Coco Attempts to Get Sigged - Vol. 1/1 - A Prologue to Future Searches for Attention

I wonder what happened to the "Posters that makes you laugh every time" thread. Sam have been damn consistent.
I want no part of your miscreant crew, man. Honestly, I don't. If I've somehow given you that impression, I'm sorry, because it's simply not the case. For all I care, you could all go every Wednesday night for tug & rubs and go back to each others respective apartments to watch old NWA footage from 1988 while you high-five each other over who had the wittiest remark in any given thread that week – it's equally as irrelevant, and equally as inconsequential. I still go home smelling the high heavens regardless, so your feeble attempts to compare me to some oft-maligned ex-user are falling on deaf ears, man.

But by all means – continue your tirade to get yourself noticed. I'm sure you've made a number of friends who wouldn't recognize you in real life in the process. Congrats!
Odd how I go around making internet friends by being a general cunt. You'd think I'd do the opporite if my motivation was the acquisition of new cuddle buddies.

Nice to see you're still attributing my actions to motivations that I've given nobody any proper reason to believe. Either you're pulling more shit from the Sid playbook, projecting, or both. And just like him, you don't seem to see the issue with your conduct yet.

As for my attempts to compare you to an ex-user, I think they're more than sound. You are the same person who had a step-by-step list to improve TNA's business in your signature at one point, right? Yeah. Never seen that before.

The evidence is really piling up...

As if you continuing to harp on about a "miscreant crew" wasn't enough.

I'm dying to see you tell me you're more concerned with promoting quality discussion and improving the forum than miscreant, frat-boy antics. Then I'll know we have a genuine headcase on our hands.

The parallels are striking.
Odd how I go around making internet friends by being a general cunt. You'd think I'd do the opporite if my motivation was the acquisition of new cuddle buddies.

You've got me there, too – then again, the going rate for being repped around here seems to be based on your ability to berate others, so in that vain, I'd imagine your a rich man, no?

Nice to see you're still attributing my actions to motivations that I've given nobody any proper reason to believe. Either you're pulling more shit from the Sid playbook, projecting, or both. And just like him, you don't seem to see the issue with your conduct yet.

What conduct is that – defending myself from a personal slight against me that you've "cleverly" masked as some kind of harmless entry in a thread full of other "cleverly" disguised slights against various users? Yeah, you're right, next time I should just take that with a grain of salt instead of doing what normal people do when they're insulted – say something in return.

As for my attempts to compare you to an ex-user, I think they're more than sound. You are the same person who had a step-by-step list to improve TNA's business in your signature at one point, right? Yeah. Never seen that before.

Correct, and I wasn't around for Siddious' reign. In fact, I have no idea what you're talking about with regard to the signature featuring a step-by-step list to improve TNA's business, as I either wasn't a member of the forum at the time, or wasn't paying enough attention to everyones signatures, which most of the time I have turned off, since I find them distracting.

I'm dying to see you tell me you're more concerned with promoting quality discussion and improving the forum than miscreant, frat-boy antics. Then I'll know we have a genuine headcase on our hands.

The parallels are striking.

Yeah, you're right – defending myself absolutely trumps the number of threads I post in the section I moderate that are driven to drive discussion. I guess I should just quit now, huh? :rolleyes:

Then let them strike you all you like. I'm not Siddious, nor have I ever been him if that's what you're insinuating – which I don't think is that far of a stretch. Have Sly cross reference any IP I've ever used to connect to this forum with it's corresponding location to any that Sid did, and tell me we're one in the same. Maybe then your incredibly misplaced presumptions will finally be put to rest.
I'm not Siddious, nor have I ever been him if that's what you're insinuating – which I don't think is that far of a stretch. Have Sly cross reference any IP I've ever used to connect to this forum with it's corresponding location to any that Sid did, and tell me we're one in the same. Maybe then your incredibly misplaced presumptions will finally be put to rest.

Wait, WHAT? :lmao:
Sidious-- I mean, IDR, ruining a perfectly good thread by getting all bent out of shape.


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