On what planet did it feel like a "mid card feud" and how the fuck is it "John Cena's fault". SORRY, is it Cena's fault he is the number one guy in the WWE. Is it John Cena's fault that there he is popular. You are lambasting Cena because he is higher in the pecking order than your boy Punk. John Cena had a very average 2012. The highlights were undoubtedly his matches/feud with Punk.
Yes, Cena/Johhny Ace should never have closed a PPV but when you look back at Punk's title reign he closed the show many times. There were instances such as Elimination Chamber, MITB and the Royal Rumble where Punk going last wasn't needed or warranted. Plus, the PPV's where Lesnar/The Rock was around. That is at least 6 PPV's that Punk not closing the show meant very little. It doesn't devalue the belt because on almost every Raw, except maybe 4 or 5, Punk was getting the focus. He was the WWE Champion of 434 days. He was rewarded by a match with the Undertaker at WM29. The WWE clearly respected and appreciated him.
dude, cena overshadowed cm punk's title reign. the fact is that half of it didnt matter because wwe booked it to be lesser than cena. think about it. ONE MAN is bigger than the championship AND the champion. isnt that embrassing? ur basicaly having the champion have a match in the middle of the card, while another man is main e venting.. john cena vs big show, john cena vs john laurintiis, those 2 matches main evented over cm punk? what? seriously? john cena couldnt give a few ppvs for punk to main event? is he that selfish? and no man, u are so fucking wrong. do some research. the entire time when he was a face, cm punk was on the middle of the card, both on raw and on a ppv. most raws included cena closing the show.. until cm punk turned heel. so only half of his title reign mattered
lets see cm punk's title reign defenses and cena's matches
survivor series 2011 : cm punk vs del rio, the rock and cena vs the miz and r truth was the main event. justifiable because the rock is in it and he gets buyrates.
tlc 2011 : cm punk vs del rio vs the miz was the main event. cena was kept off the card to prevent injury. seriously? the only time cm punk main evented was when cena was kept off the card.
royal rumble 2011 : rumble was the main event, while it was cm punk vs dolph ziggler and cena vs kane. that is justifiable
elimination chamber : cm punk vs miz vs chris jericho vs r truth vs kofi kingston vs dolph ziggler, while cena vs kane was the main event. somewhat justifiable because cena was about to fight the rock and needed to look relevant.
wrestlemania 27 : cena vs rock main evented, while it was cm punk vs chris jericho. it is justifiable because it was once in a lifetime.
extreme rules 2012:cm punk vs chris jericho, while cena vs brock lesnar main evented. justifiable becaiuse it was lesnar's 1st match back.
over the limit 2012 : cena vs laurintitis was main event, while it was cm punk vs daniel bryan. wow... JOHN LAURINTISIS vs cena fucking main evented over cm punk? are u fucking serious? do u know how bad it makes the wwe championship feel? how can u not understand simple logic?
no way out 2012 : it was cena vs big show main evented, while cm punk vs kane vs daniel bryan.. cena vs big show, wow, that sounds like it would draw in viewers. so basically, the wwe is saying that cm punk cant even main event a ppv as the champion??? john cena closes the show instead of the CHAMPION, doesnt that make cm punk feel inferior?
money in the bank 2012 : it was cm punk vs daniel bryan, while the raw mitb match main evented. are u fucking serious? dont u wanna create the suspense that the raw mitb winner would cash in? in addition, this is the only time this happened in wwe history. where the mitb match main evented over another championship match. what the fuck? all just because it had john cena in it. if it didnt had john cena in it, then cm punk vs bryan would have maine vented. so wwe is saying that they love john cena so much that they gave his match the main event? do u know how much it devalues the championship and the champion? it would have helped to create suspense if u had cm punk vs bryan as main event instead.
summerslam : cena vs bigs how vs punk, while lesnar vs hhh main evented. this is justifiable because lesnar and hhh are huge draws.
night of champions : cm punkv s cena main evented. so ur telling me the only time cm punk can main event is with cena? really?
hell in a cell : cm punk vs ryback main evented, while cena was kept off the card. thank goodness cena was injured.
survivor series : cena vs ryback vs cena main evented.
tlc : cm punk injured, cena vs ziggler main evented.
royal rumble : cm punk vs the rock main evented.
ec : cm punk vs rock main evented.
so basically, i guess cm punk can only main event if he is with cena, cena is kept of the card, or cm punk is fighting the rock. ONE MAN is greater than both the champion, the championship, and the contender. #wwelogic #sofuckingsmart