Congrats Generation ME... now I have a reason to watch

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ok so over the past few weeks, I've been getting stale and bored with TNA iMPACT... Honestly it was just starting to get so lame to me, but then I watched No Surrender and wasn't expecting anything to come of it... And then out of no where, they turn heel and are put up as this arrogant team and took out Shelley.

Now I don't know why, but this storyline, to me, is very very interesting. It's interesting to see how these little do no wrong Christians have broken out of that and formed this greedy team that is wanting the titles at any cost.

It's been a while since I've seen this angle where the challengers try to injure the champs so that they can become the new champs instead of beating them in a match, and to be honest, it's very eye catching.

Sadly for TNA, I turned it off after Pope began his accusations of racism comments.

Anyway, is anybody else getting into the Gen ME & MCMG storyline right now? If so, what do you like about it? If not, what do you NOT like about it?

Do not spam this thread about how TNA sucks. Be ADULTS about your answer...
They've had a couple of great matches already in the short time both teams have been with TNA; No Surrender and what I think was Gen Me's debut on Impact. If not debut then one of their first matches. MCMG can take on any tag team, adapting their style to cope with high-flyers or powerful teams. Having seen MCMG take on Beer Money in several (awesome I should add) matches recently, it's good to see them feud with a team more similar to themselves, or how they were when they were younger.

If this feud is drawn out over a couple of months and not rushed then it could be the reason to watch Impact. In all honesty I wondered if this should maybe have been the NEXT feud that MCMG would go into after their initial first defence run, so that the Guns were a little wearied, becoming comfortable with being champions and then seeing this younger team desperate for gold, much like the Guns have been up until they won the belts. Like I said, if TNA draw this feud out then they can get a good deal of mileage out of all 4 guys involved. Let's hope this doesn't get lost underneath all the different warring factions that are dominating the show just now
They're a solid team but there is many other reasons to watch. I personally, would like them more if Max would do something with those candy bar looking sideburns.
I am also really into this storyline or feud between the MCMG and Gen Me they are two of the best tag teams in the world right now and I think this could be really good feud. These two teams have had fantastic matches in the past and I expect to see more great matches in the future from these teams. I think that Gen Me are doing a good job of playing heels and its making them more interesting then they were as faces.
Both teams are great, they have great matches with each other and Gen. Me reminds me of mini hardy boys with the look they have but gen me is better
And this is your new reason to watch Impact? I only see two teams of spot-monkeys that are getting together to have a flip-fest. But that's just on man's opinion.

Like I mentioned in the TNA Impact review thread, what is so interesting about GenMe injuring the MCMG tandem, one member of GenMe facing an obviously injured member of the MCMG in Sabin, LOSING to the injured member when they are the ones trying to get pushed, and then interfering in the match afterwards for the purpose of injuring Sabin more severely??

All this feud tells me is that GenMe can brutalize the MCMG outside a wrestling ring. But when it comes to a wrestling match taking place in the confinement of a four-cornered ring (and for the purpose of winning TAG TITLES), GenMe can't even defeat an injured Chris Sabin. So if I already know that GenMe can't win these matches, why have them feud with each other??
Ok so over the past few weeks, I've been getting stale and bored with TNA iMPACT... Honestly it was just starting to get so lame to me, but then I watched No Surrender and wasn't expecting anything to come of it... And then out of no where, they turn heel and are put up as this arrogant team and took out Shelley.

Now I don't know why, but this storyline, to me, is very very interesting. It's interesting to see how these little do no wrong Christians have broken out of that and formed this greedy team that is wanting the titles at any cost.

It's been a while since I've seen this angle where the challengers try to injure the champs so that they can become the new champs instead of beating them in a match, and to be honest, it's very eye catching.

Sadly for TNA, I turned it off after Pope began his accusations of racism comments.

Anyway, is anybody else getting into the Gen ME & MCMG storyline right now? If so, what do you like about it? If not, what do you NOT like about it?

The booking and the psychology behind the feud makes all the sense in the world—especially when you look at it from the point of view of the heels injuring the face champions as a means of weakening them so winning the titles will be "easy" for them, but I still simply don't buy Gen. Me as viable heels. They still come off as angst-ridden teenagers with an axe to grind and no idea how to do so, and they simply don't look the part. They look exactly as they described themselves on Xplosion weeks ago—like Christian boys from Rancho Cucomunga, California who love Jesus and jumping off the top rope. Them pulling off heel tactics doesn't change that any, because they simply can't shed that choir boy look (to me).

A wardrobe change (like not wearing fucking sneakers to wrestle in), a shave (I'm talking to you, sideburns) and a hair cut and we'll talk.

