CM Punk VS Triple H Redux


"Original Blade"
As we saw from Punk's promo last night on Raw, it looks like WWE is letting the feud between Punk and Triple H actually happen. But this time it's happening with face Punk vs. heel Triple H, which is arguably how it should've been done the first time.

When you look at how the feud was done the first time and how it's being done now, there are a lot of similarities. A member of the Kliq confronting Punk, with Triple H nowhere to be found. Someone being sent to attack Punk, with no one really sure who's behind it. Punk, with the crowd behind him, hungry for revenge.

Is this going to lead to Triple H vs. CM Punk some time between now and Wrestlemania, or perhaps even at Wrestlemania itself? Is there any chance at all that Michaels will come back for a match with Punk, like Kevin Nash was supposed to back in 2011?

In my opinion, when the feud was done in 2011, it was a huge missed opportunity. CM Punk was red-hot having won the WWE title and returning to face Cena, and despite the initial mixed reaction, the whole crowd was really starting to get behind Punk around Summerslam. And then the Nash debacle happened, making people not care as much about Punk. Then Triple H beat Punk and he just didn't have the same momentum after that.

Assuming it was planned for Punk to win the title at Survivor Series back in 2011, regardless of how long the reign was supposed to be, it made absolutely no sense for Triple H to win. So will Punk finally get his win over Triple H? And are you actually excited for the feud this time, after the mess it was last time?
There are so many things wrong with what you said.

HBK returning to face punk? :lmao:

HBK should only come out of retirement for the greatest dream match ever: HBK vs The Rock, a ring rusted HBK can still outperform pretty much everyone on the roster and can get a good match out of Rocky.
Or HBK vs Bryan: Teacher vs Student, it would be an incredible match.

Also, why should Hunter face Punk at Mania? Where does that leave Bryan?
Will Bryan face Orton? Why should he? I still don't understand WWE, shouldn't Bryan be mad at Hunter for screw!ng him. What did Orton do wrong? Took an opportunity to be champion? Bryan should be mad at HHH and feuding with him not punk.

With that being said, I have 0 interest in seeing Punk vs Hunter, their first match was average at best.
Their promos weren't good either.

It's basically the same storyline of 2011, seeing Punk act like an immature child in this feud made me puke.
I posted this before but it was deleted for some reason. You know HHH isn't going to miss out on a WrestleMania XXX:

1. HHH will wrestle
2. HHH will have some unique entrance that makes him stand out (perks of the company position)
3. HHH, win or lose, will look inferior to his opponent (even though his on-screen role now is a "suit")

Now is the time to put over the talent, not bury it to feed one's ego, in my opinion. I personally loved the ending segment on Raw (12/9/13) when all the champs were in the ring (and Jack Swagger lol), and when Stephanie praised HHH's 13 title wins, CM Punk is trying not to lose it in the background.
I personally loved the ending segment on Raw (12/9/13) when all the champs were in the ring (and Jack Swagger lol), and when Stephanie praised HHH's 13 title wins, CM Punk is trying not to lose it in the background.

You do know that this was scripted, right?

Mr Pipebomb, Mr Change, Mr Guy who is going to bring back the Attitude Era, is just another lame PG babyface, acting like an immature child.
Yes, I know it was scripted, I found it funny though. I agree with you 100% on Punk's character - it's brutal to watch. It's almost to the point that I wish they would do a gimmick battle royal every Monday night to open the show...Steve Blackman, Berzerker, Tugboat, Norman Smiley, Haku, etc. Hell, I'd even take Villano V or El Dandy.
There are so many things wrong with what you said.

This is going to be fun.

HBK returning to face punk? :lmao:

Firstly, that was a question I asked. Is it possible to be wrong by asking a question? You're not off to a good start.

Secondly, I realise how crazy it sounds. Punk gets superkicked by HBK, then the two have a quite tense promo the next week.

How on Earth did I reach the conclusion that the two of them might have a match?

HBK should only come out of retirement for the greatest dream match ever: HBK vs The Rock, a ring rusted HBK can still outperform pretty much everyone on the roster and can get a good match out of Rocky.

