Cody Rhodes

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What's everyones opinions on him? Obviously nobodys seen much of him yet. But it looks like he'll be recieving a half decent push. Personally I'd like to see him team with Harry Smith for a few months/years. The team would instantly get over, due to who there fathers are. There's not that much of a connection between Dave Smith and Dusty Rhodes but I dont think that would matter. I really think fans will find it hard to get behind him. After his feud with Orton finishes I think he will really struggle to make a mark. Unless his father acts as a manager or he jumps into a feud with somebody like Booker.
from wat ive read cody's meant to be a real talent on the mic, so unless he gets badly buried in the orton feud, i think he wudnt be too bad standing on his own two feet.
If not then as you said, he could have his dad as a manager, though you would think after the orton feud he should really be by himself from thereon.
I guess the WWE feels this is the best way to get him over is have him come in and stand up for his father. Though from what i have seen and heard she sounds solid enough to be called up but to get the push that everyone is talking about like a match at Summerslam with Orton is pushing. He is getting a push but I rather have him on Smackdown and work there as he is getting over with crowd but he will evetually be lost on RAW. But if he does work out i can see him being in IC title contention....or heres a crazy idea him and Dusty win tag team gold.
cody will do well for awhile, but ultimately, i think wel find a great irony and hel end up almost exactly like orton as far as gimmicks go. cmon, since when do faces with fathers in the business get over on their own? how did the rock get over? how about orton? eddie guerrero? carlito? hmm common theme here?
Cody Rhodes.. I have heard nothing but positive stuff about him from in ring work to working the mic. I mean a feud with Orton right off the bat is something pretty big for a guy just getting valled up from OVW, I mean thats a huge step. Plus Cody also has something big in his favor besides being a good talent.. His dad is a producer (road agent) for WWE and that could be huge for him. Only time will tell what happens
It will probably take a little while like it did with Randy Orton but I think Cody will do well if the interest is there we'll see.

He has a decent look but who can say whether or not he has it.

I haven't watched any OVW so I dont know if he was good there but I heard things about him being good.
Like others I've heard he's good in ring and on the mic. But I think this would be a great opportunity to start a heel faction. What could put someone over more as a heel than turning on their father. I think Orton would make a great leader. They could also have other young stars join like Carlito and Shelton Benjamin. Just an idea.
Did anyone see his match on raw? I only saw what they showed on WWE but his DDT look pretty brutal

I did get to watch the match, Rhodes was pretty smooth all through the match, and his DDT looks like a Spike DDT, pretty nice. I think Rhodes will be a legit mid-carder for a while, and has the facial expressions of someone who could be a great heel, but I'm not sure what they'll do with him.

What would be cool is if when Harry Smith finally comes over, they should start a Rhodes/Smith feud...that'd be pretty interesting I think...
I mean a feud with Orton right off the bat is something pretty big for a guy just getting valled up from OVW, I mean thats a huge step.

Very true. In fact, the last OVW call up who got a major spot with a top heel star (that I recall) was some guy names John Cena with Kurt Angle. Gee, how'd that one pan out?
Its been well publicized that they only called him up because of the Chris Beniot tragedy. Vince seemed to think that a new face would draw attention away from the situation.

Thats not taking anything away from his skills or that. Just not on the same level as Cena
Cody Rhodes... I don't know what to think of him. He doesn't really convince me as a face. He seems like he is trying to damn hard at it sometimes. I would like to see how he works as a heel before I pass any further judgement on him. I do know that he is a Bridges Of Madison County fan and that right there makes me not like him
I think its his eyes that make it difficult to for him to be a face. his eyes are really dark which makes u believe that he does have something to hide
It is hard to see him as a face(he does try to hard) but I don't think he needs a heel turn. No need for it. Its just inexperience. I'm not sure what I think about Cody...not sure why he was brought up because of the Beniot situation. He's got athleticism,seems a little small though. Hopefully he doesnt turn into a Santino and be a huge waste in the end. I doubt that will happen since he wasnt "hot shotted" a title and came in a different role.