Do not spam this thread about how TNA sucks. Be ADULTS about your answer...

Lofty goal here when you consider the average age of this forum is probably hovering around 17. I know very few 17-year olds who are mature enough to be considered "adults". out of no where, they turn heel and are put up as this arrogant team and took out Shelley.
First thing I thought was, the OP must be a WWE fan who is just amazed to see an actual storyline involving a Tag team...

I do however like the storyline... I wouldn't consider it by any means my only reason to watch... But, I do like the heel turn of Gen Me and the fact that they have finally put them into a storyline instead of random matches...

I do sort of agree with IDR... They need to add a little more depth to their heel characters and the storyline would be ten times better...
...I still simply don't buy Gen. Me as viable heels. They still come off as angst-ridden teenagers with an axe to grind and no idea how to do so, and they simply don't look the part. They look exactly as they described themselves on Xplosion weeks ago—like Christian boys from Rancho Cucomunga, California who love Jesus and jumping off the top rope. Them pulling off heel tactics doesn't change that any, because they simply can't shed that choir boy look (to me).

A wardrobe change (like not wearing fucking sneakers to wrestle in), a shave (I'm talking to you, sideburns) and a hair cut and we'll talk.

Agreed. The long hair and sideburns look really does make them look young bambis compared to the sleek, punk-inspired gimmick of the MCMG. When Carlito called them 'mini-hardyz' on twitter the other week, i had to have a little s****** because that is exactly what they were; a duo of silent, characterless spot monkeys. Hopefully they can learn from MCMG and have a really good balance of high-flying ring skills and interesting characters.
However, i have long been against having high-fliers as generic heels for the sheer fact that the high flying moves they use naturally invoke a cheer or a positive reponse. If Gen Me do a shooting star press off a ladder, i'll still cheer because it looks awesome and i would imagine the rest of the audience would too. So i hope that they get a real character or gimmick given to them which they can build on.
Yeh this Gen ME heel thingy is working for me, they needed a change and to be forced up a bit in the tag team list and a heel turn was ideal (now they have Beer Money in with bloody Fortune... grr... I like BEER... MONEY!!!).

On the other hand I also agree with their look being pathetic and pretty much a disgrace... lol. The sideburns look like ferrets stuck to their faces and their wardrobe is just as bad. Just as soon as they sort these two issues out I see a MCMG and Gen ME fued to be entertaining and a worth while thing in TNA.

Another thing, MCMG seem to be the only tag team of today's era who kinda work as both face and heel... =o *IMO lol*

EDIT Can someone tell me how to del the double post my pc lagged then I accidently pressed post twice =/ *or if you can del it del it =/?* EDIT
Yeh this Gen ME heel thingy is working for me, they needed a change and to be forced up a bit in the tag team list and a heel turn was ideal (now they have Beer Money in with bloody Fortune... grr... I like BEER... MONEY!!!).

On the other hand I also agree with their look being pathetic and pretty much a disgrace... lol. The sideburns look like ferrets stuck to their faces and their wardrobe is just as bad. Just as soon as they sort these two issues out I see a MCMG and Gen ME fued to be entertaining and a worth while thing in TNA.

Another thing, MCMG seem to be the only tag team of today's era who kinda work as both face and heel... =o *IMO lol*
I saw Generation Me at a Big Time Wrestling show this past weekend in Hayward, CA; obviously they were the best talent at a "bush leagues" wrestling show. However, what really impressed me was the time that they took with all of the fans. They were at a convention here back in May, and same story. Maybe it's because they are still a fairly new team, but it's refreshing to see talent that doesn't crap all over their fans. The problem with their TNA characters is not enough of a build, then they are thrown into a heel gimmick. No teasing, just "boom", you are now heels. These guys are the real deal (just go back and watch their matches with the American Wolves in their ROH days...GREAT stuff!), they just need time to build the heel character. And yes, they do look like mini-Hardy's, which IMO is a great thing because who didn't love the Hardy's when they hit the scene? And obviously there are a lot of you who hate their look, so maybe the heel thing is working already?
I like the way the feud is going. What I like most about it is they are getting our attention. Were talking about them right now so everything their doing is working, at least a little. I like how they were this babyface tag team, and I mean literally babyfaced and attacked the tag champs after the match. They were letting us know that they are not that goodie good tag team that they seemed to be when they showed up and will do whatever it takes to make a statement that they want to be TNA tag team champions.