Eh. I'm kinda sick of the Rock. I, and I'm sure plenty of people will back me up here, would take HBK vs. Punk over HBK vs. the Rock.

Or HBK vs Bryan: Teacher vs Student, it would be an incredible match.

Yes, it would. Well done.

Also, why should Hunter face Punk at Mania?

Umm, because of the feud? Y'know, booking two people in a feud tends to lead to a match.

Unless you mean, non-kayfabe reasons. In which case I'd say because two pretty big stars having a match tends to create interest and draw PPV buys?

Where does that leave Bryan?

You just said that HBK vs. Bryan would be incredible. Have you changed your mind already?

Also, I hear Daniel Bryan is quite over. It seems fitting that maybe a quite over guy challenges for the WWE title at Wrestlemania.

I'm a visionary, I know.

Will Bryan face Orton? Why should he?

Umm, I don't know, I can't see into the future. But maybe because Bryan wants the title and Orton has it?

I still don't understand WWE, shouldn't Bryan be mad at Hunter for screw!ng him. What did Orton do wrong? Took an opportunity to be champion? Bryan should be mad at HHH and feuding with him not punk.

Ah, you finally raised a valid point. Excellent.

While I agree that Bryan vs. Triple H should've happened, I'm kind of glad that it didn't, considering that Triple H felt he had to beat Punk back in 2011.

Kayfabe-wise, I would say that Bryan is just a guy who wants to wrestle and be WWE champion. I don't think he's much of a rebel, which is probably why the Authority angle didn't work. He doesn't have anti-authority side of Punk, nor the seeking justice side of Cena. He's just a wrestler who wants to be WWE champion. Isn't that a good enough reason to go after Orton?

With that being said, I have 0 interest in seeing Punk vs Hunter, their first match was average at best.

Their first match was Match of the Night on a pretty solid card.

Their promos weren't good either.

Are you trolling or just dead inside?

That's a pretty damn entertaining promo, right there.

It's basically the same storyline of 2011,

Well, yes, that's kind of the point of the thread.

seeing Punk act like an immature child in this feud made me puke.

I know, right? Acting angry and vengeful because he was screwed out of the biggest win of his career, being certain that there was a conspiracy against him based on pretty strong evidence and pointing out the flaws in the WWE system?

If I had a nickle for every time I saw an immature child do that. I'd be fucking loaded.
Eh. I'm kinda sick of the Rock. I, and I'm sure plenty of people will back me up here, would take HBK vs. Punk over HBK vs. the Rock.

A lot of people didn't like Rock's 2013 run but The Rock should be given another chance and there is no debate, Rock vs Shawn Michaels is probably the best dream match ever.


Nobody in their rightful mind wouldn't want to see that, even if The PPL's champ and HBshizzle are in their 40s.
As we saw from Punk's promo last night on Raw, it looks like WWE is letting the feud between Punk and Triple H actually happen. But this time it's happening with face Punk vs. heel Triple H, which is arguably how it should've been done the first time.

When you look at how the feud was done the first time and how it's being done now, there are a lot of similarities. A member of the Kliq confronting Punk, with Triple H nowhere to be found. Someone being sent to attack Punk, with no one really sure who's behind it. Punk, with the crowd behind him, hungry for revenge.

Is this going to lead to Triple H vs. CM Punk some time between now and Wrestlemania, or perhaps even at Wrestlemania itself? Is there any chance at all that Michaels will come back for a match with Punk, like Kevin Nash was supposed to back in 2011?

In my opinion, when the feud was done in 2011, it was a huge missed opportunity. CM Punk was red-hot having won the WWE title and returning to face Cena, and despite the initial mixed reaction, the whole crowd was really starting to get behind Punk around Summerslam. And then the Nash debacle happened, making people not care as much about Punk. Then Triple H beat Punk and he just didn't have the same momentum after that.

Assuming it was planned for Punk to win the title at Survivor Series back in 2011, regardless of how long the reign was supposed to be, it made absolutely no sense for Triple H to win. So will Punk finally get his win over Triple H? And are you actually excited for the feud this time, after the mess it was last time?