I can't really judge him yet. Simply havent seen enough of him. His in-ring and mic work aren't terrible. Nothing great neither. But He doesn't have alot of experience. In the upcoming weeks we'll get to see more of what hes got hopefully.
well i like him so far, against randy orton i didnt really have an opinion cuz he had to job too much, but i enjoyed his match last night on raw

it wasnt the best thing ever but it was a fun match, i can see he has skills and is pretty athletic, his move set is pretty good and i like his finisher because i love the DDT but no1 uses it anymore in the WWE.. i dont know why but its rare to see some1 do it in a match, randy was using it a while back but stopped for no reason o_O

anyways, good finisher, good move set (though it was ony his first match, hes gonna change it up a lot for sure), nothing incredible but i see a solid mid carder for now

true he looks a bit small, against randy orton at least, but against daivari he didnt look small IMO, but i dont think he needs to get huge, im tired of seeing huge guys, if he ends up being a really good wrestler then that should be good enough to bring him up to main event

as for his promos/mic skills i dont have an opinion since we didnt even see anything yet, but i also think he trys to hard to be a face, but he needs more experience, lets see what happens in the future

though i think he should have gone to ECW, i know they wanted to draw ppl away from the benoit things but it doesnt make sense to bring in cody for that job... + cody needs more experience right? well thats what ECW is there for, not to mention that i think he would put on some good matches with burke or cm punk, cm punk would be great to get him over in the future also, i dont think it was the best idea to send him to Raw just like that... but lets wait and see....
He is going to be very big. Im not 100% on his mic skills but if they are all they are hyped up to be, I see a major storyline turning HHH heel to feud with him. That's all speculation though.

But seriously, he looked real good Monday, and he's just got this face and persona that you can't not like. He wrestles like HBK and carries himself like a quieter 1-2-3 Kid. When he gets bigger though I see him starting to talk.
I'm actually really excited to see how Cody does in the future. Like a lot of other people I've heard how good he's supposed to be on the mic. But seeing him just come up like this worries me at the same time becuase the audience might take it as another wrestler getting shoved down their throats. But I'm excited to see what happens.

And I could totally see him as a heel!
I was actually quite impressed by what I've seen of him so far. He could be a future star in the vein of Randy Orton. If you remember, when Orton first came in he wasn't dissimilar to what Cody is like now, but Orton improved to no end. Most of the work he needs to do is on his image, his in-ring skills entertained me sufficiently, and he didn't even have to do a 630 back splash. I think firstly, they need to get rid of that banana yellow ring attire, and work upwards from there. Maybe a run with the IC title is on the cards.
Cody Rhodes bores me and i think people know it too. Hes like Santino Marella, he had his pushes and nothing great happened. His future? none. I cant even imagine him as the intercontinental champ. Hes nothing compares to his father and Not even close to his half brother GOLDDUST.
Cody Rhodes is not boring. He's a good worker if you watch him in OVW. He should do fine in the WWE and I think he will become the Intercontinental Champion and has a shot at becoming the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion. He possesses ability on the microphone which people like Bobby Lashley do not have. Therefore, that makes him a marketable champion. Who knows what the future holds for Cody? I think the sky's the limit for the guy whether he's a face or a heel.
Cody Rhodes bores me and i think people know it too. Hes like Santino Marella, he had his pushes and nothing great happened. His future? none. I cant even imagine him as the intercontinental champ. Hes nothing compares to his father and Not even close to his half brother GOLDDUST.

Dude i dont know if you were watching the same match i was watching when he had that second match with orton but he was very impressive against him. And yea i know Orton is way way out of his leage in all, but all he needs to do his rack up some victories aganist people like booker,and kennedy,(even though i would get pissed of if he beat kennedy but i could see it happing somtime)heels like that and there you go you have a legitimate face competeter who i could see the crowd getting behind with the right angle and a better finisher......(dont get me wrong that ddt looks brutal but i could see his finsher rather being like a T.K.O move like marc mero used or somthing) But i really look foward to this kids matches
I think the Rhodes character has alot of potential , but to be honest I wouldn't like to see him linked with his father and more than is necessary. He should create his own sucess and looks like he has alot of ability.
Cody is an excellent wrestler that in about a year might end up with the I.C title. he has some excellent moves and it might of only seemed it to me but looked great in the two matches he had with Randy. i cant wait to see more matches with him to see his real potential. but mark my words this kid will go far, and who knows maybe in 10 years might just make it as big as his father. then again maybe not.
i think the kid has potential, but he is still way too green. the kid looks like a scrapper. he is like the size of spike dudley. and if they do keep him around, can someone please design him some new in-ring attire? his current attire is a blatant Ric Flair rip off. CR on his undies instead of RF, in the exact same spot. and he wears his knee pads just like Flair. I can understand doing something like that out admiration for Flair. But it just makes the kid look less believable as a character. they havent written anything substantial at all for this kid and i hope they do soon because if they dont, they'll just ship him back down into development.... he is good in the ring, meaning that his moves are clean and look pure. but he needs a move list that isnt from the 80's.
He needs new ring attire, needs a little bit more practice, needs something to push him rather than just banking off "they'll like him cause we want them to", and he needs the right opponents. Back when he had that "lose and you're out" match, I immediately knew he was going against Daivari. He'd do better on Smackdown, I think, where he can be in the Cruiserweight division.

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