Community, Identity, Stability


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've had enough. You probably have as well.

Look at the state of things. Established members arguing with the newbs, WWE fans arguing with Sid, Kobashi marks arguing with Michaels marks. Tensions are running high. Relationships are strained. Posting careers are hanging by a thread. Look what we've come to. And for what? To be seen by right merely by those people who are on our side? Nay, I say! We can be better than this. And I have a modest proposal for just that.

WZ needs to come together and learn to be like-minded. Arguing should be discouraged. Debate should get one banned. We need to make sure our beliefs hold uniform and stick to them when discussing things in order to make the site run peacefully. When new members signed up, they should be directed to a re-education forum where they are taught what to like and not like. Hopefully, this dark age of partisan bickering can be put behind us.

So, who is WZ's favorite movie star? Favorite wrestler? Favorite author?

Chime in. Be part of the future. Help decide how we will change this board.

Join the revolution.

I think Sam makes a good point. I do make a good point. Newbs need no derail this thread. This isn't for you to put yourself over. This is for you to put over the comminity, the well-being of all.

This is about the Greater Good.
Great contribution, Razor. That is now WZ's favorite Youtube video.

I'll mark it down in the opening post. Keep it coming people.
Ok, Coco. THis is a nice idea butr it'll never work. Firstly because Utopia is boring, secondly no two people are capable of agreeing on everything and how can you expect a international community to do so? Thirdly some people are *****. So while I'd love to see a WZ where everybody agrees, it'll only be after all but one person has left the forum.

Also, I nominate The Miz as Wrestlezone's favorite newcomer and HBK as its favorite veterain.
Dremix, I just want you to know that you should get all of disagreeing out of your system now. When the new order takes over, you won't be allowed to do so quite as freely. We won't let your kind ruin it for everyone else.
I'm on board. I'm dead sick of people arguing over the internet. It's childish really.
I agree Coco.

should we institute a mandatory sig and avatar?
I thought it would be take longer to get you to this point, so it thrills me that you asked.

The community avatar is X's old Spock one.

The new banner:

Favourite wrestlezone film- Let the Right one in?
Favourite wrestkezone book- Midnights Children?
Favourite wrestlezone band- Radiohead/Sigur Ros/ Olafur Arnalds?
Favourite wrestlezone poster- Oscar Wilde?
What the fuck is all of this nonse-----

All Hail Hypnotoad


Hell, I could post about my sex life, but I doubt anyone would really care that I had sex with a slightly underage girl that catered directly to my interests six months ago. :rolleyes:
Hell, I could post about my sex life, but I doubt anyone would really care that I had sex with a slightly underage girl that catered directly to my interests six months ago. :rolleyes:


Explain yourself sir.

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