Comparing the Icons


Championship Contender
I am starting a new thread series where I will compare to legends in the world of wrestling and we will all discuss which legends helped the business overall. I am kicking things off with Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan.


Hulk Hogan was a world wide phenomanom in the 80's. Everyone in the world, wrestling fan or not knew who Hulk Hogan was. He was the top guy in the two biggest companies in the world for the better part of a decade. Hogan managed to come back for a stint in 02-03 where he had a classic match with the Rock at Wrestlemania 18 and later became WWE Undisputed Champion. Hulk Hogan has one PWI match of the year on three seperate ocassions and is a 12 time World Heavyweight Champion. He went into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005.


When the Monday Night Wars were taken place in the late 90's, Vince needed someone to be the face of the company since Hogan was working for the rival promotion. Stone Cold Steve Austin took the ball and ran with it. He had some of the best matches of all time with Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Triple H, Kurt Angle, just to name a few. Stone Cold was a complete badass and is a former 6 time WWE Champion.

I have four questions for everyone to answer.

Which Superstar was the bigger draw?

Which Superstar was more entertaining?

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?

Here's my two cents.

For question 1, I have to say Hulk Hogan. Sure Austin was huge but everyone in the world knew who Hulk Hogan was during his prime and right now mostly everybody still does. Stone Cold had a lot of fans but Hogan was a pop culture icon during his prime.

For question 2, I have to say Stone Cold. I think all around Austin was more entertaining. He did a lot of stuff that none of us had ever saw before. It was cool to see him cuss and flip the bird to the boss.

For question 3, I think Hulk Hogan has hurt the business more than Austin. Hogan and Biscoff has done a lot to piss people off. They are in the midst of killing TNA if they haven't killed it already. They don't care about anyone but themselves making money.

As for the last question, in my opinion Stone Cold helped the business more overall because if it wasn't for him there might not been an Attitude Era and WWE could have lost to WCW in the Monday Night Wars. When WWE needed Austin to step up, he stepped up and got the job done.

Oh boy, talk about a question that's been beaten to death. No offense of course as it's a pretty interesting question that usually garners quite a bit of heat. As for your questions and my opinions.

Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
It's so hard to say because I don't think anyone on this forum has access to records of Vince's bank account from either of the eras. I think if anything it's probably very very close in terms of who sold more merchandise, sold more tickets, drew higher ratings on their respective programs, and sold more pay per views. Also, you have to take into account during a lot of Hogan's "reign" they didn't even use Pay Per View like they do today or even in Austin's day. The same could be said for TV ratings as RAW is on a cable channel and for some of Hogan's "reign," a lot of what he accomplished wasn't even on TV. That being said, I think I'd have to go with Stone Cold. When I was about 5, that was the peak of Hulkamania in the WWE. I'm going to gauge my answer on something simple and maybe trivial, but I think there's some truth to it.. When I was 5 and I went to school, I didn't see the other kids wearing Hulk Hogan t-shirts. When I was 12-15 or 16, that was when Stone Cold was in his prime.. When my friends who weren't wrestling fans before were sporting Austin 3:16 shirts, that's when I knew Austin was special. Hell, I still see people wearing Austin shirts more than any other wrestler, at least when I'm out in normal society. In response to your answers, i think it'd be pretty tough to find a household today who hadn't heard of either Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold.

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
Another tough question at least in my opinion. In their primes, both guys represented an entirely different end of the spectrum in terms of popularity. On the one hand, in the late 80s and early 90s [when I was a Hulkamaniac] I was all about it. As I grew older I, like everyone else who made the Attitude Era as popular as it was, grew tired of it which transitioned into why Stone Cold was so popular. But since this is an opinion of who I think was more entertaining of the two, I guess I'll have to go with Stone Cold. While Hogan revolutionized the way wrestling was, the things that Austin did absolutely destroyed the level Hogan took it to and built a completely new platform.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?
In many ways I think they have, but ultimately no they haven't. On the one hand, these two [amongst others] brought wrestling to new heights of popularity because of the charisma and talent they possess. When they left it left a huge hole in the rosters. The Rock's recent return is proof of this. But, like I said, ultimately I don't think it's hurt the business too much because as fans we'll still be watching and waiting [no matter how impatiently] for the next Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold to entertain us.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?
Again, this is a question that's mostly relative, but I think Hogan probably did because without Hogan it'd be hard [at least for me] to see Stone Cold ever happening.
Hogan VS Austin :
1. The bigger draw - Hogan ( No one has been a bigger draw or name world wide, from 1983 - 2005)
2. Most entertaining - Hogan ( From the prayers & Vitamins & Hulking up to " what you going to do Brother" , Its so Sweet, Hulk-A-Maniacs, 4life. )
3. Hurt the Business - Hogan ( By coming back after his HOF, hanging around to long, the steroids trial and talking about others )
4. Which help the Business the most - Hogan ( Without Hulk-A-Mania running wild we don't get WrestleMania, and without the NWO there is no Monday night Wars. )

