CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan?


Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
They had a pretty intense stare down last night. With these being probably the companies two best in ring competitors is this feud a guarantee to happen.

IMO it is and it has to happen maybe not for the main event or even any title at all because these two have what it takes to create some of the best matches in company history seeing how ever since Punk came in he has been in the MOTY conversation and Daniel Bryan has put on two show stoppers consecutively in his first ever pay per view's with the company.
Sadly, this is going to happen. I love the fact that these two are going to fued, but I'm VERY unhappy that it's for the US title. Punk was holding the World Title a year ago, and was recently in a World Title match at Fatal-4 Way. Punk is WAY over the US title.
Sadly, this is going to happen. I love the fact that these two are going to fued, but I'm VERY unhappy that it's for the US title. Punk was holding the World Title a year ago, and was recently in a World Title match at Fatal-4 Way. Punk is WAY over the US title.

Sting was fighting for the US title in WCW around 2000 and Flair did wrestled for it around 1998 when they were bonafied legends. Thats the problem today their are no stars in the mid card. Back in the day Mr Perfect was probably one of the top heels on the roster and he fought for the IC title giving it credibility. That is what this feud can do for the US title is make it mean something again
Sadly, this is going to happen. I love the fact that these two are going to fued, but I'm VERY unhappy that it's for the US title. Punk was holding the World Title a year ago, and was recently in a World Title match at Fatal-4 Way. Punk is WAY over the US title.

This is absolutely ridiculous! If Punk was on the level of HHH I could understand but he is nowhere near that level.

To WWE and Vince, Punk will always be a reliable worker who can be always trusted to run with a feud, put on great matches and when opposite other great workers, he can produce a classic.

But he is not on the level of the WWE's upper echelon which is does not deserve to be permanently involved in the world title picture.

How many World title shots has he had recently, outside of Fatal 4 Way where he was just making up the numbers in a horribly gimmicky PPV?

This will be great for him and great for Bryan Danielson. These two have great chemistry and could put on a number of great matches. I personally think this will end at TLC but it could go all the way to Mania.
I don't get you guys sometimes.

I see complaints about how "the blahblah title lost its prestige." What better way to raise the prestige of a title by having a multi-time world champion capture it?

Cm Punk vs Daniel Bryan will be interesting, to say the least. The caliber that these two can potentially compete at is amazing. It would be nice to see two indy-made, non juiceheads, go at it. I smell Match Of The Year if they do it right.
In the past midcard belts were put on guys who were basically main event level or on former World champions so that the midcarders who beat them may possibly get a rub. WWE really devalued all of their belts over the past few years, putting them on midcarders fresh into the company hoping that gold would validate them so much to the fans that they'd instantly get over. Bryan got a huge rub from his Miz feud, and after beating Ziggler decisively he needs a serious opponent to overcome. I see no shame in Punk going for the US Title. World title opportunities are not common for most talent, and it means more right now to get Barrett accepted as a main event competitor. Punk could really raise his stock with a heated US Title feud, especially with Bryan as the champ.
I don't see a problem with Punk going after the United States Championship whatsoever. As Numbers mentioned, Punk is a very reliable worker that can always be counted on to make feuds interesting and put forth great matches, but he's not on the level of a guy like Triple H or HBK. Becoming a World Champion, even a multi time champ, is no guarantee that you're going to be ranked among "the all-time greats".

I started a thread when Punk came to Raw asking the forum who they'd love to see Punk feud with and, if I'm not mistaken, Daniel Bryan came out #1 and rightfully so in my view. I think that Bryan has been a good United States Champ thus far and a feud with Punk, a 3 time former World Champion & 2 time MITB winner, could do a lot for both Bryan and the title in and of itself. I'd love to see guys the caliber of CM Punk & Edge be used to elevate mid-card guys and mid-card championships. Punk could do it with Bryan while Edge & Ziggler have already had one great match on SmackDown! and there's no reason it couldn't continue.
This is absolutely ridiculous! If Punk was on the level of HHH I could understand but he is nowhere near that level.

To WWE and Vince, Punk will always be a reliable worker who can be always trusted to run with a feud, put on great matches and when opposite other great workers, he can produce a classic.

But he is not on the level of the WWE's upper echelon which is does not deserve to be permanently involved in the world title picture.

This mentality on the WWE's part is why their ratings are in the tank. This isn't the 80s. People are over watching action-figures-come-to-life lumber around the ring. They want fast paced, realistic action and compelling, realistic storylines.

