Could someone win MITB and cash it in the same night?


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Could that be pulled off?

Here's a scenario:

A superstar has been screwed in a world title match, and lost his belt at either the Royal Rumble, or Elimination Chamber PPVs. He has a number one contender match in the run up to Wrestlemania, but is screwed out of it (think an Austin 'No chance in hell' type scenario). He then wins a MITB qualifying match, or somehow gets inserted into it, and wins the match.

As the title match for the belt he previously held is about to start at Wrestlemania, he comes out to cash in MITB.

Would it be too obvious if he then won the title back that night?
Ok this is really simple. Yes any one who wins mitb could cash it in that night. It doesn't have to be a guy who lost his belt. Your basically asking us do we lke your idea. I say no because people who win mitb usually haven't been word champ except punk. Edge doesn't count.
Ok this is really simple. Yes any one who wins mitb could cash it in that night. It doesn't have to be a guy who lost his belt. Your basically asking us do we lke your idea. I say no because people who win mitb usually haven't been word champ except punk. Edge doesn't count.

Err, yeah, I know it is actually possible. I mean from a believeable storyline point of view, would it be entertaining for something like what I suggested to happen, or would it take away from the important of a world title match at Wrestlemania if someone was inserted into the match at the last minute.
Err, yeah, I know it is actually possible. I mean from a believeable storyline point of view, would it be entertaining for something like what I suggested to happen, or would it take away from the important of a world title match at Wrestlemania if someone was inserted into the match at the last minute.

Not really, I mean Swagger could have easily cashed in on Jericho at Mania and have the same angle going on now. Would make absolutely no difference apart from people would remember it more. However with MITB moving to its own PPV, should they have a title match last they could do it for the shock value.
I think it would be entertaining, if done properly. The superstar would have to be obsessed with the gold, and seemingly willing to do anything to have it again. Have him compete for the lost title in various matches between RR and Wresltmania, all of which he loses due to screwage, or wins but by DQ, etc. They could build the match/ idea much like they did with HBK/Taker. Have a man obsessed, doing anything to redeem his gold.

As for how they end up in the match, you could easily have a backstage layout... hell, the superstar could just run out to the ring, climb a ladder, and jack the contract...

Superstars that could pull this off could be the likes of Edge, Jericho, and/or Orton. I'm sure there are more options, but these seem the most probable to me.
Yeah they could do that and I'm kinda suprised that they haven't. I was hoping that Christian would win it at Mania and when Edge won the title Christian would run out cash it in and smack edge with the Killswitch.
I say no because people who win mitb usually haven't been word champ except punk. Edge doesn't count.

Are you saying that not everyone who has won MiTB has won the championship? Cause everyone person who has won MiTB has cashed it in and become champ. The only one who hasnt was Mr. Kennedy because he got injured and "lost" a match where he had to give it to Edge...who later cashed it on and became champ.
Are you saying that not everyone who has won MiTB has won the championship? Cause everyone person who has won MiTB has cashed it in and become champ. The only one who hasnt was Mr. Kennedy because he got injured and "lost" a match where he had to give it to Edge...who later cashed it on and became champ.

No, he's saying that usually the people that do win MitB haven't held awwe/world heavy weight champ belt before.

I don't think it'd be so bad to see someone cash it in that night, but sometimes suspense is better than shock.
Well just the case of cashin in the same nigth, I was hoping Punk would do it if Orton defeated HHH at WM-25, I mean that would have set up a nice feud with those 3 and also will serve as revenge to Punk When Orton punted him and costed him the WHC, but since Orton got tanked that night all hope when to the trashcan.

Hopefully the next winner can pull something like that off or cash it like RVD did.
I like the idea, the only problem is that it makes the outcome of the Money in the Bank very predictable. Usually the MITB match is filled with wrestlers in the midcard, with maybe a couple in the upper midcard. But the main even guys are never in them, like Sheamus or Triple H could have been this year. That is why we were all questioning who was going to win, although most people thought it was Christian, and that did not happen.

It could add some more excitement, as many of the midcard guys would attack someone like Orton who was in it right off the bat moreso. So it could work and would be neat, and add to the excitement of Mania.

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