Cole Interrupting The Divas


The King of Swing
so the bellas, well really just one of them, just faced eve for the divas title. eve won. but in the middle of the match cole stood on top of the anounce table with a mic screaming for the match to stop and be over. saying no one cares about it and everyone just wants to hear who the ref will be for his match at mania.

dam the wwe really doesnt give a sit about the divas division. i mean to to have cole just straight interrupt a match and start talking while the women are still wrestling. this is just sad.

That was fantastic!!!! For the first time in probably five years i got some enjoyment out of a diva's match!!!!! The only divas they have that are actually worth watching are never on tv!!! Gail Kim is the only one on tv and all she does is make out with Daniel Bryan or stand in Eve's corner! We need Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Trish Stratus, Lita, amd for god's sake Kong and maybe people will wait for some other time to run to the bathroom.
I'd give up half a Diva match for a Cole, JBL, Stone Cold Segment any day
It was the perfect moment for that to happen. For once I enjoyed a Michael Cole segment and it was just perfectly planned.
Dude The Divas division has been going downhill since Trish and lita left was anybody surprised when this happend ???
Hopefully this will lead to the Kong debut when Cole is in the ring in a few weeks degrading the Divas Division and then Kong shows up and squashes Cole.
It's not so much the WWE not caring about the Divas.

It's been Michael Cole's character since the female version of NXT started to have a growing dislike of the divas division so it makes sense character wise to interupt the divas match than say, Orton and Otunga.

I wouldn't look too far into it guys, it's just them taking advantage of Michale Cole's on screen character.
I was kind of hoping it would be JBL. Its good to see he hasn't completely left the company as I really enjoyed his JBL run.

Its always got to be Stone Cold in these Mania Special Guest ref spots. Goldberg vs. Lesnar, Lashley vs. Umaga and now Cole vs. King.

If the WWE wanted to, now is the time to give Swagger more appeal by having him constantly get in Austin's face. Yes, Austin will end the confrontation with a Stunner but maybe make Swagger look good by having him block the Stunner, give Austin the finger/fist (whatever the WWE does now). Then getting his Stunner at Mania. Then Post-Mania he goes on a rampage, putting everyone and anyone in the Anklelock, claiming he's going to become better than Austin. At least it gives him motivation and something to do.

The WWE is heavily banking on its old stars to help push this years WrestleMania, whilst I think it will be handed over to the young talent, when they are developed for next year. The Rock returning, Austin be the guest referee, King wrestling, Undertaker vs. Triple H, probable veterans in Show, Kane, Christian, etc. wrestling The Corre.
I'll give some actual input. Michael Cole has been shitting on Divas since NXT Season 3. He calls them what most of the IWC thinks of them, that they are boring and a waste of time and space basically. I still don't really see what the WWE is trying to accomplish here but I'm thinking sooner or later, Michael Cole is gonna get his ass handed to him by a WWE Diva as well.
The WWE doesn't give a crap about a lot of stars. The divas and anyone involved in the Tag Team division. Even the middle card guys are getting crapped on.

I'm starting to like Cole, ONLY when he's not on mic. Him interrupting the divas match was hilarious. As much as I want the Divas division to succeed, their current list of divas suck at wrestling (aside from a few).

Doing this once is alright but I hope it doesn't happen again. WWE doesn't need to bury their superstars and divas anymore.
WWE had a great women's division in the early-mid 2000's. Then it happened - John Lauranitis and Kevin Dunn decided the show needed more sex appeal and began the 2004 Diva Search, along with a misguided attempt at grooming Stacy Keibler to become Women's Champion (she had absolutely no interest in learning). Jacqueline, Jazz, Gail Kim and Nidia all got fired, Ivory got turned into a broadcaster for the rest of her contract, Lita got stuck in a pointless pregnancy storyline and Molly Holly got reduced to being a jobber until she quit in 2005, and as soon as she was gone, Victoria found herself on the backburner. The women's division died in 2004. Trish and Lita's departures were just the nail in the coffin.

