Consequences Creed for NXT 3?

As you guys may know, Consequences Creed (real name Austin Watson) has signed a developmental contract with WWE. This got me thinking...

Will Austin Watson be a part of NXT season 3?

I hope so. He's experienced on camera, he still needs some work on the mic, and he will still be in FCW while on NXT, so he's still going to develop. But then I thought of the other huge names to enter NXT: Bryan Danielson, Kaval, Joe Hennig, which got me thinking...

Will Consequences Creed become another Daniel Bryan, Kaval or McGillicutty?

Again, I hope so. I see a lot of potential in Creed, as I did in the other 3 names. But as long as he doesn't get lost behind the other rookies, get paired up with a pair of Divas, or choke out Josh Roberts with a tie, I think he'll be possibly bigger than those 3.


Whether he's on NXT or not, do you see a decent push in Creed's future?

Thoughts, please.

BTW This is my first thread, so go easy on me if somebody has already made this thread.
I believe that he has the posibility, but he will likely become a Christian, get a low level title and lost in the shuffle, since Christian received a couple of title runs with the ECW and that was it, even though the casual fan of both shows would note he was a multiplt TNA/NWA champion in TNA.
Watson is nowhere near as good as Kaval or Bryanson. He's younger, greener and a lot less over on the indies than Kaval and Bryan were. He definitely fits in on the next season of NXT (or possibly the 4th, to be honest), but I don't see him in that role. I see him in more of a Darren Young kind of role to start off.
Its possible he will be in NXT in the future and could be molded into a midcard star or slightly higher in WWE if used right. He already has main stream exposure from TNA and i believe he was inside the PWI top 100 for 2009. Odds are he will receive a name change and possibly a change of gimmick as well. We shall see though, this is def one that we wont know how it will play out till we get a glance of him on WWE TV.
LOL I cant wait to see the name they give him. I would like for it to be just Austin Watson, but that is probably not going to happen. I watched him in TNA and I thought he was pretty good. Never decided if he was like "World Title" contender good but ya good nonetheless
He will probably be on the third season but he will be nothing like Danielson, Kaval or even Hennig as no where near as many fans will know who the hell he is. He would probably do ok for himself but not as well as you seem to think.
Mizard, I do hope you realize that Christian is also a 9 time tag team champion, 3 time IC Champion, European Champion, Hardcore Champion, and Light Heavyweight Champion as well. Yeah, I'm a Peep, but let's not just sweep the guy under the rug here.

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