CM Punk needs a "Flock"

Great idea and it would really work. Wether the WWE goes with something like this is a different question though...

Anyways, I like it. Having Punk run a team of straight edge superstars would do wonders for his career and heel character. Heet would escalate and so would his power within the company. It would also build and repackage some superstars that desperatly need it. I'm not sure about Knox as Gallows is pretty much the big guy of the team. Guys like Ziggler and Hawkins could do well, Ziggler claiming he couldn't win the IC belt because he was drinking or whatever and Hawkins could say he's been in rehab all year and now Punk's helped him through it??

Not sure how they'd do it but I'd love to see it. I think Punk could cut some amazing promos as a heel stable leader. He could pretty much run Smackdown for a long time as leader.

Great idea, thanks for posting.
yes, i agree Punk does need a Straightedge Flock. It helps out the tag division and the stories.
members i say could be recruited

Knox- with Luke Gallows he could be an awesome new tag team

Hawkins- say his absence was from roid rage

Haas- say his absence was from smoking and he teams with Haas

Jericho- is the best and can team with Punk and gets him away from Show

they can feud with The Hardy Recarnation which consists of Matt,R Truth,Kane,Khali and Chris Masters and Big Show
I'd personally love to see this, it'd be like a more entertaining version of Right to Censor.

And if punk is getting the strap back at sum point, which I assume he is and add to that the fact the legacy's demise is imminent so no more dominant heel stable, to have a decent dominant 'flock; (especially one that would get an immense amount of heat, nearly vickie standard i reckon), would make for sum really decent tv.

To put punk,gallows,knox and ziggler together would bring about the first decent heel stable since evolution (maybe not quite as good) but something to keep us watching and give smackdown an extra interesting ingredient to keep the ratings up with the flagship show.
You're right, CM punk is a good heel as of right now, CM punk wasn't a character too interesting when he was a face! Ever since he started a "straight edge" group, he's actually pretty cool to watch on smackdown! I've been wondering who would be the next person to join their group, Smackdown writers have to put in the right person or it would entirely destroy their credibility! There are a few guys on my list that I think would make great storyline! So far...

1. Luke Gallows
2. Charlie Hass (he could come out and say he did all those impersonation for all the fans and it got him nowhere)
3. (huge shock) somehow someway have a matt hardy feud with (a longshot) returning jeff hardy, would this make people thinking 3 scenarios, 1. have neither join the group
2. have Matt hardy turn, 3 (a huge shock) have Jeff turn!
I think they only need 3 people in their group tell me what you think?
CM Punk needs a shower. Then he needs a haircut. Then he can get his Flock. I think this would be a great way to make Punk important again. Since he's not very important right now. This would also be a way to take some of the jobbers on Smackdown and do something with them before they get sent to the unemployment line.

So yeah, give CM Punk his 'Flock' faction. And while you're in the giving mood, give Maryse a one-way, all express trip to my cock. No? Bad idea? Okay.
You're right, CM punk is a good heel as of right now, CM punk wasn't a character too interesting when he was a face! Ever since he started a "straight edge" group, he's actually pretty cool to watch on smackdown! I've been wondering who would be the next person to join their group, Smackdown writers have to put in the right person or it would entirely destroy their credibility! There are a few guys on my list that I think would make great storyline! So far...

1. Luke Gallows
2. Charlie Hass (he could come out and say he did all those impersonation for all the fans and it got him nowhere)
3. (huge shock) somehow someway have a matt hardy feud with (a longshot) returning jeff hardy, would this make people thinking 3 scenarios, 1. have neither join the group
2. have Matt hardy turn, 3 (a huge shock) have Jeff turn!
I think they only need 3 people in their group tell me what you think?

Whatever is done with CM Punk & a "flock" of sorts- PLEASE DO NOT ruin it by putting Matt Hardy into it!!

I know most "factions" only have one big-guy: but I really like Mike Knox to join this group. With 2 big guys having his back- Punk should be untouchable! The heat something like that could bring would be fantastic!!
I feel like Gallows is kind of just keeping Punk in the midcard at this point.. if 2 minute squash matches aren't enough.