RKOx7, I nominate Awesome Kong to be the one to whoop Michael Cole's ass. It might actually knock some sense into him.
That whole Promo was awesome (no pun intended) maybe the Wwe could run with this.Have cole continue to disrespect the divas and the Lawler chooses Trish as the person in his corner .Have her cost cole the match and then have him declare a war on divas.This could be epic that could even work the debut of Kong into this. OMG just think about it.
Here's my prediction. And I know it's contraversial.

Cole and Swagger go over Lawler, Swagger even avoids the stunner.

Cole cuts a promo the following day about how awesome he is and that he'll start wrestling full time, and that him and Swagger will be a great tag team etc etc or something to that effect. and then bam. Awesome Kong comes out and destroys him
It was a great decision to push him as a heel and have a reaction from the crowd. It does not show how much significance WWE is giving to the diva's. It is just a continued heel push of Cole to irritate the crowd.

Although, personally am not happy that Austin is the referee. I would have preferred Austin as the referee for some other match, like maybe the WHC match between Edge and del Rio. Why? Because I thought that Cole was going to win the match. Think of it, he has had a great heel push for the last few months, he has gathered enormous crowd heat, the odds were in his favour since he got to choose his trainer and his referee, and moreover what will Jerry Lawler gain by winning the match? He is not going to be with the WWE for long perhaps and might soon retire from his commentary role as well. But Cole will be with the WWE for a longer time, and perhaps giving him a win over Lawler would have continued his heel push and he would have gathered more heat. However, now that Austin is the referee, it is almost certain that Lawler will win because Austin will ensure things don't go wrong and he will be able to handle Swagger's interference.
Just showed how much WWE dosn't like and/or care about the divas devision. Instead of Cole interruting something else it was the Divas match. Which as many said before he has been crappying on the divas except for Laycool since season 3 of NXT. Instead of trying to rebuild the devision they just leave it as it is and even going to bring back the divas search which will add even more ladies that look pretty but can't wrestle.

They need to go and rebuild the womens devision around women like Gail, Beth, Natalya, Melina (after she gets rid of the rust from the months of not doing much) and start bringing put women from the indies that can put on good matches. Then send the ones that actually want to learn like Eve down to FCW to train and get their skills up to compeat then the ones that they don't and/or can't learn either make them a manager or get rid of them.

But instead of putting time into the devision we might be getting another season of the Diva search and Cole bashing them all the time since NXT season 3.
This pissed me off so much, even though I will admit like everyone else, the diva's aren't as great compared to the great's of the past.. but honestly.. no. There was no need for this at all, the diva's alone get very limited television time, they could of just had two male jobbers fighting, but why interrupt the women fighting? I felt so bad seeing Eve giving it her all, while Cole was standing up talking crap like a jerk. (I love Michael Cole's character btw.. but I found this segment disgusting.
Considering womens wrestling sucks and honestly like no one gives a shit besides a few people who think that what i just said is sexist.... who cares?

I thought it was HILARIOUS and well done by the WWE to slap itself in the face like that for having a horrible womens division. If the ONLY women wrestlers were Lita, Trish, Mickie, Melina, and Beth Phoenix then maybe I'd take a quicker shit to at least see the end of the match rather then just taking a shit for the entire match then returning for the rest of RAW.

I don't care about the womens wrestling and it is absolutely horrible. They are hot, that's where it ends. Otherwise they are arguably more annoying then the Miz though they would be more believable WWE Champions.
I think the real problem with me is that this was the Diva's title match and seemingly the climax of the Bella heel turn storyline.

Why build the Bella's up as heels and give them the long storyline if in their 'big moment' you have Michael Cole do what he did.

Any other match, be it a Diva's match or a mens match would have been fine, but a a match for the title?
Cole was saying, what we were ALL thinking.
The womens division is in a SAD state right now, they get their generic 5 minute spot every night and it's over.
It needs a "make oveR" so to speak
In all fairness, the WWE wasn't disrespecting the Diva's so much as continuing to build on Cole's heel character. Him interrupting their match, or any for that matter, would've incited the crowd to a chorus of boos.

