"I'm Black, Where's my Championship Belt?"

Of course the WWE is doing this right now to cover their asses. Michael Hayes left a "Black" eye on the business. A billion dollar company, and a person with a position of power, is making racially charged comments towards a man that has been successful outside of the WWE, Henry was an Olympic competitor, it doesn't look very good for business.

IC said it best, it reeks of the old WCW with Sonny Ono claiming that the company was racist, and all of a sudden Booker T becomes one of the most decorated stars in the history of that company.

But it's nothing new. The WWE plays towards demographics. The WWE wanted more Latino viewers, so Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio receive title shots and title reigns. Now the WWE feels like they need the African American viewer back, so they put titles on those guys. It's nothing new. There's a reason Bruno Sammartino held the title as long as it did. 1. It was reflective of the times and people didn't mind dynasties, or were just use to it. Look at the 60's and look at the Dynasties in sports at the time. 2. Bruno looked like the people he was meant to entertain in the northeast, most noticably in New York with a heavy Italian-American market.

The WWE evolves with it's culture. Why was Hogan so successful in the 80's, because guys like Arnold and Faringo knocked the door down on huge body builder men being the new american Hero. GI Joe and Hogan were all by-products of the culture.

The wwe is very fluid. The culture changes, their demographic changes. Steve Austin was a champion because the cute little kids that watched in the 80s were now becoming rebellious teenage punks. This is no different. If the WWE feels there is more money to be made with African Americans included to, then they will continue to push African Americans.

I would say that a much bigger issue would be, why after nearly 50 years of either the WWWF/WWF/WWE has there never been a pure blooded African American as the holder of the WWE Championship? That's a problem. (Booker T was World Champion, Rock was half Samoan/African-American).
Wow. King Jake is racist..

Now come on, this is just silly. I actually don't care if people call me racist. I'm not. It's the same as being called gay as school. It's fine because I'm not. But it is really frustrating being called a racist.

Anyway I'll give people a rough guide as to how It's ok to talk about not liking a black person and not being racist. Short & in Layman's terms.

- Just because somebody is of an opposite race to you, doesn't mean you can't criticise them. In a thread about black champions, talking about champions I don't like or think deserve titles. I'm hardly going to say how great they are am I?

- Why would I talk about how much I like Booker T for example when he's currently holding no gold, nor in WWE?

- Why can't I wish JTG would choke on his vomit in his sleep? I feel the same towards Triple H. Even more so toward him even.

- If you are a black man, can you not dislike Chris Jericho? Of course you can. Your not a racist for not being a fan of his.

Any questions feel free to ask.
I think the reason why people are saying your racist, it's because of the way that you word what you say. And it seems like it's the new people that take it as you being a racist, those that don't know you well, or how you post. "They're just Black, who cares" I'll admit, when I 1st read that, it had me thinking. But after reading some of your other post, I felt foolish. Im not saying I know you cause I don't, I just know more about you after reading some of the things you've said. You have a asian wife I believe. A mixed daughter. You don't believe in hitting kids, and you just say NO to yours. You had an altercation at school where some1 (a teacher I think) said your daughter was weird looking. You don't like JTG (and want him smothered). You don't think none of the black wreslters diserve titles, and Umaga I believe is one of you favorite WWE wreslters. Oh yea and I got 2 infractions from you. (Thanks by the way for that, after the suspension, I got more serious with posting and know all the rules now) But pretty much, if they don't know you or know of you and the way you post, you come off as being a racist with what you say, or disriminative toward black people.

Now back to the thread before I get banned agin, I think that really the only 1 that got a title from the Hayes incident was Henry. All the others i think diserved it. Who was going to take the title off of Y2J. Burchill? No a heel vs heel at a ppv I don't think would work. I heard Lance Cade. Y2J's buddy, really? How would that work out. "We are buddy's, were boys, I want your title?" I don't think would work unless Y2J had both the world title and IC title. Like what HBK and Triple H did back in the 90's. But HBK held both titles so losing 1 would'nt have mattered. So a heel taking it off of him would'nt work. So what face would there be. Hmm... oh I know, how about Kingston. Fresh face for the title, and follow Raw's "Pushing new talent" thing they had going.

