Could Crimson Be Out of the BFG Series?

The difference is, WWE isn't pushing Zeke to be the next big thing. Also, "good matches with RVD and Angle" you mean there were a lot of moves in the matches. Angle doesn't sell or tell a story or have a legit finisher, RVD doesn't sell anything more than 10 seconds and doesn't tell a story.

Crimson sure as fuck isn't better than Sheamus who is constantly carrying a character (something he didn't do before and something Crimson doesn't do) and has a fleshed out character that people believe.
Wow just wow at the Angle remarks. I don't even know how to respond. He is one of the best ever and one of the best wrestlers today by a mile. You have a very narrow minded view on wrestling if you think Angle doesn't do any of those things. There wasn't even that many moves in both matches and Angle and Crimson did tell a story on Impact this week maybe you just missed it with your bias.

Crimson is better than Sheamus on the mic I said not overall. Play closer attention. I like Sheamus but he is terrible on the mic. When he comes out saying "Let me tell ya a story fella" in his goofy way it doesn't portray the dominant strong monster he's supposed to be. At least Crimson sound's just how he looks and is portrayed as. He's character is slowly developing in this storyline so you might get to see more out of him yet. I don't think he's amazing by any means but at least he doesn't make me cringe.
Wow just wow at the Angle remarks. I don't even know how to respond. He is one of the best ever and one of the best wrestlers today by a mile. You have a very narrow minded view on wrestling if you think Angle doesn't do any of those things. There wasn't even that many moves in both matches and Angle and Crimson did tell a story on Impact this week maybe you just missed it with your bias.

Crimson is better than Sheamus on the mic I said not overall. Play closer attention. I like Sheamus but he is terrible on the mic. When he comes out saying "Let me tell ya a story fella" in his goofy way it doesn't portray the dominant strong monster he's supposed to be. At least Crimson sound's just how he looks and is portrayed as. He's character is slowly developing in this storyline so you might get to see more out of him yet. I don't think he's amazing by any means but at least he doesn't make me cringe.
Angle is BOOKED and PROMOTED as an in ring god. From 2001-2005 Angle was fuckin awesome. Sad thing is, he has been wrestling the same match ever since. Some chain wrestling to start, bunch of suplexes, angle slam like 10 minutes in just to crucify the move even more. 1,000 ankle lock counters. Another angle slam that gets kicked out of, 1,000 more ankle lock counters. Anyone who hits a move that looks like their finish from the top rope 10 minutes in on a TV show and someone kicks out severely needs to rethink what's going on. I don't care if it was supposed to be a back body drop to Kennedy, he hooked one leg like an Angle slam and taz even called it that, which tells the audience "the angle slam is a fuck off move". Angle doesn't sell, there isn't much focus to his matches. It's just a lot of random mat work and counters that smarks love. Sorry that I don't drink the Angle kool-aid. I don't have a narrow minded view. I appreciate all types of pro wrestling. However, if you're wrestling on mainstream TV, there is a way of working matches that gets over. Angle used to be a huge star, his matches used to tell stories AND do everything that smarks like (high workrate, basic chain wrestling, suplexes). However, now he pretty much only does things that smarks like.

I haven't seen Impact this week, up until that point, he hasn't told an in ring story. I'll do an in depth review of the match though. Look in the Impact discussion thread soon.

Sheamus' voice portrays his character. You might think it's goofy, it kind of is. However, he's the goofy irishman who loves to fight and can go with anyone. Half his gimmick is that he's fucking pale for christ sake. It fits.

Yes, Crimson on the mic fits how he looks. Generic and without any reason to give a shit. I'm gonna go watch Impact now so stay tuned.
Why do you say everything like it's fact? News flash mate it's not. It's your opinion. I don't agree with you on Angle at all. You probably just don't like the storylines he's in. If Cena and Orton weren't in the Main event storylines in WWE you'd say they don't tell a story either. I don't agree with you on Angle at all. All your doing is stating his move set and then saying it's random. That's like me saying Cena doesn't sell or tell a story because he does his 5 moves of doom everytime in every match and comes back from behind to win. Angle does tell a story and many more people than just smarks have thought he's the best int he world and is easily still one today. I don't see many other people saying the same thing you're saying about Angle so maybe you just remind yourself that your opinion isn't fact.
Why do you say everything like it's fact? News flash mate it's not. It's your opinion. I don't agree with you on Angle at all. You probably just don't like the storylines he's in. If Cena and Orton weren't in the Main event storylines in WWE you'd say they don't tell a story either. I don't agree with you on Angle at all. All your doing is stating his move set and then saying it's random. That's like me saying Cena doesn't sell or tell a story because he does his 5 moves of doom everytime in every match and comes back from behind to win. Angle does tell a story and many more people than just smarks have thought he's the best int he world and is easily still one today. I don't see many other people saying the same thing you're saying about Angle so maybe you just remind yourself that your opinion isn't fact.
See, right away you don't get it. When I say he doesn't tell stories, I don't mean the storylines written for him. I mean in the ring, between the ropes, he doesn't tell a story. You didn't even consider that's what I was talking about because you don't watch wrestling that way. read my review of the match.