So your winner is Hollywood Hulk Hogan in a clean sweep.
1. Hogan. Austin was the hotter act and a bigger draw at his peak, but overall it's Hogan who was a mega draw for two companies as both a face and a heel. Austin carried the company but he had a lot of help doing it. Hogan was just about all they had in the 80s and was simply other worldly with his drawing abilities.

2. I'll go with Austin here but it's very much a tossup. Either guy is incredibly entertaining but Austin had a bit more diverse in ring style. If you've seen one Hogan match against a monster you've seen them all. Austin was hardly a guy that could go Angle or Benoit out there but he was a bit more diverse. Both of them were incredible on the mic with Austin being more traditonally funny while Hogan was so insane that he made Warrior sound like an English professor at times. Both are great and if you ask me later I might take Hogan, but I'll go Austin here.

3. Well Austin made the standard for what is considered entertainment and has made every modern wrestling fan like to bitch and moan about how "It's not like the Attitude Era!!!" and ignore perfectly good wrestling. Hogan on the other hand is the one that crippled Sting and made Starrcade 97 be the bullet that mortally wounded WCW instead of the bullet that killed Vince. I'll take Hogan again, but both have done FAR more good than bad so this isn't as horrible as it seems.

4. Hogan. Hogan today, Hogan tomorrow and Hogan yesterday. Without Hogan, there is no modern wrestling or perhaps mainstream wrestling at all. This isn't close as Hogan more or less invented modern wrestling while Austin took it to a higher level. It's Hogan and it's not even up for debate.
I'm taking Hogan on every single question besides number 2. It's not really Hogan's fault but his character wasn't funny the way Austin's character made me laugh especially during the Invasion storyline.

1. Hogan has definitely drawn way more money throughout his career (1979-2009) than Austin did in his 12 year run from 1991-2003.

3. Hogan and his ego definitely hurt the business, he didn't even pass the torch to Bret Hart on his way out of the WWF.

4.Hogan is the principle reason sports entertainment exists so he definitely helped the business more than Austin as well
Which Superstar was the bigger draw? I would go with Austin for the same reasons byrnside gave. Hogan definitely drew a lot fans and made tons of money for Vince. However with increase of PPV's and way more TV time than there was during Hogans prime. I believe Austin brought in more and was seen by way more than Hogan.

Which Superstar was more entertaining? I would have to say Austin again Hogan pretty much did the same thing over and over during his entire babyface run. Then after he turned heel he would do the same stuff over and over again. Austin was always doing something new each and every week during his prime in the attitude era.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form? Neither one did anything too major to totally destroy the business obviously. Hogan came close during the steroid scandal, but he and the WWF survived. They both had huge egos and would refuse to lose to other wrestlers. They wouldn't help put over younger talent because they didn't want someone to take their spots.which is pretty bad for business.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most? It's close but I have to go with Hogan. If he never came along WWE and the entire wrestling business probably wouldn't be as big as it is now.
Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
Hulk Hogan. Austin had great moments and no one should or will in my opinion ever question that. Austin was just outright phenomenal and so vital to the resuscitation of the World Wrestling Federation. Without him to lead the charge who knows how things would have been? Again I can't and won't discredit The Undertaker, The Rock, Mick Foley or Triple H but Austin is the guy that led that group and led it well. However, Hulk Hogan even with incredibly awesome talent to support him in the 1980s in the form of Macho Man, Ricky Steamboat, Ted DiBiase, The Junkyard Dog and others, Hogan was the guy that had the entire WWF built around him after he left the AWA to return to the company. The first 9 WrestleManias prove that.

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
I'm not going to let my bias of the Hulk Hogan character cloud me on this one, I was more entertained by Hulk Hogan to be honest, I just like Hogan more.

But to be fair, I think Austin had better range in the way he could entertain, he had better segments and did very well as a non-wrestler when he became Co-RAW GM as well as his special appearances as a guest referee. As a non-performer I don't have the same confidence in Hogan's abilities. While I don't think he's holding people back in his current TNA role like some might feel, I just don't think he comes off as well in a non-wrestling capacity as Austin did.

