Cody Rhodes... Almost There?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So this is NOT a Survivor Series thread, I will say that off the top; however i will say that MSG, along with Chicago and Toronto, are measuring sticks for WWE officials and the WWE crowd. Did anyone else notice how hugely OVER Cody was last night? I mean even when Orton was out there with him there were massive Cody chants. Is this gonna be one of those cases where the WWE universe just naturally turns a guy because he is just that good at what he does? (much like they did with The Rock in '97 and Cena in late '03-early '04) I know it's just one arena but reactions like that tend to catch fire pretty quickly. Will WWE keep pouring in canned heat on Smackdown for him or will they let this evolve and see where it goes? Based on what i saw last night, Cody is gonne be HUGE over, and soon. Where do you guys see this going?

I love Barrett's character, but WWE would be fools not to follow Cody's momentum and push him to the top right now, or near it.
My thing is, if you can get over in MSG, your over everywhere. MSG is no doubt the toughest crowd and to have them chant his name solidified him IMO
It didn't take Cody being over at MSG to see that he is well on his way to being a top player in the WWE. It's been coming along for months now. Once you take a gimmick and make it your own, you have the building blocks for success in place. Add to that Cody's in ring skill and pedigree and the crowd eventually will see a superstar. Cody is almost there. He needs that one big feud or moment to take him to the next level. I see him really taking off after this coming Wrestlemania. I'd love to see him challenge the Undertaker's streak and win!!!
Idiots talking about Kneepads? SHUT THE FUCK UP. No-one cares.

Either way, having Cody's name shouted out last night, his new look w/out the mask, being one of two men left standing in the tag match last night, hell yeah he's almost there. He's so close that he's licking it's perineum. With Mark Henry still around and DB having the briefcase and Randy Orton, Sheamus & Barrett all mentioning they want the prize, Cody really needs to step up and call it out for himself. To be totally honest, with Del Rio having just lost the strap, Punk holding it and the call for a heel, with the fact we've got Raw Supershows, why not have Rhodes call out Punk? It's a stretch, but I'd love it. He can lose the title match, but at least it puts him up there solidly.

If not, which is more likely, just have him beat Orton in a match, which is REALLY what he needs. He was beaten by Orton in consecutive matches, which could've done with a Rhodes win at least once! But it didn't happen. Have Rhodes go over Orton, then maybe Sheamus and you've got your guy in the right spot. Have him and Barrett battle with their ego's to see who manages to get to the top and put Rhodes there. He'll be holding a major championship soon, don't you worry.
New York is a tough crowd, but Philly is tougher. Cody is getting good, give him more time though. He's young and can carry a great match and the crowd without a world title.

Plus he's currently bringing prestige back to the intercontinental belt. Let that be his focus for now. I'd rather have him be the high level midcard guy than another one time WWE champ lost in the shuffle.
Oh yeah definitely Cody is getting over. I was actually shocked hearing so many people chant his name last night. At one point it drowned out those of us who were cheering for Randy. Lol I got a little annoyed because I'm an Orton fan, but it was cool.

But yeah Cody is definitely blossoming well. I thought he was terrible earlier this year, not his wrestling, but his mic work. I dunno maybe it was his lisp that irked me, but as he kept adding new things to his character, he really started to impress.

I would love to see him bulk up a little bit more, and the WWE pushes him as one of the top heels, he has the potential.

Btw I don't get why they made it Team Barrett and not Team Rhodes, since Randy and him are currently feuding.
Cody Rhodes has really impressed me lately...and Survivor Series was by far the most impressed I've ever been with him.

Let's get 2 things straight:

1. YES...the kneepads matter! He always looked so dumb without them. The new attire and the new pads made him look so much more complete. I was worried when he lost the mask that he would lose his character and become very bland like he was after Evolution. Hopefully he can build off the SS momentum.

2. Why the FUCk does everyone want him to be a World Champ already? Is it because Josh Isenberg verbally blows him everyweek and you have all bought into it? For years everyone bitched about there being no midcard and the titles being meaningless. Now, we actually have a great midcard with Cody and Ziggler and everyone wants to shoot them to the top. Ziggler is almost ready...Cody's not.

Cody is the perfect IC Champ...will he ever be a World Champ? Maybe but I don't care right now.

Watch the Bret vs Shawn DVD, Shawn called the IC title the "workhorse" title. Cody needs to make it that again. Great bell to bell matches. Too bad Daniel Bryan has the MITB breifcase because that would be the perfect feud to put the IC title back on the map. I want to see him in a classic IC title match at Mania. The last IC title match at WM was RVD vs Regal at 18. 10 years ago! What the fuck?
For now, I want Cody Rhodes to hold that IC Belt for a very long time. He's what that belt needs to become relevant again. A IC Belt holder that has the potential to feud with main event guys or put over mid carders.

