CM Punk's Face Turn

Do you like Cm Punk's face turn so far?

  • Yes, i like his face turn because he has an edge to his character.

  • No, because he is turning into a generic, cookie cutter, smiling, pandering to the crowd babyface

  • we will have to wait and see how wwe handles this.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Its the WWE. The only way to be a face is to be a good guy wholesome face these days. It is boring now that all faces are good guys, not simply the guys we cheer. I think the WWE needs to just stop shoving down our throats who we are supposed to like, and simply let us get behind what characters we want too. Let CM punk be CM Punk - and let us choose if we want to boo or cheer. Let a lot of these guys blossom as characters, and let the audience decided if we ultimately want to cheer or boo - OR BETTER YET, let the audience be split. A split audience will talk about it more, will be more engaged, and will sell merch.

That is why I feel that Heel's get so much love around here. They have to go out there, talk and convince us they are a heel, and all that jazz. Faces come out as dopey losers who are all best friends, and act like they eat their vitamins and say their prayers. It is really, really frustrating.

I mean I look at a guy like Goldberg. He was never "Good guy Goldberg", he was "I'll spear your ass and dominate you" Goldberg. It just so happened he speared and dominated the bad guys, so as a kid I loved the guy. Stone Cold was a badass rebel who fought corporate evil, all the power to him and his f*cking up McMahon! The Rock? Well in his hay day he brought intensity, and could trash the hell out of any Heel, a talker on the offense with insults and wit that made the bad guys look bad (but he legitimately out talked them).

Aside from these characters who aren't cookie cutters, it also seems that Heel's in WWE have better goals and motives. I honestly believe that Mark Henry is hungry for the gold - if I go kayfabe he seems like my man. Cena doesn't seem to give to f*ck's about the title, other than so he can say "The champ is here!" He makes it seem as if it means nothing.

Anyway - if they make CM Punk "Good guy Punk" this will suck horribly in promos (for us to watch at least, he will have enough talent to make them work), but if they let him cut loose as the Best in the World, and a man on the mission to prove that he can and will beat Axel and Lesnar's ass, well then this may work.

Those cheesy smiles, cheesy pandering to the crowd. this promo on Monday Night Raw, i saw cm punk putting over the MITB people. is that all he can come up with? putting over opponents? his promos as a heel were much better than with him as a babyface.

Punk is a natural heel. I agree that his heart doesn't seem to be in it since his return. And judging from his Twitter, hockey is the only thing he's interested in these days. I imagine as a wrestler if you were stuck with a character you didn't like, your performance would reflect it, and I've sensed that from Punk the last two weeks.

he pretty much lost his edginess. there is nothing badass or appealing about him man. at least as a heel, he delivered amazing promos, now? his promos are just like john cena, put over opponents (evident this week), yell at heels, put over matches, cheesy smiles to the crowd, etc.
Sorry but, Punk as a heel was just so generic and dull. I can even make a list of names who was more interesting with the generic cocky heel character, hell, I'll even admit that even The Miz as a heel was so much better than Punk, lol....

Punk as a face has a lot more potential imo. At least he has the support of both the adult and young audience unlike Cena.

I truly believe that WWE made the right move making him face. Just wait and see.
Sorry but, Punk as a heel was just so generic and dull. I can even make a list of names who was more interesting with the generic cocky heel character, hell, I'll even admit that even The Miz as a heel was so much better than Punk, lol....

Punk as a face has a lot more potential imo. At least he has the support of both the adult and young audience unlike Cena.

I truly believe that WWE made the right move making him face. Just wait and see.
well what the fuck did u expect of his character? its wwe creative after all. its really contradictary, cuz they arent really "creative". punk as a face will always be taking a backseat to john cena. because i know he will never be the face of the company. i would rather have him as heel, where i am confident that he will be the top heel. also, his promos are way better as a heel and his look just oozes douchebaggery. hes a natural douchebag and he should be playing one.
i would rather have him as heel, where i am confident that he will be the top heel. also, his promos are way better as a heel and his look just oozes douchebaggery. hes a natural douchebag and he should be playing one.

Top heel? Now that is just laughable.

The fact that he had to resort to mocking Lawler's heart attack and mocking Paul Bearer's death just to incite some heat. Sorry but no. Even guys like Slater can come out and do the same thing and he will receive the same amount of heat but that won't mean he's a good heel.