The US Title. What Heel, could have taken that off of Hardy. We have Benjamin, Umaga, Kozlof, MVP. MVP had that ting going on with Vicki about him not liking his position (which seemed to have ben droped and never brought up agin.) Kozlof, winning a title in his first, yet short, major fued I think would have ben dumb. Umaga would have just squashed him. Benjamin, he's the Gold standard, yet hasn't held singles gold in 2 years. Gold would have made his gimmic work better, and be more believable. And with Benjamin holding the gold, I think that it would lead to better fueds for the gold and bringing the prestiege back up rather than Umaga holding it right now.

Im not even going to go into Henry. But then you have the rise of all these other black wreslters/faces. And I don't think that they are being brought up cause of the hayes incident, Vince did say he wanted to bring in more African Americans to hi show so hes bringing in more. So Henry is the result of the Hayes incident but the rest, just to bring in more African veiwers.
I think the reason why people are saying your racist, it's because of the way that you word what you say. And it seems like it's the new people that take it as you being a racist, those that don't know you well, or how you post. "They're just Black, who cares" I'll admit, when I 1st read that, it had me thinking. But after reading some of your other post, I felt foolish. Im not saying I know you cause I don't, I just know more about you after reading some of the things you've said. You have a asian wife I believe. A mixed daughter. You don't believe in hitting kids, and you just say NO to yours. You had an altercation at school where some1 (a teacher I think) said your daughter was weird looking. You don't like JTG (and want him smothered). You don't think none of the black wreslters diserve titles, and Umaga I believe is one of you favorite WWE wreslters. Oh yea and I got 2 infractions from you. (Thanks by the way for that, after the suspension, I got more serious with posting and know all the rules now) But pretty much, if they don't know you or know of you and the way you post, you come off as being a racist with what you say, or disriminative toward black people.

Very true.

Who was going to take the title off of Y2J. Burchill? No a heel vs heel at a ppv I don't think would work. I heard Lance Cade. Y2J's buddy, really? How would that work out. "We are buddy's, were boys, I want your title?" I don't think would work unless Y2J had both the world title and IC title. Like what HBK and Triple H did back in the 90's. But HBK held both titles so losing 1 would'nt have mattered. So a heel taking it off of him would'nt work. So what face would there be. Hmm... oh I know, how about Kingston. Fresh face for the title, and follow Raw's "Pushing new talent" thing they had going.

Kingston really was the only face choice. Other than Punk or Mysterio. But as the match at Night Of Champiosn hadn't been announced a Battle Royal could have happened. You have Jericho eliminated by everyone early so he saves face. You then have Kingston & Cade as the last two people. This would make Kingston look like a player, and after a couple of months he could become champion, and you have Cade win. Out of the two Cade is the one they truly want to make into a main event wrestler. So having him with the title would benefit him more.

Although you could argue that he's aligned with Jericho and is involved with HBK so he doesn't need the belt.

The US Title. What Heel, could have taken that off of Hardy. We have Benjamin, Umaga, Kozlof, MVP. MVP had that ting going on with Vicki about him not liking his position (which seemed to have ben droped and never brought up agin.) Kozlof, winning a title in his first, yet short, major fued I think would have ben dumb. Umaga would have just squashed him. Benjamin, he's the Gold standard, yet hasn't held singles gold in 2 years. Gold would have made his gimmic work better, and be more believable. And with Benjamin holding the gold, I think that it would lead to better fueds for the gold and bringing the prestiege back up rather than Umaga holding it right now.

When it comes to heel champions the only objection I have with Shelton is that he was doing fuck all for a good year before he won the title. And once he loses they'll probably go back to not doing anything with him again. I still feel that Kennedy needs a title at this point. Which one do you expect to become a main event wrestler first? Kennedy who's been on the cusp since he made his debut, or Shelton who's push has stalled every time he's started to gain momentum?

Im not even going to go into Henry. But then you have the rise of all these other black wreslters/faces. And I don't think that they are being brought up cause of the hayes incident, Vince did say he wanted to bring in more African Americans to hi show so hes bringing in more. So Henry is the result of the Hayes incident but the rest, just to bring in more African veiwers.

Surley it shouldn't matter. They should bring in the most talented wrestlers available. Black or white. I don't think there being a majority of white wrestlers should be a problem for black people. Unless they're racist.
To say that the WWE is pushing black talent because of comments made by Michael Hayes is complete and utter crap. The black talent in WWE that is getting over now completely and utterly deserve it and to say that it is all a technicality would be complete and utter disrespect to those superstars.

