Cody R. or Dolph Z.?


WZCW's Brent Blaze
I made a previous thread talking about the Mid-Card and who was the best mid-card competitor. I kept getting Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. Cody has the IC title and Dolph has the US. They are two great wrestlers and are oblivious at the top of the mid-card.

A few of my questions are:
Who is a better in-ring compititor?
Who is next to get the push to the Main Event Scene?
Where do you see them come Wrestle Mania, draft, and over the years?

Lets brake it down.

Cody Rhodes
Great In- Ring skills.
Great Mic-Skills.
Great Gimmick.
IC Champion.
Great Finisher.
Beat Rey M. at WM27.
Former multi-time Tag champion
Hall of Fame Father.
2nd Generation.
Former Legacy member w/ Orton

Dolph Ziggler

Great In-Ring.
Getting Better on the mic.
good perfection theme, cocky gimmick.
US Champion
Former IC champion
Former Spirit Squad member???
Terrible Finisher.
Good with Sleeper.
Has Vickie G.
Former World Champion... one day.

Im sure i left out some accomplishments but those where what i could think of.

so, who is better?

My Pick: Cody Rhodes.
I know Dolph seems to have the better attributes, but I've been telling my little brother for months that Cody Rhodes is the next Randy Orton. Yea, i said it, call me crazy? Cody is young and has a bright future in WWE. I think he can be the top Heel in the company real soon. Especially on SD! because Christian and Henry wont be a round to much longer. I think Cody's push to to the main event has already started. He is one of the best wrestlers on SD! and he seems to be in a feud with Randy Orton. Orton is the 2nd top Face-Superstar in the company, imagine how much farther he can take Rhodes.
I can see Cody Rhodes fighting Randy Orton and/or Daniel Bryan (only because of the MitB Briefcase,) in a singles/ triple threat at WM28. They would all out on an excellent match. And i would love to see Cody come out on top.
He may not get the world title any time soon because, IMO, Henry needs to hold it untill at least the Rumble. Maybe they let Randy beat him for it there and go into Mania as champ.
I can honestly see Cody Rhodes winning either the Rumble or the SD! Elimination Chamber.
I hope come draft that they keep Cody on SmackDown, because that's where he can shine the most. With out having to deal with SuperCena, Punk, HHH, Vince, or Rock. On SD! he can have more and more Camera time. Cody will be a major star in the WWE in the years to come.

So, who is your pick as the better sports entertainer, with the brightest future?
At the rate these two are going they will both be huge in the future. Cody has finally gotten what he needs to make a good heel and I think he learned a lot from Orton. Dolph is doing a great job with Vickie, but in my opinion I see him making it bigger as a Face. I don't know why he's got it all but I think a face turn would do something to him. I don't see it happening this year but maybe next year.

come Wrestlemania I see them both on the show. However I see Cody higher on the card than Dolph. I don't think Dolph will have the US title come that time but may be the challenger at the PPV. I actually see Cody keeping the belt that long and defending it at WM 28.

I put Cody in the main event scene next on smackdown sometime after Wrestlemania.
I think Cody's character is fantastic and he's taken what could have been an awful awful gimmick and done something great with it. Considering that no one gave him a chance after Legacy he's really fought his way to the top and deserves his spot there.

Ziggler is a great in ring performer. His character needs a bit of adjustment in my opinion as I feel he relys on Vickie too much in that department at the moment. However he's another guys who has fought to get where he is. I mean he was in the Spirit Squad a group designed specifically to be buried, they were bloody male cheerleaders for christ sake haha.

I think these two can both be huge but I think because his character is that much further along Cody will make it first. In fact I'd imagine he'll be main eventing on SD regularly within the year.
I like Cody more. He has an interesting and to an extent a relateable character. It's a bit over the top, sure, but also understandable in a way because good looking guys can go a bit loony if their looks get damaged. Also with Cody being a heel, you don't exactly know whether he's just acting to gain an advantage or if he really is damaged in the head. Looks more like the former to me right now but it is an interesting character nonetheless. He is good in the ring and quite fantastic on the microphone. It looks to me that he may very well be a main eventer by next year and stay there for the rest of his career.