Just get over it. Punk's going to stay face and he's probably going to be putting over newer guys like Curtis Axel in the future which is great for business too.
Top heel? Now that is just laughable.

The fact that he had to resort to mocking Lawler's heart attack and mocking Paul Bearer's death just to incite some heat. Sorry but no. Even guys like Slater can come out and do the same thing and he will receive the same amount of heat but that won't mean he's a good heel.

Just get over it. Punk's going to stay face and he's probably going to be putting over newer guys like Curtis Axel in the future which is great for business too.
what? cm punk was over as fuck as a top heel... he has so many fans that he had to resort to cheap heat, thats why he did what he did. punk shouldnt stay face because he feels so forced and his promo this week sucked. all he did was put over his opponents, just like his 2011-2012 run as a face. its giong to be just as dull and cringeworthy.. what? why does punk have to put over curtis axel? curtis axel doesnt deserve to be put over by punk. curtis axel has no mic skills and no charisma. the only thing he has going for him is backstage support from hhh and decent in ring skills. thats all man. no charisma, no mic skills, no "it" factor
why does punk have to put over curtis axel? curtis axel doesnt deserve to be put over by punk. curtis axel has no mic skills and no charisma. the only thing he has going for him is backstage support from hhh and decent in ring skills. thats all man. no charisma, no mic skills, no "it" factor

hence I said "PROBABLY in the future" unlike you I'm not awfully quick to judge. Even Punk took 7 years to actually get over.

As for him being over as a top heel... sorry but LOLULEWLULZ!

I wonder how you're going to react when Shield beats up your CM Punk.

Punk's here to stay face. And if you're worried about him being turned into another super Cena then it will be his own fault. He can still be creative with his promos even as a face.
Punk's done everything there is to do as a heel. There's no more money to be made from a heel CM Punk. Punk's knows this, he's also not a moron. There is still a lot of uncharted ground for him as a face though and a lot of money to be made. Hence, why they're building him to face Lesnar now.

You also need to earn what it means to be put over. It doesn't always come down to what happens in the ring. Punk is already putting Axel over just by associating with him. Axel doesn't have to beat him to be put over by him.

The majority of people don't agree with you. Most people like and want to cheer for Punk. WWE is about making money, not pleasing idiot marks who never give them a dime.
Punk's done everything there is to do as a heel. There's no more money to be made from a heel CM Punk. Punk's knows this, he's also not a moron. There is still a lot of uncharted ground for him as a face though and a lot of money to be made. Hence, why they're building him to face Lesnar now.

You also need to earn what it means to be put over. It doesn't always come down to what happens in the ring. Punk is already putting Axel over just by associating with him. Axel doesn't have to beat him to be put over by him.

The majority of people don't agree with you. Most people like and want to cheer for Punk. WWE is about making money, not pleasing idiot marks who never give them a dime.

cm punk still needs to get his win back against hhh and undertaker, so there is sometihng to do as a heel.. 2 older stars defeating a future mega star, sounds logical, right? *sarcasm*

if punk knows he should turn face, why do his promos feel so forced? his cheesy smiles feel forced, he just doesnt work out as a face. he feels so natural as a heel man. he oozes douchebaggery, if u see his interviews, he acts like a jerk in them, so its easier for him to be heel. they cant just turn him face in 2011, then turn him heel again in 2012, then turn him back to face in 2013.. its a repititive formula, they should keep him as a heel because there is more money to be made. theres already enough faces (sheamus, randy orton, john cena, kane, daniel bryan).. but there are hardly any credible heels, the most credible are henry and del rio, and the rest are mid card jobbers. they need cm punk as a heel more than as a face man.

and how is punk putting over axel? is axel getting any more over? john cena put over zack ryder by associating with him, where is ryder now?

most people want to see badass punk, thats the reason why they even cheered for heel punk. now that hes a face, hes going to become a pandering to the crwod, smiling, typcical cookie cutter face, ala john cena. wwe is about making money, they can make more money by keeping punk as a heel and feuding him with hhh or undertaker.
most people want to see badass punk, thats the reason why they even cheered for heel punk. now that hes a face, hes going to become a pandering to the crwod, smiling, typcical cookie cutter face, ala john cena. wwe is about making money, they can make more money by keeping punk as a heel and feuding him with hhh or undertaker.

Most people? I'm pretty sure most people wanted Punk vs Lesnar and they're finally giving it to us.