There's a possibility. And why not? They have unfinished business from past and now that HHH is heel, this would actually make for a way better match up than their earlier one. If they don't insert Punk in the title picture, this could be a very good grudge match for both of them to be involved in.

However, if they do not do this and do not insert Bryan in the WWEWHC picture (which would break my heart), they can do Punk/Bryan vs DX at the Mania. They have unfinished business and this match can finally finish it.
Punk vs HHH is such an easy feud to have. It writes itself: the owner's son in law vs the rebel. In his pipebomb he mentioned how when Vince dies, the company is going to be just as bad because his stupid family will inherit it. Aren't we seeing that now? Punk could be fighting for the locker room (and his own ego) while Triple H tries to protect his company and bury Punk. These two are fantastic superstars and I'm sure the feud would be of high quality.

There are a lot of great possibilities at WM and while Punk/HHH would be great; I think there are better options for both. I don't think there is any real reason to have this feud when Triple H could face Bryan and Punk could be in the WWE Heavyweight Title picture. It just makes more sense.

With regards to the feud in 2011, it wasn't great but I think we can overlook that. I mean, Punk recovered pretty well from losing to Triple H with one of the best title reigns in my lifetime.
I absolutely see this match happening at WrestleMania. It's the only way to go for both in reality, who has Triple left to face that he hasn't already faced? CM Punk. The story writes itself.
Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if we saw HHH/HBK reforming DX at WMXXX to take on Punk and Bryan. Only problem with that is it keeps both Punk and Bryan away from the title....we will probably see this if they go with Orton VS Cena again at WMXXX.
A lot of people didn't like Rock's 2013 run but The Rock should be given another chance and there is no debate, Rock vs Shawn Michaels is probably the best dream match ever.


Nobody in their rightful mind wouldn't want to see that, even if The PPL's champ and HBshizzle are in their 40s.

Except there's really little to prove in that match, especially since both men are either part-time or not active anymore in the ring at all.

Would it be cool to see? Yeah, won't deny that. But at this stage in life and their careers, it doesn't have much hook to it. Rock isn't wrestling to have Shawn come in and be like "I needed to know." Michaels isn't wrestling to have Rock come in and have a real need to prove who "the real icon is."

What real story can you make out of it? How do you even start it?

And way to go avoiding B-lad's other counterpoints that totally crushed you. :lmao:
Are you trolling or just dead inside?

That's a pretty damn entertaining promo, right there.

Damn, just rewatched it, that promo was so good. They really needed to pull the trigger on a slow Triple H heel turn. The payoff to that feud could have been really freaking good. They were obviously building towards it, but for some ridiculous reason, they nixed it. WWE is notorious for wasting potential, but this one takes the cake as one of the biggest dropped balls of the last 10 years.
I posted this before but it was deleted for some reason. You know HHH isn't going to miss out on a WrestleMania XXX:

1. HHH will wrestle
2. HHH will have some unique entrance that makes him stand out (perks of the company position)
3. HHH, win or lose, will look inferior to his opponent (even though his on-screen role now is a "suit")

Now is the time to put over the talent, not bury it to feed one's ego, in my opinion. I personally loved the ending segment on Raw (12/9/13) when all the champs were in the ring (and Jack Swagger lol), and when Stephanie praised HHH's 13 title wins, CM Punk is trying not to lose it in the background.

Yea I hate how HHH always buries people to feed his when he put over Benoit at WM 20, than Batista at WM 21, than Cena at WM 22, than Orton at WM 24....O my mistake that was him putting over other wrestlers for four straight title matches at the biggest wrestling event in the world. Not to mention the fact that he gave Jericho maybe the biggest rub of his career on Raw, and put Jeff Hardy over but yea ur right he just buries everyone.

Seriously where did you guys come up with this hate for HHH like he wins every match or something?
HBK vs. The Rock would be awful. There is (or at least was) legitimate heat between them, Rock would be put over and HBK would sell like he did for Hogan. And if HBK wrestles again it would be disrespectful to Taker.
Oh Most definitely this feud writes itself! I suspect if it were to happen it will be much better than the Feud they had in 2011! Triple H in that one IMO used his own ego,and power and just destroyed all of punk momentum! The Power Hungry COO,vs the Rebel and second city Saint at WM!

