Cody Rhodes: Mysterio Is Your Answer

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
I've been indifferent to this Dashing Cody Rhodes gimmick as of late. I've been waiting for that one breakout or semi-decent match but it hasn't come like it has for Ziggler, Morrison, and Bryan. Once I knew he was feuding with the Big Show, I instantly thought of Punk and we all know how that turned out and I didn't want the same for Cody. Enter Mysterio.

I don't care that he maybe got the title because of Eddie's death and that some consider him too small to be heavyweight champion. I defy anyone to name me another wrestler who has had more great matches since 2009 than Mysterio. He has put on great performances in the Elimination Chamber and against guys such as Jericho, Morrison, Ziggler, and Punk. Mysterio would be the perfect wrestler to help boost Rhodes up in the midcard scene.

As it stands right now, Ziggler will be facing Edge for the title. Most likely, Swagger will feud with Kofi for the title and I have no idea what Del Rio will be doing for the time being after the rumble. Rhodes needs that one feud to help elevate him and this would work. If this happens and everything goes great, I can see Rhodes being your next MITB winner because I don't see anyone needing it more than him maybe with the exception of McIntyre.

Would you like to see a Mysterio/Rhodes feud?

If you don't, who you would like to see Rhodes feud with?
I wouldn't mind seeing this feud. It would help get him heat just like it helped Del Rio. Mysterio is one of the most popular superstars on WWE's roster so if Rhodes beats him then that would generate heat. I think Rhodes is doing very good with his current gimmick and I think he could cut some good promos with Rey. Now I see this feud in the future but I think it will wait untill after Wrestlemania is over.
Ever since they start billing Rey as this superhero type I actually started think about it,and the more I think about it the more sense it makes to me. With Rey as the superhero,anyone going against him gains instant heel heat because everyone's going to hate him. Cody Rhodes would be this narcissistic villain who's weakness is his "beauty",and with his innate agility he instantly becomes a match for Mysterio. Now Rey has to capitalize on Cody's weakness to defeat him. It makes for good TV and makes sense for both wrestlers. Rey's coming off a huge blow from Del Rio in the 2/3 Falls match,and even if Cody doesn't win,this would give him more heat than he's had since Legacy. It's good for both guys.
I am also hoping for a Rey/Rhodes feud. I agree with you that Rey has had the best matches since 2009 and I think he could have good ones with Cody too to help Cody get more credibility.
I'm liking this idea a lot. Rey is capable of having a good match with pretty much anybody, and Cody is decent in the ring himself. I'm not at all liking the Rhodes/Big Show feud and like LJL said, it has more than a touch of Big Show/CM Punk about it. I don't see why Del Rio and Big Show can't start an angle with each other, and this would then leave Rhodes and Rey free to start a feud.

I think Rhodes' "Dashing" gimmick could be used effectively here too, with Rhodes claiming Rey only wears a mask because he is ugly, and Rhodes wanting to expose Rey's face to the world. Maybe there could be a match with Rey's mask on the line, similar to his feud with Jericho a couple of years ago. Obviously, Rey would come out on top with a feud like this, but it could really help elevate Rhodes, which probably won't happen in his curent feud with Big Show.
I would love to see a Mysterio/Rhodes fued.

I think they could put on pretty good matches. Rey can basically put on a good match with anyone. He could help Cody look good. Mysterio doesn't mind putting people over (Ex. Del Rio) so he could let Rhodes win a couple matches.

The two preformers could cut some very nice promos. Cody is good on the mic and can generate heat. Mysterio can really connect with the fans and that's why he gets some of the loudest pops in the WWE. Together, they could be great. Rey could help Rhodes with his weakness, in-ring skills. Rhodes could also help Rey with his weakness, mic skills. They can make eachother look like gold.

I also like the idea that a previous poster said, about Rhodes saying Rey only wears a mask to hide his face etc. It works with Rhodes gimmick and could set up a match where if Rey loses, he has to give up his match. There are so many possibilities with these two.
I think a Mysterio-Rhodes feud is definitely a good idea. Rey has the proper size and skill to help bring out the best in Cody, and he's also popular enough to help Cody attract better heat. I also agree with what you said about Rey Mysterio putting on great matches, but I'll go even further to say that he hasn't had a bad feud in years. Even his two programs with Kane were fairly interesting, and his feuds with Jericho and Punk were fantastic, as his recent debacle with Del Rio.

I think the way you book this is you have Mysterio call out Cody Rhodes in an interview for being over-protective of his appearance and not concerned enough about his wrestling. Cody will take objection to this and interfere in a Mysterio match, and then the feud begins. This is one you could stretch from right before the Rumble to Wrestlemania, as both men will most likely be featured in the Rumble, both men could possibly feature in the Elimination Chamber, and by the time they reach Mania they will be reaching the climax of their feud, and what better place to put a young superstar with a lot of promise over than Wrestlemania?

This is a brilliant idea and I hope we see the WWE recognize this potential as well.
Would you like to see a Mysterio/Rhodes feud?

Mysterio is the perfect guy to get heat from. The little guy that all the kids love. Instant heat, look at Del Rio and Batista.

...I can see Rhodes being your next MITB winner because I don't see anyone needing it more than him maybe with the exception of McIntyre.

McIntyre is terrible, I don't see what everyone else sees in him. He's just a Scottish version of Randy Orton.

I see more potential in the "Dashing One" than the "Chosen One."
I also think a rhodes and mysterio feud could work. Rhodes has the body type of a star rey can work with (jericho,ziggler,punk) they wont be five start matches but they can easily be 2.5 - 4 star matches. For those asking who del rio will feud with Christian is coming back from his injury at the rumble from what I have read so they can start a program.
Yes, I'd like to see this feud. Frankly, it's a natural. Having a heel who prides himself on the beauty of his face vs. a face who willingly wears a mask, it's begging to happen. I could even see this leading to a mask match if this feud were to take off. Both of these wrestlers could do nothing but benefit from it and besides that, since they're both cruserweights, it could lead to some very interesting and artistic matches between the two of them.

I could also see a few others getting involved, of course. Del Rio would be a natural to side with Cody while we're already seeing Big Show siding with Mysterio. Even Edge could throw himself into this one on either side (most likely with Mysterio at this time) while Swagger would be a natural to back Cody. Could lead to another Survivor Series type team match.

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