CM Punk vs. Steve Austin?

I would book it as a face VS tweener match. Punk would not have to turn heel again if his momentum continues, but at the same time there is no way he would get a more positive fan reaction than Stone Cold. Both guys should just be themselves in this feud and that would result in a face Austin and a tweener Punk. Punk could give Austin a hard time about his drinking, and many other things the two characters would potentially disagree on. As for the match itself, Punk must win because Stone Cold has nothing left to prove. It would make for a decent Wrestlemania moment.
I would be more entertained watching their promos than watching an actual match. Austin is slow and not very athletic. Punk would have to carry him.
Plus, JR would have to do the play by play. I dont think any other announcer could make SCSA kicking or punching people all match long exciting. JR is the most underrated part of Stone Cold's career.

No way Punk would beat Austin. SCSA is basically the Babe Ruth of the WWE. He is their biggest draw of all time. No way would they blemish his legendary status by having him lose in his comeback match.

Call me crazy but I think Austin vs Cena would be the more compelling story. Face of Attitude Era vs the face of PG.
I don't think a little heel turn would turn Austin, but anyways, the WWE can still keep it tweener vs tweener, that would be great. I don't think that Punk will be booed at Wrestlemania. He will have a mixed reaction but not a complete pack of boos.
Well to me right now, I see CM Punk as a tweener, since he's going after faces (Cena, HHH)
But is hugely popular with the fans now as well, this role is perfect for him if he feuds with Austin because Austin was a tweener in many ways as well, kicking ass on anybody who pissed him off. So thats how i would keep it, CM Punk as a heel in this match is a big no-no as he'd go back to the cowardly heel instead of this bad-ass rebellious guy who says what he wants to who he wants

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