Colons vs Miz and Morrisson - possible saviour?


"Original Blade"
We all know the tag team division in the WWE has been a mess for a while, and it could possibly keep going like that till the distant future.

But recently both sets of tag team champions in the WWE, Carlito and Primo as the WWE tag team champions and The Miz and John Morrisson, have had a couple of matches and it appears that after the most recent edition of smackdown they had an actual rivalry. That could possibly have been just a one night feud over the twins since they had nothing better to do with either teams...

But what if it's the catalyst to a huge tag team feud that could make the WWE tag division matter again? The two teams have great matches in the ring, and if they are given a couple of PPV length matches, they could steal the show.
If this was booked properly and both tag titles were unified (at Wrestlemania 25 possibly?) this could be a rivalry to match the Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian.

Both the Colons and Miz & Morrisson could be considered the modern day equivalent , they're all pretty over with crowd, they have great potential and can do great matches both together and alone (albeit with The Miz being somewhat of an exception, but the jury is still out on that one...)

So can it happen? If the WWE books a medium to long term feud with these teams fighting over the unified tag title and the wrestlers made it work, could the tag division in WWE truly matter again?
I don't want a unified championship for the Tag Teams, I have said that before and think it will not solve anything.

But I do want to see this rivalry. Obviously the two best tag teams out there right now in the WWE. I have a great idea for the Tag Teams, that will get them hugely over in the WWE right now. Have Miz and Morrison win the tag team belts from the Colons, but do it in a cheap way. Have Miz and Morrison then appear on Raw as the double Champions, but have the Colons come to Raw and challenge them for the titles at Wrestlemania. Then have Cryme Tyme come out and also challenge them for the titles. This will set up a three way match where all the titles are on line, similar to Wrestlemania 2000. Then have The Colons win the WWE and Cryme Tyme win the World titles on the big stage. That would be a fun match, I could see it working.
I still don't get why you wouldn't want a unified tag title. This definitely could be the savior of the division, if it ends with one set of belts. Right now there's simply not enough teams to support two sets of belts and the lack of and real competition proves taht. We get Kofi and Rey or some random combination like that being in two tag matches and suddenly they're big time contenders. Unifying them at least gives you a few teams to pick from. As for this feud, it could be awesome. Four fairly solid guys on two teams that work very well together. The Colons can do the flying while M/M can do the dirty work. All in all, it's a great contrast of styles that could put on a solid series of matches, with M/M, the better team, getting the win.
What I would like to see is for Morrison and Miz to actually LOSE to the Colons in a title unification match right before or after WrestleMania after Morrison wins the Money in the Bank. Morrison with the Money in the Bank will lead to his main event push, while Miz could SO EASILY win the IC title from Punk and/or the King of the Ring if they have it again next year and start to solidify his upper midcard, "main event in no time" status. Both guys (Morrison and Miz) I think will be main event guys by the end of 2010 and stay there for a long, long time.

Meanwhile, the Colons are a fantastic tag team. Has anybody noticed that Carlito has been performing 10x better than he used to? There was a report a long while back, when they first won the titles, that the reason WWE did that was because Primo is supposedly a workhorse and they thought that Carlito wouldn't want to be upstaged by his younger bro, so he'd work harder, and MAN were they right. The way Carlito has improved, I could actually see him as a potential main event guy sometime, while before, I thought he was destined to be along the lines of Razor Ramon/Goldust/Jeff Jarrett upper midcard scene.

I think if you unified the titles and had them defended on all brands it would help the scene because you would actually have roughly 6 teams to challenge for it as opposed to having 2 titles with one or two challengers. But of course, this only assumes that WWE wouldn't fuck it up by unifying them and then releasing half the tag teams or splitting them up. They don't need to split up Jesse/Festus or Hawkins/Ryder or Cryme Tyme. They're fine. And they can add some more people into the mix (like my idea I keep beating down that Ortiz and Goldman should just be a jobber tag team already as that's their only shot at getting any sort of worth out of them). And if you gave the nod to the Colons over Miz/Morrison, I think they're in the perfect position. Miz and Morrison are above the tag team division by so much, while the Colons fit better than a tailored suit. Giving Morrison and Miz their singles pushes but maintaining them as friends (like HHH and HBK do) would be the best thing for them and it would help put the Colons over, while also keeping Morrison and Miz from not looking too bad because they did in fact lose their titles to the OTHER champions. Its not like they'd be losing it to Finlay and Hornswoggle.

