Could They Have Helped Each Other ?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
By now everyone knows Brian Kendrick was released. And not to long ago Mr.Kennedy(I guess he goes by Mr.Anderson now) was released. There was never going to be any room for them in the main event picture with HHH, Orton, Batista, Cena, and HBK who will return at some point. But just maybe they could've had a solid mid card feud. Kennedy is good on the mic, has charisma, and is a solid in the ring. With Kennedy already getting a push upon his return (that weird Nuggets VS Lakers 10 man tag match) TBK could've benefited from having a feud with Kennedy because it's clear WWE was going to have big plans for him. Over time, I think TBK could've grown into a good heel given th right feud, and one with Kennedy would've been perfect. Kennedy needed this because he could've had a some what lengthy feud with TBK, which would've build antcipation for him to get into the WWE championship title picture. I think these two should've fought for the U.S. championship. They would've put on some good matches, with one maybe making it to ppv. If TBK and Kennedy had a mid card feud, do you still think they would be in the WWE ?
What makes you think their feud would've been successful? Brian Kendrick got a huge push on Smackdown last year, he was even world champ for like 3 minutes. However, he could't carry that momentum any further and is now out of the company. If he couldn't benefit from a push where he was almost a main eventer what would make you believe that he could have benefited from a feud with Mr. Kennedy? It would've taken a lot more than a Kennedy/TBK program to save either of these men.
I agree wit GD, no matter if they feuded or not, it wouldn't have helped either of their cases. It wasn't their ring work that got them released, it was a number of other issues apparently.

However I still don't believe a feud would have worked, I just wouldn't have bought Kendrick, going over Kennedy in any match, it shouldn't happen, Kennedy was well above Kendrick in ring work, mic work and character. I doubt the feud would have ever happened.
I think the feud would be interesting but I don't think that it would've helped either of them. TBK apparently had some backstage issues, and was supposedly smoking the devil's lettuce lol. Kennedy on the other hand, I was sort surprised that he got released, I mean had he not almost injured Orton and himself, who knows? He could've had a decent US title reign. So yeah I don't think this would've helped them both out.
Both releases came down to the dreaded M word... Motivation...

Both had got comfortable where they were, they became believers that they would be ok as they are internet darlings... Kendrick's number was up when he NEVER got a partner... now the irony is had Kennedy been the partner... They could have both really stepped up... Kendrick could not have failed but to pick up mic skills from Kennedy and likewise Kennedy couldn't have failed to improve in the ring by working with Kendrick...

I don't think there was any helping either of these guys. I loved them both and wanted great things for them, but when they were both getting decent pushes it was ruined, and not by anyone but themselves.

Speaking strictly from rumors I've read, Kendrick killed his push by refusing to stop smoking weed. Really, he gave up a possible championship push for weed? Doesn't deserve it then, adios.

Kennedy comes back from injury nearly injures himself and Orton in his first match back after how many injuries. See ya later, don't let the door hit you in the ass. Besides this would have never worked simply because of timing. The night Kennedy returned he damn near broke his wrist and that Friday, I believe, he was given his walking papers. There was no time to even get them together to build a feud.
Its just another example of how the WWE doesn't use talent to their full potential....right now they really don't have too much competition, and their money makers are young, Cena, Orton, Triple H, who aren't going anywhere for a VERY long time =/ -sigh-

Seriously, there's potential in a lot of stars that have been released over the years I've been watching, a lot of what ifs....sort of like your what all comes down to backstage politics, it has nothing to do with the 'lack of motivation' or being 'comfortable' as some have the end, the big people like Triple H have a say on what happens, and if someone didn't like Kennedy, or Anderson (now) they just will simply out them. Simple as that.....a great example of WWE shitting on their stars is Chavo jobbing to hornwobble, so the kiddies and their parents can have a good laugh....WWE is seriously a joke now....but I'm not all PRO TNA either, I just wish the WWE would get back on track =/ And don't talk to me about how 'ratings are up' and vince is 'doing the right thing for his business' people that defend Vince with that statement are seriously sick....the man has MONEY UP THE ASS....he can give the fans what THEY want for a change....its selfish if you ask me...but go ahead, defend the man....I'm not all 'ITS ALL ABOUT THE ATTITUDE ERA'...or w/e, but seriously, times were better then...hell even in 2005 and SOME of 2006 it was good....