Ziggler is good in the ring and has shown flair from time to time on the mic though he is largely average in that department. However everyone and their mother knows that whatever heat he gets is because of Vickie Guerrero. I am not sure if he will be as interesting to the WWE Universe without Vickie by his side. Without that, he is somewhat like a heel Kofi Kingston, good wrestler but brings nothing else to the table. Even with Vickie Dolph Ziggler looks like the guy that can be a career upper midcarder who will get world title runs when there is a vacncy at the top. Cody on the other hand looks like a guy who would never leave the main event scene once he gets there.
What do people see in Dolph that is so great..? Nick Nemeth.. I can see. But his name is terrible, his hair cut/bleach blonde crap is terrible. He is great in the ring, and not so great on the mic. He looked so much better a few weeks ago when he went to the brown hair. He looked more serious and modern. now he looks like some sleezy 80's porn actor.
I love them both in their current roles but I've got to go with Cody on this one. While I really enjoy Dolph Ziggler much of his heat comes from Vickie who is honest to god the best heel in pro wrestling today. I'm don't think Dolph would be as interesting without her. Cody Rhodes on the other hand is solid in all departments. His promos and character are terrific. Dolph has the better look in the traditional since, but Cody Rhodes is the better all around superstar in my mind.
Imma have to say they are dead even in all levels IMO. But i have a really big gripe about each wun of them

Even though imma big fan of Ziggler, i CANNOT STAND his name. Of all the random and more legit sounding names to give somewun they name him that. Wtf is a Dolph Ziggler? It almost prevents me from taking him seriously

But As far as Cody goes, he's come a very very long way from where i ever expected him to go. He current gimmick is ok i guess, but his promos are killing me. The way he talks annoying as helllllll. Sounds like he yawning/roaring/whining and its really hard for me to listen to him. However i think that this is consistent with his current gimmick
My vote is for Ziggler. He has it all. The look, the size, the skills, and now he even seems like he's getting the mic work down. Cody's push has done wonders for him, and he's definitely upped his game (he left Teddy in the dust), but he's still a tiny dude, by WWE's standards, so I just can't see him as a heavyweight main eventer.

ps: If you are going to gripe about how Cody talks, you probably shouldn't post like you are a 5th-grader. I agree, his voice is very annoying, but I'd rather listen to that all day than read "imma" and "somewun". That prevents me from taking YOU seriously.
Both are great mid-card wrestlers yes, but I do not see them in the main event at least for a year as they have been struggling to get a decent reaction for some time. Especially Dolph who can't get any reaction without Vickie. I'm a big Cody fan and this has been bugging me that he can't get a good reaction during his entrance even during his big feud with Rey Mysterio.

Now to answer your question:

For in ring performer, I'm going with Dolph. Dolph just seem much more capable technically and I've seem him do some good moves. I really like his sleeper finisher too. Cody in the other hand is a good performer but his matches are getting quite routine as of late. Alabama Slam, Beautiful Disaster (why is it still called that?) and Cross Rhodes. I know it's the WWE limiting him in some sense as I've seen him do beautiful Moonsaults but it does hurt Cody in the long run.

Next to get a main event push, like I've said I don't really see either of them in the main event in the near future. But to answer the question I would say Cody. I can see him hold the Intercontinental title for a long time and hopefully steps up to the next level after the reign like Randy Orton did with his long Intercontinental title from his time with Evolution. For Dolph, he is a former world champion in the records but I don't see him go back unless he can get a reaction on his own.

At Wrestlemania, for Cody like I've said I see him holding the Intercontinental Championship and defend it against someone like Daniel Bryan. There's also the possibility of a match against Orton as he has had matches with him really often as of late but the chances are low.

For Dolph, it is more wide open. I can see him either as a face when Swagger and Vickie turn on him, costing him the US Championship and gets a match against Swagger, or he could be in a stable with Swagger and other new members against Mason Ryan and others. Or lastly he stay as US Champion and continue defending it against challengers like Alex Riley.
I think Dolph is ready now. People say he relies on Vicki too much but she IS his manager. He can carry a promo well on his own so if you move him up the ladder I feel he can fit right in. Only problem is that RAW's main event level is too crowded IMO.

But to the OP: What's wrong with the Zig-Zag finisher? I like it, he jumps on your back and while his momentum is moving the two of you forward, he pulls you to the ground. Almost like a whiplash effect (kayfabe). I'll admit that at times he does it a little sloppy and he slides down someone, but when he hits it looks good.

As for Rhodes, he is ready to move up...but I'd wait until WM to do it. His character is on point. Although I personally miss "Dashing", the tips, all worked; he made this evil transition work perfectly because he played of that character. That's character evolution that not many WWE performers use. Usually it's "I'm good now, now I'm reason, it just is."