Therefore, even though I like Hogan more and always will, Austin gets the nod for most entertaining.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?

No. I don't care what people say and I don't care what their opinions are. There are a lot of things about Hulk Hogan that are less than positive as we have seen in the past few years, i.e. the situation with his son. I have my own reasons for not caring too much for what he said about the young Marine who almost got killed in the accident his son caused, but then again even as a former Marine myself I can't be blind, the Marine in question put himself in a position to let a 17 year old kid drive drunk. Only so much blaming can be done there in the way of Hogan (Bollea)'s public image but just the same when he said that "God put some heavy sh*t on John Graziano" was enough to be greatly disappointed in Hogan.

Anyway though I don't care about backstage hearsay about Hogan's antics as a wrestler, a lot of is suspect and fishy and outright ridiculous to believe. Like one poster pointed out Starrcade, I need more evidence that it was Hulk Hogan's fault that the count was botched because of him. I think it's possible Nick Patrick missed his cue. Now I do think that Hogan's ego along with several others in WCW never helped no doubt bout that, but Hogan was far from being the only one who wanted things his ways, I think many people like to ignore that and just place the blame on Hogan. Bottom line is a lot of us on the internet that follow the backstage happenings tend to forget that most fans watching could give a shit about what happens back stage and if they did Hogan would be excommunicated from wrestling as a result but since that is not the case, what happens backstage has not led to Hogan hurting the business.

Austin if what is said about him is true should not be one that is blindly defended either. After all he supposedly walked out on the company TWICE in 2002. Frustrated with the creative direction he left the company, now I think this very well could be kayfabe I am not for certain again like the Hogan situations none of us fans are there to see things happen, who really here can separate work from shoot and be outright accurate in such a declaration. Simple one. Either way, if the case of Austin walking out is true than that's an outright shitty position to put a company in to, Hogan as I have heard has done similar moves (2003's Mr. America stint where he left abruptly) but I can't think of that case matching the magnitude of Austin's walk outs (unless they really were storylines that we were fooled into thinking were shoots). Also during that same time he went to court for beating Debra in a domestic situation, again not the type of behavior that looks good for a valued member of WWE's roster. If that case happened five years later amid the Benoit Murder/Suicide case then I can guarantee you it would not be so easily forgotten like it was back in 2002. In a time where people like Jeff Hardy are reviled because of a drug addiction we have a guy that has had a rap sheet for domestic assault be given a free pass. Kind of a double standard if you ask me.

But the bottom line (pardon the pun) is that neither of these men's personal lives or public scandals or company conduct have done a damn thing to hurt the business for it still exists today even if we are not in the Rock N Wrestling or Attitude era.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?

Hulk Hogan. I stand by this one and even with how much of a riot I think Steve Austin is he can't compare to Hogan in the way of his contributions. People can talk about merchandise sales meeting record numbers because of Austin (but people these days forget how the internet as opposed to mail order catalogs helped make that very easy in the Attitude era) and at the prices WWE charges for their merchandise you can see why it's so easy for them to make money, that's not to say Austin 3:16 wasn't an effective merchandising slogan but I dare say that if the internet age was around during the Hulkamania era, you'd get some good sales numbers for Hogan. By using the merchandising sales argument that would be like saying that The Dark Knight (which don't get me wrong is a great movie) is better than the original Batman movie because it made over a billion dollars. (Again charging over 10 bucks a ticket or more doesn't hurt that result)

But aside from merchandising, Hulk Hogan wins this category hands down, love or hate the guy where he's gone to wrestle has benefited greatly from his presence. With TNA it's still too soon to tell so the OP saying that the company is close to its deathbed is vastly premature. TNA is not setting the world on fire but with close to 2 million viewers they're not doing as bad as the IWC likes to make them out to be doing. However, even with that said I will say this slightly hurts Hogan but the fact that Hogan was already a star wrestler before going back to the WWF after the AWA and how he was able to leave the WWF and have a successful career elsewhere negates this.

Speaking of that this is where I wrap up my argument on why Hogan's helped the business more. When the WWF fired him the first time for doing the Rocky III movie and Hogan went to the AWA he became the "Hulkamania" Hulk Hogan that we know of today. The company was finding new success with Hogan in the Minnesota based federation and had Hogan been given the AWA title, and had Gagne taken the new direction of wrestling more seriously who knows, the AWA might have been the company that ended up buying everyone else out. You can talk all you want about Vince being the be all end all of the business but had Verne Gagne had a better vision who's to say he couldn't have had the company that made wrestling bigger. After all he was already in business for nearly 30 years at that point and most of his roster were guys that went to the WWF during the 80s boom.