sorry for getting off topic, I have a tendency to do that...but your right man...they don't know how to use their talent...they'll build up whoever is a kiss ass....not ALL, but majority....and this is not a BIASED opinion, its just straight up truth from what I can see via shoot interviews and backstage news.
Its just another example of how the WWE doesn't use talent to their full potential....right now they really don't have too much competition, and their money makers are young, Cena, Orton, Triple H, who aren't going anywhere for a VERY long time =/ -sigh-

Seriously, there's potential in a lot of stars that have been released over the years I've been watching, a lot of what ifs....sort of like your what all comes down to backstage politics, it has nothing to do with the 'lack of motivation' or being 'comfortable' as some have the end, the big people like Triple H have a say on what happens, and if someone didn't like Kennedy, or Anderson (now) they just will simply out them. Simple as that.....a great example of WWE shitting on their stars is Chavo jobbing to hornwobble, so the kiddies and their parents can have a good laugh....WWE is seriously a joke now....but I'm not all PRO TNA either, I just wish the WWE would get back on track =/ And don't talk to me about how 'ratings are up' and vince is 'doing the right thing for his business' people that defend Vince with that statement are seriously sick....the man has MONEY UP THE ASS....he can give the fans what THEY want for a change....its selfish if you ask me...but go ahead, defend the man....I'm not all 'ITS ALL ABOUT THE ATTITUDE ERA'...or w/e, but seriously, times were better then...hell even in 2005 and SOME of 2006 it was good....

sorry for getting off topic, I have a tendency to do that...but your right man...they don't know how to use their talent...they'll build up whoever is a kiss ass....not ALL, but majority....and this is not a BIASED opinion, its just straight up truth from what I can see via shoot interviews and backstage news.

Make all the excuses you want, both guys had opportunities to make it and they both failed. The WWE has been doing this a long time now and they know what they're doing. They understand who has talent, who to push and sometimes when to cut their loses. Sure some of the cuts they've made in the past may have seemed dumb or ill advised, but tell me this, which of those cuts have come back to bite them in the ass? The answer in a word: none. These guys both deserved to get cut, and that's what they got. Was I said by it? Sure. Do I blame WWE and Vince McMahon? Not in the slightest.

And you're idea of who they will and won't build up is naive and childish. Of course some guys that get cut are going to whine and belittle the company, they just got fired, which is why I wouldn't put too much stock in those "shoot interviews".

And one more question, you don't think it's selfish of you to ask Vince McMahon to run the WWE at a loss just to make you happy? Wishful thinking. He's going to do what's best for his company and I personally don't think it's all about the money. He has a legacy to protect and carry on, so yeah, he's going to look out for the best interests of the company.
I have a question maybe you people can answer. How is Vince doing what is best for business when during the Monday Night Wars their ratings were consistently around 5.5 and now they are around 3.5? I mean that is a significant drop off.

On top of that I read somewhere that the WWE has lost over $400 Million dollars over the last couple years. Now if business was about losing money I would agree that he is doing what is best for business but when your ratings gradually drop by over 2 points in 7 years and then your overall worth drops from $1.1 Billion to around $750 Million in about three years that makes it seem as if you are doing something wrong.

If that is not Vince's fault who's is it? He is the supreme overlord of the WWE.
I have a question maybe you people can answer. How is Vince doing what is best for business when during the Monday Night Wars their ratings were consistently around 5.5 and now they are around 3.5? I mean that is a significant drop off.

On top of that I read somewhere that the WWE has lost over $400 Million dollars over the last couple years. Now if business was about losing money I would agree that he is doing what is best for business but when your ratings gradually drop by over 2 points in 7 years and then your overall worth drops from $1.1 Billion to around $750 Million in about three years that makes it seem as if you are doing something wrong.

If that is not Vince's fault who's is it? He is the supreme overlord of the WWE.

I can't speak on the lost money because I haven't read that article, but that seems like a gross exaggeration. WWE is still selling out quite a few arenas, if not all of them. I know that the Joe is sold out whenever I go, so I'm speaking from experience.