They really do need to change their attire like I have stated in previous posts and others have said. It's sad to say but all I could look at last night was their sneakers and the one guy had those terrible sideburns that seriously need to go. They had decent gear when they first came to TNA with the black pants and purple belt and headband, it was nothing special but alot more appealing than their 1997 Hardy Boyz hand me down attire.
It's a good way to go, the only thing that is keeping me from being interested in this story is the fact that Generation Me is a part of it. I realize they were (obviously) greatly influenced by The Hardys, but does that mean you have to try and look exactly like them? Aside from that, they (combined) have as much personality as the middle turnbuckle (top left corner, arguably the most charasmatic turnbuckle) I think I could get into it a lot more if this was London Brawling
its ok, the storyline makes sense bc of the tie in the genmes name. but agreed with everyone else, genme needs to change there looks... right now they look like 16 year old kids(imo).. they need to put on some weight(not talking alot, but mcmg are def bigger than them which is why mcmg can hang with the bigger guys like beer money. basically good fued, should be good matchs... would love after this is over to see mcmg fued with the american wolves,briscoes, titus/king... but to my knowledge there all locked up for awhile..

on a random side note... i personally think they dropped the ball on morgans "we" thing when he held the belts....nathen jones is still supposedly signed and has been for awhile , they should of brought jones in to team with morgan again and have them as a monster heel team.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: when a competitor(s) is willing to do anything to get the title they covet so much, it's the best way to keep viewers. That's why the TNA Tag Team division is the most compelling part of TNA. That's why people loved watching the MCMG and Beer Money. It's not just because the matches were incredible. It also has a lot to do with the fact that the matches were just the more incredible because of the things these men were willing to put their body through.

Gen. Me isn't putting on super incredible matches nor are they mindblowing on the mic. But you can tell that their characters will do anything to get the titles. And that's compelling! Why TNA can get that right with the Tag Team division but completely do the opposite with all the other titles is beyond me. Make the titles coveted and you have a compelling storyline. It's that simple.
It's semi-working for me. I mean, they're a great tag-team and awesome in the ring and all, but they look like crap. I guess they could play the role of the slimy, zit-faced sleazeballs. But I can see them going somewhere. They need to cut their teeth on the mic too. Jeremy is tanking each time he talks and Matt.. I mean, Max is ... eh. He needs to stop doing that shit with his mouth though. I don't know if it's a smirk or someone caught him with a fish hook.

I like them though. Them stealing Sabin's tag belt was such a nice move. Plus, I give more credit to Sabin. He's selling his ass off for these guys and is always fired up.

If this feud culminates at B.F.G in an awesome match I'll be a happy camper. Then again, it's MCMG and GenMe so I expect some freaking art.
Funny how you tell us not to spam when you were telling us how it got boring. And if you say you started watching souly because this tag feud, that's an insult in of itself. But onto the facts. TNA was thriving off of Beer Money vs. MCMG so TNA is going to push Shelly & Sabin even further to the top to prepare for the next feud so don't expect much out of these kids they're simply a stepping stone.
There's many comparison's here to the Hardy's vs Edge and Christian which were tag team classics

Gen Me, is obviously meant to be the Hardy's of this generation and i have no problem with that, they have skills. The look is rather boring but you can get past that.
MCMG were horrible to start with for me but they've grown on me, they have everything a good team needs and deserve to be where they are.

Beer Money will always be good as a team, though Roode obviously carries it.
who know's maybe they'll become the APA of TNA :p

now where's the rest of these teams that make up the awesome TNA tag division?

3 teams putting on good matches does not a wrestling promotion make. 15mins a week maybe be entertaining but the rest is very hard to watch. But i will continue to til the day it coincides with something entertaining. good thing they show Impact on Saturday nights here at 10pm and now 10:30pm, Nothing else on at that time
When they first came in they were just another team but at least now after the heel turn they have an edge to the and people have reason to like/hate them. They work really good as heels and are quickly becoming very good all around. To me they are a legitimate tag team title contender and have a lot brighter future in the business after the heel turn.

Yes as said above they need to re do their style cause the long sideburns thing does not work. Cut them off. I think the long hair works on MAX but Jeremy need to cut that hair down a bit and they both NEED some facial hair. They just look really odd to me. MAX looks good enough sept the sideburns but I think Jeremy cause he is younger looks very odd.
The matches have been surprisingly good. The heel turn was a good move, but damn, get rid of the disco pants. Its kind of hard looking at them as heels with those goofy pants, but they have the rest of it down pretty good. I does come over better on TV than live, they just have to get a "bad ass" look to bring it all together. Up until this turn I thought of them as cheap MCMG wannabes and wasn't that excited to watch them work. Now that this feud has started, I'm beginning to like them. You can say what you want about "spot monkeys", but in small doses they are more fun than a barrel full of ..... er ..... monkeys.


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