Consequences Creed: Every Promoter's Dream...Less Six Inches

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I am making this thread in response to a thread started some time ago by IrishCanadian25:

Essentially, in this thread, IrishCanadian25 asks why WWE has slowed down on the pushes they were giving to such African-Americans as Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, and MVP. It is a question worth being addressed, and I hope to answer this question at least partially within this post.

Simply put, if one thinks that WWE or TNA does not want to push an African-American wrestler, they are mistaken. If anything, WWE or TNA would relish the opportunity to have an African-American posterboy. However, it must be noted that, in the previous sentence, I said posterboy and not wrestler.

In my opinion, no one comes closer to what an American wrestling promotion would want out of an African-American wrestler than Consequences Creed. He is educated, articulate, charismatic, and athletic. Furthermore, in comparison to other African-American wrestlers, past and present, he is perfectly built. He is not too wiry like Kofi Kingston, and he is not too thick like Ron Simmons and Butch Reed were in their primes. However, Consequences Creed's fatal flaw is his height; he is only 5'9". If he were just six inches taller, he would be someone that Vince McMahon would aggressively pursue and that Jeff Jarrett would go to any lengths to keep.

Ultimately, my preceding critique of Consequences Creed is my answer to the general questions IrishCanadian25 desires to discuss in his own thread:

Why Are We Not Seeing Any African-American Wrestlers Being Significantly Pushed In WWE?

Because Vince McMahon has yet to find the African-American equivalent of Superman.

If WWE Ever Pushes An African-American Wrestler, What Will He Be Like?

He will be like Consequences Creed, only six inches taller.
Five nine? Is that with or without the afro? I'm guessing the afro adds a few inches. Then there was that hat he's worn at least once. Maybe twice, I forget.

Yeah, Creed is pretty good. He's decent enough in the ring, can work the mic and is all kinds of colourful - again, I ask you, is that racist? But I honestly don't think that promotions are that keen to appear, y'know, not racist any more. Unless Michael Hayes comes along and says "You're not a [racial slur], I'm more of a [racial slur] than you!". Oh, that racist. Telling black people that derogatory terms don't apply to them.

Anyway, yeah, promotions aren't big on the whole "black push" thing. He'll probably never make it. My reasoning being that there are people of all races who are much better than him.
Creed is a great wrestler but like you pointed out hes a little height challenged. I would love it see black wrestler get a big push. Ive been waiting to see that since I started watching back in 1984. Dont get me wrong I loved the Rock and he did his thing but even he never held the title for more than 4 months back in 2000 his biggest year PWI Wrestler of the year,most popular etc. He never really got to carry the company on his back with the title like say Cena,HHH,HBK,and Hogan. There were others over the years who I think should have gooten bigger pushes but thats neither here nor there. That being said who really is out there right now that deserves to be pushed? I can ask this without being called racist. I am a black man living right here in The A-Town so dont start getting mad people. But what Black wrestler are you going to buy a ticket to see. Kofi,Henry,Big Daddy V, Crime Tyme? Get my drift? But if there was one I'd say It'd have to be Shelton Benjamin. Been putting in dues for years and ha had phenominal matches with HHH,Flair,and HBK. Hell he made those Money in the Bank matches that he was in. But he must be missing something dont know what it is but that boy is the truth! If he doesnt get a world title before he retires it'll be a damn shame. Hes held every other belt in WWE no where else to go but up or down.
TNA is built in such a way that you feel like no one is ever given a decent enough push, except Kurt Angle. TNA has about 40 guys and 10 girls on two hours a week. With that being said, to see Consequences Creed as a rookie to be seen about every other week in a good tag match is phenomenal. Creed is the true future of TNA, his gimmick may be a little too hyper, but he's got a descent moveset, nice charisma, and last but certainly not least, confidence. Of the African Americans currently in TNA (Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Booker T, Brother Devon,) in 10 years I believe that Consequences will be the only one who remains. Creed may not be the right size, but he has incredible heart and talent, and that is all that seems to matter in TNA, unless you are a former WWE superstar of course. Creed will never make it in WWE, but TNA will make him the longest reigning X-Division champ in history. Out of the African Americans currently in pro wrestling, I believe that Consequences Creed, MVP, and Shelton Benjamin are the only future world champions.
I have been watching wrestling since I was about 2 years old. Now I don't remember everything, but I do remember the only black world champs in wrestling over the past 30 years have been Ron Simmons, Booker T, The Rock and Ron Killings. If anyone knows of any other, please let me know. That is 4 in 30 years? Now I know that there have been and and still are talented black stars in the world of wrestling who either have received a push, then it gets dropped for some reason, or just they don't have the image to be world champ. If Edge can be a 7 time champ in less than 4 years, a black wrestler could get thrown a bone and see what happens. I could be wrong, but what do I know.
I have been watching wrestling since I was about 2 years old. Now I don't remember everything, but I do remember the only black world champs in wrestling over the past 30 years have been Ron Simmons, Booker T, The Rock and Ron Killings.