Onto the ratings: Wrestling is a cyclic entertainment medium and it goes through peaks and valleys, very similar to the economy. Right now the business is in a valley and there are fewer general viewers. During the period of 5.5 ratings, there were a lot of casual fans who were only watching because it was the cool thing to do. Now the cool thing to do is watch Reality TV, who knows what the next fad is going to be. I'm guessing cooking shows.
No, they couldn’t have helped each other. They weren’t released because they didn’t have anyone to feud with or because they were lacking when it came to having talent. They were released because of several reasons…which have nothing to do with things you listed. It is my understanding from what I’ve read that Brian Kendrick got released because the way he carried himself backstage. The general feeling was that he had negative attitude and gave the impression to people backstage that he truly did not care about being in the position he was in. Also, his released could be attributed to his marijuana use. From what I’ve read he was frequently getting fined (that’s the punishment for using marijuana according to the Wellness Policy) for testing positive for marijuana and because he stated multiple times he wasn’t going to be quitting anytime soon and preferred paying a fine than quitting. That’s what I’ve read so take it with as a grain of salt. As far as Kennedy getting released, from what I’ve read management was tired of him not being able to keep his mouth shut. He was open to talking about steroids and it doesn’t help when he is doing that and the WWE is trying to get away from that stigma in wrestling. It also could have been because of something else but I’m not sure what it is considering he wasn’t really injured in his return match. Maybe it could have been that Randy Orton went to Vince and told on Kennedy for a move he did in the match that apparently he messes up. Again I say, take all of that with a grain of salt. But if it is all true then they really couldn’t have helped themselves because they would have ended up getting released.

I have a question maybe you people can answer. How is Vince doing what is best for business when during the Monday Night Wars their ratings were consistently around 5.5 and now they are around 3.5? I mean that is a significant drop off.
You have to realize programming then was so much different than the programming we get now. Then it was mostly Shock TV that attracted a lot of people who weren’t really wrestling fans, they were fans of the “anything can happen” feel to the shows. Once the Shock TV started phasing out from the programming they stopped watching and left because they no longer were getting what they originally wanted which was what the Attitude Era gave them. I guess some wrestling fans left too because they lost enjoyment for the shows and were no longer entertained by the product. My guess is that it’s a combination of the former and latter.

On top of that I read somewhere that the WWE has lost over $400 Million dollars over the last couple years. Now if business was about losing money I would agree that he is doing what is best for business but when your ratings gradually drop by over 2 points in 7 years and then your overall worth drops from $1.1 Billion to around $750 Million in about three years that makes it seem as if you are doing something wrong.
I highly doubt that. Even with a flailing economy they are doing better than a lot of other companies in the industry they think they are in. I really do doubt this or else Vince would have already made drastic changes to everything he has been doing. Unless you read this report in the WWE’s corporate website or on something else having to do with the WWE then it is probably not true. It just seems like something that is very unlikely and like I said I highly doubt it is true.
Haha we have gotten a bit off topic in this thread but I actually find it more entertaining than the actual thread topic lol. I'm pretty disapointed about Kennedy being released but I honestly didn't care for Kendrick. I think he just looked like a ****** when he was coming out and doing that stupid body movement crap wateva u wanna call it. Kennedy was one of the best stars the WWE had in their ranks so it was really sad that he got released. I've gotten into TNA this year so I'll be looking foward to watching how he goes on there atleast. Neway I really don't see how these guys could of helped eachother out because Kennedy was far superior than Kendrick in pretty much every way.
I love how WWE fans make excuses for Vince McMahon & his company's decisions. I mean really. People say WWE pushes young talent but it's a joke. It's the same guys being pushed over and over again while the rest of the roster eventually gets future endeavored. Since WWE has their FCW Facility camp, wrestlers have been disposable or something. The fact is that if TBK was 6'8, he would've been given a chance to shine but he wasn't. He was only pushed to get Ezekiel Jackson some tv time. Once they split him away from Ezekiel, Kenrick's WWE career was over! These average height wrestlers need to start learning that WWE is not the place for them. Stay in Japan, Mexico, the indies, TNA, or ROH where they care more for talent.
Hate to break it to you, but it wouldn't of mattered if TBK was 6'8", 300 lbs of muscle, he was getting fired either way. He had attitude problems and has been shown in the past if you have attitude problems you're leaving the company. Umaga is an example of this. WWE thought Lance Cade was the future but when his behavior became a liability they said so long. Being taller couldn't of saved TBK, Kennedy couldn't of saved TBK, he was doomed to be released because he acted like a prick.

And by the way, 5 out of 6 guys wrestling for the ME belts at Summerslam are 6'2" or shorter. Four of those guys are relative newbies to the ME scene in Christian, Hardy, Punk and Regal. The next in line for a title shot on Smackdown? Morrison, also a newbie to the ME scene. So don't say it was all Vince that cost TBK his job, it was his need to toke up instead of being an adult and setting priorities.
nah, i dont think so. I think ever since Knedrick was drafted to Raw that was the end of him. I was kind of hopeful about Kenedy through. I don't think i feud between the both of them could have helped either of them through. I am sure if there was as a simple soulotion as that then somebody in creative would have twiged.

Sad thing is we can only speculate.

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