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Could a Manager/Valet help Christian?


iMPACT! Player From The Start
I'm watching the final episode of ECW and anyone watching saw Tiffany come out and fended of Rosa Mendes when her and Zack Ryder attacked Christian. Now this got me thinking, do you think if Tiffany teamed with Christian that it would help him. Everyone remembers his run with Trish by his side and the partnership seemed to help him and breathe new life into him. So could Tiffany by his side help him now or do you think the plan is for Tiffany and Rosa to feud and Christian was just there because he was the champ and Tiff was the General Manager?
No. Why is everyone always trying to come up with something that Christian needs to change to make it to the next level? He doesn't need to change a damn thing, the guy gets some of the biggest pops in the entire company outside of Cena (sometimes BIGGER than Cena), and still people bitch about his name, or his haircut, or any other incredibly unimportant minor fact.

I like Tiffany, wouldn't mind seeing her paired up with Christian, but it isn't necessary. I'm watching ECW right now and he has 20,000 people chanting his name. The guy is insanely over and is one of the top stars in the entire company, and it's only a matter of time before he's on Smackdown feuding for a real world title.

No, Christian doesn't need anything. Would a manager help? Not really. It's unnecessary. I don't think it would particularly hurt him either, but it's just not needed at all.
No he doesn't need tiffany as a manager/valet. I think he would do much better without tiffany. Christian is already big enough he doen't need tiffany to put him more over.
I don't know. It would just be on the way they used it as, I guess. I do love the guy, he's an amazing performer, i think they wouldn't need it to keep him as good of a wrestler he is, and how much the guy is over with the fans. He is probably my favorite face in either company. But i suppose giving it a little run wouldn't hurt him either.
No. Why is everyone always trying to come up with something that Christian needs to change to make it to the next level? He doesn't need to change a damn thing, the guy gets some of the biggest pops in the entire company outside of Cena (sometimes BIGGER than Cena), and still people bitch about his name, or his haircut, or any other incredibly unimportant minor fact.

I like Tiffany, wouldn't mind seeing her paired up with Christian, but it isn't necessary. I'm watching ECW right now and he has 20,000 people chanting his name. The guy is insanely over and is one of the top stars in the entire company, and it's only a matter of time before he's on Smackdown feuding for a real world title.

No, Christian doesn't need anything. Would a manager help? Not really. It's unnecessary. I don't think it would particularly hurt him either, but it's just not needed at all.

Simple as that. He is one of the most over people in the company and is consistently one of the most entertaining, in ring and out. No need to have him share his spotlight with anyone else, especially if they're finally going to push him to the next level. If they ever do give hi a valet, it would be after he turned heel. He worked pretty well with Trish, so he can make the whole valet thing work. But it's not needed right now at all.
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I love Christian I met him at last years WM25 at a bar he's crazy cool, I would love to see him with a major title run but I dont think that VKM would let that happen after all he did say he dosent see Christian as a main event player.
It could work, but Tiffany's involvement was to show that she can get physical when need be since she'll probably become an active competitor now. The spear she executed was actually quite well done and I'm excited to see what she can do as a diva on one of the main shows. I hope she gets a chance to showcase her talent since obviously she has a lot of practice on the mic, so she would do well in an actual feud.

As for Christian, he's going to fly high and it's not because of who else is around him. The dude is a star and it's only a matter of time before he takes over one of the major shows.
Without a doubt, if given the opportunity Christian will be huge on either smackdown or Raw. Look at what he did in TNA. He was fantastic. He does need to be heel though, he was too good at it and that always kills the performance of the face turn. With the exception of maybe the Rock and Austin, just about everybody who was a great heel and made the turn just didn't deliver, and im including HHH in this cuz really this version of DX as well as all versions that were face NEVER measured up to the original (HHH, HBK, Chyna, Rude). HHH is at his best when he is "THe Cerebal Assassain" just like Edge is when he is "The Ultimate Opportunist". Capt Charisma needs to be heel.