Dont forget Mark Henry & Lashley
But if there was one I'd say It'd have to be Shelton Benjamin. Been putting in dues for years and ha had phenominal matches with HHH,Flair,and HBK. Hell he made those Money in the Bank matches that he was in. But he must be missing something dont know what it is but that boy is the truth! If he doesnt get a world title before he retires it'll be a damn shame. Hes held every other belt in WWE no where else to go but up or down.

Shelton's problem is not his wrestling. It's his promo skills. He's horrible on the mic. He makes the late Chris Benoit and Scott Steiner sound brilliant. If Shelton took some acting classes and learned some better oratory skills, I believe that he would have already been a world champion by now.

If Ernest 'the cat' Miller had not made WWE officials mad, he probably would have had a decent chance at being a world champion.

However, it appears that Creed if he continues to learn will be a good TNA champ.
Each one of you are correct. My personal vote goes to Shelton. I have been watching his career since he started. He has the atheletics, he has the nickname (Gold Standard), he has the backing (JR pumps him up), he has the career, he has the amatuer wrestling skills (to be a believable champ, unlike Cena), has held every championship except the heavyweight ones. I think that if they put him in ECW and make him be the man, I mean make him; then we will see if he is destined to be another Chris Benoit or a black Kurt Angle. But WWE should use his youth while he has it. Stop wasting time.

As far as Creed, he is small and he needs to calm down some, actually keep the same gimmick but become a more serious guy, like Creed in the Rocky movies.
I am making this thread in response to a thread started some time ago by IrishCanadian25:

Essentially, in this thread, IrishCanadian25 asks why WWE has slowed down on the pushes they were giving to such African-Americans as Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, and MVP. It is a question worth being addressed, and I hope to answer this question at least partially within this post.

Simply put, if one thinks that WWE or TNA does not want to push an African-American wrestler, they are mistaken. If anything, WWE or TNA would relish the opportunity to have an African-American posterboy. However, it must be noted that, in the previous sentence, I said posterboy and not wrestler.

In my opinion, no one comes closer to what an American wrestling promotion would want out of an African-American wrestler than Consequences Creed. He is educated, articulate, charismatic, and athletic. Furthermore, in comparison to other African-American wrestlers, past and present, he is perfectly built. He is not too wiry like Kofi Kingston, and he is not too thick like Ron Simmons and Butch Reed were in their primes. However, Consequences Creed's fatal flaw is his height; he is only 5'9". If he were just six inches taller, he would be someone that Vince McMahon would aggressively pursue and that Jeff Jarrett would go to any lengths to keep.

Ultimately, my preceding critique of Consequences Creed is my answer to the general questions IrishCanadian25 desires to discuss in his own thread:

Why Are We Not Seeing Any African-American Wrestlers Being Significantly Pushed In WWE?

Because Vince McMahon has yet to find the African-American equivalent of Superman.

If WWE Ever Pushes An African-American Wrestler, What Will He Be Like?

He will be like Consequences Creed, only six inches taller.

Because Quinton "Rampage" Jackson hasn't started his Pro-Wrestling Career yet
I haven't watched TNA in a month or so, but Consequences Creed was definitely becoming one of my favorites before I became busy on Thursdays.

I loved his charisma. In, and out, of the ring, he can get the crowd hyped without breaking kayfabe, and he does it all with a smile on his face. I liked his matches, but didn't get to see much from him outside of the X Division, except for his match against Booker T, but there wasn't anything that disappointed me, or made me think he couldn't be big, wherever he ended up wrestling.

His size is a problem, although it could be easily overcome. Rey Mysterio is short, and you can't deny he had a successful career at the biggest companies in the business. Creed will be great for the X Division, and hopefully will be just as good for the TNA Title once the picture is a little less crowded.
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