Bottom line though, these two have put on several of the best tag team matches we've seen recently, and I think WWE should take notice of it. While these two teams having a feud isn't necessarily going to be the miracle cure for the division, it might be able to wake up Creative and let them start the healing process.
Unifying the tag belts would be the perfect thing to do right now. The tag division is bullcrap and there are only a handfull of proper tagteams out there(sorry kofi and rey). However if they were to unify they should be defended on all 3 brands. They should have miz and morrison win the belts from the colons at mania(or sooner), and then have a huge ladder match contest for them like we had the hardys and edge and christian compete in.
I still don't get why you wouldn't want a unified tag title. This definitely could be the savior of the division, if it ends with one set of belts. Right now there's simply not enough teams to support two sets of belts and the lack of and real competition proves taht. We get Kofi and Rey or some random combination like that being in two tag matches and suddenly they're big time contenders. Unifying them at least gives you a few teams to pick from. As for this feud, it could be awesome. Four fairly solid guys on two teams that work very well together. The Colons can do the flying while M/M can do the dirty work. All in all, it's a great contrast of styles that could put on a solid series of matches, with M/M, the better team, getting the win.

If the WWE is only going to give maybe one match ever week on both Smackdown, Raw and ECW to tag teams, its not going to be much better with a unified tag team division.

I would much rather see there being 7 tag teams total, 3 on Raw and 4 on Smackdown/ECW

Cryme Tyme
Possibly something to do with the Harts

Miz and Morrison
Festus and Jessie
Hawkins and Ryder

So that is 7 tag teams right there. Really you don't need more than that for 2 sets of titles. Then you can start throwing together other tag teams for jobbing to.

You may also start making some new tag teams to replace ones that are getting boring. Umaga and Manu or Manu and Sim. They can wrestle on Raw to make it more interesting.

I believe that if there are much more than three tag teams going for the title than it is confusing, and I also believe that if there are tag teams who are not going for a title, they get stale.

The only thing that is going to make the tag team division more legit is having great storlines and keeping tag teams together.
If the WWE is only going to give maybe one match ever week on both Smackdown, Raw and ECW to tag teams, its not going to be much better with a unified tag team division.

I would much rather see there being 7 tag teams total, 3 on Raw and 4 on Smackdown/ECW

Cryme Tyme
Possibly something to do with the Harts

Miz and Morrison
Festus and Jessie
Hawkins and Ryder

So that is 7 tag teams right there. Really you don't need more than that for 2 sets of titles. Then you can start throwing together other tag teams for jobbing to.

You may also start making some new tag teams to replace ones that are getting boring. Umaga and Manu or Manu and Sim. They can wrestle on Raw to make it more interesting.

I believe that if there are much more than three tag teams going for the title than it is confusing, and I also believe that if there are tag teams who are not going for a title, they get stale.

The only thing that is going to make the tag team division more legit is having great storlines and keeping tag teams together.

What in the world are you talking about? You don't seem to see the benefits of unifying the tag team titles, and yet your negatives don't really make all that much sense. Firstly, the WWE doesn't want to put time and effort into the tag team division to any great degree, which is obvious by the way they've handled the division for years and years now. Secondly, how are tag teams not going for the titles going to get stale? You can't have the same
two teams always wrestling for the titles month after month or THAT would get stale, so you need more tag teams to rotate through the title picture and challenge the champions. Unifying the tag team titles would have ONE set of champions going between shows, and those champions would be able to defend the titles on Smackdown against teams only on smackdown and then on RAW against an entirely different set of challengers. In theory, the champions could show up on all three shows and compete with three different tag teams in ONE week. How is that not using the tag team division better, making the titles mean more, and bringing more interest and focus on the division? I would much rather see that then having two sets of tag team champions for no reason, each of which have a far more limited number of challengers because they're split in half instead of one division.
I don't see them unifying the belts, simply because at some point I'm pretty sure Codes & DiBiase will win them and you'll have Legacy holding the World & Tag Team Championships. And it'd seem a little weird to have Orton - as the leader of the group - only appearing on one show while Rhodes & DiBiase appear on two (or even all three). But maybe that isn't the plan, in which case it wouldn't surprise me to see them unify them and have Miz/Morrison as the holders. Though considering you'd expect Morrison at least, probably Carlito too (and maybe even Miz) in the MITB match, if it was happening I would've thought they'd set it up for No Way Out. Maybe it'll happen heading into WM, especially if members from both sides are in the MITB.
What in the world are you talking about?