We can all see it coming,it has been coming for quite some time now.. Punk has never been one to bow down to authority while Trips demands authority.. While this match will be awesome i suspect Punk goes over in this match and one helluva a match it will be
Yea I hate how HHH always buries people to feed his when he put over Benoit at WM 20, than Batista at WM 21, than Cena at WM 22, than Orton at WM 24....

He did say "win or lose".

O my mistake that was him putting over other wrestlers for four straight title matches at the biggest wrestling event in the world.

Yeah and he lost to Undertaker too. Is that "putting over"? I can give you Batista and Benoit, but when he lost to Taker and Cena, he's losing to guys who are not bury-able. It's not like you can really thank him for "giving Taker the rub", right?

(As for Orton, there's a reason Triple H didn't get pinned. He avoided getting pinned at Mania, and got the title at the next PPV. That hardly counts.)

Not to mention the fact that he gave Jericho maybe the biggest rub of his career on Raw

Frankly, I think the biggest rub of Jericho's career was winning two world titles in one night by defeating the two biggest stars in the business The Rock and Steve Austin. But that's just me.

and put Jeff Hardy over but yea ur right he just buries everyone.
Put him over once via rollup at Armageddon, and it was so Jeff could get his title shot first and Triple H could get his at Mania. Triple H got to have a bunch of rematches with Jeff for the WWE title, and Triple H beat him every single time. It wasn't until Edge won the title that Jeff was able to win it.

Seriously where did you guys come up with this hate for HHH like he wins every match or something?

He doesn't win every match, but he makes sure he always comes out on top when it matters. If some kid needs a big win to cement his spot at the top like Punk or Sheamus, he will crap on their pushes and pin them like it was nothing. I'm shocked he didn't squash Bryan like a bug at Survivor Series.
He did say "win or lose".

Yeah and he lost to Undertaker too. Is that "putting over"? I can give you Batista and Benoit, but when he lost to Taker and Cena, he's losing to guys who are not bury-able. It's not like you can really thank him for "giving Taker the rub", right?

(As for Orton, there's a reason Triple H didn't get pinned. He avoided getting pinned at Mania, and got the title at the next PPV. That hardly counts.)

Frankly, I think the biggest rub of Jericho's career was winning two world titles in one night by defeating the two biggest stars in the business The Rock and Steve Austin. But that's just me.

Put him over once via rollup at Armageddon, and it was so Jeff could get his title shot first and Triple H could get his at Mania. Triple H got to have a bunch of rematches with Jeff for the WWE title, and Triple H beat him every single time. It wasn't until Edge won the title that Jeff was able to win it.

He doesn't win every match, but he makes sure he always comes out on top when it matters. If some kid needs a big win to cement his spot at the top like Punk or Sheamus, he will crap on their pushes and pin them like it was nothing. I'm shocked he didn't squash Bryan like a bug at Survivor Series.

First off...I never mentioned Taker...and HHH was in the match that Orton won so yes that is putting someone over. You dont have to be pinned to put someone over. U remember when Taker put over Hardy in that ladder match even though Taker still won? or when Bret put over Austin even though Hart won the match.

Secondly, he TAPPED OUT TO CENA!!! how is that not putting someone over...that is just about the biggest thing you can do to put someone over. He still lost 4 mania's in a row since he didnt compete at 23. HHH was also in the match that Jeff won the wwe title which you left out while doing your biased reply.

You say that HHH didnt put over Cena and Taker because they were already established and not bury-able yet you criticize him for not putting over Sheamus and Punk. Sheamus was a two time WWE champ that main evented several ppv's and had wins over Cena and Orton before he lost to HHH. Punk was also WWE champ and multiple time world champ before he lost to HHH. Both guys had multiple chances to make something out of themselves way before they ever even had a match with HHH. So why blame HHH? Sheamus not getting over had nothing to do with his loss to HHH. And Punk is currently a top 3 guy in the company. You are just HHH hating and being biased.
First off...I never mentioned Taker...and HHH was in the match that Orton won so yes that is putting someone over. You dont have to be pinned to put someone over. U remember when Taker put over Hardy in that ladder match even though Taker still won?

