Colt Cabana and the Indies


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night I decided to check out some of Colt Cabana's work. I'm sure I'm probably late to the party, but, Colt is IMO, exactly what wrestling needs. And here are my 2 reasons for thinking so:

1) Colt himself, great talent, great mind, and entertaining as hell. He can be so
in any environment I believe. Was very impressed with what I saw.

2) This is where the "Indies" part of the thread title comes in. Colt just kinda
helped me see this.... The workers are not as restricted, or even restricted
at all in the indie promotions, and that let's a guy like Colt shine. I know that
the whole "let them be themselves" idea gets thrown around a lot here, and
I've always agreed, but now, I really want to see it.

So, my question(s) for you all....

- Could the big 2 use a guy like Colt? (I know he had a small run in wwe)
- How many guys like Colt have been buried because Vince/Dixie just don't
get it?
- Do you think Colt will make it back up to the "bigs" and would you like to
see him there?

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