Corrupt a wish


Ayatollah of Coca-Cola
This is something I saw on another forum, but I thought it'd be fun.

We all know how devious djinns and devils can be, twisting other people's wishes into curses. Well, now it's YOUR chance to be a malevolent msicreant by messing with the hopes and dreams of others. Follow up your granted wish with a wish of your own.

Poster A: I wish I could lose some weight.

Poster B: Granted! You lose your leg due to gangreen.
I wish I could see into the future.

Poster C: Granted, but this ability only applies to knock-knock jokes.
I wish I could travel to Australia.
Granted, but only because your entire homeland, including your family gets burned down by Nazis.

I wish I was taller.
Granted! Say hello to the new present-day Scott Hall!

I wish Christian could have ONE MORE MATCH!
Granted. You are in a hospital room full of screaming/crying new born babies

I wish I could fly.
Granted! You are turned into a fruit fly. Enjoy your 24h life-span.

I wish I had more money.
Granted. You have all the wishes you want, only if you can speak Japanese.

I wish I was body builder.
Granted, aaaaaaan you're transported to Krypton and the bless that red sun. :D

I wish I had felt Angelina Jolie's boobs one last time.
Granted! Angelina has died and her boob is removed from her body.

I wish I had my own personal theme song that plays when I want it to.
Granted. It's laced with heroin and you are now addicted.

I wish I could spend a day in the Stella Artois factory alone and have unlimited access to all its beer.
Granted; today the beer was tainted and caused food poisoning for those that just drank one. Imagine what you're getting.

I wish that Hitler never existed
Granted, but then Britain manages to overthrow the entire world and everyone becomes a tea drinking bowler hat wearer.

I wish that all my wishes from now on became incorruptible.
Granted. And you're married to 2013 Chyna!!

I wish I was under the Pope's skirt.
Granted... No need to corrupt this one...

I wish was in the same time zone as you guys.
Granted, you now live in the Canadian Arctic and whale blubber will be your official diet.

I wish I make it as a music producer.

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