Well by the sounds of this thread, it probably has to do with the WWE Tag Teams

You don't seem to see the benefits of unifying the tag team titles

I don't remember saying that.

and yet your negatives don't really make all that much sense.

To the illiterate

Firstly, the WWE doesn't want to put time and effort into the tag team division to any great degree, which is obvious by the way they've handled the division for years and years now.

I know, that is why i said they had to. You probably didnt read my post, did you?

Secondly, how are tag teams not going for the titles going to get stale? You can't have the same
two teams always wrestling for the titles month after month or THAT would get stale, so you need more tag teams to rotate through the title picture and challenge the champions.

I didnt say two tag teams. I said 3 main tag teams on Raw, four on smackdown. Then having different rounds of tag teams come through. Anymore than that and the tag teams that arent going for the titles will get boring.

nifying the tag team titles would have ONE set of champions going between shows, and those champions would be able to defend the titles on Smackdown against teams only on smackdown and then on RAW against an entirely different set of challengers.

So you want a tag team to work for all the shows, thne house shows. They are going to be working 8 nights a week...

In theory, the champions could show up on all three shows and compete with three different tag teams in ONE week.

Have you ever tried to work that much?

How is that not using the tag team division better, making the titles mean more, and bringing more interest and focus on the division?

You really want to design these robots who will work every night?

I would much rather see that then having two sets of tag team champions for no reason, each of which have a far more limited number of challengers because they're split in half instead of one division.

And when Vince hires you, you can try and make that work. And then have dead wrestlers from exhaustion.
I just think there aren't enough real tag teams to justify two sets of tag titles anymore. Like TM said, there's only about 6 going right now, which is just enough for one set of titles much less two. Miz & Morrison hit all the shows every week anyway, why not have the other teams do so as well? It would bring some prestige back to the division imo, and there could be some could interbrand feuds, maybe even some involving 3 or 4 teams like they used to do back in the original TLC days.

My idea would be stemming from the idea that TM had. There have been plenty of Mania matches for the tag titles where there were like 4 teams in an elimination style match. I would do this kind of thing, and have both sets of titles on the line to unify them. Ideal teams would probably be Miz & Morrison, the Colons, Legacy, and Cryme Tyme I suppose. This type of thing also doesnt make any one team look bad as it took 3 other teams to beat them, not 1. And I think the best thing to do would be put the titles back on Legacy, then have Orton win the WWE title so they have most the gold like many great stables do at some point.

On a side note, I don't think Morrison winning MITB will be an issue here, as he is just not ready for that yet...just look at what happened when thrusting Punk into the main event before he was truly ready. And with WWE going full steam ahead with Miz & Morrison, I don't see that happening until WM26 or 27 at the earliest.
Unifying the tag belts? Looking at it doesn't look like a good idea BUT with the current tag team division situation, I believe it would do more good than bad. It would certainly raise the tag team competition between the better tag teams they have now. As a side note, I personally think the Colons are a better tag team compared to Miz and Morrison, just for the fact that Miz and Morrison don't usually win their matches fair and square (given the fact that they are heels) but still don't win my respect. But I do believe Morrison does have the skills to do big stuff. He is practically carrying the tag team. And if they were to split, expect a somewhat push for Morrison while Miz will more than likely slowly disappear from the ring and roster.
Well by the sounds of this thread, it probably has to do with the WWE Tag Teams.

You should not attempt to be funny, it doesn't work.

I didnt say two tag teams. I said 3 main tag teams on Raw, four on smackdown. Then having different rounds of tag teams come through. Anymore than that and the tag teams that arent going for the titles will get boring.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the landscape would be exactly the same as it is now, except there'd be one tag team championship.

So you want a tag team to work for all the shows, thne house shows. They are going to be working 8 nights a week...

Have you ever tried to work that much?

You really want to design these robots who will work every night?

And when Vince hires you, you can try and make that work. And then have dead wrestlers from exhaustion.

