Could a Bray Wyatt face turn work right now?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Rumour has it that the person who Wyatt has been talking about as his next target will be revealed tonight. Reports I've read said it is a toss up between Ryback, Ziggler, Reigns or, and this is where it gets interesting, Triple H. It sounds implausible but if you look at what Wyatt said last week you could see Triple H/The Authority fit in to his words:

Your entire life has revolved around dedication but I'm here to tell you that no matter how dedicated you are, you cannot compete with the force of nature.

You cannot compete with the power of the wind or the ocean, and you most certainly cannot compete against the greatest power of them all - fear. For it is not your drive for success that molds you... it is your fear of failure.

That could easily be Triple H he is talking about, but will it be? Or should it be? I could see a backstage scenario where Wyatt gets a feud with Triple H to reward him for doing the honours for both Cena and Undertaker at the past two Wrestlemanias, it would certainly be a way of bouncing him back from losing both of his big name feuds. It would also be an interesting twist to a character that honestly needs a bit of a kick start. It could work as a tweener turn rather than a full on face turn. His character is such that it would make sense for him to not care about targeting either faces or heels.

For those who are skeptical of how Wyatt would work as a tweener/face talker than I'll post this up from his farewell NXT show. I said it at the time that if the Wyatt Family were to ever go face than this direction, as pseudo libertarians taking down the government/authority/man machine would be a great way to go.


I think it could work if they go with this direction. Have Bray cut through Big Show and Kane to get to Triple H at Summerslam to set him up with a feud against Rollins for Survivor Series? I'd like to see it anyway.
Never really thought about HHH as an option, but you bring up some great points. The part about his target "not competing with the power of nature" alludes to this person being a little bit older, and the determination aspect describes HHH to a tee. I assumed it was Roman Reigns, but the more I think about it, the less likely it seems. Does WWE really want to take Reigns out of the title picture without having him go up against Rollins at least once? Because that's what would happen were this program to go down. Personally, this is one of the reasons I'm such a fan of Wyatt; for all the complaints he gets about his psychobabble, at least he generates interest every time he says something.

This could be a possibility seeing as HHH doesn't have a set direction right now, and it would finally give Wyatt something to do that actually matters in the grand scheme of things. It's time to set Wyatt free (no pun intended)... allow him some input on who he faces, what he says, and how his programs are booked, because he definitely has a great mind for the business. Allowing him to turn face and battle The Authority would be huge for Bray Wyatt.

Were this to happen though, I would like to see a new family. It's been talked about a lot but if Authority/Wyatt were to actually go down, it would be the perfect time to bring in some NXT guys as his new family. I wouldn't mind seeing HHH get interrupted during his promo by Harper, Rowan, and a couple NXT guys, leading to Wyatt showing up in the ring.

As for your question. Wyatt as a face could easily work right now. He's not necessarily a full-blown heel but he's also not a face... I wouldn't even call him a prototypical tweener. His character is in a state of flux right now, so a face turn would be very helpful for Bray.
Reports I've read said it is a toss up between Ryback, Ziggler, Reigns or, and this is where it gets interesting, Triple H.

That's some gap in quality of opponents, no? On the one hand sit Ryback and Ziggler, whom I would regard as a drop in status for Bray, after having feuded with John Cena and Undertaker. However, Bray has also battled Dean Ambrose who, despite his popularity, is as much a midcarder as Dolph & the Big Guy....and I wouldn't get too excited about Wyatt fighting it out with them.

At the other end are Roman Reigns and Triple H, who fight elite opponents (at least, Roman was doing that before facing Big Show). Yes, Trips could be the "dedicated" guy Bray is talking about, yet I can't imagine why Helmsley would be engaging Wyatt in a multi-match feud. It's not as if the company has a bunch of key players out injured, requiring Trips' presence. Why bring him in at this point?

As for a Bray face turn; sure, it could work because the guy doesn't feature particularly as a heel or face. I'm not even sure I'd call him a 'tweener.....he seems more like a law unto himself (speaking of "forces of nature") because he doesn't really fit into any category you could name. Honestly, while I can't imagine cheering for him, I also couldn't fathom Sheamus ever becoming a hero......yet, he did.

At any rate, I don't think there's any need to change Bray this early in his WWE career; he still generates heat while doing what he's doing. I'm just saying if he turned into a good guy, we might not even notice because he'll do things in his own unique way no matter how fans regard him.
If Wyatt were to turn face, it wouldn't be that hard, however it also wouldn't be that hard to mess it up horribly. His character would have to change ever-so-slightly, just to tip him over to being face. I mean, he already has the "fireflies" everywhere he goes, which isn't exactly something a heel would/should have during his entrance. However, if they tweak his character too much, they run the risk of losing what people enjoy about him in the first place, thus he no longer gets a strong reaction as heel or face.