If there was some kind of tag team run and they made Gallows into more of a straight edge kind of look (rather then the ultimate jobber look he has now).. but I'm honestly very tired of seeing him in cluster 6 man tag matches that aren't building anything for him.
I think he is one of the people who could actually benefit from this sort of thing. It would be a bit like right to censor, but with all due respect, it would have better wrestlers in it. I think Knox's character would suit it well. He is supposed to be a well read sadist, and saying that he gets his pleasure in life from inflicting pain rather than by taking drugs makes perfect sense. He is also a good tag worker, and could go well with Gallows in that division.

Having Punk almost brainwash somebody is also a decent angle, because of the ultimate pay off. For added heel heat, they should take a diva that is gorgeous, and have her cover herself up and big up chastity. Layla is probably the best actress on Smackdown, but I'm not sure it would really work with her.
This would be good idea and could bring in some tag teams like there are in every faction (i mean new tag teams). Jeff Hardy coming back and siding with punk would be great but i doubt that's going to happen. On the other hand, some of the not on tv people like Slam Master J and curt hawkins (i havent seen him in a match since he was with Ryder) could be brought up so to speak in this too.
Oh man. Punk is the perfect type of dude to be a Raven-esque 'out there' cult leading type dude or whatever. He just has that look. He has the mic skills, no doubt. It'd be incredible to see some kind of Flock or Cult, whichever. I think it'd benefit CM Punk tremendously, as well as whoever joins it, plus it'd give the WWE a much darker side. They're TOO kid friendly. I can deal with the PG. Just.. tone it down a bit.
Definately agree with the majority on this, it'd be great for Punk to have a Flock, or as he's been calling it The Straight Edge Society (which I love btw.)

Raven was always known for those harrowing promos that always seems to strike a chord. Same with Punk. Be honest, you've probably questioned the way you live and how you live after a C.M. Punk promo, and that works to his advance, in that there'd be people willing to join his cause and make that better life.

Punk could bring in the guy from OVW who he shaved bald this week on SmackDown! and help him start up.

Plus the bright side is, there is so many people from the WWE roster to pick from the possibilities are endless

And I may be wrong, but the WWE haven't done a cult-like program since the Ministry of Darkness, so could eye a lot of attention, which would only be good.
I'd have to agree with pretty much everyone here, having Punk have a stable is a great idea. Punks been my favorite performer for a long time now, and a stable would be a great way to further develop his character. He's pretty much the best all around perfomer in the company right now, along with Jericho, and the whole cult leader thing is working brilliantly for him, and there's no reason to not let it rub off on a couple guys who aren't doing anything.

As for who would join, I think it pretty much could be anybody on the low mid-card/jobber side of the company. Whoever said Mike Knox using his demented doctor-type gimmick to talk about how much damage drugs and alchohol do to the body had a great idea, but anybody from Charlie Haas to Curt Hawkins to Slam Master J, anybody not really doing anything right now could be tossed in the group and blame their past gimmicks and unsuccessful runs on drugs or alchohol. I gotta give it to the WWE creative team though...I don't praise them often, but blaming the Festus character on drugs and alchohol was brilliant.

For those who said it'd be a bad idea because Punk would get lost in the shuffle, I'd have to disagree with that. The fact is, if WWE puts more people with Punk, they're gonna be low mid-carders/jobbers already on the roster, or unknown guys from developmental. Punk won't get lost in the shuffle for the simple fact that he'd be the best performer in the group, his star power would far outshine anyone else in the group. They could have Punk be the only person in the stable without a belt, and the focus would still be on him 'cause he's the biggest star of the group. Jeff Hardy somehow returning and joining the group or Chris Jericho, as some people in this thread suggested they'd like to see, would destroy the idea. Having someone more popular or even on the same level as Punk would take the focus off him and destory the stable. That's what the point of a stable usually is...take someone with big star power, put a bunch of guys around him and focus the group on him to give the other guys a rub and possibly help them move up the ranks thanks to their association.
This week on Smackdown CM Punk converted someone to the straight edge lifestyle. This guy (James) is actually Manbeast from OVW) I think if WWE does this every week and these guys stay in the WWE on Smackdown for a month or so it will be good because they will get some experience from the WWE but it will also mean CM Punk will have a following.
The Straight Edge Society has become a stable or is about to become a stable. By now Im sure many have heard the reports of a new member joining, and it is great idea. I have been following Punk for a very long time. Probably back to his days at FIP & I always knew the kid would make it big. His mic skills are amazing, he is a great wrestler and now thanks to WWE a multi Champion & Triple Crown Champion. Oh yeah and a 2x MITB winner as well.

