Cole Interrupting The Divas

I honestly felt sorry for the divas last night. I don't even particularly like Eve or the Bellas, but to interrupt a match like that was crass and disrespectful.

Now if they'd put the title back on one of the talented divas like Gail, Natalya, Beth or Kong, it'd be ten times harder to rip into the division in such a way.
I loved it! My wrestling buddy and I usually get up or something during the Divas matches ( I went to the concession stands during 'Mania) but as soon as we heard Michael Cole we looked at each other, laughed, and then sat down. I think the Divas of today are collectively the most attractive but the least talented. They really don't need as much time as they get. Every PPV we watch we designate the Divas match as the group smoke break and we never talk about the results amongst each other. I hate what the Divas have become. I liked it better when we had entertaining women who gave a shit instead of the bitches we have who want a job faking it. Today's Divas should stick to nude modeling or porn.
WWE writers are idiots to trash your own talent. You guys are the ones putting them on television. Time=Money, so if you don't really want them on your show, why you promoting them. The only people that end up looking like morons are the writers. It's embarrassing, you put them on that platform to help elevate them and then you knock em down just to get cheap heat for a character you will blow off t.v in a few weeks. Sad, just sad. It wouldnt be as bad if he was picking on one diva but to knock the whole division shows WWE dosent really care about anything but Cena and the main event stars.
I really liked that Cole interrupted the Diva's match. I can't stand who they push anymore. Their best female wrestler is not even allowed to have a decent match (Gail). She put on a hell of alot better matches in TNA along with Kong. She can move and do very good moves. I don't know why they haven't pushed her yet. She would run circle over all of the other diva's except for maybe Natalya and Beth.

They really need to push her when Kong comes in but it will probably be Kong vs Beth which will be good, and I would love for her to take out Laycool when they start the flawless crap with her.
It was only done to give Cole even more heat. I think the way his character has been handled has been brilliant, he is playing his role perfectly.

Yes the WWE doesn't regard the Diva's division as a priority, they don't make the money and instead of just giving them a short match and then having the Cole/Austin/JBL segment afterwards, having Cole interrupt the match made him look an even bigger heel and benefitted his match even more, and allowed more time for the "who is the ref? segment while increasing his heat. The shortening of the Diva's match did not negatively affect the women or bury them, it just positively affected Cole as it made him even more hated.

I think people are not understanding why this decision was made. It was a great idea IMO, a smart thing to do.
At least the divas received a reaction instead of crickets. I think the overall purpose was to put more heat on Cole then anything. I do think that most people were secretly cheering when Cole said that. The divas are in a sad predicament. Until WWE cares about them, the fans won't. Hopefully bringing in Kong and maybe other divas will actually give the division something the fans can cheer for.
The Divas Division is complete crap, they can't act, they can't preform, they can't even sell anything. It is so fucking shit. The funny thing is, now we know that the WWE knows this to! With Cole being a complete jackass as usual but hey, for once I agreed with him. End the match, no one fucking cares. This was the first time I liked something Cole said in a while. I hope he does it again soon.
Okay okay. The Divas division now isn't that great. We get it. The worst part about Cole's character is he's pretty much taken a crap on the product he's supposed to be selling as an announcer, namely all WWE programming. He isn't. This is beating a dead horse but Bobby Heenan and Jesse Ventura and even during his announcer days Paul Heyman/Paul E. Dangerously knew where their place was as an announcer. They didn't try to overshadow what was going on the ring. You even had Cole getting up on the announce table for crying out loud. WHAT IS ENTERTAINING ABOUT THIS GUY?!!!! Isn't bad enough JR is gone and we got stuck with Cole in the first place? He craps on NXT, rips on Daniel Bryan for no reason, kissing the Miz's ass even on shows the Miz isn't even on in the first place, and rips on all the divas. When does it end? What is the big payoff that the WWE is hoping for? Yes, Lawler will more than likely especially now win his match over Cole and Cole will get his ass kicked and/or receive a Stunner from Stone Cold. Then what? You can't have him go back to being an announcer or continue his character after this. It'd be stupid. So with all this time and energy they're putting into Michael Cole, what exactly is this supposed to lead to? Personally, I am one of those that LIKE Matthews and think he can handle it. Just call the damn match. I don't care if Cole doesn't like it. Either call the match and do his damn job or keep quiet.
Well they didn't do any favors to the division by having Michael Cole shit all over it during that whole match. Too many fans their women's division is nothing but an utter joke and they just fed into that by having Cole rant and rave about how nobody cares about the divas and why letting them have a match was just a waste of air time. So if fans thought this already how do you ever plan to have them buy into this division again in the future? I know that I don't think much of the divas like most of you on here because the majority of them are models trying to wrestle and at times it's not the best in ring work and thats why most of us over look it, but to have someone shit on it completely on live television during title match nonetheless practically made the whole women's division affair that much worse.
well the divas i think are getting held back because natalya and melina and beth have the talent. we will see what happens when kong debuts maybe she will help the divas step it up
This doesn't bother me at all really.

It perhaps would if Michael Cole wasn't telling the truth. Fact of the matter is that no one cares about the Diva's division. In fact, I am quite sure that most of the Diva's don't even care about the division. For Cole to interrupt the match, it is just good booking on the part of the WWE. Michael Cole gets to get on people's nerves some more with his incessant talking and interrupting a match that perhaps some people were enjoying... Lord knows why.

Still, it gets Cole over as being a legitimate jerk and means that no one needs to sit through more of a Diva's match. It was better booking than having him interrupt a match that people actually care about. I would hate him more for doing it but he was completely right. The amount of people that don't care about the Diva's division is scary and why should the WWE care about it when the people who watch the show don't?

At the end of the day, this was just smart booking.

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