let's see, Punk is crazy, his title is on the line, and, oh yeah, so is his job! Let's let the guy deal with Punk before letting him dive at Vince's throat (c'mon, we all want to at some point). Dwayne probably won't make Cena's life hell because we haven't seen him since May. One feud at a time people, geez...
We've seen a twinkling of a Vince-Cena feud back in 2003-4 when Cena sided with Stephanie over Vince during their feud. What if Punk beats Cena clean and then Vince has to come out and sat "YOUR FIRED!!!!!!" to his money maker. I'd rather see if Vince has the grapefruitsto do it and costs himself outta a million buys at WMXXVIII.
What if CM Punk becomes the next version of Steve Austin? Hear me out. A lot of people have tried to compare Orton and Austin. I'm a huge Orton & Austin fan, but Orton isn't on the same level with his mic skills as Austin. I can see CM Punk becoming the next version of Austin. Of course, there will never be another Stone Cold, but someone could be close to it. On RAW, Vince said he suspended Punk for the people and because he deserved it. I could see Punk come back, speak out against the boss and start a feud. WrestleMania 28: Cena/Rock, Punk/Vince. Just a thought. Could be way off. On another note, unless CM Punk has re-signed, Cena will win at MITB. IF Punk has re-signed, I could see him win with the Spinner belt, "leave" & go to other promotions with the Spinner belt. Vince debuts a new belt, has a tourney at SummerSlam, saying the old Spinner belt does not represent the WWE anymore. Punk returns at SummerSlam or the PPV after claiming he's the rightful champion. I think everyone knows where this goes from here. Once again, just a thought.
I actually don't think we will see a CM Punk/Vince feud. I think for the most part Vince's time on camera is done. Of course he shows up from time to time to say things and make announcements but I don't see him wanting to return and do full story lines. What I do think will happen is a CM Punk/Independent Wrestlers vs WWE type storyline. I think it will kind of be like a DX vs Corporation or Austin vs Corporation type feud. The difference this time being the "Corporation" will be the good guys and be lead by people like Cena/HHH, maybe even Mysterio. The "rebels" would be lead by CM Punk and would attempting to "take down" the WWE. Kind of like when WWE tried to bring in the nWo but it actually would be good.

WWE tries these kind of story lines all the time. Sometimes they have been great successes like DX or Austin. Sometimes they have been somewhat successful like Nexus and sometimes they have been complete flops like Invasion Angle/nWo. Regardless I wouldn't be surprise if they attempt it again. If anybody would be able to make this type of angle successful again, it would be CM Punk.
Cena is drawing heat from Attitude Era fans and teens who want edgier characters. But he is a huge moneymaker with the younger kids and with many of the female fans. They can't really turn him heel, because of loss of revenue, and they want to stay within PG framework per corporate policy. It seems like the old, "Stand up to the Boss" angle is one of the few ways to give him a little edge without going against the PG policies.
Not sure it will work, though. They still won't be able to go far enough to appease the fans who want an edgier show, and in the end could look like a desperate attempt to do a Disney version of Stone Cold. The new policy is a tough one to work with. On the other hand, I'm taking my 8 and 10-year-old to RAW in Green Bay, and I couldn't have done that while DX was in their prime. Also, the DX video on NetFlix right now was tame enough for them, too. So, there is something to be said for the PG policy, too.
I'm tired of seeing the "Cena vs. evil authority figure" act. We've seen it with Bischoff, we've seen it Vickie, and we've already seen it with McMahon himself. The whole point of this storyline is to be realistic, so let's be realistic and not pretend that Cena isn't the WWE's golden boy.

If there's anybody who should become the next "anti-establishment" type guy, it's Punk. If they were going to turn Punk face and have him feud with McMahon, I could maybe get behind that. Because he has much more of a reason to than Cena, who's face is all over everything WWE puts out and who's been treated like the company's biggest superstar for years. Having Cena become the rebel would pretty much defeat this whole thing and make it into something a lot more generic.
I think there's more of a chance we see Punk become the Corporate Champion. Remember when he said how he's not on the cups, programs, posters, even the signature on the start of the show, maybe that's a reason they've been doing that lately. Maybe he'll become a Corporate Champion, be all over the place, like when The Rock joined McMahon in 1997, he had his own PPV for God sake's. Maybe the whole rant was all fake (it was obviously a work) the thing's he said he was really lying, and him and Vince have this plan to not only get rid of Cena, but make Punk the main focus of WWE.
It's pretty obvious they're trying to get an Austin/McMahon feud out of this, whether it's Punk or Cena playing Austin remains to be seen.

The Superstar vs. McMahon storyline is something they've done before, but not with Cena.

It would make great TV until Punk returns.
The storyline could have the potential to go this way, however, I think Vince's involvement was solely to add the stipulation of if Punk leaves MITB with the title, then Cena's fired. Nothing more, nothing less. It's between Cena and Punk. I think Punk's legitimately leaving the company after this pay-per-view, and will surely provide us with an entertaining moment at MITB.

I see this storyline ending at MITB and Vince staying in obscurity.
I like the whole McMahon/Punk/Rock making Cena's life a misery idea. However, this does require the Rock to show up occasionally and do something. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will happen. There's so many ways this plot could turn, I think in the end we're all going to be pleasantly surprised though. Thats just my gut feeling, I know nothing.
If anything I think Vince screws Punk "Montreal style", and helps Cena. This act alone will draw heat for Vince.

Next Monday on Raw Cena comes out to confront Vince. They have an intense stare down, followed by....a hug! Cena and Vince were in on it together. It has been well documented that Cena is Vince's perfect cooperate champ. This is how to turn Cena heel. They pull a Austin/Hart and turn Punk and Cena. Now at Mania we have Rock vs Heel Cena and Punk vs Vince with Austin somehow involved.

i love this idea! start having cena come out in suits, start talking about how much money he's made off of the fans, have him, Vince, and HHH do some sort of Corporation Stable.

one problem that arises with this idea is:who does cena feud with? The Rock is only gonna be around for Mania, Orton is on SD, so unless they turn the Miz face and say that he never kissed vinces ass to become champ, or R-Truth turn face and say he was right about the conspiricy, i can't see anyone being over enough to feud with a heel cena

as for the topic, i can definatley see a cena-vince feud coming, im just not sure in what capacity
It would be great to finally see a true Vince-Cena feud. It's been teased, and we've been given small samples of what it'd be like, and I'm very hungry for it. This is really the last big thing left that Cena needs to do with his current character before any type of change. It'd be nice to see a dark side to the character, maybe an enraged Cena like we've never seen before, which I know Vince can bring out of him. I like the idea of the odds being stacked against him as much as possible by Vince, until he just snaps and goes berserk on some fools. Maybe have Vince side with the Rock going into 'Mania... of course, the people will just cheer for Rocky over Cena anyway.
The problem I have with this idea is that it makes no sense in the context of the storyline. This Punk thing is all about how Cena is already the "corporate champion," and how the WWE machine has been behind him for so many years now. He's Vince's boy, and it would be stupid to suddenly pretend otherwise after Punk's words in that amazing promo two weeks ago. If anyone is going to go against Vince, it should be Punk, seeing as he was suspended for expressing his opinion and he's been the one who's been "held down" despite being one of the best for a long time. But yeah, let's not go with "Cena suddenly isn't an ass kisser anymore and now has to overcome the odds again." That makes me yawn even as a Cena mark.

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