I think CR should work a little more on the lisp. Talking in slow monotone does help, but more work can be utilized. And I actually don't like his finisher, personally...too convoluted of a set-up. But his advantage is that there is room at the top for him on Smackdown as oppose to RAW.
Imma have to say they are dead even in all levels IMO. But i have a really big gripe about each wun of them

Even though imma big fan of Ziggler, i CANNOT STAND his name. Of all the random and more legit sounding names to give somewun they name him that. Wtf is a Dolph Ziggler? It almost prevents me from taking him seriously

But As far as Cody goes, he's come a very very long way from where i ever expected him to go. He current gimmick is ok i guess, but his promos are killing me. The way he talks annoying as helllllll. Sounds like he yawning/roaring/whining and its really hard for me to listen to him. However i think that this is consistent with his current gimmick

LOL...I have to agree with you on the name for Dolph Ziggler. My guess is that he's suppose to be of strong German decent with the blond hair and German name (think Hitler's ideal German soldier if you will). Again, that's just a theory on his look and name. But whole-heartedly agree that the name and look just doesn't work. His heel heat is all stemming from Vicky G.
Now to the question at vote goes to Cody Rhodes. He has pulled what was a freak accident and made it his own. Has the best mentor in the business to learn how to talk the mic and put a great promo in Dusty Rhodes, had an amazing skill set in his wrestling ability, and he seems to be working out alot as his physique has improved in mass and definition. I think he'll be in the main event picture before WM if not right afterwards and he'll be a huge Superstar by 2012.
What do people see in Dolph that is so great..? Nick Nemeth.. I can see. But his name is terrible, his hair cut/bleach blonde crap is terrible. He is great in the ring, and not so great on the mic. He looked so much better a few weeks ago when he went to the brown hair. He looked more serious and modern. now he looks like some sleezy 80's porn actor.

His hair was short and brown like 6 months ago, not "a few weeks ago". And his blonde hair gives him something that makes him stand out, and personally, I love it. His short brown hair was so generic.

On topic, these guys are both two of my favorite guys in WWE right now. Both seriously have it in the ring, and both are becoming AMAZING on the mic. It's tough to choose one, but if I had to pick one I'd go with Cody. He is doing so much with so little (the "undashing" gimmick could have been a disaster, but he's making it one of my favorite angles in WWE), and he'll be a WHC soon enough.
I think Ziggler has the bigger potential, but as of this moment, I think Rhodes is better. Rhodes is doing an awesome job with his gimmick and really plays it up well. I'd like to see Ziggler on the mic more before I can give him a definite nod.

When done right, I prefer the Zig Zag over the Cross Rhodes as well.
Who is a better in-ring compititor?
Their both great in ring. I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. Their both good at telling a story, their both good at selling others moves, their both exciting and they bring different tools to the ring that make them great.

Who is next to get the push to the Main Event Scene?
Zigglers already been in the Main Event Scene, he's a former WHC. I believe well see him take more firm of a place in the main event over the next few months once this COO garbage storyline takes off or dies (hopefully it dies quickly)
Rhodes has also gotten to the main event level. if you pay attention to Smackdown they explain how the IC Title matches are part of the "Double Main Event." Rhodes has had high profile WM matches, a triple threat vs Orton and Ted Jr, and this past year vs Rey Mysterio.

Where do you see them come Wrestle Mania, draft, and over the years?
Within the next few years the WWE would be smart to position one, if not both of them into the main event scene. Their both high quality stars who have taken bland boring gimmicks and turned them into gold.

These are two of my Favorite 5 in the WWE today. If I remember correctly Ziggler was my #1 and Rhodes was my #3. If used properly these two could be the future
Ziggler should never change his hair because no matter what it is always gonna be something different. With the brown hair he just looked like everyone else, creepy kinda how much he looked like an Evan Bourne/Randy Orton love child.

Everything about these two guys WORK. I had my doubts about both for a while, especially Cody, but man have they been impressive. The fact that they are not being rushed into the main event makes me feel as if WWE has alot they wanna invest in them and do not wanna ruin them by pulling the trigger too early. I would love to see Cody Rhodes in a title match at Mania, unfortunately it doesn't seem like those stars will align considering that alot of the top talent will already be occupied (Cena/Rock, Orton/Bryan, Punk/Jericho/Austin/etc.)

I can see Ziggler going babyface and going for the WWE Title against Del Rio at WM28.