That being said, if these VERY slight tweaks were made (such as him targeting heels, not faces), we could see an extremely strong face emerge. It's obvious people want to cheer Wyatt, all they need is to be given a reason. This brings me to his opponent. Having Wyatt knock on those in power would be another great way to have him become face. Who could his person be? Why, HHH, of course! It would seem to come out of nowhere, but it would also be the best option for him. Having him go against Reigns would be an awful idea, as Reigns is face, so that would mess up any possible face-turn plans. Also, neither of them can afford a loss right now. Wyatt has already lost two of his big-time matches, and wins/losses DO matter (if you're on the rise), just ask Ryback.

So, keep Wyatt and Reigns away from each other for now. It could be a huge match later, when they're both much more established. Look at what happened with Dean/Wyatt: Neither could afford a loss, so they get this messy dumb explosive television finish, which made Dean look like a friggin' chump (and he's one of my favorites, so that really bummed me out). Don't have the same thing happen again with another Shield member, whom is already trying to climb out of the hole that booking has dug for him.

Now, what about Wyatt/HHH? Hell yes! The promos would be great, Wyatt would get over as a HUGE face, and him cleanly beating HHH makes him look a lot better after losing to Cena/Undertaker. Note to what I said a little earlier, wins and losses matter if you're on the rise. HHH is far past the rise, and him losing to Wyatt wouldn't put a dent in his credibility. However, Wyatt IS on the rise, so therefore him losing (again) would make him look like a chump. But don't blow this off at Extreme Rules. Have HHH/Wyatt build to the summer. Have Wyatt take out the other lackeys of the Authority along the way. I don't mean barely scape by, either. Have him completely destroy Kane at Extreme Rules. Have him mow down the BS at a following PPV (as in, he makes them leave for a while, not just simply beats them). Then he goes up against HHH at SummerSlam, beats him in a good, hard match, and from then we can look at what Wyatt has in store for WM 32.
Dedication is an interesting word and could mean a lot of people on the roster... arguably the most dedicated man on the roster in terms of training etc is Triple H, he's the most disciplined and has fought and lost to a few "forces of nature" such as Warrior and Hogan over the years.

If anything is going to happen with Rock/Ronda it's not for a long time yet, so this might keep Trips busy up until then. And there is always that stuff they mentioned AGES ago... "We're gonna bring down the machine from the inside..." What if Kane was suddenly "activated" by Bray to betray the Authority and reveal he was a sleeper?

Interesting stuff for sure.
i like the idea of Bray Wyatt being face and i thought at the time of the above promo that Wyatt would face Triple H at some point with Triple H being that "machine" that Bray was going to bring down.
The same sort of storyline can be played out where Bray brings down all of the authority one by one and eventually facing Triple H at a Mania and getting rid of the authority and HHH's on-screen power.

So yeah he could be a face and i think this is going to be an important change and year for him as a charachter

But in regards to who his next opponent is, i have a strong feeling its going to be Reigns
The problem is without some sort of direction, a face turn is meaningless for Wyatt. What is Wyatt supposed to be, what is his purpose in being in the wwe? Can't say backwoods profit or cult leader or face of evil as wwe has never committed to any of those. He just kind of floats around, losing most of the time but getting the odd win when they need him to. It is all smoke and mirrors - talking about how evil and dangerous he is et he keeps coming up short. He has no direction which is why as a heel, he is a joke. By the same token, turning him face will flop because again, what is he there to do? There lies the problem - if he is not there to win titles, what is he doing there? Even in entertainment, people need a purpose. Why was the Joker in Gotham? He wasn't just hanging out, he had a purpose. Wyatt is just hanging out.
My guess is that he'd become a Mick Foley type; be a big time fan favorite, win some big matches and titles, but would spend the bulk of his time as a punching bag to generate heat on upcoming heels.
Rumour has it that the person who Wyatt has been talking about as his next target will be revealed tonight. Reports I've read said it is a toss up between Ryback, Ziggler, Reigns or, and this is where it gets interesting, Triple H. It sounds implausible but if you look at what Wyatt said last week you could see Triple H/The Authority fit in to his words:

That could easily be Triple H he is talking about, but will it be? Or should it be? I could see a backstage scenario where Wyatt gets a feud with Triple H to reward him for doing the honours for both Cena and Undertaker at the past two Wrestlemanias, it would certainly be a way of bouncing him back from losing both of his big name feuds. It would also be an interesting twist to a character that honestly needs a bit of a kick start. It could work as a tweener turn rather than a full on face turn. His character is such that it would make sense for him to not care about targeting either faces or heels.

For those who are skeptical of how Wyatt would work as a tweener/face talker than I'll post this up from his farewell NXT show. I said it at the time that if the Wyatt Family were to ever go face than this direction, as pseudo libertarians taking down the government/authority/man machine would be a great way to go.


I think it could work if they go with this direction. Have Bray cut through Big Show and Kane to get to Triple H at Summerslam to set him up with a feud against Rollins for Survivor Series? I'd like to see it anyway.

He needs to turn face. The subliminal promos are getting old and it's only so many times he can beat midcard wrestlers then face main event caliber superstars and lose before he won't be taken seriously anymore. Atleast with a face turn, it gives him an opportunity to have some fresh, new matches and new way to evolve his character.

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