Secondly, he TAPPED OUT TO CENA!!! how is that not putting someone over...that is just about the biggest thing you can do to put someone over. He still lost 4 mania's in a row since he didnt compete at 23. HHH was also in the match that Jeff won the wwe title which you left out while doing your biased reply.

You say that HHH didnt put over Cena and Taker because they were already established and not bury-able yet you criticize him for not putting over Sheamus and Punk. Sheamus was a two time WWE champ that main evented several ppv's and had wins over Cena and Orton before he lost to HHH. Punk was also WWE champ and multiple time world champ before he lost to HHH. Both guys had multiple chances to make something out of themselves way before they ever even had a match with HHH. So why blame HHH? Sheamus not getting over had nothing to do with his loss to HHH. And Punk is currently a top 3 guy in the company. You are just HHH hating and being biased.

1. You know it's not the same thing. Cena can't be buried and it's not because of his title history. It's because he's the face of the company. He loses clean to Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton and is still the face of the company the next day. His rep and credibility is untouchable. Triple H didn't give him a "rub". Triple H loses to the TOP guys, but only those at the VERY TOP. The untouchables, no one else. Punk had just beaten Cena and was starting to rise as a main eventer. And less than a month later, Triple H asserted his authority by beating him to a pulp for the 1-2-3. Punk was still vulnerable, his push as a true top guy was just beginning. He was someone you can make or break, unlike Cena and Undertaker.

2. I didn't leave out anything. I said that Triple H beat Jeff in every title defense he had, and it wasn't until Edge won it, that Jeff got to win (And same with Orton, Triple H did not get pinned, he wanted to come out looking strong).

3. Sheamus did not FAIL to get over. In fact, he had just been WWE Champion, and after Triple H was done asserting his superiority over the new hot superstar, they put the WWE title back on Sheamus. Sound familiar? He did the same with CM Punk a year later. Right in the middle of his hot streak, he made him bend over and take the shovel like a man because that's how Triple H rolls. He allows others to be top guys, but not until he gets to beat them himself.
Triple H's record is chequered when it comes to putting guys over but I don't think him beating Punk at NOC 2011 hurt Punk, he was protected heavily in the match. What hurt Punk was that the newly minted top guy with huge momentum and a rebel character ended up having to admit he was wrong and shake hands with Triple H, that made zero sense from a push or storyline perspective.

This time around both are better positioned for this to deliver big time. Punk has nearly 3 years of main event status under his belt and is as popular as ever, while Triple H is in his absolute element as the overpowering, smug corporate heel. Just give them both a mic and turn them loose. As for the match, I think Mania is the likely venue and their NOC match was actually good IMO but gets slept on due to all the run-ins at the end. This time I'd expect it to be more decisive and it'll no doubt be a brawl like most of Trips matches these days.

It'll be interesting to see if this actually happens though, Triple H seemed to be building to a match with Big Show but it got canned, then it looked like him vs Bryan might happen but didn't.
1. You know it's not the same thing. Cena can't be buried and it's not because of his title history. It's because he's the face of the company. He loses clean to Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton and is still the face of the company the next day. His rep and credibility is untouchable. Triple H didn't give him a "rub". Triple H loses to the TOP guys, but only those at the VERY TOP. The untouchables, no one else. Punk had just beaten Cena and was starting to rise as a main eventer. And less than a month later, Triple H asserted his authority by beating him to a pulp for the 1-2-3. Punk was still vulnerable, his push as a true top guy was just beginning. He was someone you can make or break, unlike Cena and Undertaker.

2. I didn't leave out anything. I said that Triple H beat Jeff in every title defense he had, and it wasn't until Edge won it, that Jeff got to win (And same with Orton, Triple H did not get pinned, he wanted to come out looking strong).