No, you saying Cena doesn't sell would be a lie because he sells his ass off, saying he doesn't tell a story would also be a lie because he does. Cena does little things in matches. I use it a lot but it really stuck out in my head. Cena vs Mysterio. Mysterio does leg kicks early on, Cena sells them but doesn't bother to protect the leg. A few leg kicks later and Cena is dodging them and protecting. It shows progression and it starts to tell a story. Angle basically does all his same shit and has incoherant matches that are all over the place. He gets a free pass because he does suplexes and was once really really fuckin good.

Of course you don't see other smarks saying bad things about angle, he's a net darling, he does suplexes and amateur moves. However, he doesn't sell and he doesn't tell a story IN THE RING.

No my opinion isn't fact. However, when you read my review of the match between him and crimson, and you see my points on Crimsons shit selling and Angles very sloppy match structure, maybe you'll start to see how valid my point is. Or maybe you'll still not even think of "story" as anything other than the written storyline and still think a good match starts with headlocks, transitions to suplexes, and ends with finisher kickouts.
What are you on about?. I know you weren't talking about the storylines you idiot and don't tell me how I view wrestling. I certainly do watch for wrestlers that tell a story in the ring. I meant you probably like how Cena and Orton tell their stories in the ring because they are in the best storylines outside the ring so they have the best material to work with in the ring if you get what I mean. How does Cena sell when he gets beat on for the whole match and then in the last 5 minutes he gets all this new power and energy and looks like he hasn't been in a match for the previous 10 minutes and comes back to win doing all his moves in a row. That's not selling. You show bias. I know Cena can sell well and can tell a great story in the ring but so can Angle and it's ridiculous to say he can't do anything but suplexes and such. Angle can do everything and just because you're not a fan of his lately I bet if he was in WWE you'd love him. You just sound like a WWE mark that defends everything WWE does and rips on everything TNA does.
What are you on about?. I know you weren't talking about the storylines you idiot and don't tell me how I view wrestling. I certainly do watch for wrestlers that tell a story in the ring. I meant you probably like how Cena and Orton tell their stories in the ring because they are in the best storylines outside the ring so they have the best material to work with in the ring if you get what I mean. How does Cena sell when he gets beat on for the whole match and then in the last 5 minutes he gets all this new power and energy and looks like he hasn't been in a match for the previous 10 minutes and comes back to win doing all his moves in a row. That's not selling. You show bias. I know Cena can sell well and can tell a great story in the ring but so can Angle and it's ridiculous to say he can't do anything but suplexes and such. Angle can do everything and just because you're not a fan of his lately I bet if he was in WWE you'd love him. You just sound like a WWE mark that defends everything WWE does and rips on everything TNA does.
No he doesn't, Cena still limps and will hit one legged AAs if it fits. Cena hits his rush of moves, but still sells. An adrenaline rush and then selling is one thing. Also, it's not for 5 minutes in Cena's matches. He hits his comeback, sells, hits some moves (and often sells while hitting the moves), sells. Cena's matches always tell a story and there's a ton of crowd psychology such as the Mysterio match I mentioned before.

Go read my review of the Angle/Crimson match and you'll see what I'm talking about with Angle. Well, you probably won't, but still, it'll show you what I think in a detail.

I sound like a WWE mark? I don't have a bias to any company, I grew up a WCW fan in the nWo days. I don't have an allegiance, if anything, I'm an ROH fan. It's why I can seperate myself from the companies. I didn't like Angle near the end of his WWE run, he's become a shell of himself. I don't mark for any company.

Bottom line is Crimson isn't at all special. He shouldn't be getting this push. He's not that over and isn't particularly good and anything and isn't wel rounded either. He's just kind of there. "Big" guy with intensity and he does moves.
Bottom line is Crimson isn't at all special. He shouldn't be getting this push. He's not that over and isn't particularly good and anything and isn't wel rounded either. He's just kind of there. "Big" guy with intensity and he does moves.

We don't know how over he really is yet but yeah maybe so but I've seen countless guys being pushed in the WWE because of size alone and many of them were worse than Crimson overall. Do you complain about those ones too? I mean Great Kahli is a former champion. Then there's someone awesome in the ring like Swagger who is one of the worst at cutting promo's I've seen in a while and he is a former champion too. I'm not saying he's worse than Crimson but he is definitely not championship material. I'm not a big Crimson fan by any means I just don't think you can hate on him unless you are going to hate on the WWE and their mass of generic, plain wrestlers as well.
In angles apparant "heyday" his opposition was alot better class. It takes 2 to put on an outstanding match that tells a story. Angle still has great matches in him with the right opposition.