Punks promos are amazing. I do want him to make his Straight Edge Society bigger & better, but I really hope it is not with guys like Knox or Slam Master J or even Hass. A guy like Daniels would be great especially if Punk were to notice him in the crowd and be like what are you doing and what the hell has become of you. He goes on to a kick ass promo as to how Danielson is one of the best wrestler in the world, but due to his addictions he has become nothing more than a sad story.

The stable is forming and they are doing it with the right people so far, what they can't do is fill it with certain WWE nobodies cause I think it will drag it down.
I think that with the addition of Serena we are beginning to see the corruption under the show of purity. I've just seen that bit on Smackdown and it would seem to me that I'm seeing a certain amount of...shall we say...personal lust on the part of the self-styled straight-edge "messiah". I have no doubt that Serena will be playing a solid part in the whole Cult of Punk storyline, likely the part that brings him down from his lofty height and exposes him (likely by accident) as being the hypocrite that the whole act seems to be hinting at.

It's odd seeing Punk setting himself up as a "Christ" imitator. He even grew a beard to complete the look. While as a Christian myself this all does make me a touch uncomfortable, it's a pretty savvy move to make him much more of a villain, playing on the biblical "false prophet" angle. It's not often that the WWE even mucks about in scripture, so it's definitely something different. Still, for this equation to really work, there's one element missing: the hero figure. They've created the villain and his flock of followers, now we wait for a hero to oppose him.
After watching Smackdown tonight, I believe that Serena would be a perfect fit for CM Punk's Society. Her facial expressions were dead solid perfect, showing actual joy while having her head shaved. It is coming down to where another established WWE Superstar will become a member of the Society (Since Luke Gallows (Festus) was the first to join). But it will probably be someone who has been floundering, like Charlie Haas, Vladimir Koslov, or Mike Knox.
matman8540 took the words about Serena out of my mouth. Serena would definitely be a good fit for the female role in the "Intervention" (whoever came up with this name is awesome!) for the same reasons he described.

But to answer the question. No, CM Punk doesn't NEED a "Flock". But it'd be cool for him to have one. For him to have a larger and consistent following coming out every SD! could cement his gimmick a whole lot better. It's very possible that people in the audience would actually believe that Straightedge is the way to go and would want to join the Intervention. I say add Serena to the group and maybe add just one more male wrestler. I wouldn't use the lesser talents on SD! because we'd already know what they're capable of. Someone from FCW would work nicely. I'd put Kaval in the stable like someone said. His gimmick has always been about focus and that's very compatible with the Intervention.

To sum up, his team with Luke Gallows is doing just fine...but it could be better...
I think that with the addition of Serena we are beginning to see the corruption under the show of purity. I've just seen that bit on Smackdown and it would seem to me that I'm seeing a certain amount of...shall we say...personal lust on the part of the self-styled straight-edge "messiah". I have no doubt that Serena will be playing a solid part in the whole Cult of Punk storyline, likely the part that brings him down from his lofty height and exposes him (likely by accident) as being the hypocrite that the whole act seems to be hinting at.

It's odd seeing Punk setting himself up as a "Christ" imitator. He even grew a beard to complete the look. While as a Christian myself this all does make me a touch uncomfortable, it's a pretty savvy move to make him much more of a villain, playing on the biblical "false prophet" angle. It's not often that the WWE even mucks about in scripture, so it's definitely something different. Still, for this equation to really work, there's one element missing: the hero figure. They've created the villain and his flock of followers, now we wait for a hero to oppose him.