And so basically what you want is to recycle ideas of having Punk feud with Taker and HHH again.... yeah, I'm sure most people would want that instead of Punk vs Lesnar. huehue
In WWE, all faces are clean-cut wholesome good guys and all heels are whiny chicken$h!ts who can't win a match clean to save their lives. That's how it's been for over a decade and it's never changing. Look at CM Punk last year. The instant he turned heel, he lost the ability to win matches and became totally dependant on an entire army of guys to back him up and the rest of his title reign became meaningless.
As of right now, I like where Punk is. He's definitely straddling the line as a tweener leaning more towards a face. Personally, I'd rather see WWE keep him that way. If anything, I'd kind of like to see Punk progress a little further, like the cocky anti-corporate.....well...punk that he was during the summer of 2011.

When Punk has a rebellious streak in him, whether he's a face or a heel, I think he's at his best. Punk morphed into a pretty traditional babyface during the first half of his historic WWE Championship run and Punk just seems to be more...I guess authentic when he's more of a rebel than a classic good guy. After all, look at everything we know about Punk's career; including the fact that he's someone that a lot of people in WWE didn't have faith in and didn't see money in because of his difference.
I think that heels are just as generic as the faces these days. Maybe the faces are a bit more annoying since they do tend to pander to the crowd, and nobody likes a kiss ass. But I don't think they'd have CM Punk do it to the extent some other faces pander. Freaking out about the face turn seems premature at this point.

You already mentioned in the original post that not all faces have to be goody goody. You even gave some examples. That's pretty much the reason why I voted to give it time in the poll.

Punk's done everything there is to do as a heel. There's no more money to be made from a heel CM Punk. Punk's knows this, he's also not a moron. There is still a lot of uncharted ground for him as a face though and a lot of money to be made. Hence, why they're building him to face Lesnar now.

You also need to earn what it means to be put over. It doesn't always come down to what happens in the ring. Punk is already putting Axel over just by associating with him. Axel doesn't have to beat him to be put over by him.

The majority of people don't agree with you. Most people like and want to cheer for Punk. WWE is about making money, not pleasing idiot marks who never give them a dime.

I disagree with this. I don't think any wrestler can do everything there is to do as a heel (or as a face). While I thought it made sense that CM Punk went face (since the crowd was behind him anyway), I don't think that means there would be no money in any future feuds of his if he were still heel. That seems like a pretty big exaggeration.
I disagree with this. I don't think any wrestler can do everything there is to do as a heel (or as a face). While I thought it made sense that CM Punk went face (since the crowd was behind him anyway), I don't think that means there would be no money in any future feuds of his if he were still heel. That seems like a pretty big exaggeration.

It was kind of an exaggeration to say there was no money left to be made but after having lengthy feuds with Cena, The Rock, and The Undertaker, where was he going to go from there? Sheamus? Orton? Sure, those kind of feuds could have been money, but they would have been middle of the card matches. Kind of a big downgrade from what he's been doing for the past couple of years, no? Turning face allows him to grow more as a character and sustain his forward momentum. He's shedding Heyman as a manager and stepping into another money match, this time with Lesnar. Wouldn't really have been able to do that as a heel, would he?
Sorry but, Punk as a heel was just so generic and dull. I can even make a list of names who was more interesting with the generic cocky heel character, hell, I'll even admit that even The Miz as a heel was so much better than Punk, lol....

Punk as a face has a lot more potential imo. At least he has the support of both the adult and young audience unlike Cena.

I truly believe that WWE made the right move making him face. Just wait and see.

You couldn't be more WRONG. Punk as a heel was just so generic and dull? Really? Is that why Vince, who changes entire Raws 15 minutes before the show starts, put the strap on Punk for 434 days?

We could argue that CM Punk and Paul Heyman were the best and most entertaining HEEL duo we have seen in over 5 years.

Almost every fued CM Punk had as a heel felt seamless outside of the Paul Bearer thing. He adapts to everyone he fueds with, whether it was the Rock or Y2J vs. Punk best in the world vs. best at what I do fued. Or Cena, the "Super man vs. the IWC darlin'. No matter what Punk did as a heel it was interesting. I really don't know what you were watching.