When hes in there with a relatively green guy or someone that basically isnt on the same level/experience i think angle just switches to his safe mode and puts on these avg matches you describe. Put angle in there with styles, samoa joe, abyss, wolfe, rvd and bully ray to name a few just off the top of my head. And you would get a story being told in the ring aswell as a great match.
Update via the IMPACT Wrestling Facebook page:

Update: IMPACT WRESTLING officials received results this morning from doctors regarding Crimson's injury by Samoa Joe: A severe Hairline Fracture of his ankle. The good news is that it is a "non-operative injury" (ie, he won't need surgery). The bad news is that Crimson will be forced to wear a fiberglass cast and use crutches due to the swelling. Tune into Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING on SpikeTV at 9/8c for another update on Crimson, as well as his status in the Bound For Glory Series

Hard to say whether or not this will equate to him missing out on the series just yet, but the injury could definitely drop him back.
I haven't read through this thread other than IDR's first post and the last one he posted. I haven't seen Impact either, but from reading through the results it seems as if Samoa Joe beat down Crimson taking him out. Is that correct?

Do I think he's out of the BFG series? Yes, in a way. I think he's going to be forced to remove himself from the tournament because he will not be able to compete at No Surrender because of his injuries.That means he can't compete in the match to determine the number one contender, so he would be unable to challenge for the title at BFG. He was forced out of the BFG while he was in the lead, if I remember correctly, so he would still have a claim at a title shot after BFG, which I think is a good way of taking him out of the match while still keeping him in the title hunt.

I think he will return right after No Surrender during a Samoa Joe match and try to return the favor, but Joe would flee. Crimson and Joe will wrestle at BFG in what I think would be a very good midcard match. Crimson should go over to continue building him up as the monster.

Haven't Joe and Crimson already fought once this year on PPV? I don't feel like looking it up.
Hard to say whether or not this will equate to him missing out on the series just yet, but the injury could definitely drop him back.

I think the BFG Series finishes in the next couple of weeks? I don't read the spoilers so no idea if he does get back but it seems highly unlikely to me. It's a good way to take Crimson out of the series and allow someone else the chance to win. Crimson has almost established himself as a legit Title contender and now doesn't need the series win to jusitfy a Title shot so I believe someone else will win.

Haven't Joe and Crimson already fought once this year on PPV? I don't feel like looking it up.

Crimson beat Joe at Slammiversary. Very physical match with Crimson taking a bit a pasting.
Hard to say whether or not this will equate to him missing out on the series just yet, but the injury could definitely drop him back.

Is it just me, or does this just simply scream "work"? Just because something is reported on the iMPACT Wrestling Facebook page, doesn't meant is 100% accurate and correct. I think this could simply be selling the injuries to Crimson at the hands of tough guy Samoa Joe, setting up a match between them at No Surrender. I could see a beaten down Crimson facing Joe at NS, and defeating him while sustaining another shit knocking in the process. Then an even more beaten down Crimson faces Angle at BFG, and either loses a hard fought match to Angle due to having been physically decimated by Joe, or loses due to interference from Joe. This way, Angle keeps the title, Crimson's streak ends without looking weak in the process, and Joe ends up at least doing something. Has a true Russo-esque feel to it.

Maybe this scenario won't play out in this manner. Frankly I no longer watch enough TNA to really see such a storyline through. However they do it, though, this still reeks of a swerve to me, using social media outlets to dupe the marks.

If Angle doesn't face Crimson, who will he face? All the old guys already have something going on. I guess they could split Beer Money up and have Angle face Roode, but really, is Robert Roode a better option than Crimson at this stage of the game? Been there, done that, hardly a resounding success. Plus, he would have to go from half of a tag team to a singles competitor in the main event, all in a matter of weeks.
How am I a fan of Zeke? Because I said he does the basic shit well? Zeke DOES to the basic big man shit well. He stands with a presense and moves in a way that shows he's big and strong. His matches carry the basic storytelling formula.

Crimson is about as good as Zeke.

The difference is, WWE isn't pushing Zeke to be the next big thing. Also, "good matches with RVD and Angle" you mean there were a lot of moves in the matches. Angle doesn't sell or tell a story or have a legit finisher, RVD doesn't sell anything more than 10 seconds and doesn't tell a story.

Crimson sure as fuck isn't better than Sheamus who is constantly carrying a character (something he didn't do before and something Crimson doesn't do) and has a fleshed out character that people believe.

If Crimson was in the WWE it'd be because they sent him to FCW and he learned to have a character, to carry that character, to sell, to convey an emotion other than intensity, and to tell a story in the ring. He'd probably also be a midcarder. So yea, I probably would like him then. Instead he's a generic tatted up "big" man who does moves. He doesn't sell particularly well, his character isn't interesting, and he doesn't tell a story in the ring. Not all absolutely godawful if he's a midcarder, but he's not. He's being pushed as the future.

What most of you don't understand is that wrestling isn't about moves. It's about carrying a believable character, selling, and telling an in ring story. That's how you get over. Crimson doesn't do any of that. He "does moves" and that's about it.

And his moves are not to write home about either.

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