Unfortunately, neither one seem to be in a position where they can be in a major title match at mania.
This is a no-contest. Cody's character is much more interesting and has so much more depth than Ziggler's, you want know why? It's because Dolph Ziggler has no character (if anyone thinks being bleach-blonde make you a character then they're a certified idiot). He's good in the ring, but despite having great matches nobody really cares about him (don't worry I'm not including the ever-so tentative IWC), not when he was the World Heavyweight Champion for five minutes and certainly not when he's United States Champion. Why else would he be paired with Vickie for as long as he has? It's the only way he can get any heat or any attention.

Cody is the only wrestler in the last year or so that has made an interesting Intercontinental Champion and for him the only way is up right now, he's excelling both in the ring and on the mic. His character is one of the most interesting in the WWE right now and I can see him taking this character to the main event in the future. Bringing back the retro Intercontinental Championship has only added an extra bit of flavour to his character.

Cody's better in the ring (having a character does that for you).
Hasn't Ziggler already had a push to the main event? See nobody even remembers it, that tells you out of these two who should be in the main event.
I don't know about WrestleMania or drafts but judging by the way things are going now, Cody should have a better career ahead of him than Ziggler, I see Ziggler as a career mid-carder.
I, too think that they are both great at what they do. I can see Rhodes having a feud with Daniel Bryan leading to a ladder match at T.L.C. with the INC. title and the Smackdown MITB briefcase on the line. I can see cody winning it and cashing in at Wrestlemania 28 against Orton, who I think will be World Champion by then. It would be Champion vs. Champion, and I could see Rhodes stealing the victory somehow and becoming the main heel on Smackdown. I see Dolph eventually losing the USC. to possibbly Zack Ryder in the next couple of months. By Mania 28 I don`t see him in any main event matches but one of the lower card matches of the event, but I think he will get there, just not as quick as Cody because of pile of big names on Raw. Why not have Rhodes against Dolph in a unification match. I know they are both heels but I think it still could be a great match with Cody possibly winning it. Just a thought.
I'd like to take the "easy" route considering I find it hard to choose but the thread says OR so I'll be going with Rhodes.

While I absolutely love both, I feel Rhodes will get main even status sooner than Ziggler will. What gives Rhodes the edge is probably that: 1. He took a terrible gimmick and turned it into some entertaining; the mask/grotesque thing is just icing on the cake. And 2. Ziggler seems to rely a little bit too much on Vickie for heat.

Ziggler is getting better on the mic, imo, and starting to gain heat on his own but it's still not quite enough.

Lol, and to think, back in the Legacy days I was apart of the people thinking Dibiase would be the one of the two to become successful and I figured Rhodes would be going nowhere. Boy was I wrong! And very glad after seeing what he's capable of.
I think both of these guys are lacking that real defining feud that propels them into the main event. Titles ultimately mean nothing if you don't have some feud for them that really puts you over as some guy that can really entertain in the main event in lieu of the current main eventers who will take a backseat for you.

I think they both have incredible careers ahead of them, and I see them as pretty much equals in terms of what they have in potential and what they bring to the table today. Personally I like Dolph Ziggler more. The name comes from Dirk Diggler btw, and if you don't know THAT name, look it up and see where it gets you. But it's really just a matter of taste.

Fact is neither has had a midcard feud that people will talk about as some storied hall of fame chapter to start their career. I think that's really the missing factor here. When you think of all the hall of famers that have come up, the true legends have feuds in midcard that people always remember as among their favorites for that character.

Shawn Micheals vs Marty Jannetty. Shawn Micheals vs Razor Ramone

Bret Hart vs Rowdy Roddy Piper. Bret Hart vs British Bulldog.

Mr. Perfect vs Bret Hart. Mr. Perfect vs Texas Tornado

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat. Randy Savage vs Honky Tonk Man

You talk about the guys that paid their dues and made their way up the ladder the right way, they're the guys that have some of the alltime best feuds for that midcard title. And what do Rhodes & Ziggler have going for them right now? There's been no credible threat to either one of them yet that people are going to look back and go "yeah that feud was classic."

So right now? I wouldn't pick either one over the other, and they are definitely little more than midcard performers until they clear that hurdle. At least in my opinion.
I am going to go with Cody Rhodes, simply because he is flying solo right now without a manager and has better mic skills and finishing move (imo), whereas it seems like Dolph has always had someone by his side (I know he hasn't, but it just seems that way to me), whether it was Spirit Squad or Vickie Guerrero. I would like to see him break away and be by himself.
To the OP: Dolph Ziggler is a World Champion. Granted a very short run but he is still a World Champion. Though if you mean a decent reign, then I too would like to see that.

