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Coco Attempts to Get Sigged - Vol. 1/1 - A Prologue to Future Searches for Attention

Doug Crashin represents the fulfillment of the American promise -- proof that even if you are not smarter than the next man, nor cunning or slick, that there is an opprotunity for you as well. To deny him would be elitist - arrogant.

I'd sig this but it's more than 200 characters. I'd have to remove my sig and I don't want to at the moment.
Becca - aka, femina. There is nothing more elemental on an internet forum dedicated to the discussion of professional wrestling than the way her cruves fuel the libido of the masses and sow the seeds of bitterness among those who see her appeal as cheap, uncontested, and unearned. A subject worthy of controlled academic study.

More to come.
What the fuck are cruves? And why does Becca have it/them? Is it like Scurvy, and if so can it be cured by eating citrus fruits I wonder?
I do believe Doc's in the mood for love. How could he not be? Most of his bar posts, specifically about Tenta, are the closest one can get to love in text without going to the tried and true "He took him as far as he could into his mouth."
It's Damn Real epitomizes everything that's wrong with the general standards regarding what makes a "good" poster -- that is, according to most people, someone who forms coherent setences and makes an effort to defend their point of view. While that's part of good posting, he's often given a pass for how wrong he is. It's almost the same as giving a politician your vote, no matter how wrong they are, because they speak well and are willing to speak in their defense. Ideally, that's every politician. "Why are we celebrating people for being so average?" -- is exactly what I think when I see IDR post.

Right back at ya, pal.

Coco The Monkey epitomizes everything wrong with regard to the general standards of what the upper echelon of WZ's glass ceiling equates with "good" posting – that is, expends himself as an overly sarcastic and witty user who forms quips about other users whom he rarely (if ever) agrees with, that the majority of this forum fails to understand is little else but irrelevant, non sequitur, ad hominem nonsense that seldom has anything to do with the topic at hand. "Why are over-compensating little twerps with an axe to grind championed here?" is exactly what I think when I see Coco the Monkey post.
A mod bitching about the glass ceiling and the in-crowd?

Yeah. This'll end well.

See, you've already got the mind reading part of his act down. You're well on your way.

But really, I could dignify with a response your notion that I'm part of a highly insecure group of forum elites who are out to hold down hard-working (albeit mediocre) posters such as yourself. However, to do so might lend creedence to your absurd point of view and feul your victim complex (also a page from Lord Somethingoranother's playbook). You've earned the sarcasm and talking down you receive, as there's no real reason for me to give you what you might deem a proper response. I think the fact that someone who's been given a seat at the big table, in that he's a moderator, is bitching about a group of non-mods keeping him from breaking through the glass ceiling is more than enough to make your gripes about me utterly ass-hatted.
See, you've already got the mind reading part of his act down. You're well on your way.

But really, I could dignify with a response your notion that I'm part of a highly insecure group of forum elites who are out to hold down hard-working (albeit mediocre) posters such as yourself. However, to do so might lend creedence to your absurd point of view and feul your victim complex (also a page from Lord Somethingoranother's playbook). You've earned the sarcasm and talking down you receive, as there's no real reason for me to give you what you might deem a proper response. I think the fact that someone who's been given a seat at the big table, in that he's a moderator, is bitching about a group of non-mods keeping him from breaking through the glass ceiling is more than enough to make your gripes about me utterly ass-hatted.

I want no part of your miscreant crew, man. Honestly, I don't. If I've somehow given you that impression, I'm sorry, because it's simply not the case. For all I care, you could all go every Wednesday night for tug & rubs and go back to each others respective apartments to watch old NWA footage from 1988 while you high-five each other over who had the wittiest remark in any given thread that week – it's equally as irrelevant, and equally as inconsequential. I still go home smelling the high heavens regardless, so your feeble attempts to compare me to some oft-maligned ex-user are falling on deaf ears, man.

But by all means – continue your tirade to get yourself noticed. I'm sure you've made a number of friends who wouldn't recognize you in real life in the process. Congrats!

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