Cody Rhodes Future?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For the 1st time in 2 years ive been actually thinking of rhodes as a whc contender in the future, theres no doubt that he is getting better and better in the ring and on the mic, but after a lost to curtis axel does this end the push?
does this affect the double victory rhodes had on the future whc?
where do you see cody heading now?
I don't think it hurt him at all. He lost to they guy who's feuding with the top guy in the company right now, CM Punk(with Cena out). People always jump to conclusions that if someone loses a match they lose all momentum. Rhodes and Axel had a good match that didn't make Rhodes look bad.

As for Rhodes' future. He's not even 30. He has TOO much time to develop still. I'd love to see him as a star in the WWE, but defiantly not in the next 3+ years. I think he needs to continue feuding with others with potential, and OCCASIONALLY getting a small push and getting some attention. I love where Rhodes is right now. I think him and Sandow had a great 2 month feud. And I think Rhodes needs more 2 month feuds.
The problem with Rhodes is the lack of size, that and the fact that he has no charisma. Nothing truly stands out about him, he is average in the ring and gets no reaction from the crowd. This is an issue that the WWE must work on to fix if he is to challenge Del Rio for the World title down the line. I honestly see Rhodes winning the World title before Sandow does though, that would be no surprise.
The problem with Cody is that the belt will look like what AJ looks like wearing the Divas title. He's just so bland.
Axel had to beat somebody for god sakes, he is the Intercontinental Champion, he should be treated as such. Cody Rhodes will always be a mid card player, he is too small and puny looking to be a major main event talent, it just isnt going to happen. He is a solid in-ring talent and good on the mic, but a main eventer he is not
... but after (Cody) lost to curtis axel does this end the push?

Actually, it's not a bad question because people had to be wondering if Cody was being pushed at the same time as his ex-partner from the Rhodes Scholars.

Remember, a "push" doesn't necessarily mean the guy will be winning all his matches, although winning is usually implied. Damien Sandow is a good example of a guy being featured even while losing most of his matches.If you're showing up on people's TV screens all the time, you're being pushed; win or lose.

I was surprised, though, that Cody immediately started getting the best of Sandow in their meetings and wondered if the company was going to start Cody on another march to the top. The results of each effort to do this in the past have been failure, but you figure there had to be some reason they were starting it up again.

Cody's loss to Axel on Smackdown might clear up the picture. For whatever reason, Creative wants Cody to put down Sandow's MITB aspirations, but they apparently aren't looking to simultaneously boost Cody to main event status. Of course, it all remains to be seen since Cody has always been a favorite son of the WWE hierarchy.

After all, Curtis Axel's own push seems to have stalled; since winning the IC title, he's been functioning more as a tool for Paul Heyman to use in his jousting with CM Punk. If Axel can beat Cody cleanly, it's kind of hard to believe Cody is headed for too big a push.
I have to admit that I was expecting Cody Rhodes to be pushed possibly up into the World Heavyweight Championship scene, perhaps even as a means of ultimately continuing his feud with Damien Sandow if he won the title & Sandow cashed in the MITB briefcase. However, when I look around and see who is being put into title pictures, or at least looks to be on the verge of being in a title picture, it looks to me like WWE is putting several of their most over babyfaces in the spot of challenger right now.

Two weeks from tomorrow night marks the return of Monday Night Football. As a result, I think WWE is trying to generate as much momentum as they possibly can in the hopes of cushioning Raw from suffering the kind of ass beating it got last year in the ratings due to MNF. One way they MIGHT be looking to do that MIGHT be apparent in some of the feuds. Del Rio's next opponent is Rob Van Dam, Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman are feuding with CM Punk and Randy Orton is up against Daniel Bryan.

Bryan, Punk & RVD are probably the three most over babyfaces on the WWE roster right now. Fans have responded very positively to RVD since his return and maybe WWE is going to take advantage of that popularity while they can. The terms of RVD's deal suggest that he's going on hiatus for a bit after he's been working for 90 days. So even though WWE might not have plans for him to be WHC for a long term, it's possible that he could win at NOC, Damien Sandow could cash in to take the title from him and then use both Del Rio & RVD to give Sandow a couple of high profile opponents for a bit before RVD heads off the road to rest. Even if RVD loses at NOC, Sandow could still possibly cash in and become a brand spankin' new, fresh face in the WHC picture.

As far as Axel vs. Punk goes, while it does look to be something of a step down for Punk, I think WWE is hoping that Punk's popularity will keep people interested in him feud with the IC champ. Paul Heyman is also someone that's consistently strong on the mic and is a great heel. So, given how he's screwed Punk out of the WWE Championship MITB briefcase and screwed him out of a victory against Brock Lesnar, people want to see him get his hands on Heyman as well. If he manages to win the IC title or if he doesn't, people will enjoy it if he comes out of the whole thing looking strong.

Daniel Bryan's situation with Orton is plainly obvious and really needs no guessing or explanation.

Over in the tag team picture, Show & Henry are both pretty over right now as babyfaces. They're easily the strongest opposition for Rollins & Reigns. As for Dean Ambrose, I think WWE will put him in a program against Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler was "punished" by being put in a handicap match against The Shield this past Monday, so I don't see Ziggler simply walking out of the situation.

So yeah, my theory is that WWE is trying to keep buzz & interest high in the top feuds by featuring the challengers as the top babyfaces, thereby hoping that MNF doesn't tear Raw a new one like it did last year. As a result, Cody Rhodes is probably going to have to play the waiting game a little while longer as, in all honesty, RVD probably is the more over of the two at this point.
I have been a fan of Cody since his WWE debut. He is a fantastic worker in the ring, hails from a very successful wrestling family & is a lot more creative & innovative than people give him credit for. I think Cody is in a very good spot right & his lose to Curtis Axel meant nothing but more momentum for Axel because he is feuding with CM Punk & headling house shows with Punk.

My only problem with Cody right now is his lack of a really solid character at the moment. His lisp doesn't really bother me & I think his charisma has been slowly building for years but without solid character work behind he seems to lack the final factor to becoming a main event talent. His feud with Damien Sandow has been great but my favorite eras for Cody has been as one third of The Legacy & when he was "disfigured" & had to wear the mask. He had direction, he had purpose & his great matches were accented with fantastic promos & compelling story to make the fans even more invested in him.

What is Cody's character/gimmick, especially now that he shaved his Rhode Scholars Moustache??? He has the same cruddy remixed version of his original "Smoke & Mirrors" Song (& again the only good version of that song IMO was when he was "disfigured"). He wears the same little coat just like The Miz that he has worn since first becoming a singles star & does the little lift up with the hood. The announcers talk about his hertiage a bit but not as much as in Legacy. He is basically just a flamboyant version of when he first debuted.

I think he needs to reinvent himself again, which he has done several times already & I think he is smart enough to come up with something else again. I think Cody will easily be at least a one time World Heavyweight Champion by this time next year.
I, like most, thought he would have achieved more in his career thus far but he is still very young. Rhodes is very good in the ring and he has proven that he can work a gimmick. His stint as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes was superb and the "disfigured" Rhodes was very unique and well delivered.

In the long term, I don't think he should remain a face but in the immediate future it isn't a terrible idea. Feuding with Sandow will work for a month or two but his next feud is very interesting. I would love to see him get a match or two with Orton for the WWE title. He wouldn't win but using their past is a great catalyst.

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