These two men are two of my favourite wrestlers, period, in the modern WWE. I see big futures for the both of them.

I've liked Dolph since day one and will continue to do so. He survived the horror of the Spirit Squad, he's a fantastic wrestler, he has a great look and frankly, in the last few weeks, when given the opportunity to speak, he has done well. I think the WWE now realise they can have him speak on his own so slowly they are breaking him away from Vickie and moving her to Swagger, someone who despite being phenomenal in the ring, is as interesting as a tack.

Cody Rhodes though has been phenomenal since the face injury. Everyone thought he was the future endevoured in Legacy but he has taken all the guidance and help he could and used it to his advantage. Every inch of him is a future World Champion and the WWE know it. He is now a prominent member of the COO outrage angle and for good reason. I could see Cody becoming the World Champion by WrestleMania-SummerSlam next year.
What do people see in Dolph that is so great..? Nick Nemeth.. I can see. But his name is terrible, his hair cut/bleach blonde crap is terrible. He is great in the ring, and not so great on the mic. He looked so much better a few weeks ago when he went to the brown hair. He looked more serious and modern. now he looks like some sleezy 80's porn actor.

ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?! his blonde hair gives him that unique look that rhodes gets from his mask... hes looked like a bloody cookie cutter randy like heel with his brown hair... I MEAN THATS WHY THEY CHANGED IT BACK!!

back to the question they are both great and i agree that a face turn would help dolph but not in the near future right hes doing just fine where he is... let him grow slowly... i mean his in ring skills are already great just look at the match at RR with Edge that was a great match in my opinion

as for Cody hes just AWESOME!! hes done something great with his gimmick and hes just around the corner from being a great main-eventer... but I'll tell you something no matter what these have made the mid-card titles relevant again they are both bringing back prestige to them and it takes great performers to manage that... cuz i mean god those titles where doing bad.. SANTINO IC champion! and then it became a hot potato! and The US title hadnt been relevant since Benoit and Booker were feuding for it!!
Cody is better, a better champion, love the new old IC belt btw. He's better in the ring although Ziggler's more aggressive

Cody is definately better on the mic although Ziggler's getting better than he was when he got ZERO reaction at all from the fans on live PPV against Pat Patterson

Dolph Z. sounds like a nice (better) alcoholic drink though!

Wouldnt mind seeing Morrison finally win the belt from Cody @ Mania although I'd like to see Orton/Rhodes with Rhodes winning his first World title only to have Daniel cash in, make him tap and win HIS first World title. Orton puts over 2 in one night, in essence.

Though I could see Rhodes keeping the IC belt till Mania to have one of those looong reigns that were seen back in the day to make people care again, make the belt special again and really get his reign felt more and the desire for a face to beat him which will give Morrison hopefully a good pop for beating him. I hope it's Morrison

Ziggler will lose his belt this year likely in December if not November

Maybe October, but definately this year on a non-PPV event maybe

It hasnt happened in a minute

Ziggler will be in a tag bout at Mania maybe

Rhodes is hitting main event before Ziggler and Dolph's forgettable mistake of a World title reign is well, forgettable and a mistake at the time
Cody Rhodes is fantastic! I have no complaints. One of my, if not my favorite heel in WWE right now. He is so Doctor Doom meets Phantom of the Paradise it's badass. Plus, no kneepads makes him even cooler to me, a small detail that sets him apart.

Ziggy (what me and my friends have been calling him) is my other favorite heel.

My two issues with Ziggy are that he's relying too much on standard "heel speech" that it's hurting his progress. Listen to the way he cuts people down, namely Big O on Z!TLIS "Ask the Heel" compared to how he does it in the ring. If he acted the same way on TV as he does on Ryder's show, then I think it would really elevate his character to a full on likeable heel, the kind where he says something really awful, but you laugh to yourself "what a dick, haha".

My other issue has already been covered...his finisher. Needs a new one.

Vicky has been great, but it's time to move on. Dolph has what it takes, WWE just needs more faith in him.

I expect nothing but greatness from these two, and really look forward to their work.
Both are excellent mid-card wrestlers, but i'm going to have to go with cody. Dolph is great in the ring and can hang with the best of them, although i think his mic skills are lacking, they are getting better and vickie guerrero helps that even more.

Cody is a a great heel with a great gimmick and great in-ring skills. I love that he brought back the old ic belt too. Either way, both are future world champs for sure

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