Anyway fast forward past Hogan's WWF return in the 80s because we know how huge that was, but the fact this guy alone went to WCW (which by the way was in just as bad of shape years before Hogan's debut as it was before the WWF buyout) and he revitalized the promotion. Even though people had gotten tired of the red and yellow after being in the company for a couple years the fact that Hogan could use that to catapult a second life for himself as Hollywood Hogan says it all. As great as Stunning Steve Austin was in WCW (I personally thought it was a great persona), Austin can not ever claim that he could be a top guy in more than just one company while Hogan did so with three separate entities. That's not even counting Hogan's huge following in Japan and you have a very lopsided comparison when it comes to the impact of both performers.

But to be fair, Austin's injuries are also another factor which I think hinders this argument, Austin while he had a hugely successful run as the top star of WWF/E, he only lasted four-five years in that role and he only headlined a few WrestleManias, while Hogan was promoted heavily in all 11 that he wrestled at. His appearances at 18 and 19 might not have been the last matches of the night but every time you saw promotional material for those two his likeness was heavily used to promote the events.

With that said, you can't compare the two, Hogan's success in previous wrestling entities motivated the competition to court him and sign him to lucrative deals which in turn has changed the fortunes of wherever he goes. We still got some time before we really know what happens to TNA and as far as WCW goes, let's not forget that the company was still pulling decent numbers compared to the Turner networks other programming, while they were losing money, they were losing just as much money back in the early 90s before Hogan debuted. I think corporate mergers along with the egos like Hogans were a one two punch to the company's selling to WWF, but without really knowing what happened behind the scenes just blaming Hogan as the sole reason is ridiculous.

So in closing I score 3-1 in favor of Hogan.
AUstin every question exept for who hurt the buisness more thats definetly hulk hogan.Ive watched both hogan and austin and hogan cant be compared to austin. Hogan was great no doubt but austin made wrestling the way it was.He worked his ass off to entertain the crowd alond his rival the rock.Hoganwas just in the right place at the right time. Now in WWe whenever hogan gets mentioned the crowd boos. Hogan aint the man austin was, all he cares about is himself
Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
It simply has to be Hogan, the Hulkamania period relegated the NWA/WCW from the premier organisation to a very distant second that even his own Hulkamania couldn't overcome so... nWo and Hollywood Hogan reducing WWF to the distant second. Both these instances were due to Terry Bollea's ability to draw. Steve was very ably assisted by edgier storylines, a hateful boss and a great cast of supporting characters - Hart/ Rock/ Trips etc.

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
Overall, I'd say Hogan - SC maybe had the advantage as a face but then again, looking back Rock N Wrestling versus the Attitude Period are not exactly easily compared and Hogan was just as successful at promos as a heel as a face so I'd say as an overall package, he edges it.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?
This is a tough one to call, both exibited extreme diva behaviour (refusing to give the rub to those they deemed unworthy). Hogan only appears to take the edge in that Vince wouldn't allow such behaviour to run wild as ultimately destroyed WCW (it also helps Austin's cause that he only really displayed these traits once WWe was the only game in town and he wasn't essential to Vince anymore). The thing is they were not the first and will not be the last guys to do this. As such I don't believe either really initiated a new way of behaviour, so individually didn't significantly 'hurt' anything.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?
Modern wrestling was built on Hogan's back and when interest was dropping off, he reinvigorated it by reinventing himself - Austin was a beneficiary both times.
Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
Hogan is probably the bigger draw. I think Austin is probably close behind but Hogan basically played a major part in shaping the industry. I don't think anyone has ever been as big a draw as he was during his heyday.

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
For me Austin. However I wasn't watching etc during the height of Hulkamania so I'm probably biased. I've always just found Austin to be one of the most entertaining people to grace wrestling.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?
Probably Hogan more so but Austins had his moment. However I'd argue they've both done a lot more good for the buisness than they have bad. Whatever you think about them they are in that small category of wrestlers who would be recognized by even non wrestling fans. Hogan especially in recent years though has very much been playing the game for himself

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?
Austin helped a particular period of wrestling where as I would say Hogan revolutionized the buisness in a much deeper way. What Austin did was awesome but how much of it can actually be seen in todays product compared to how much of what Hogan did? I'd say in that respect Hogans got the edge there.
Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
I honestly have no idea how anyone in their right mind can say Hogan was the bigger draw. The word draw literally means who brought in the most fans, and the WWE's most watched period was when Stone Cold was the guy for Vince. Infact Hogan was the biggest star for WCW at the same time, and while WCW beat WWE for 84 weeks, that streak was ended with the emergence of Stone Cold and Degeneration X. Stone Cold brought in more fans, more PPV buys, more merchandise, and flat out more money than Hogan ever did. As mentioned earlier, there are still people walking around wearing Stone Cold shirts, if they made new ones they'd sell like hotcakes. You never see anyone wearing Hogan shirts and he does have new ones out.