Punk has IT. He has great in-ring ability and even better mic skills. A feud between Punk and Bryan equals asses in the seats. It may take a little more time to build than say, Cena vs Orton feud #9,000,034 but it will be worth the effort.
Shades of Jericho v Mysterio.........I like it.

But there is no gaurentee that the U.S. title will be involved. The fued could kick into high gear when (if the rumored title unification happens) Punk is the one who causes Bryan to lose it to Ziggler....thus boosting Mr. Ziggles as the guy to unify the belts, while Punk-Bryan becomes more personal since Punk is responsible for Bryan to lose the belt.

I get the fact that Bryan just won the belt, and really is the more impressive talent over Ziggler. But after watching 2 matches between the 2, I think Ziggler is fully capable of being the "2nd tier" champion, until someone else comes along and beats him. And Bryan can be in a top program that doesnt need a belt to be one with Punk.
I want this to happen. Punk, if he were to win the US Title, would bring back some prestige to it. Maybe if Punk goes for the US Title, then maybe Sheamus will go for it, then you got all the big guys without something to do going for a midcard title, bring prestige to the title
Sadly, this is going to happen. I love the fact that these two are going to fued, but I'm VERY unhappy that it's for the US title. Punk was holding the World Title a year ago, and was recently in a World Title match at Fatal-4 Way. Punk is WAY over the US title.

as others have said...this brings prestige back to the titles... when titles meant somthing(pre 05 or so) u would alwyas have top guys "go down" to pick up a mid card title.... sting was always back and forth between world title and u.s. title. ricky steamboat,flair ect ect did the same...buyhaving a main event guy hold the belt it makes the title look more valueable...hell... until i would say 2000ish the u.s./ i.c. title holder was ALWAYS considered the #1 contender to the world title(of course they very veryv ery rarely ever matched the 2)....and they stated numerous times that they were the #1 contender.....back when wcw originally started their rankings (early 90s)... under the title holder the us champ was always #1( during that time peroid it was always either rude or rhodes).

in no way does punk going after the u.s. title make him look credits the belt, and again makes daniel look good, win or lose bc the 2 will have good matchs(potential to be best of year if wwe unleashes them)
I know everyones looking forward to punk vs bryan, but i dont think dolph is out of the picture yet. He will get involved with these two and im sure we are going to see another title unify very soon. They did it with the tag belts, then womens, the mid card title is next. I'm hoping to see a triple threat match with these three, it would be non stop.
Hell, they could do a total swerve and align the two (although seeing them go at it would be much more appealing). Think about it, Bryan is a vegan, doesn't drink, and doesn't own a television (so we've been told) which sounds dangerously close to straight edge. Or they could always start the feud by competing to live the most clean lifestyle, although that sounds like a pretty nerdy reason to start a feud.
i think punk could win the ic title and both punk and bryan can have a unification match.
they are very similar and both frim roh to great wwe wrestlers.
only if tyler black was in.
This is absolutely ridiculous! If Punk was on the level of HHH I could understand but he is nowhere near that level.

To WWE and Vince, Punk will always be a reliable worker who can be always trusted to run with a feud, put on great matches and when opposite other great workers, he can produce a classic.

But he is not on the level of the WWE's upper echelon which is does not deserve to be permanently involved in the world title picture.

How many World title shots has he had recently, outside of Fatal 4 Way where he was just making up the numbers in a horribly gimmicky PPV?

This will be great for him and great for Bryan Danielson. These two have great chemistry and could put on a number of great matches. I personally think this will end at TLC but it could go all the way to Mania.

I agree. I just don't get the mentality of posters that think having punk in the hunt for a mid-card title will add prestige to it. How does that add prestige?
But why can't a top card fight for a US or Intercont. title. That doesn't mean they are not top card anymore. What else are former Champs supposed to do once they have lost a world title. They have to fight for something. That doesn't make you mid card neccessarily.

Furthermore, saying that putting the title on Punk will bring prestige to it is akin to saying that Bryan does not bring prestige to it. Isn't having the title on Bryan bringing prestige to the title? Why would it take Punk to magically bring prestige to the title?

I think any top star should be in contention for the US or Intercont. title. Why not? I think Punk is definitely worthy of going after it and it does not dis-credit or devalue him to go after it. I think Punk vs Bryan will be an awesome match and I'd love to see it. I'd like to see it, title or no title. I just dont agree that this brings any more actual prestige to the title, but the match itself will have prestige.
if punk became the first ever IC and US champ tht will be beter for punk to win a heavy championship AND lose the next ppv
I would love to see this. I haven't been big on Bryan so far, but the PPV and Raw matches with Ziggler have opened my eyes a little bit. I already knew Ziggler had it in him, but now they're letting Bryan be himself and do more interesting things in the ring, and it is some of the best wrestling I've seen on WWE programming in a long time. It does look like something might happen with Bryan and Punk and that would be just fine with me. Both great in-ring workers plus Punk's amazing mic skills. Punk deserves a good singles feud after disappearing from the title picture a while back and then getting stuck with SES.
Sadly, this is going to happen. I love the fact that these two are going to fued, but I'm VERY unhappy that it's for the US title. Punk was holding the World Title a year ago, and was recently in a World Title match at Fatal-4 Way. Punk is WAY over the US title.