Shelton Benjamin - To quote J.R. "Quit possibly the most talented pure athelete in the entire WWE." He isn't just saying this because it's nice, he is right. There is no one in the WWE right now that can put on the show that Shelton Benjamin can in the ring. If you are a true wrestling fan, then you find everyone of his matches to be very entertaining. He completely deserves his recognition and if not for his talent, then, maybe because of this. The WWE completely ruined his career on Raw by brining in his Momma. I think that if it wasn't for that poor choice, Shelton would have been WWE champion some time ago. So if anything, this recent push should be WWE saying, "I'm sorry for ruining you earlier, we won't do it this time!"

Kofi Kingston - A very talented new comer and I think that his recent success is nothing more than the WWE being seriously lacking in mid card talent. I do, however, feel that he wasn't quit ready for the I C belt and should've had to pay more dues, but what better way to build a new star than to give him the championship that the best in ring talent of all time held. Kofi is on his way and I think that if WWE does this one right and doesn't bring in his Momma, he will be great.

Mark Henry - He is just supposed to beat up no names and occasionally attack some big name only to fail in the end. He isn't talented, niether on the mic or in the ring and I don't think that he deserves the ECW Title. I think that this is nothing more than WWE seriously trying anything to get ECW over with a larger crowd.

Cryme Tyme - I don't see them winning any tag titles any time soon on any show ever. They are entertaining, but not serious wrestlers. Sorry Cryme Tyme, you need a different persona maybe. Their recent push is just for taking up some extra air time for Raw.

I have completely explained every reason for the recent push on black talent in the WWE. Nothing to do with any comments.
I don't think their skin colour had much say in it. Sure, the whole Mark Henry/P.S. Hayes deal might have affected things, but all in all, I think you're just seeing what you want to see.

Mark Henry deserved some form of reward for staying with the company so long, so I wasn't surprised to see him win some gold this year. They've always tried to push him as a dominant big guy type, but he's never been as over as he was as "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry. I'm not a particularly big fan of his mat "skills", but he can cut a decent heel promo. He's done a better job than Kane as ECW Champion, I'll give him that.

As soon as I saw Shelton being drafted to SmackDown after having almost just been drafted to ECW, I knew there had to be something in it. He has little to no charisma or mic skills, but as far as mat skills go, he's one of WWE's best. He deserves his run with the US title, and I quite enjoy it so far - he's had great matches with Kennedy and Jeff.

Cryme Tyme...we all know they're mostly entertaining. They CAN wrestle, but I've yet to see them wrestle a proper, long, balanced match-up since their return. I think, in time, they might win the Tag Team Championships, but for now, I hope DiBiase & Rhodes hold their titles for a LONG time. They deserve that, after having to go through that crap with Cena and Batista.

I don't think race was a huge factor at all. If it is, who cares though? Sure, it might not help to lessen the difference between races, but hey. Err, something. Man, I suck at these discussion thingies...
Well, this is certainly a sensitive subject. Here's my take on the situation:

Mark Henry: Absolute crap in the ring. Boring as hell to watch and has probably no connection with the fans. So I'm going to say that his push has been because of the comments Hayes made towards him. I'll probably get some heat for this, and its true that he has been around for quite a while, but still, that is my take.

Shelton Benjamin: Great wrestler and performer and is absolutely deserving of his push with the US title. In my opinion he should have won MITB by now. So I believe this is because of his talent in the ring.

Kofi Kingston: He has been impressive. And with the momentum he was getting, I think he was the right choice for Jericho to drop the IC title to entering his feud with HBK.

Cryme Tyme: I haven't paid a lot of attention to these guys. It is true that Raw needs some more tag teams. So, the verdict is still out on this one for me.
Here is what I think about the following.

Mark Henry: I think He deserved this championship reign. He has been with the WWE so long, and was given only a European Championship reign. That is my only problemo. I have been a fan of this man since he came to WWE, and I'm glad he is carrying a championship belt with him.

Shelton Benjamin: Shelton is one of my favorite wrestlers. He is great in-ring, great on the mic, and basically should be in the main events. Shelton is great in the ring. So, I give him props. And he should've won MITB by now. I'm just saying.

Kofi Kingston: BOOP BOOP BOOP! This man is entertaining as hell. When you see him making his entrance in the same arena as you (when you go to a live WWE Event) its almost impossible to find a Kofi hater, yet its almost impossible to not clap and cheer. And its kinda hard to not do the Thunda Clap standing over your seat. believe me, I just had to. And everyone else was too.

Cryme Tyme: BROOKLYN BROOKLYN! This guys are great. They are great on the mic, and great in-ring. They should be Tag Champs by now.

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