3. Sheamus did not FAIL to get over. In fact, he had just been WWE Champion, and after Triple H was done asserting his superiority over the new hot superstar, they put the WWE title back on Sheamus. Sound familiar? He did the same with CM Punk a year later. Right in the middle of his hot streak, he made him bend over and take the shovel like a man because that's how Triple H rolls. He allows others to be top guys, but not until he gets to beat them himself.

You have to be joking...Cena was still in his first year of being a main event talent when he beat HHH. Cena's first wwe title win was at WM21 and he made HHH tap out at WM22. Cena was not the Cena he is now back when he faced HHH. He was still a newbie to the main event trying to establish himself.

Sheamus was NEVER EVER as hot as Punk. Sheamus was forced into the main event and couldnt get over after having the wwe title TWICE and beating the two top guys in the company while main eventing ppv's (Cena and Orton). HHH had nothing to do with Sheamus not getting over.

How the hell did HHH bury Punk? Punk was featured at the closing and opening of every raw and got to main event Night of Champions. Punk is now in the top 3 in the wwe. Punk has had a hall of fame career. Do you know the definition of buried?

BTW as I pointed out earlier, HHH did not beat Cena so your statement about him having to beat people before they are main eventers is false

You are just picking and choosing which people you want to give HHH credit for putting over and which ones you dont. Your opinion doesnt make sense.
HHH vs CM Punk doesn't only write itself, it's something which might just help Punk solidify Punk's legacy. If you look at Punk's recent run, he has lost every big match he has been put into, be it against the Rock (twice), the Undertaker or Brock Lesnar. He needs a big win against a big name. HHH is that big name. A win for Punk over HHH at Mania would only make it sweeter.

I don't know how much HHH was involved in booking back in the days. He must've had some degree of creative control over his character and stories. But there is one thing no one can deny. He may not be the biggest draw, but he is a big enough name to give guy a rub. His last few matches have all been against people who are legends or main events. HHH vs Punk II would just help Punk. Punk would put an end to the authority storyline, provided he wins. I can see another overbooked match with Punk overcoming the odds and finally giving what HHH has coming.
You have to be joking...Cena was still in his first year of being a main event talent when he beat HHH. Cena's first wwe title win was at WM21 and he made HHH tap out at WM22. Cena was not the Cena he is now back when he faced HHH. He was still a newbie to the main event trying to establish himself.

Cena was the face of the WWE for over a year, and was in a bunch of main events before that, albeit NOT as the "face". But to say Cena had just become a main event newbie is just silly.

BTW as I pointed out earlier, HHH did not beat Cena so your statement about him having to beat people before they are main eventers is false

So you're saying Cena wasn't a main eventer when he beat Triple H at WrestleMania? Dude, you're just throwing logic out the window.

Sheamus was NEVER EVER as hot as Punk. Sheamus was forced into the main event and couldnt get over after having the wwe title TWICE and beating the two top guys in the company while main eventing ppv's (Cena and Orton). HHH had nothing to do with Sheamus not getting over.

Yeah, Sheamus wasn't over? So that's why he was WWE Champion right before getting beaten up by Triple H and right after as well. He was an obnoxious heel, he obviously wasn't as over as Punk, but he was a heat magnet. To say Sheamus wasn't over is absurd. He had countless main events before and after the Triple H beatdown.

How the hell did HHH bury Punk? Punk was featured at the closing and opening of every raw and got to main event Night of Champions. Punk is now in the top 3 in the wwe. Punk has had a hall of fame career. Do you know the definition of buried?

You seem to think a burial is some sort of final irreversible act. Go dig a hole in your backyard and jump in. If you jump back out you successfully mirrored CM Punk right after jobbing out at Night of Champions. He was on fire and his momentum was going at 200mph and stopped dead by a giant shovel to the face. A win over Triple H would have been the thing that cemented him as WWE's top guy. But nope, he did the job, and when he won the WWE title again, instead of it being this huge Steve Austin over The Rock moment, it just felt like another typical title change.