I see Punk more as a guy like Chris Benoit who is used in various divisions and can always be relied on to produce the goods no matter what he is doing. CM Punk is main event material no doubt, but I don't see the problem with a US title feud since he never really established himself as a full time main eventer. If this is the start of them building him back up, then I am A Ok with it. Frankly I am just happy they are giving him something meaningful to do at this stage. The way the SES ended was very underwhelming.

The argument that CM Punk fighting for the US belt will make it more credible is also a valid one.

Plus how could you not love this potential feud? They are two of the best wrestlers going. Bryan has been stellar recently with very good matches against Miz, Sheamus and Ziggler, and a match with Punk could potentially top them all. Their gimmicks/personalities contrast really well too. I'd love to see this.
This is absolutely ridiculous! If Punk was on the level of HHH I could understand but he is nowhere near that level.
To WWE and Vince, Punk will always be a reliable worker who can be always trusted to run with a feud, put on great matches and when opposite other great workers, he can produce a classic.
But he is not on the level of the WWE's upper echelon which is does not deserve to be permanently involved in the world title picture.
How many World title shots has he had recently, outside of Fatal 4 Way where he was just making up the numbers in a horribly gimmicky PPV?
This will be great for him and great for Bryan Danielson. These two have great chemistry and could put on a number of great matches. I personally think this will end at TLC but it could go all the way to Mania.
First off, i DISAGREE with what this guy quoted on CM Punk. Punk is a GREAT heel and in my book is just as good a heel as Triple H was, the problem, he doesnt have the size McMahon likes. CM Punk coming here was as a midcarder and we know it, anyways, i would LOVE a Punk-Bryan feud and i HOPE it would go on so long that it ends at Mania with Punk winning the title in the middle, than have Bryan take it back. CM Punk is a GREAT heel (like i said) and has proven to wrestle a 5 star match. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan would be a good wrestling match, both show good in ring skills and Punk shows great mic skills. this feud would be awesome and NEEDS to be given match time at a pay per view.
First off, i DISAGREE with what this guy quoted on CM Punk. Punk is a GREAT heel and in my book is just as good a heel as Triple H was, the problem, he doesnt have the size McMahon likes. CM Punk coming here was as a midcarder and we know it, anyways, i would LOVE a Punk-Bryan feud and i HOPE it would go on so long that it ends at Mania with Punk winning the title in the middle, than have Bryan take it back. CM Punk is a GREAT heel (like i said) and has proven to wrestle a 5 star match. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan would be a good wrestling match, both show good in ring skills and Punk shows great mic skills. this feud would be awesome and NEEDS to be given match time at a pay per view.

I dont know if it really has anything to do with size. Shawn Michaels was about the size of CM Punk and had multiple World title runs. I took the original quote as meaning he is not on the level of Triple H in that he has not yet accomplished as much as Triple H has, not that he is undeserving he is just not at that level yet.
this will be better then the rey vs jomo match for the ic title (which i was so glad jomo won) rey is a former champ :)disappointed:) and he went back to get that title...this is bringing so much respect to that title...nothing but good is coming from this!!!
I would LOVE to see a feud with Punk and Daniel Bryan. Punk can carry the feud on the Mic because his Excellent on the Mic and the matches these two can put on against each other would be Great and potential MOTY candidates. I really want this feud to happen and I hope it does because it could be a Great and bring back much needed prestige to the U.S title.
It would be AWESOME to see them feud! If Bryan can have two good matches in a row with Ziggler, imagine what he will be able to do against Punk. Obviously, as previously stated, Bryan will have problems with the mic portion of the feud but with Punk's extraordinary mic skills,who cares? Punk could carry the mic part and both of these men could do the wrestling part. If this two face each other, it may have a chance at match of the year for sure.
It would been cool if Punk went in there and took out both of them, and then challenge them both 4 da the title and then combine them.
I would love 2 c punk ziggler and bryan in a triple threat title unification match with ziggler as the victor it would boost dolph and add a lil omg factor 2 da midcard scene shake it up a lil

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