Now the original poster, CM Punk is playing the perfect tweener right now. Hugging Heyman etc. etc. If Vince had the guts to just leave him that way, dont have him obviously play to the crowds like Orton has done. It will make him that much more successful. So on that, I disagree with the #2 poster and agree with the #1 poster.
You couldn't be more WRONG. Punk as a heel was just so generic and dull? Really? Is that why Vince, who changes entire Raws 15 minutes before the show starts, put the strap on Punk for 434 days?

Oh my bad. I mean't VERY VERY generic and dull.

"I've been champion for (insert number of days here)" "I'm the best in the world"

The only entertaining part about Punk during his heel run was Paul Heyman.

At least Heyman was funny and ENTERTAINING.
When Punk cut the infamous pipe-bomb promo in 2011 it was as a heel, a portion of his anger was aimed at the fans. However it turned him face organically as it connected with a large portion of the WWE fanbase and WWE went with it like they did with Austin and Rock, only unlike with those two after a month or two they took away Punk's edge, I mean they actually had him apologize to Triple H and admit he was wrong, top faces aren't wrong, that's not how it works.

So Punk remained very over but even a huge Punk mark like myself (He's my 2nd favourite wrestler ever) had to admit this was not 100% pure CM Punk, it was maybe 60-40 at best.

His heel turn was forced and never really worked. WWE needed a top heel to drop the belt to The Rock so he could drop it to Cena. Punk was the second top guy in the WWE and had beaten Cena more than once and could more than hold his own on the mic with Rock, therefore he was turned heel.

His heel turn featured some great work but it was like swimming upstream, he'd come out at the start of Raw to cheers and have to work hard on the mic to turn each audience against him, only by the time he came out later for his match they were cheering him again. He mocked the heart attack of Lawler and the death of Paul Bearer, these were real life things and yet the night he beat Taker down with an urn supposedly full of Bearer's ashes the crowd chanted CM Punk as he stood over Taker.

So what we have now is WWE turning him back face as the work they needed from him as a heel is done and they can go back to what the majority of the fanbase want, the big question is will they let him be the snarky, angry, cocky, smart mouthed jerk that started off the 2011 "Summer of Punk?" My guess is yes as they have seen that trying to fit every face into the cheery, joke telling Cena mold simply doesn't work, Sheamus can attest to this as can Del Rio.

If you look at the other two guys currently being pushed as new blood top faces (Bryan and Ziggler) they are not being altered to fit a mold. Bryan is still a quirky oddball who can be a bit of a dick, and Dolph is pretty much just continuing on as the cocky show-off, so I don't see any need for Punk to change, I mean he hasn't actually turned face in an official way, he just came back to huge fan support and hasn't attempted to fight it.
As of right now, I like where Punk is. He's definitely straddling the line as a tweener leaning more towards a face. Personally, I'd rather see WWE keep him that way. If anything, I'd kind of like to see Punk progress a little further, like the cocky anti-corporate.....well...punk that he was during the summer of 2011.

When Punk has a rebellious streak in him, whether he's a face or a heel, I think he's at his best. Punk morphed into a pretty traditional babyface during the first half of his historic WWE Championship run and Punk just seems to be more...I guess authentic when he's more of a rebel than a classic good guy. After all, look at everything we know about Punk's career; including the fact that he's someone that a lot of people in WWE didn't have faith in and didn't see money in because of his difference.

i would love to see rebellious punk come back, but unfortunately thats not going to happen. every face with the exception of randy orton are all generic, smiling, cookie cutter, pandering to the crowd suckups.
His heel turn was forced and never really worked. WWE needed a top heel to drop the belt to The Rock so he could drop it to Cena. Punk was the second top guy in the WWE and had beaten Cena more than once and could more than hold his own on the mic with Rock, therefore he was turned heel.

Finally someone who's an honest and not a "only heels are cool" IWC Punk guy here.

I like Punk too. And I enjoyed a lot of his feuds during his face run. But I just can't say the same for his last heel run, it was beyond horrid.

Face Punk > Heel Punk.
Finally someone who's an honest and not a "only heels are cool" IWC Punk guy here.

I like Punk too. And I enjoyed a lot of his feuds during his face run. But I just can't say the same for his last heel run, it was beyond horrid.

Face Punk > Heel Punk.

lmfao u think his face run is any better? u like those cheesy smiles and pandering to the ground and putting over opponents because he has nothign else to say besides that? u love all that huh? ignorant person
lmfao u think his face run is any better? u like those cheesy smiles and pandering to the ground and putting over opponents because he has nothign else to say besides that? u love all that huh? ignorant person

No, I'm just an honest man.