They could've easily put Yoshi Tatsu, Santino, Ted DiBiase, or R-Truth in any match-up on Raw and had Cole do the exact same thing. They merely used the Diva's to actually keep them, and their top face/heel(s) relevant. Would you rather Cole just began a new segment following a commercial break and didn't interrupt anyone? Would you rather Eve win the match without Cole doing anything to draw any type of reaction from the crowd?

The Diva's of today aren't exactly causing the crowd to breakout in chants, or cheers/boos. They aren't terrible, but they also aren't far from it. All in all, the objective of the situation was to continue getting Cole over as one of the most hated men on Raw - for being nothing more than a mere announcer. And it's working.
In all fairness, the WWE wasn't disrespecting the Diva's so much as continuing to build on Cole's heel character.

That's exactly what they were doing. If Cole had interrupted a match-up of male wrestlers, can you imagine how some of the folks on this forum would be screaming? But it's all just part of the act.

If anything, I thought Brie Bella was going to take issue with Cole; maybe even attack him. The annoyed look on her face was terrific. But then, that wouldn't do, would it? How is Cole supposed to look credible against Jerry Lawler if he's getting his ass kicked by Brie Bella?:wacko:

Woman's wrestling is exactly what WWE intends it to be; semi-athletic eye candy. The difference between the divas of today and yesterday is that the old gals were allowed to work a match; we would see exchanges of wrestling holds. Today, each move is choreographed and the girls are trained to hit spots, not work matches.

This is what women's wrestling is today. They're supposed to look good, not be technically proficient. Feel free to not like it if you want, but consider: would you rather look at The Fabulous Moolah......or Kelly Kelly? It's obvious what WWE thinks we want.
I think that maybe the WWE realises that its Diva's divison has been nothing short of an absolute joke for the last five years. Save for Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim and Natalya (and maybe McCool at a stretch) it has no good workers. The matches are a joke filled with (often botched) spots rather than actual wrestling. They had the right idea with Phoenix dominating the entire roster but then she loses clean to Laycoool? That was a joke.

I would really love to see Awesome Kong come in and completely dismantle the whole Diva's roster (save for Beth and Natalya), establish herself as a monster heel and then get into a feud with Beth or Natalya. As for the future, the WWE needs to get themselves some women who can actually wrestle, not just playmates trying to wrestle. I think everyone realises that the whole Diva eye candy thing is a failure and no-one actually cares anymore.
To those who were whining about how The Rock supposedly buried Cena in his first appearance, take note: What Cole did was a real burial.

To bury someone in wrestling is to basically put them down to the point that no one should care about them. To essentially treat them as though they're wasting the fans' time and money. And it's one thing to do it to just one wrestler, but Cole basically took a giant dump on the Divas division as a whole. Sure, anyone will say that it's nowhere near what it used to be, but that doesn't change the fact that these women do work hard to entertain fans, and this was a slap in the face to that.

And while some have argued that it's part of Cole's character to dislike the Divas division, using season 3 of NXT as an example, it doesn't matter. It's still burying hard-working performers and telling them that what they do isn't important to anyone. It's one of the big problems I have with Cole's character. He can't be an effective heel without burying his opposition, which is the wrong thing to do. Good heels back in the day were able to make their opposition look good while keeping to their characters, by basically saying "yeah, they're good, but we're better". If you just continuously say that the enemy is worthless and nothing, then when you beat them, you've accomplished nothing. If you lose to them, you've become less than nothing. It's poor booking at its most basic.
I honestly wanted to hurt Cole. I mean, the divas division sucks since Trish and Lita left, and Lay-Cool only makes it worse, but really? How much can WWE crap on the divas? It made me hate Cole more(looking foward to Mania) and I actually felt sympathy for the divas. They work just as hard as the men(at least most of them do).
The problem isn't with which ones can work and with ones can't. The problem is that Vince and Co. don't give the Divas enough time in ring or on the mic to get over. They trot out there for their match, get 1:00 to work, and then it's over and we're moving on. Until the Divas are given a chance to get over, they'll always be a bathroom break match on the card.

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