A Note About Drew McIntyre and Brands in WWE


Hey. Know what would be AWESOME? If they turned Drew face and teamed him with Sheamus and they became WWE tag team champions! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the FACT! WWE is unfair and showing emmence prejudice against Drew McIntyre because of this Tiffany garbage.

Since this is a FACT, how about you prove it? Oh wait, there's absolutely no evidence of this. Unlike my theory which is that he was dropped down the card when he completely failed to get over and when he went to Raw, didn't justify being given time over guys who are simply better than he is.

What happened between them was exactly that; between THEM. Plus, Tiffany is over 6 years old (even if the idiot doesn't act like it). Listen up WWE/McIntyre haters; HE didn't hit her (SHE hit HIM)

Irrelevent. hence why SHE was arrested and not him. HE didn't get released and got to TNA (where she still sucks). HE didn't pose nude and pre-ruin his career. [/quote]

Irrelevent, he wrestled on national TV wearing less than she ever did in a lot of her photos, posing nude doesn't ruin your career unless you lie about it and the Tiffany bullshit is just that. Bullshit. He was dropped because he failed, but yet his fans cling to this rediculous conspiracy theory.

HE was trying to deal with this garbage in a diplomatic way. EVETYTHING wrong with Drew's career is HER faly and the fault of those so-called writers for WWE.

Whose fault is it that Drew was handed a golden chance and fucked it up? Because damn, most wrestlers would have killed for that gimmick. Even the guys above him would love it. Barrett would have loved it, and he was able to climb up the card with virtually no mic time and his gimmick being "guy who talks about the Barrett Barrage," Rhodes would have killed for this gimmick at many points of his career. When he started getting pushed his gimmick was "I'm sexy and I know it". Ziggler would still kill for that gimmick, given that he's been "guy who introduces himself alot", "uuuh that blonde guy. Pretty good in the ring", "uuh that blonde guy, good in the ring and has a manager" and "Showoff". Tell me if any of those things are a better gimmick than "guy handpicked by Vince McMahon, given chances that he hasn't earned". You could do this for most guys on the roster, and chances are, they'd have made it work.

If it were Drew's talent alone talking, the man WOULD be world Heavyweight Champion and he would KEEP it, as a good, entertaining and WORTHY champion.

And if Drew was as tallented as you're saying he is, he'd have succeeded. Also, few undercarders lack tallent. Drew is not unique, Drew is not special, Drew is not held back. He's justifiably at the back of the line because he failed.
Now that hes on RAW he has the ability to get some recognition on a much larger scale than the chosen one gimmick on SD a couple of years ago.
His wwe.com profile has been moved to SmackDown IIRC. I hope this is a sign they're going to do something with him. He's too good to be a Superstars afterthought.

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