Perhaps you don't realize that tag teams such as the Miz and Morrison ALREADY do that! There's been weeks Miz and Morrison have wrestled on all three brands, and they consistently wrestle on at least TWO of the brands every given week. You don't seem to grasp the concept of being a pro wrestler; its not a part time job. They don't work some light schedule of 1 day a week. That's TNA. Your argument is asinine and not even valid to the reality, because Miz and Morrison (champions) already do what they'd be doing if the tag team titles were unified.
I do not think the colons vs the miz and morrison could save the tag team division,maybe a feud like miz and morrison vs bourne and mysterio could really bring back the division to what it once was.the division would be really good if they did only have one title because that means more teams to feud against,while if they just have 2 titles that means half the teams there would be for each brand.

here are the tag teams wwe has:

cody and ted
cryme tyme
mysterio and bourne
idk about this one kofi and punk
another one is kane and knox if they decided to make em a team
they could pair up sim and manu as the new wild samoans
i think a fun but not legitament team could be goldust and charlie haas
theres also the edgeheads
the colons
tbk and jackson
another fun team could be funaki and jimmy or goldman or a combination of the three
whoever is left out from the three above could team with kizarny or maybe not instead they could have kizarny with the boogeyman
they could have bradock and DH smith form a team and have bradock be smiths muscle like Ezikiel or however you spell his name is for TBK
jesse and festus

all of this teams imo could make a hell of tag team division,some of this teams could be a stepping stone for future main eventers i.e dh smith.
here are the tag teams wwe has:

cody and ted
cryme tyme
mysterio and bourne
idk about this one kofi and punk
another one is kane and knox if they decided to make em a team
they could pair up sim and manu as the new wild samoans
i think a fun but not legitament team could be goldust and charlie haas
theres also the edgeheads
the colons
tbk and jackson
another fun team could be funaki and jimmy or goldman or a combination of the three
whoever is left out from the three above could team with kizarny or maybe not instead they could have kizarny with the boogeyman
they could have bradock and DH smith form a team
jesse and festus

all of this teams imo could make a hell of tag team division,some of this teams could be a stepping stone for future main eventers i.e dh smith.

Out of all those teams, not counting the random pairings that only teamed up a few times like Bourne/Mysterio and Kofi/Punk etc., the teams that don't exist yet and probably never will (Haas and Goldust etc.) and The Legacy who are helping Orton right now, you're not left with much. But the Colons and Miz/Morrisson are the best of that small bunch.
You should not attempt to be funny, it doesn't work.

Perhaps you should start making some sense, I'd chuckle a little.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the landscape would be exactly the same as it is now, except there'd be one tag team championship.

actually I learn math in school. 2-1=1. Yep, I know that.

Perhaps you don't realize that tag teams such as the Miz and Morrison ALREADY do that! There's been weeks Miz and Morrison have wrestled on all three brands, and they consistently wrestle on at least TWO of the brands every given week. You don't seem to grasp the concept of being a pro wrestler; its not a part time job. They don't work some light schedule of 1 day a week. That's TNA. Your argument is asinine and not even valid to the reality, because Miz and Morrison (champions) already do what they'd be doing if the tag team titles were unified.

Alright, he is something you don't understand. That is one tag team. But if two-four tag teams are working all three shows, then that means they won't be working house shows for Raw and Smackdown. That means WWE wont be able to advertise their only tag team champions for house shows. And I dont know if you know this, but tag team title matches are a staple of house shows. Maybe you should take your head out of your ass, quit pretending like you know the schedule of a professional wrestler and think beforest you typify. Merci mon ami.
While I feel this feud has the potential of being big, I don't see it getting as big as Hardys v. E&C, and I don't see it saving the tag team titles.

I'd like to see the belts unified, because it makes sense with the lack of tag team talent in the WWE. If they don't decide to merge the belts, at least let one team hold both belts, until other credible contenders are established.

Both of these teams have a good amount of charisma and in-ring talent, and both teams can play either a heel or a face. They're all relatively young, and ether team could carry the titles against the other teams out there.

I would like to see Miz & Morrison end up with the titles, if only to keep them from splitting up and becoming singles wrestlers. They work great together in the ring, and the fans love them, no matter what angle they play. The Colons and Team Priceless would be the best options as top contenders for the belts, and the rest of the teams would mostly be filler, until they can prove themselves a little better.
The only way that the tag team belts can be unified properly is if the tag teams become exclusive to one brand. That means if you want tag team action, you are going to see it on Smackdown!. That also means that you would have to move most tag teams to Smackdown. Most are already on there, so Smackdown would be for the tag teams. Legacy can stay on Raw, because they are a tag team that gets over without the belts.
I've been thinking this for quite some time now, that the only realistically satisfying conclusion to this is that the tag titles are unified. Legacy will not be performing as a straight up tag team very often, due to their other commitments with Orton, and there simply isn't enough teams for there to be two divisions.

Miz and Morrison are the Raw champions, but they appear on Raw the least of all three brands. If they had a unification match at 'mania then they could restore interest to the division. However, they would either need to put tag teams on the same brand, or spread them around evenly, with each brand taking in turns to provide a number one contender.

