Bray Wyatt : The New Face of Fear?

Wrestling Mind 300

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Bray Wyatt is now 0-2 at wrestlemania. He calls himself the new face of fear but it's hard to believe that when the old one pinned him at wrestlemaina 31 and not to mention when Undertaker sat up, it looked as if Bray Wyatt pissed himself. And despite being buried in a box by Cena at payback last year, he instead of going for payback of his own, went on to start a feud with Chris Jericho and got pinned CLEAN on their first match (this is a guy who lost to FANDANGO CLEAN at Wrestlemaina).

Losing at Wrestlemania to John Cena did no favours for him as not only did he lose whilst being accompanied by Harper and Rowan, but he went on to have the Rematch at Extreme Rules in a Steel Cage Match and even though he technically won, he instead of gaining a clean pinfall victory, crawled out the door like a coward heel (Face of what?) something like Seth Rollins would do. This is supposed to be the new face of fear but how is he that when he is out there losing most of the time in big matches. He doesn't even have a championship to his name yet.

He once said something along the lines of "you can't kill me, I'm already dead", that would have been big had he said to the Undertaker instead of wasting it on Jericho.

What does the future hold for Bray Wyatt?
Bray Wyatt is now 0-2 at wrestlemania. He calls himself the new face of fear but it's hard to believe that when the old one pinned him at wrestlemaina 31 and not to mention when Undertaker sat up, it looked as if Bray Wyatt pissed himself. And despite being buried in a box by Cena at payback last year, he instead of going for payback of his own, went on to start a feud with Chris Jericho and got pinned CLEAN on their first match (this is a guy who lost to FANDANGO CLEAN at Wrestlemaina).

Losing at Wrestlemania to John Cena did no favours for him as not only did he lose whilst being accompanied by Harper and Rowan, but he went on to have the Rematch at Extreme Rules in a Steel Cage Match and even though he technically won, he instead of gaining a clean pinfall victory, crawled out the door like a coward heel (Face of what?) something like Seth Rollins would do. This is supposed to be the new face of fear but how is he that when he is out there losing most of the time in big matches. He doesn't even have a championship to his name yet.

He once said something along the lines of "you can't kill me, I'm already dead", that would have been big had he said to the Undertaker instead of wasting it on Jericho.

What does the future hold for Bray Wyatt?

Yes exactly!! What's the point in him feuding with John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and now The Undertaker. In my opinion, I personally want him to feud with some guys if the WWE wants them to turn heel. Because all Bray Wyatt's promo of the feud is about "Saving, Healing and Changing their lives"

So what do we got from the results of their feuds? It doesn't matter if Bray Wins or Loses but the output should change something! Some Character change!

Bray Wyatt is now 0-2 at wrestlemania.

Seems almost as if Bray is an enhancement talent for guys who've already made it to legendary status, huh? :) It's ironic when taking Cena as an example; some folks on the forum were unhappy Cena beat many are hoping Cena acts as the enhancement factor and loses every single match he's ever in....apparently ignoring the fact that if an established performer loses 'em all, he'll no longer be worth anything as a builder of young talent. Cena has to win, at least once in a while, to feature as someone who can advance young performers.

In this, Bray was a good opponent for men like Cena and Undertaker. Bray is a law unto himself; he can win or lose without any change to his basic character. He gets squashed by an enemy....he laughs. He watches Undertaker set fire to a rocking chair in the ring....he laughs.

When Roman Reigns loses a match for the world title that he was (allegedly) scheduled to win, he ain't laughing, but he is talking about it.....telling us how he'll bounce back and what he plans for the future. When Bray loses, nothing comes of it. He doesn't speak of it at all because he's already onto his next crusade. The character of Bray is indestructible, even as his body is beaten.

In that, WWE has created a lasting, effective character that provides his own, totally original promos and doesn't need specific storylines to carry on a feud.

Personally, I think he'd do better with an entourage; Rowan and Harper fit so perfectly.....but it could be other guys, too. Plus, I'd love to have a girl in there, carrying a "Serena" type role as Ms. Deeb did for CM Punk.

But alone or as leader of a group, Bray Wyatt functions effectively as the Face of Fear, not in spite of the fact that winning or losing won't matter to him.....but because of it.
I agree with the law unto himself line. Wins and losses are irrelevant to Wyatt. The bigger deal is if Taker puts over Wyatt most people wouldn't see him as the new face of fear because they'd be too busy pissing and moaning that Taker jobbed (again) and how a crime against wrestling humanity that would be.

The new face of fear line is reference to the future he is building. Referencing him climbing out of the cage against Cena is like being annoyed at nWo Hollywood Hogan for not Hulking up because he used to do it. The past before the instances was irrelevant to what he later becomes.
Bray Wyatt is now 0-2 at wrestlemania. He calls himself the new face of fear but it's hard to believe that when the old one pinned him at wrestlemaina 31 and not to mention when Undertaker sat up, it looked as if Bray Wyatt pissed himself. And despite being buried in a box by Cena at payback last year, he instead of going for payback of his own, went on to start a feud with Chris Jericho and got pinned CLEAN on their first match (this is a guy who lost to FANDANGO CLEAN at Wrestlemaina).

Losing at Wrestlemania to John Cena did no favours for him as not only did he lose whilst being accompanied by Harper and Rowan, but he went on to have the Rematch at Extreme Rules in a Steel Cage Match and even though he technically won, he instead of gaining a clean pinfall victory, crawled out the door like a coward heel (Face of what?) something like Seth Rollins would do. This is supposed to be the new face of fear but how is he that when he is out there losing most of the time in big matches. He doesn't even have a championship to his name yet.

He once said something along the lines of "you can't kill me, I'm already dead", that would have been big had he said to the Undertaker instead of wasting it on Jericho.

What does the future hold for Bray Wyatt?

I don't expect him to have a match at ER since it's so close but it wouldn't surprise me to see him attack his next opponent at ER which I believe will be Reigns.

This could be errily similar to how Ambrose/Rollins went at HIAC. Bray attacks Reigns and helps his opponent get the win.
I feel sorry for Bray Wyatt. He is an amazing talent and he is so young and has already faced so many top guys and lost to most of them or had VERY underwhelming feuds with some of them, like the Ambrose, Jericho feuds. He is constantly hyping himself up on the mic yet and basically never delivers.

It's kinda weird to hear him say he's the new face of fear before losing to undertaker and now he is right back at it saying the same shit to someone else. In terms of the Cena burial and all that there isn't much to be said that hasn't been said already so I won't get into it. But it's a damn shame that such a talent is being so overlooked at this point. Atm I think he should be a face facing someone like Sheamus. But he has lost so much steam and he has lost so much of his character

He was this cult leader who get everyone in his hands and now he is just a dude spouting "awakening" type speeches about society and all that. Which is cool but he could have integrated that in his old persona rather then get rid of it.

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