He doesn't really need a manager/voicebox cuz he is more than capable of captivating the audience himself but at the same time it would be cool to see since i'm a big fan of the old school days where managers ran rapid. The problem is who is there to choose from. When it comes to the divas, Melina is the best choice since she was great as a heel manager before. She could still compete, once she returns from injury, ala Lita with both Edge and the Hardys. Hell that would even be a great way to start a feud with John Morrison on Smackdown. Time will tell what happens to Christian but I hope he gets the opportunity he deserves to shine cuz WWE REALLY NEEDS HIM!!!!
I don't think Christian needs someone or anything else. The dude is over. He always has a great match with anyone they put him against. He can talk and he carries himself like a champion. If I started a wrestling fed tomorrow I would build it around a guy like Christian. He is a great babyface. Turning him heel wouldn't be wise, but having him feud with either brands champion and unifying the ECW title to one them. It was plain bad booking to have Sheamus go over on him so clean on Raw a few weeks ago. Christian is money in the bank!
Managers tend to be for people who are either rusty on the mic or for heels, mostly a combo of the two. As of right now Christian is not a heel, and as far as mic work, few can hold up with Christian. There's a reason he's called Captain Charisma. So no, Christian doesn't need a manager.

But I do think he needs to be a heel. With Edge a face now Christian turning heel could work. Maybe even pull the DX deal where they act like they'll reunite only to have Christian turn on Edge, or vice-versa if Edge isn't working as a face.
Tiffany's run in was done to help her transition to a wrestling role now that ECW is done. SmackDown doesn't need a GM and no one would take her as the GM of the A show seriously. So what job is there left to do? Lace up the boots and fight.

Christian doesn't need a valet. He's already way over enough that he doesn't need one. He's also very experienced so he doesn't need a manager either as most rookies usually come in with a manager. Expect Christian to become a success on SmackDown or RAW on his own.
I'm not sure a "manager" would help him, but a valet or possibly some other undercard guys hanging around him in a stable would benefit him and them. Christian isn't really the loner type in my opinion. He always seems to be at his best when he has someone to play off of.

I say he doesn't need a "manager" meaning the traditional manager, ie a guy who does all of the talking for a wrestler. I don't think that silencing Christian would do him any favors because he can cut some decent promo's when placed in the right situation with the right characters around him. Anyone remember how awesome Team "Eck" was?

I do think the position of Manager is greatly needed in wrestling these days and would help a lot of guys get over ie Shelty B. There's a guy with all the talent in the world, but he just can't talk to me.

I wouldn't be opposed to Tiffany and Christian working together seeing as she's going to need something to do in order to stay relevant. Maybe Christian Tiffany and Shelty B could form a loose stable? That would be pretty intresting.
All he needs, plain and simple is to be given the ball and have a chance to run with it. Give him a push for a world title & I guarantee he will deliver in the ring & on the mic.

He is the total package (no offence to Lex Luger), he has a superstar look, great on the mic & can constantly deliver in the ring, yet the WWE never give him a real shot. They had him job out to Cena before he left to TNA, other then that he never got a real title shot.
Christain is a good wrestler and I do think that he could do with a Manager (Someone like Bobby "The Brian" Heenan or mabe JR could return as a manager).

There would be no point for him having a Valet as he is not a Heel wrestler and most wrestlers who are heels have a Valet...

Zack Ryder - Rosa Mendes

When Edge was a heel he had Vickie Guerrero and so did Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Bam Neely, o and also Zack Ryder (La Familia)...
Eko is pretty much spot on. There is nothing about Christian's character that is holding him back, except for his problems with the WWE administration. Hasn't there been reports of Vince showing his clear dislike for Christian, whether it be for his size or his flip-flopping from WWE to TNA from time-to-time?

Christian is one of the most charismatic wrestlers in the WWE right now, and he doesn't need to change a thing, whatsoever.

