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Could a Manager/Valet help Christian?

I recently read Shawn Michaels' book again, and there a part where when he was still with Marty, in 1991, and Marty was trying to convince Shawn to go to WCW. Shawn says he got some of the best advice he's ever recieved from Randy Savage: "Don't ever take yourself out of the game." And Christian did.

Look, I like Christian. He's in my top 5 in WWE for sure. Christian will always be a solid worker and he'll do fine, but because he went to TNA, he is always going to have to pay a price for that. I think in hindsight, he's gonna wish he never left. Guys like Shawn, and Edge, have been rewarded for their loyalty. In my opinion, Christian is better than Edge, yet one is a 9-time World Champion and going to Wrestlemania again, and one isn't even close. Hate on the office all you want, but nobody held a gun to his head to go to TNA. He messed up, and he's gonna have to live with that, and so are you "peeps".

That whole theory is flawed. Jeff Hardy went to TNA came back and became a 3 time world champ in WWE. They were ready to make him the John Cena of Smackdown but then he left again.

On the other hand Matt Hardy has been loyal to WWE even through the roughest times of his life and he's always been over enough with the fans to be a main eventer, but what has he gotten for his loyalty? He's stuck dragging around a 7+ foot ****** and jobbing to everybody.

Vince just doesn't like Christian. Just like he doesn't like Matt. IDK why.

And the irony is that Christian and Matt are the truly good guys. On the other hand Jeff is the one that always leaves when they need him most or screws up and Edge is the one sleeping around with fellow wrestlers girlfriends.
To put it frank, no he does not need a manager. Managers should be used for people who have difficulty on the mic, like when Brock Lesnar came in. Paul Heyman helped him as Brock sucked on the mic and with Paul's help he got over. Christian is already good on the mic and very over so a manager is not needed.

Travaje said:
I recently read Shawn Michaels' book again, and there a part where when he was still with Marty, in 1991, and Marty was trying to convince Shawn to go to WCW. Shawn says he got some of the best advice he's ever recieved from Randy Savage: "Don't ever take yourself out of the game." And Christian did.

Look, I like Christian. He's in my top 5 in WWE for sure. Christian will always be a solid worker and he'll do fine, but because he went to TNA, he is always going to have to pay a price for that. I think in hindsight, he's gonna wish he never left. Guys like Shawn, and Edge, have been rewarded for their loyalty. In my opinion, Christian is better than Edge, yet one is a 9-time World Champion and going to Wrestlemania again, and one isn't even close. Hate on the office all you want, but nobody held a gun to his head to go to TNA. He messed up, and he's gonna have to live with that, and so are you "peeps".

Your logic is wrong here. Jeff Hardy who went to TNA got pushed to the moon and became a three time world champion and at the time the face of the WWE. He would probably be holding the world title at the moment and possibly main eventing Wrestlemania. Also on the flipside people like Matt Hardy, William Regal, Mark Henry and others have stuck with the WWE for years and haven't been lifted past the mid card, they may have been given titles but I doubt they will ever be more than a jobber any more.
Christian doesn't need a woman by his side to make him look better, in fact I think it's the last thing he needs someone to draw attention away from him or worse become involved in his matches. I don't mean that to be offensive against women for I am one but why people think a wrestler needs a diva or some girl on his arm to make him have more appeal is ridiculous.

And Tiffany has nothing to add to Christian anyway it's not like she's an actual wrestler or has a position of power to help him.The females on wwe should be there for one reason and one only and thats to wrestle like the men(and not today's lame attempts at female wrestling) but the Trish,Ivory and Lita days of female wrestling and the ones that aren't at their level of wrestling or do nothing for the program they're on like the bella twins should be fired plain and simple because they're a waste of space.
No, a manager or valet would not help Christian. They are used as mouthpieces and nothing more, and Christian certainly does not need a mouthpiece. If anything, it would take the focus off of him.