If someone's a good heel then I'll praise their work if not then I won't.

Forgive me for not being a fan who's blinded by favoritism. I like Punk but he's not perfect and his heel run was a joke.

And your opinion of Punk being a "badass" heel is just too funny. Not to mention all your ideas are horrid. I mean a feud with HHH and Taker again, seriously? LOL!
No, I'm just an honest man.

If someone's a good heel then I'll praise their work if not then I won't.

Forgive me for not being a fan who's blinded by favoritism. I like Punk but he's not perfect and his heel run was a joke.

And your opinion of Punk being a "badass" heel is just too funny. Not to mention all your ideas are horrid. I mean a feud with HHH and Taker again, seriously? LOL!

instead of insulting his heel work, explain why its bad.. imo he delivered amazing promos and was a lot more entertaining. now hes kind of annoying.

a feud with hhh and taker is necessary because he needs his wins back. he cant afford to lose feuds against him, it would make him look weak. it doesnt make sense from a business perspective to have 2 older stars beat the future of the company. undertaker i can understand because they want to preserve their streak, but why doesnt hhh give cm punk his win back? it would put him over huge.
instead of insulting his heel work, explain why its bad.. imo he delivered amazing promos and was a lot more entertaining. now hes kind of annoying.

a feud with hhh and taker is necessary because he needs his wins back. he cant afford to lose feuds against him, it would make him look weak. it doesnt make sense from a business perspective to have 2 older stars beat the future of the company. undertaker i can understand because they want to preserve their streak, but why doesnt hhh give cm punk his win back? it would put him over huge.

I already did.

Ok, let's say we go with your idea and he starts feuding with HHH and Taker and he beats them both? Where does he go from there? John Cena??? Lol...

Him being face is what's best right now. After his Lesnar feud he can feud with any member of the Shield or Curtis Axel or the Wyatt Family.

Sorry but I just don't like your cliche idea of the same rivalries over and over again.

And why do you think Punk needs to be put over?... he's already over as he is.
I already did.

Ok, let's say we go with your idea and he starts feuding with HHH and Taker and he beats them both? Where does he go from there? John Cena??? Lol...

Him being face is what's best right now. After his Lesnar feud he can feud with any member of the Shield or Curtis Axel or the Wyatt Family.

Sorry but I just don't like your cliche idea of the same rivalries over and over again.

And why do you think Punk needs to be put over?... he's already over as he is.

a feud with shield, curtis axel, or the wyatt family would demote punk to mid card status. he isnt at the level where he can feud with lower card superstars and still be seen as a main eventer. its sad, but he still needs that one feud to put him over to the main event level. hhh and undertaker could do that.
a feud with shield, curtis axel, or the wyatt family would demote punk to mid card status. he isnt at the level where he can feud with lower card superstars and still be seen as a main eventer. its sad, but he still needs that one feud to put him over to the main event level. hhh and undertaker could do that.


- He's beaten Cena.

- And beaten guys like Jericho and even ending Ryback's streak (when he still mattered)

- He held the WWE title for over a year...

If YOU still feel he isn't over after all those accomplishments then I guess it's just impossible for Punk to get over..

I doubt a win over HHH and Taker would even matter to you, lol.

- He's beaten Cena.

- And beaten guys like Jericho and even ending Ryback's streak (when he still mattered)

- He held the WWE title for over a year...

If YOU still feel he isn't over after all those accomplishments then I guess it's just impossible for Punk to get over..

I doubt a win over HHH and Taker would even matter to you, lol.

yes it would. cena isnt a big enough star to put people over. he put over miz in the main event of wrestlemania, now look what happened to him. if undertaker and hhh put punk over, it is a whole different story.

jericho is a jobber to the stars. beating him doesnt mean shit. ryback is a newcomer, beating him also doesnt mean as much as beating hhh or taker.

he was overshadowed by john cena for half of his title reign. john cena always main evented over him, which is fucking bullshit cuz punk is the champion. cena is devaluing the championship. so the reign should be split in half because only half of it actually mattered.

punk still needs some work to do before he can become a established main event star. he needs to go over someone HUGE. either HHH, taker, or lesnar, maybe bring hbk back to put over cm punk. maybe cm punk can make randy orton tap out, put him over in a huge way

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