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
This one is a complete opinion based question, on the mic I'm going to go with Austin. Hogan was very formulaic. You knew exactly what he was going to say when he was going to say it, and how he was going to say it. Austin, you never knew what was going to fly out of that guys mouth and he never dissapointed. In the ring, I'm going to go with Hogan. Both were very limited in their move sets. Austin because of injury and Hogan because of lack of skill, but Hogan invented the superman character who kicked out of everyone's finisher, and while we loathe it today it was great to watch as a kid.

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?
Both have done their fair share, but to much different extents. Austin has bailed before when it comes to putting people over, but to say Hogan never did that would just be ludicrous. Hulk Hogan has actually (helped) put a company out of business, and I think he was a huge factor in that too. Both men have always looked out for #1, but Hogan to the point where he's buried careers and promotions.

Austin, in the long run, No has not hurt the business.
Hogan, most definitely has.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?
It's pretty equal, but I will say Austin. While modern wrestling has Hulk Hogan to thank for maing it what it is, the reason it's so accepted in the mainstream is because of the popularity of the attitude era, which firmly lays on the shoulders of Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bigger draw?

I'm going to say Hogan, he's been at the top a lot longer than Austin has, but who knows for sure really?


I'll say Austin, great promos, beer, swearing, just a lot of fun with him.

Hurt the business?

Hogan definitely, politics and pissing people off. And TNA right now, ugh.

Helped the business overall?

No contest here. It's Hogan, by a huge margin.

Hogan made WWF and wrestling mainstream, took it to the extreme levels.

Then he went over to WCW and made that company and if it wasn't for the nWo, there would be no Monday Night Wars or Attitude Era or Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Not even close.
Which Superstar was the bigger draw?
have to be Austin, Hogan put wrestling into mainstream media but Austin put it into global scale..i'm from australia and still remember back then got people who are not WWF or never watch WWF talk in their of old guy who i know never interested in WWF but he knows what WWF are. even tho he don't know Steve Austin by the name but he knows Austin is from WWF by the picture. we talk about World Wide not just only America or Canada. whole 98 is Austin Show everything envole around Austin and got people tune in and talk about it at school...if you talk about biggest star i can put Rock above Hogan when alot guys at school doing rock catchprases every week. people spent money on AUstin 3:16 if not biggest draw and biggest star then what? still this day Austin still able to draw and if WWE done it right have him as 97 or 98 Stone Cold then people will tune in...

Which Superstar was more entertaining?
Austin-so many great moments and alot of wrestlemania epic moments

Has either superstar hurt the business in any way, shape, or form?
Hogan-got creative control and backstage stroke using it to hold people back and protect his spot(look at his WM main Event compare to Austin) by never losing cleanly. because of his politics and those reason his his popularity and star power went downhill so quick in 90's unlike Austin-Rock who are still true drawing power in WWE or outside WWE..imagine Stone Cold in TNA. if you listen to Lance Storm shoot interview he said in one of event bunch of jobber from wcw do the run in and Anstin seen how those guy having fun so Austin join them run to the ring and get chokeslam from Undertaker for don't see these stuff with Hogan or other main eventer.

Austin likes Eddie guerrero stuff and praise him so Austin tell vince that he wanted to work with Eddie where Hogan never do these kind of things and in Jericho book he said Hogan only work with people that make him look good and worried about his position when one of his guys traded to RAW in 2002.

Hogan Hurt TNA business...TNA went downhill ever since he been in TNA.

Which one of these legends helped the business overall the most?
Hogan help WWF business also he hurt the business WCW-TNA. without Vince Hogan could have kill WWF not put it into mainstream media. Austin save WWF, WWF became WWE public company which is a huge risk but it pay off.

after bret left WWF only have 3 legit main eventer Taker-Mankind-Shawn-Austin to work with and shawn playing politics holding guys down trying to push HHH...vince decided take advantage of Austin character and ran with it have Austin vs mcmahon fued got everyone else involve in that fued while establish next superstars The Rock who Austin put over in 97 with a fued over IC title and made The Rock in WM15 main event .

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