Christian is over. He is good in the ring. He is gold on the mic. The only thing holding him back is what WWE gives him to work with.
I loved Christian as a heel. He plays a heel very well. A lot of his Upper level work in TNA was playing a cocky heel... if anyone seems to remember that. IMO, Christian could use another guy like Tomko to come to the ring with. Not primarily as a body guard but as a Tag Partner/Bodyguard, much like Tomko was. It would give a bigger guy in the lower card *Cough* Chris Masters *Cough* something else to do beside comedy and jobbing. Or you could even bring over Mike Knox from Smackdown. In order to get him more over with the crowd, he needs more promos also... something he did well as a heel. I guess I might be one of the only people who really doesn't feel hes doing well enough as a face.

I know everyone in the IWC doesn't want Christian ANYWHERE NEAR EDGE... but honestly... it would get Christian in the main event scene. I'm not saying pair them up as a Tag Team, but maybe a high profile feud would be nice. Lets say Christian wins MITB... Edge is most likely going to beat Jericho (aka the best ever transitional Champ in the business). This set up the stage for the ultimate stage to make an impact and really elevate yourself. Christian turns heel, cashes in and take the title after the main event at WM. After this, he aligns himself with Jericho and solidifies his main event status. Of course... we'd never see it though because of Vince not liking Christian.
Vince needs to get off his damn high horse and give Christian a legitimate push already. Its to a point now that if he takes too long to do it, eventually the fans will get tired of waiting just like they did when Jeff Hardy finally won the WWE Title. It boggles my mind that WWE is finally starting to push some new guys but a veteran like Christian who is practically second to none on the mic, over with the fans, and has great matches doesn't get the credit (mainly from Vince) he deserves. Its ridiculous. I mean it bothers me that Vince doesn't realize what he has in Christian. All this guy does is put on great matches with mid-carders, imagine with main event level stars what he can do. I mean back in 2005 Christian was RED HOT as a heel and practically all by himself got involved in a triple threat match for the WWE title with Jericho and Cena. And then before you know it he's traded to Smackdown challenging for the US title and can't even win that title. No wonder he went to TNA. I just really hope and pray WWE just pulls the damn trigger and have Christian win the M.I.T.B. at WM 26. I wouldn't even mind if he cashed it in that night and defeated Edge for the World Heavyweight title and subsequently turned heel. I feel he makes a better heel anyway. And then those two can have a great fued for a couple of months. And maybe, just maybe Vince can see what he finally has in Christian and become a full fledge member of the Christian Coalition!!! Or do what I think he's going to do and have him lose it a month later and pretend none of it ever happened. Geez that would suck. Btw...NO, Christian doesn't need a manager at all.
I'm watching the final episode of ECW and anyone watching saw Tiffany come out and fended of Rosa Mendes when her and Zack Ryder attacked Christian. Now this got me thinking, do you think if Tiffany teamed with Christian that it would help him. Everyone remembers his run with Trish by his side and the partnership seemed to help him and breathe new life into him. So could Tiffany by his side help him now or do you think the plan is for Tiffany and Rosa to feud and Christian was just there because he was the champ and Tiff was the General Manager?

Lulz. So the old adage "Turn him heelz and give him a mouthpiece manager" has turned into " Keep him face and give him a manager." How does that make any sense?

A manager is there to speak for the heel that can't work the mic, or give him credibility to the fans if he can't garner any on his own. Think of Regal, Flair, Orton, the like. They all served to get wrestlers over who couldn't get over on their own. I mean hell, NXT is basically a rookie being paired up with a manager. It's working wonders for Miz and Danielson.

I mean, you can stretch out the concept and apply it to a face as well. Doesn't really matter.

However, why give Christian a manager? Christian can speak on his own. He can get over on his own. Those pops you hear aren't fake, no matter what WWE conspiracy theories about Cena you wanna believe.

Christian doesn't need a manager, and a valet would just clutter up the awesome Edge/Christian or Jericho/Christian feuds that are promised in the future. Neither is needed, nor does he need "new life" breathed into him. He's doing just mighty fine on his own.

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