I'm glad he's moving to RAW - it's about damn time.
A manager wouldn't hurt, but it isn't really needed. Managers usually help out those who lack mic skills and Christian certainly doesn't lack in that department. He is one of the best guys on the mic. The only person this would benefit in my mind is Tiffany. I hope Tiffany stays around and the E can find her something to do now that ECW is gone. But Christian, like X said doesn't need a manager or doesn't need to do anything to his current self. Christian will be on Raw or SD and will be feuding towards the top of the card and will eventually find himself fighting for a world championship. It is only a matter of time.
Christian doesn't need a manager or a valet. It was cool to see Tiff come to the rescue, but he was on ECW and there's only so much you can do for that brand, and now it's over. He gets some of the biggest pops in the WWE, is great on the mic and just as good in the ring. He just needs the right environment and people to work with.

I say SmackDown just because he won't have to fight with Cena and Triple H for spotlight, not to mention Orton also being there. Yeah he called out Sheamus, had a match and lost, but outside of that happening, there is no reason to go to Raw. On SmackDown, he could have great matches against Jericho, Rey, Matt and Edge, or even team again with Edge.

Christian doesn't need any help, he just needs to go to a brand that will give him a legit chance.
i dont think this would be good, normally a manager/valet dose alot of the talking. nobody wants to here Tiff on the mic, even during the run in her talking was annoying.

Innitialy I thought it was good, but then i relized Tiff would have to talk
No. Managers are usually only there to be a mouth piece or if the dude is a heel. Christian is great on the mic and his promos are sick, he is also a face. For that reason it is completely unnecessary for him to have a manager.
No.Christian doesnt need a manager/Valet to help him.Christian doesnt need nobody to become a major star in the WWE.He is way over the crowd,He knows how to use the mic,And he also puts on some great matches.

You know the one who has the keys to his future is Vince,Because what vince says it goes.If Vince wants to put him in the main event status he puts him if he doesnt well what can we do.

So thats why i say no because Vince the key to everything.A manager/Valet will not give him the main event status or Make us like him more,Because we already like christian he is way over with the fans.

I bet you if they do a Cena vs Christian match,Christian will be way more over with the crowd then cena.
imo, i think in general managers need to be brought back into the WWE. in the prime of wrestling, the managers made the shows interesting ex: blasse, albino, heenan, mouth south, paul ellering. Managers can bring heat to a wrestler that needs to be a heel, what do you all think?
No, Christian does not need a manager or a valet. He's over enough with the crowd and has proven that he can make it on his own. To me, a having a manager would make him look weak. I thought Christian looked weak when he was paired up with Tomko and I so desperately wanted to see them break away from each other. As far Tiffany is concerned, while I wouldn't mind seeing them paired up it's not needed as Christian is quite capable of making it to the big time on his own as long as he's booked correctly.
No, Christian has absolutely no need for a manager or valer.
Christian can work, he can cut a good promo, he can work and the most important aspect, he is already over.
Only workers that can´t talk or can´t get over by themselves need a manager. Someone like Sheamus could really need a manager or Jack Swagger for gods sake, someone get him a manager that cuts some promos for him.
But Captain Charisma ? No way.
Out of everyone in the WWE that can't get over on their own Christian isn't one of them. He's top notch on the mic and he's over as hell with the fans.

There are some people who do need a manager or valet though like John Morrison and Jack Swagger. But Christian is one of the last people that need one.
I recently read Shawn Michaels' book again, and there a part where when he was still with Marty, in 1991, and Marty was trying to convince Shawn to go to WCW. Shawn says he got some of the best advice he's ever recieved from Randy Savage: "Don't ever take yourself out of the game." And Christian did.

Look, I like Christian. He's in my top 5 in WWE for sure. Christian will always be a solid worker and he'll do fine, but because he went to TNA, he is always going to have to pay a price for that. I think in hindsight, he's gonna wish he never left. Guys like Shawn, and Edge, have been rewarded for their loyalty. In my opinion, Christian is better than Edge, yet one is a 9-time World Champion and going to Wrestlemania again, and one isn't even close. Hate on the office all you want, but nobody held a gun to his head to go to TNA. He messed up, and he's gonna have to live with that, and so are you "peeps".

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