This man is pretty much guaranteed to be a key piece in the future of the WWE, I believe. Heck, he's already almost that, right now.
The garden is a very smarky heel loving crowd. I think the surprise is they liked Cody better than Barrett. WWE has kind of been pushing Barrett as the next top heel on SD. They might have to rethink that.

But Cody has been drawing a lot of heat lately. Reading the SD house reports he is always in the top 3 at drawing heat. So I dont want him to turn babyface. Maybe someday down the road but certainly not now.
Cody is on the cusp, I'm sure of it. He's already proven to be able to hang with top guys, Randy Orton being THE MAN on Smackdown, and he's ready to take the next step. His reaction last night was excellent, that's certainly a big deal. The crowd is getting behind him, making this an easy transition for the WWE. With this new character, apparently, working thus far, he has a chance to get even better as a heel. Can you imagine him getting an even better reaction? Just think about that -- he'll probably be getting a better reaction than 2 or 3 guys on the roster, undoubtedly.

If Cody Rhodes can progress just a little more, he'll be the best heel on the roster. I haven't seen anybody with that much potential in a long time and it seems as if live crowds are finally realizing it. Sure, Wade Barrett is getting the push of a lifetime here, but the WWE won't fool anybody if they try to make him seem more over than Cody, pushing him to the main event while tiding Cody over in the midcard. There's no reason both of them can't move on up, they both have the tools, but it just seems that Cody has the people behind him and with that -- he has it all. What's the point of wrestling? I mean, what's the point of the WWE? To satisfy and entertain the fans, simple enough. Cody Rhodes is doing just that.

I'm not saying he needs to get the World Heavyweight Championship right now, certainly not, but he can definitely continue on with some higher level feuds. He can kill two birds with one stone, he can elevate the Intercontinental Championship while elevating himself. Not only is that good for him, but it's good for the WWE, and good for whoever he ends up putting over. He's secure enough in his current role to put someone over big, believe it or not. With the crowd behind him this heavily and him performing this well, a few losses won't affect him. He has a head of steam built up like I haven't seen in a long time.

The WWE needs to strike while the proverbial iron is hot, they need to keep exposing him to us as fans and keep making him look like a big deal. Rhodes, as a performer, has learned to carry himself with a certain aura about him, like a true main eventer. That's a DAMN important part of it. He's making us believe everything he does, he literally has all of the fans eating out of his hand right now. He's the complete package, the real deal, he's a main eventer waiting to happen, hell... he's a main eventer right now, they just need to use him as such.

The fans don't need to "turn" him, as there's no reason they can't get behind a heel, but it looks very likely that he'll have to switch alignments eventually. That's the only thing I'm unsure of, it's not his ability of playing a character, but it's more about what kind of a character they make him place as a face. If he comes off as an HBK-type or maybe a Rock-type (egotistical and so on) it'll work just fine. Rhodes is as good as playing his character as anybody is in the WWE, he's excelling greatly.

Rhodes is there, no doubt.
Almost there is an understatement. Rhodes is there, and I'm hoping this new tweak to his character doesn't backfire.

Dashing Cody was great he was cocky, confident and could produce.

Disfigured Cody was awesome he proved that a not so great gimmick could become gold if handled properly.

This new Cody will hopefully build off of what he's accomplished in his previous two gimmicks and catapult him into the Main Event.
Other than Ziggler, Rhodes is closer than anyone to breaking into the main event right now. He keeps on improving and I really like the direction his character has taken from dashing to grotesque to where he is now. I also think it is cool that they kept on remixing his entrance theme. This new one fits him perfectly. All Rhodes needs is a good feud or two to pick up impressive wins in and he may be ready to move up the card because he has done such a great job on improving in pretty much every category. The paper bag thing ran its course and needed to end. So did the mask, it had grown akward. This version of Rhodes can be a world title contender and it might happen sooner than we think.
I'd say he's just about there. One more feud with Booker and then he'll be in prime position to really capitalize. The problem is, he's Intercontinental Champion and he's done a great job with that title. I can see WWE grooming him for a VERY long run with that title. But if he's too good not to main event by 2012, WWE might have to consider either him dropping the IC title, or even managing to grasp both titles for a short period. I'd say WWE would have had the exact same problem with Dolph Ziggler if it weren't for the emergence of Zack Ryder as an over midcard face.

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