The way it stands though, Raw has Cryme Tyme and Legacy, and no championship. Would it really make that much of a difference to the brand if the Colons and Miz and Morrison were feuding over a single belt? No. Would it make a difference to the division and the feud? I think it would. It would certainly be more interesting than fighting over two people who have careers soley on their ability to be born at the same time.
I really have no idea where I stand on the unification debate. On one hand, there is a lack of credible tag teams right now. This could be because of creative or because of the guys themselves, but either way the fact that there are so few teams is a problem, especially with two sets of tag belts. On the other hand, unifying the tag belts would result in more work for the tag teams there are, and, at least in the case of Miz/Morrison, these guys are already working at least 2 shows a week. It would also screw even more with the brand split.

With that said, I love this feud. I really don't care what happens with the belts at this point. The Colons and John Morrison are three of the most athletic guys in the WWE, and I am becoming a big fan of the Miz. I hope it leads to some kind of gimmick match at WrestleMania, or at least the 4 of them in the Money in the Bank match, because I have loved the couple of matches they already had, and I can't wait to see what else these guys can do.
I actually agree with mister rob on this one. It doesn't matter if you have 1, 2, or 7 tag divisions, if creative doesn't care about them, the tag divisions aren't going to improve.

Why will having one division with more tag teams make creative want to write more stories for them? It doesn't there is only one team that wwe seems to care about and thats miz and morrison( i don't count legacy as a tag team since they are just orton's back up at the moment). Why do i think that is because those two are the only two in the entire wwe tag divisions that have any chance at single stardom. personally i think wwe thinks tag team wrestling isn't that big of a draw and doesn't need to be showcased anymore.
The feud between the Miz and John Morrison with the Colons shows that the WWE cares about the tag division and is toying with the idea idea of ending the brands. The undisputed champs could defend the titles on both shows, or all three for that matter. Next week the WWE tag belts are on the line and the Miz and John Morrison could become the undisputed champs but their titles are not being defnded. In this match I think the Colons win, and the feud continues until WM 25. Then I think both tag titles will be on the line in idealy a 2 out of 3 falls match at WM. I rather the Colons win that match, giving them some recognition and respect but most likely the Miz and John Morrison would win the match.
Like I believed the Colons win the match at smackdown retaining their WWE Tag Titles and now both titles will be on the line at WM. I would love to see my countrymen, the Colons become the indisputed Tag Champions, but like I said before I think "Be Jealous" are winning the undisputed Champs. Does this mean though that they can defend on any show?
Does this mean though that they can defend on any show?

Why not? They're practically on every show anyway. I mean, look at it like this. They have Raw's Tag Team titles, they fought Carlito and Primo on Smackdown, and they're still on the ECW roster. I agree that the Word Tag Team and WWE Tag Team titles should be united again, as well as the WWE and WHC Titles, the US and IC titles, and just drop the Diva's title (I never liked that belt and don't think it deserves to be unified). The only issue with unifying titles at this point with three brands is how they'll determine who gets the title shots amongst the shows at which PPVs.

Just my $0.02.
I think now that the momentum in the feud has shifted, let the Colons start going for Miz and Morrison's belts. DO the same thing, where the challengers win every match until the titles are on the line, where Miz and Morrison win to retain. Then, at WM, have a straight up unification match. I hope Colons win the unified belts, not because they rae better, but because if Miz and Morrison win there will be no credible opponents for them.
Well The Miz and John Morrison are on every show cuz of "ECW's talent exchange" technicaly they are tag champs on the ECW roster. The Colons haven't wrestled anywhere else but Smackdown. A unification would definately mean that the champions can go on every show. I agree with unifying the tag titles. The crowd reaction for the Colons at the last Smackdown was pretty good so I hope they get that honor at WM and not on the free for all. Remember what happened a few years ago when Carilto was supposed to wrestle Flair at WM and they had their match before WM went on the air. Carlito was not a happy camper about that. Another note is that I hope that neither Colon is drafted because I think they make a good tag team together. Vince has seperated teams in the past like The Dudleys and others and I haven' been real happy about. Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't at all. A quick comment on unifying other titles, there are too many good wrestlers on the roster to unify the World Titles and the IC and US title. Benjamin is doing the US title justice and Punk is headed in the same direction for the IC title. It makes sense for them to do it for the tag titles because there are hardly any in the WWE now. Cryme Time, and Legacy (Rhodes, Dibiase), Jesse and Festes, Kendeick and Ez and that's it. Not much!

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