I definitely know how you feel seeing CM Punk ask people if they "accept CM Punk into their lives." That rubs me the wrong way a bit but I just see Punk as a David Koresh type and it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. This whole angle with Punk has been great though. He's the only reason I watch Smackdown anymore since Jericho seems to be jobbing every week now. Getting pinned by R-Truth??? Really???? :banghead:

There will have to be a hero figure thrown in there eventually but there really is no need until Punk gains a lot more ground, forms a stable, and wins the world title again...A straight edger can dream, can't he? ;)
i agree with putting either mike knox or charlie haas apart of the straight edge society if they can find a good storyline to plug them in..

because in all reality cm punk needs to be the leader who goes after either the ic or heavyweight title with 2 others gallows and another going after the tag titles

i think a team of gallows and knox would be perfect!
I disagree with putting Knox in. All Knox has going for him is his look. His mange haircut, his ridiculously long and awesome beard. For him to shave it off would kill his look. He cant speak well either. I like Gallows as the big enforcer. And Serena bald looks good as part of the Society. I heard Bryan Danielson was thought to be debuting as part of the stable. But i doubt it. Punk should develop a "flock" like stable. Walking around with like 5 or 6 guys/gals. Id love it.
i know he hasnt been mentioned lately but i would love to see Curt Hawkins join this stable.

He is a good wrestler with solid mic work and has the great potential to be a break out star of the group.

Another I can posibly see is slam master j because of his ties with festus, but i doubt it

As for Knox I think his look is a good fit with CM Punk, but wouldnt fit with the society unless he shaved his head, but then again if he shaved his head and kept the beard it might be a good look
I've said it from the conception of the SES (when Festus became Luke), that Mike Knox should be part of this 'stable'. I wouldnt have a problem with him shaving his head- as long as he keeps the beard- wow: its fantastic! I wouldnt say he doesnt have mic skills either, I just dont think we've seen him on the mic more then twice! Gallows & Knox both work very well in the ring, for thier size! I think they would be a great tag-team to add to the tag division. Think: Powers of Pain

When I first started thinking about who else I would like to see added to SES- I liked the names of Hawkins & Haas, just cuz they had disappeared from WWE TV. Well- I've changed my mind recently: I like the idea of Gregory Helms joining SES after "the situation" last week. Not Hurricane Helms but Gregory. This could actually do wonders for his career, if he already doesnt have one foot out the door, headed to TNA- of course. I would also like to very much add Danielson & Kaval to this group. From what I understand: niether is too great on the mic, so why not have Punk mentor thems some at the begining of thier WWE careers? Then Danielson eventually turns on Punk and reveals Punk as the 'fake that he is'.

Come on Vince- give it to us!!
Hey fellaz. I am a long time lurker. I was doing on some brainstorming about the CM-Punk flock. I personally think bringing back Eugene would be a big winner for Punks group. Eugene can explain how medication turned him in a ****** ala Festus. Shave his head and give him an attitude and you can't lose.
Hey fellaz. I am a long time lurker. I was doing on some brainstorming about the CM-Punk flock. I personally think bringing back Eugene would be a big winner for Punks group. Eugene can explain how medication turned him in a ****** ala Festus. Shave his head and give him an attitude and you can't lose.

Well Vince had shaved Eugene's head before when promoting Battle of the Billionaires so we know he could be up for it and he could be a good fit.

As for opponents, it is difficult to decide what the opposers to the Society would be for, I doubt they would come out and say "Hey, we drink, smoke and do drugs!!", but could perhaps talk about having personal freedom and choice and how we have to take responsibility for what we want to do and be against Punk's methods in general.

Anyway, I'm enjoying Punk's role on SmackDown just now and hope the Society gets bigger.
I would like two more recruits in this Society.

Straightedge Followers

Punk: A great heel leader who can team with member below
Gallows: A good enforcer for the team also teams with Punk
Mercury: A great push for him and he really was an adict to save
Serena: great valet can get a push dubbed as the Straightedge Queen


Punk has Go To Sleep and Anacondo Vise is changed to Straightedge Vise
Luke has Twelve Steps to Recoverey
Mercury has Painkiller Neckbreaker
Serena has the Straightedge Dominator and the Straightedge Vise

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