While games have evolved over the last few decades, but controversy has always been present in video games. From Custer's Revenge depicting cowboys raping Indian women and the sheer violence of Mortal Kombat right up until GTA and Call of Duty 2, controversy has just followed video games around.
The media always seems to cause a shit storm over the more daring moments in video games. But in fairness, the media is full of shit. 99% of the journalists who report on this have no idea what they're talking about.
I think of GTA: San Andreas and the Hot Coffee incident. For those of you that don't know, GTA: San Andreas had hidden code in the game that allowed the player to unlock a sex minigame. Naturally, once it was found by hackers, the media were all over it. Rockstar, the makers of the game, got sued by alot of people. One of those people was an grandmother who bought the game for her 14 year old grandson. There was plenty of uproar about a game for 14 year olds featuring hidden sex minigames. But the thing is, it's not for 14 year olds. It's got an 18 certificate for a reason. The media just happens to forget that tiny little detail.
Another problem is the double standard. The media will only care about games if they're mildly mainstream. GTA, killing civilians in Modern Warfare 2, the Manhunt 2 rating fiasco. But in Fahrenheit, a game that has become a cult classic, there is a sex minigame and a sex scene with both characters completely nude. Somehow, it only got a 15 rating over here. Not only that, but the media care about (or didn't pick up on) the sex scene in the game.
So how much does crap like this annoy you? The ignorance put forward by people such as Hilary Clinto and *shudder* Jack Thompson is ridiculous, but games will never get a fair say because it's not a form of entertainment that is used by the more "respectable" members of society. But this is bullshit as the video games industry is one of the few industries that is still consistantly pumping money in the global economy.
So, what is your opinion on the media's view of gaming, especially when it comes to potentially offensive material?
The media always seems to cause a shit storm over the more daring moments in video games. But in fairness, the media is full of shit. 99% of the journalists who report on this have no idea what they're talking about.
I think of GTA: San Andreas and the Hot Coffee incident. For those of you that don't know, GTA: San Andreas had hidden code in the game that allowed the player to unlock a sex minigame. Naturally, once it was found by hackers, the media were all over it. Rockstar, the makers of the game, got sued by alot of people. One of those people was an grandmother who bought the game for her 14 year old grandson. There was plenty of uproar about a game for 14 year olds featuring hidden sex minigames. But the thing is, it's not for 14 year olds. It's got an 18 certificate for a reason. The media just happens to forget that tiny little detail.
Another problem is the double standard. The media will only care about games if they're mildly mainstream. GTA, killing civilians in Modern Warfare 2, the Manhunt 2 rating fiasco. But in Fahrenheit, a game that has become a cult classic, there is a sex minigame and a sex scene with both characters completely nude. Somehow, it only got a 15 rating over here. Not only that, but the media care about (or didn't pick up on) the sex scene in the game.
So how much does crap like this annoy you? The ignorance put forward by people such as Hilary Clinto and *shudder* Jack Thompson is ridiculous, but games will never get a fair say because it's not a form of entertainment that is used by the more "respectable" members of society. But this is bullshit as the video games industry is one of the few industries that is still consistantly pumping money in the global economy.
So, what is your opinion on the media's view of gaming, especially when it comes to potentially offensive material?