Congratulations, Macios

About damn time.

Caws thank you so incredibly much. Believe me I'm very grateful to you and Rayne and will do my best to come down here continue creating convos whatever you want. If you want to hijack the NPPA go right ahead but I owe you and Rayne a ton and I plan on paying it back over time.
Not a problem, Mace. Glad I could help. I won't be a part of any convos, though. The only reason I ever posted in here was because I felt bad for people like you stuck in here. But with your release, there are no active prisoners. My work here is done. A prison on a website is pathetic. It exists only for the jollies of a petty, small minded few. I always said if I ever got thrown in here, I'd find a new site to frequent in the first 10 minutes and forget this place ever existed in the next 5. So, that's what I shall do. A man is nothing without the courage of his convictions. Enjoy your freedom. You certainly earned it. I'm out!
Not a problem, Mace. Glad I could help. I won't be a part of any convos, though. The only reason I ever posted in here was because I felt bad for people like you stuck in here. But with your release, there are no active prisoners. My work here is done. A prison on a website is pathetic. It exists only for the jollies of a petty, small minded few. I always said if I ever got thrown in here, I'd find a new site to frequent in the first 10 minutes and forget this place ever existed in the next 5. So, that's what I shall do. A man is nothing without the courage of his convictions. Enjoy your freedom. You certainly earned it. I'm out!

Actually it exists to take morons like Macios used to be and discipline them into calmer, more rational and more intelligent people, like Macios now.

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