Luke Gallows (Festus)- Terrible change in character. Will he be pushed?

Tonight was my first look at "Luke", and I can't help but think this is a trainwreck waiting to happen. During the promo with CM Punk, I was waiting for him to drop to his knees and show CM just how much he loved him. This is a shit gimmick, maybe even worse than Festus was.

I credit WWE with trying something new, but they failed here. Here's to hoping they do something better with him in the future. Even Kane went through shit before striking gold.

Nothing wrong with what they are doing - they have given him the bodyguard role to a fairly big star who is getting pushed. The bodyguard gimmick has been used for years to help esablish wrestlers and in the most part works. They needed to give him a serious gimmick so people forget the unfunny ****** gimmick he had before, don't see how this gimmick is worse than what it was before so it really can't be considered a 'terrible chang in charachter.
I actually like the role they have for Luke. It's perfect for Punk and it just gets him to continue pushing straight edge to the crowds. He continues to be a great heel for the WWE. I believe his character and think he's a main eventer. Luke is the perfect complement to his gimmick.

I just kinda wish his finisher wasn't so lame. Can you at least stop laying on top of him in military position after the move? It's disturbing to watch.
you mean the missionary poisition, right?

And as I said earlier, Gallows' gimmick isnt great, but it's a lot better than Festus' gimmick. Which was ******ed in so many ways.
festus has been horrible to begin with,he looks like an ogre,and is completly out of shape, however,i think being with cm punk could get him interesting,see what punks straight edge effect has on festus and then make an opinion.
Think about this. Former Festus, 25 years old, New look, New gimmick, new name, new etc. What if he gets a push from being with Punk? Think about this... Somehow Luke Gallows can get mic time and in ring help from punk. This can make him improve thus pushing him into atleast a midcard belt or maybe possibly a tag team reign?
Your thoughts on this?
I liked Gallows as Festus. Watching him just kick people's asses was a pleasure of mine and not a guilty one either. When he faced off against Taker last year, I thought it was a great opprotunity for Festus and that the bout was very well executed. Taker won but Festus had a great showing. I saw potential for a serious push and a feud down the line. I'm also a fan of the fact that he doesn't look like your run-of-the-mill TV star, model, or body-builder. Wrestling needs more distinct looking people, and Gallows is a step in the right direction.

Now that he has a serious gimmick, I can't think of a reason why Gallows will have trouble finding at least midcard success in the WWE. WWE has wanted to push him for a while, at least as far as a couple years back when they threw him a bone as the Fake Kane. Stupid storyling, yes, but a bone nonetheless. Considering that the WWE is also in star building mode right now, I like his chances. I'm not convinced enough to say "future main eventer," but he should get a chance to make himself a name.
If there's one thing I really hope we get out of Gallows, it's character development. If they just have him standing by Punk week after week, not doing much of anything, he's basically going to be Lance Cade II.

I really hope they go into Gallows's mind more. He was heavily medicated as Festus. So far his character has basically been, "Punk got me off of prescription medication. I'm normal now :)". As far as I'm concerned, there should be indications that he needed to be heavily medicated for a reason. If he goes ahead and interferes in Punk's match, there better be a point where the assault doesn't end, no matter how many people you get to try to stop him. He needs to go ahead and question Slam Master J's motivations for heavily medicating him and give him a beating too. There's a lot of potential for Luke Gallows to be able to stand out and eventually have a huge face turn once things come to a head with Punk.

They need to build on his character. Gallows is a very good big man wrestler. I even thought he was getting really good as the Fake Kane right when they ended the angle. As Festus, he was a good niche character, but that was it. Gallows deserves a chance to break out here. If they do just make him nothing more than a vanilla bodyguard to Punk like Cade was to Jericho, then Gallows will be taken, literally, to the gallows.

On a related note, they need to have Punk become a borderline Scientologist with the disdain he has for prescription medication. Some people need medication to keep them balanced. I hope they really touch on that with Gallows's personality in the coming weeks and months, while Punk continues to decry the use of all kinds of prescription medication, no matter how much it can help.

Besides, people hate Scientologists, it would be another way to really get Punk heel heat.

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