Cody Rhodes Push?


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A question that has been on my mind recently is: When will Cody Rhodes finally get a REAL push? By "real push" I mean when will he finally have HIS moment to contend for the World Heavyweight Title? Don't get me wrong, I feel as if Cody is in a great spot right now with his older brother Golddust as tag team champs, but it is inevitable that they will split sooner rather than later and where will that leave Cody? I am a HUGE fan of Cody Rhodes, he has shown MAJOR progression throughout the years and after his recent program with The Authority I thought he would be in line soon enough for a MAJOR push, however that really was not the case. When the titles were unified this past December I feel like it probably hurt Cody's chances at a major push rather than helped them. Nonetheless I still believe Cody has a BRIGHT future (dude is only 28?!) preferably as a babyface. What are your thoughts?
I believed that when he and Goldust split, it would get the ball rolling on a big push for him to eventually be in the World Title picture, if not win it. Well, now that there is no World Title anymore, will he be a contender for the WWE Championship? I have to say no. I just don't see him ever being "the" guy in WWE. Maybe, if Orton is champion again later down the road and they want someone fresh to challenge him, that could be when Rhodes' opportunity comes. They've got history obviously, they'd run all the Legacy footage to remind the fans who might be new or just not remember. Again though, if they stick with just one main championship, I can't say I see Cody ever being the guy to carry the company.
Seems like a great, charismatic talent that won't ever get his due because he isn't a hulking mass of muscle. Shame.

He's been grinding in WWE for a minute too . . . he's been around since what 2006/2007? Orton and Cena were fighting then. That was almost a decade ago, WWE should have definitely let him blossom by now.
Cody will get his shot. Talent outshines all. Cody Rhodes could emerge as the BEST of the Rhodes, yet. Have faith. The best thing about Cody Rhodes is that he can wrestle with anybody, whether it be cruiserweights, medium sized guys like himself, and the heavyweight contenders. Yes I agree. Cody & Randy have a sick in-ring chemistry. They are bound to feud again. I also see Cody & Dean Ambrose feuding for the WWE WHC someday. MITB started a rivalry that has continued in 2013 and will continue into the future.
Do I see Cody Rhodes becoming world champion before his career is over? Yes. He's been in WWE since 2006, has had several mid-card title reigns, feuded with some top guys, tag-teamed with veterans, and isn't even 30 yet. But I do see Cody Rhodes becoming world champion in the near future? No. Especially now that there is only one world title to win. I can't see him even coming close to winning it for the next couple of years.

Regardless of whether he ever holds the big one or not, he'll eventually surpass his brother in terms of success. Goldust wasted his peak years away on drugs, alcohol, and being difficult to work with. Cody, to my knowledge, has kept himself clean and is a reliable worker.
I see this coming pretty soon but it will start when Goldust turns heel after they loose the tag-titles leading to them facing each other at Mania!!
I'm sure it will come, just be patient. His team with Goldust is fantastic. They have been one of the most entertaining tag-teams in years and I have been impressed with the quality of their matches. Cody has transitioned to a face after being a heel for the majority of his career.

Cody Rhodes made his debut at a very young age and has been around for a while. I really hope he gets his chance because we have seen how great he is. In the ring there is no doubt how good Cody is. In my opinion he is up near the top in terms of talnet in the ring on the current roster. On the mic he is less skilled but as proven while wearing the mask, and indeed during his "Dashing" gimmick, Cody has special qualities.

He is over a face, one good thing from the Authority storyline, and I'm excited about the future. His team with Goldust will end eventually and hopefully they push Cody. Initially as a face and then he can perhaps change. He definitely has the star potential and I hope they give him a push.

As for now there is no rush. The team with Goldust is fantastic and is still enjoyable. In the long term it has to end but right now: I'm not desperate to see it end. Maybe at Wrestlemania they drop the belts and Cody gets his chance.

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