You are just picking and choosing which people you want to give HHH credit for putting over and which ones you dont. Your opinion doesnt make sense.

Says the guy who says Cena wasn't an established main eventer at WM22 and Sheamus was a failed experiment that didn't get over at the time Triple H beat him, even though he followed it up with a title run and a bunch of main events. Yeah, I am the one who doesn't make sense...
Cena was the face of the WWE for over a year, and was in a bunch of main events before that, albeit NOT as the "face". But to say Cena had just become a main event newbie is just silly.

So you're saying Cena wasn't a main eventer when he beat Triple H at WrestleMania? Dude, you're just throwing logic out the window.

Yeah, Sheamus wasn't over? So that's why he was WWE Champion right before getting beaten up by Triple H and right after as well. He was an obnoxious heel, he obviously wasn't as over as Punk, but he was a heat magnet. To say Sheamus wasn't over is absurd. He had countless main events before and after the Triple H beatdown.

You seem to think a burial is some sort of final irreversible act. Go dig a hole in your backyard and jump in. If you jump back out you successfully mirrored CM Punk right after jobbing out at Night of Champions. He was on fire and his momentum was going at 200mph and stopped dead by a giant shovel to the face. A win over Triple H would have been the thing that cemented him as WWE's top guy. But nope, he did the job, and when he won the WWE title again, instead of it being this huge Steve Austin over The Rock moment, it just felt like another typical title change.

Says the guy who says Cena wasn't an established main eventer at WM22 and Sheamus was a failed experiment that didn't get over at the time Triple H beat him, even though he followed it up with a title run and a bunch of main events. Yeah, I am the one who doesn't make sense...
How the hell was Cena the face of the company for over a year when his first wwe title win was at the past years WM? Cena wasnt even on Raw until late in 2005. The majority of the year he carried the WWE title which was beneath the world title at the time. He was only on Smackdown for the majority of the year. So your telling me that Vince had the face of the company only appearing on Smackdown until late 2005? Cena became a main event player after he was drafted to Raw...WM22 was his first time main eventing/final match at Mania where HHH put him over by tapping out. I really dont see what point you are trying to make. You are acting like Cena at WM22 was the Cena we see today which is simply not true, he wasnt super unbeatable face of the company Cena yet.

Dude I said Cena WAS a main event talent when he beat HHH. That was my response to you saying that HHH has to beat everyone before they can be a main eventer. He never beat Cena yet Cena was a main eventer.

No Sheamus wasn't over, as a main eventer, maybe a mid card talent. Miz had the belt and main evented a Mania and was never over either. Sheamus at no point in his career has ever been a top guy. He was never more over than, Cena, Orton, HHH, Batista, Edge, and I can keep going. He is a guy that they brought in, like Khali, that was big and they quickly put the belt on him. He didn't do anything specially and to even mention him with Punk is just stupid.

U forgot that burial means that you cover the hole back up. So If i was buried in my backyard Im pretty sure I couldn't just hop out of it. Bury, in wrestling terms, means to put someone under, cause someone to be lowered on the totem pole, or to cause them to have a lower position on the card. Which one of those describes what HHH did to Punk? NONE OF THEM. Punk main evented the next ppv after Night of Champions. Punk losing interest among fans is NOT the same as being buried. Ziggler is being buried, the guy is wrestling in kick off shows for PPV's. Punk and Sheamus lost to HHH than continued to main event and win the wwe title so no they were not ever buried. Only difference is Sheamus got pushed and never became a star. You just dont know what being buried is.
Dude I said Cena WAS a main event talent when he beat HHH. That was my response to you saying that HHH has to beat everyone before they can be a main eventer. He never beat Cena yet Cena was a main eventer.

So your argument is that Triple H doesn't bury rising stars because he never buried Cena even though he never had a chance to do so due to his being on another brand and not meeting Cena in the ring EVER until John Cena was already an established main eventer...

Right, so are you going to keep listing all the guys Triple H never got to face and therefore didn't bury?

Thank you Triple H for not burying Eddie Guerrero, JBL, Rey Mysterio, and all the other guys you've never faced in the ring or even interacted with before they were top guys and therefore had no opportunity to bury them anyway. Seriously, thank you.

