Generation Me heel turn

Am I the only one who thinks that Jimmy Hart is what they need ? Hart is still with TNA, and even if he wasn't, Hogan can call him at evrey moment. The guy is one of the best managers in wrestling history, and he could really help Max and Jeremy.
Am I the only one who thinks that Jimmy Hart is what they need ? Hart is still with TNA, and even if he wasn't, Hogan can call him at evrey moment. The guy is one of the best managers in wrestling history, and he could really help Max and Jeremy.

Any type of manager would help them tremendously, IMO – they remind me of The Naturals a few years back, who if not for Shane Douglas would have been even less impacting than they already were. Douglas helped to make them relevant by acting as the mouth piece for two otherwise bland wrestlers. Same could/would work for Gen. Me IMO, though their ring work is far superior to The Naturals.

One thing The Naturals did have though over Gen. Me is a better look.
IDR, isn't the whole point of the gimmick for them to be pimply teenagers that are entitled to it all for no apparent reason? I think they nail the look, down to the goofy sideburns. If you are suggesting the look isn't very intimidating then that is obvious, but that hasn't necessarily been a prerequisite for success in TNA anyway. Promo wasn't perfect but it was certainly better than what they have been doing on the mic and almost good at points.
IDR, isn't the whole point of the gimmick for them to be pimply teenagers that are entitled to it all for no apparent reason? I think they nail the look, down to the goofy sideburns. If you are suggesting the look isn't very intimidating then that is obvious, but that hasn't necessarily been a prerequisite for success in TNA anyway. Promo wasn't perfect but it was certainly better than what they have been doing on the mic and almost good at points.

Well sure, and in that effect they've succeeded, but there's just something about them that seems too unbelievable to me. I mean the one came out in a god damn baby blue polo t-shirt, for Chrissake. I'm supposed to take him seriously when he comes out in that? At least make it look the part.

It certainly isn't intimidating at all – I wouldn't be afraid of either one of them, personally speaking, but the idea IMO should be to have them come out as more of the frat-boy types. Get them hair-cuts and have them come out well dressed and fashionable. Have them cut the same style promos about it being all about "me me me", and it'll work a thousand times better than last nights segment did, because at least they won't actually look like Racho Cucomungan Christian boys playing bad guys on TV.
Gen Me as heels felt very forced, and they seemed uncomfortable with it. It came as a total surprise to me because I didn't see the PPV, and unless I'm mistaken I don't think they showed any highlights of them attacking the Guns and taking Shelley out? Maybe if I saw it, it would've felt more real.

The guys are a lot of fun in the ring, and I hope they keep up the flashy high flying stuff. (Because it seems like being heel tones some of the high flyers down.) But they've never been that good on the mic. Maybe they have potential as heels...? But I'm not sold.
Still not convinced. They still come off as pimple-faced angry teenagers with an ax to grind and not as much as an inkling as to how to do so.

I will take "pimple-faced angry teenagers with an ax to grind" any day over no character at all. This is getting them exposure, and weeding out some of the other tag teams that just need to take a hike (The Dudleys, mainly).

Entire promo came off as contrived and unnatural, despite what I've heard of their ability to "capture the moment" as heels cutting promos from their work in the independents.

Couldn't agree more. It sounded about as scripted as scripted can be (almost Matt Hardy-bad). But how else are they supposed to learn? They need this time to develop, even if it's under a microscope.

I'm glad they turned heel, as it actually gives them something to do at this point other than cut meaningless face promos talking about Rancho Cucamunga, California and their Christian affiliations, but they still don't look the part at all.

They might not look the part in WWE, but in TNA I think it can work. MCMG are a smaller team. Same with Ink Inc. Inc., or whatever they are called. Beer Money is a bigger team, but they aren't The Twin Towers or anything like that. TNA should go with a more fast-paced, smaller tag division as an alternative to WWE. Gen. ME is perfect for that. But, if it turns out in a few months that they just don't have the mic skills needed to be heel, turn them face again, and possibly turn the MCMG's heel.

At least the matches themselves will be exciting. :)

Exactly. TNA really needs to start focusing more on the actual wrestling. It's needs to be fast-paced and energetic, especially in the tag division. Will this happen under Hogan/Bischoff/Russo? Who knows.
I think it's obvious TNA was forced to turn them heel after Desmond Wolfe's injury. I haven't seen there heel stuff in PWG, but I still think they're one of the best tag teams in the business.

I didn't think there promo was great, but I also didn't think it was that bad, either.

These guys are really young, only 25 and 21. They've got a long way to go, but I think the more airtime they get, they better their promos will get.

Those early Hart Foundation and Rockers promos weren't very good either, but they got a lot better with time.

TNA had to do something with Desmond injured. They don't really have much depth when it comes to heel Tag Teams. All they really have is Beer Money.

That's why it was stupid of them to release Homicide when they could have brought LAX back together. They would've made a great heel team for MCMG to face.

I also think they should bring in WGTT in the future because they can be both heels and faces and they're a great team.

As far as Generation Me goes, they just need more time to go out there and talk on the mic. I wouldn't be opposed to having them valet like Lacey Von Erich or Daphne to help get them over.
They might not look the part in WWE, but in TNA I think it can work. MCMG are a smaller team. Same with Ink Inc. Inc., or whatever they are called. Beer Money is a bigger team, but they aren't The Twin Towers or anything like that. TNA should go with a more fast-paced, smaller tag division as an alternative to WWE. Gen. ME is perfect for that. But, if it turns out in a few months that they just don't have the mic skills needed to be heel, turn them face again, and possibly turn the MCMG's heel.

