I liked SES Punk better at least that was unique and entertaining. Nexus Punk was mediocre and his last heel run was just bad that it was worthy of being joke of the year. It was just awkward to watch him try so hard to play the role of the main villain. The best he could come up with was "demand respect" from the fans really? Can you say cliche?
Thank god to WWE for making the right decision by making him face again so he can finally put over the newer guys especially The Shield and Curtis or even Fandango in the future.
Also, now we can have more interesting feuds after he's done with Lesnar not the same rivalries of Punk vs Cena or HHH or Taker(lol @ whoever came up with this)
thats your opinion about what punk's gimmick u liked best..
but seriously, u want cm punk to put over fandango and curtis axel? that is so fucking embarassing and downgrading. cm punk is one of the best mic workers in wwe right now. why would u treat him like shit?
same rivalries would be worth it if it put over punk. because i want cm punk to be at legend status, juts like hbk, the rock, cena, undertaker.