How the hell was Cena the face of the company for over a year when his first wwe title win was at the past years WM? Cena wasnt even on Raw until late in 2005. The majority of the year he carried the WWE title which was beneath the world title at the time. He was only on Smackdown for the majority of the year. So your telling me that Vince had the face of the company only appearing on Smackdown until late 2005? Cena became a main event player after he was drafted to Raw...WM22 was his first time main eventing/final match at Mania where HHH put him over by tapping out. I really dont see what point you are trying to make. You are acting like Cena at WM22 was the Cena we see today which is simply not true, he wasnt super unbeatable face of the company Cena yet.

No one is arguing that he was SuperCena yet. He hadn't become the unstoppable force he is now, but he was already a top guy. If your argument is that him not being immortal yet means that he needed the rub from Triple H to be cemented as a top guy, then EVERY SINGLE GUY IN WWE who isn't John Cena needs a rub from Triple H.

No Sheamus wasn't over, as a main eventer, maybe a mid card talent. Miz had the belt and main evented a Mania and was never over either. Sheamus at no point in his career has ever been a top guy. He was never more over than, Cena, Orton, HHH, Batista, Edge, and I can keep going. He is a guy that they brought in, like Khali, that was big and they quickly put the belt on him. He didn't do anything specially and to even mention him with Punk is just stupid.

Now you're just delusional. Miz had intense heat, had the fans eating off the palms of his hands, had the crowd chanting his catchphrases, and had the internet fans orgasming for everything he does. But he wasn't over. Yeah, that's why WWE put him in a bunch of PPV main events and had him beat John Cena on PPV. He came out to crickets, right? Please, you're just bullshitting now.

Sheamus was never a top guy? Interesting notion. He also had top feuds with Cena, Triple H, Orton, Henry, Show, Del Rio, Christian, Jericho, Bryan and had a US title run, 2 WWE title runs, a World title run, and carried the blue brand for almost a whole year. Huge accomplishments for someone who wasn't over and came out to crickets every week. Even those 4-star matches with Bryan, Morrison and Jericho had the crowd sitting on their hands, right? You're clueless as hell.

U forgot that burial means that you cover the hole back up. So If i was buried in my backyard Im pretty sure I couldn't just hop out of it. Bury, in wrestling terms, means to put someone under, cause someone to be lowered on the totem pole, or to cause them to have a lower position on the card. Which one of those describes what HHH did to Punk? NONE OF THEM. Punk main evented the next ppv after Night of Champions. Punk losing interest among fans is NOT the same as being buried. Ziggler is being buried, the guy is wrestling in kick off shows for PPV's. Punk and Sheamus lost to HHH than continued to main event and win the wwe title so no they were not ever buried. Only difference is Sheamus got pushed and never became a star. You just dont know what being buried is.

Yeah Punk did main event the next PPV, you're right, but it's funny how you omit the fact that Punk was really hot and won 2 straight HUGE WWE title main events and after getting buried by Trips, his next main event was a CLEAN LOSS to a guy who previously had to cheat to be able to take Punk's title.

And the next PPV? No longer in the main event, CM Punk teamed up with Triple H to take on Awesome Truth. Just GUESS who didn't take the clean pin from The Miz after a Skull Crushing Finale. Hint: He owns a golden shovel.

So after being on a huge momentum and being the most over guy in the company, Punk got squashed by Triple H and that led to him getting pinned clean twice more. Sure, he then got to beat Del Rio for the title on the Survivor Series' midcard and retain it at TLC, but guess how many PPV main events CM Punk had after? ZERO. FREAKING ZERO.

If you're telling me that burial means that someone got moved down the card after a devastating defeat, then Punk fits your own definition perfectly. The dude didn't get another PPV main event until Night of Champions 2012, the anniversary of him getting smashed in the face with Triple H's golden shovel. And he had to turn heel against Cena to get it. He worked the midcard behind all of John Cena's matches. You know, the guy he beat clean twice in main events before Triple H stopped his momentum dead.

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