I just don't think Gen Me has the chops on the mic to cut it as heels against MCMG. If they were going to feud, I'd think MCMG's would be heel and make it a better feud. TNA is known foir crappy booking anyway, so turning one of the most loved teams heel wouldn't really make much difference.

I can see their logic though. After having MCMG have a big win over the top heel team, it wouldn't make any sense at all to turn them heel. And a face/face feud would be lame. I think it would come off more as The Guns mentoring an up and coming young team. So I guess upun further analysis, I see why TNA is making Gen Me heel... I just don't agree with it.
I like them better as heels... Their promo wasn't great but atleast they are more interesting now than as faces...

I do agree that hair cuts and better ring gear would help them out a little bit and a hot chick of
The promo was great. Much better than the Hardyz on the mic. But, is it just me or wouldn't you all die to see Raven lead GenMe? WHAT ABOUT ME?! WHAT ABOUT GeNMe?!

Yeah, I'm a genius... :p
I will take "pimple-faced angry teenagers with an ax to grind" any day over no character at all. This is getting them exposure, and weeding out some of the other tag teams that just need to take a hike (The Dudleys, mainly).

So would I, but I've yet to really see any character from them outside the fact they're exciting to watch in an actual match. They're very generic otherwise — both in look and sound.

3D haven't been on TV or in a major angle since Hardcore Justice, and are at the tail of their career, but at least they have personality.

Couldn't agree more. It sounded about as scripted as scripted can be (almost Matt Hardy-bad). But how else are they supposed to learn? They need this time to develop, even if it's under a microscope.

Just read back in this thread to my discussions with X — he swears by them. Says their work in PWG was great. I find it hard to believe that they are/were both great and green to the point they need TNA as a means to develop. A team who were great already wouldn't need development.

They might not look the part in WWE, but in TNA I think it can work. MCMG are a smaller team. Same with Ink Inc. Inc., or whatever they are called. Beer Money is a bigger team, but they aren't The Twin Towers or anything like that. TNA should go with a more fast-paced, smaller tag division as an alternative to WWE. Gen. ME is perfect for that. But, if it turns out in a few months that they just don't have the mic skills needed to be heel, turn them face again, and possibly turn the MCMG's heel.

When I say look the part, I mean that they look like Rancho Cucomungan Christian goody-two-shoes who are playing (miserably, might I add) heels on television. They don't look even remotely like they actually believe a word they're saying. They look like choir boys, not a team who just sent one half of the TNA World Tag Team Champions out of the arena under the aid of paramedics.

Exactly. TNA really needs to start focusing more on the actual wrestling. It's needs to be fast-paced and energetic, especially in the tag division. Will this happen under Hogan/Bischoff/Russo? Who knows.

No, they need to focus on exactly what they have been — story. Story drives [episodic] wrestling, not matches.
No, they need to focus on exactly what they have been — story. Story drives [episodic] wrestling, not matches.

Under Hogan/Bischoff, they have focused on nothing but storylines. Look at how little actual wrestling you see each week on Impact, as opposed to segments filled with dialogue. I agree that story drives episodic wrestling, but TNA is going too far. There has to be some kind of balance between action and talking, and TNA (Hogan/Bischoff/Russo/whoever) is not doing a good job of that right now.
Under Hogan/Bischoff, they have focused on nothing but storylines. Look at how little actual wrestling you see each week on Impact, as opposed to segments filled with dialogue. I agree that story drives episodic wrestling, but TNA is going too far. There has to be some kind of balance between action and talking, and TNA (Hogan/Bischoff/Russo/whoever) is not doing a good job of that right now.

I don't agree, but I don't want this to turn into a side-tracked argument.

I actually believe TNA is giving the national US audience more wrestling than the WWE on a weekly basis while still managing better story lines with more interesting characters.

If you want to discuss this, formulate a thread on it and I'd be happy to go back and forth with you, but for the sake of this thread, let's keep the discussion on Generation Me.
I think Generation Me turning heel may be a good idea. But they need a few other things done also. They are pretty incredible in the ring, but when you look at them they are so bland. The attire that they wear is boring as hell. For some reason attire helps build character and make a person look more credible. As example, I didn't start taking the Miz more seriously until he went from those everyday looking shorts to the wrestling tights he wears now.

Im also going to say there tag team name isn't the greatest either. I understand that the term Generation Me describes young adults born between the 1980s-2002. When using the word Me, you think of an individual person not more than one. But a name change is the least of the teams worries.

Im also thinking the could use a credible heel manager. Someone who could be a great mouthpiece for the team until they are able to stand on their own and cut a decent promo. What happened to Jimmy Hart? Im not a big fan of Jimmy Hart but the man is one of the greatest talkers in the game and he could take this young tag team under his wing and possibly turn them into something special. If not Jimmy Hart bring back James Mitchell and turn Generation Me into some dark tag team. The word is GenME are openly christian,why not use that as a way to bring in James Mitchell to turn them heel and he somehow changed their thoughts. Its wrestling,there could be a million different ways to go about this. But I say the team needs repackaged before they even think about taking the belts off the Guns.

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