Luke Gallows (DOC) Revealed as Aces & Eights Enforcer

Last night at the beginning of IW, there was another of the clubhouse meetings with Aces & Eights in which Gallows name in TNA is revealed as DOC. We also learn that DOC isn't really a name and more of a title that stands for Director of Chaos.

I've heard some lousy names for wrestlers and this has to be one of the worst. It's definitely the worst I've heard in recent memory. It sounds like a cheap comic book villain from the 1950s and 1960s. Maybe the president of the club will be Lex Luthor. :p If this was meant to portray Gallows in some sort of fierce light, it's definitely going to fall flat. I actually laughed out loud when Devon said his name. I'm guessing that Gallows is supposed to be a leg breaker for the group, given his assault on Sting last night. That's all well and good. I'm not saying that he can't do well in that role, just that the character name is plain shitty. I'm sure some will try to defend the name as they can't stand the thought of anyone saying anything remotely negative about TNA.

I'm not defending the name, but I am calling you out on your bullshit. Really? That's the name that bothers you? And Ryback doesn't? If you don't like cheesy things then why the hell do you tune in on RAW?

We have Ryback who keeps saying "Feed me More" like some horrible Power Rangers villain. Then we have Brodus Clay, "The Funkasaurus" (bet that's less cheesy) who is billed from another planet and is, apparently, in captivity. We've also seen midgets disappear into walls, other dimensions existing under the pro wrestling ring like a court for instance, old men shooting lightnings and vanishing in thin air, crazy Italians who can knock someone out cold with their finger tips AS LONG AS they have a sock puppet.

So really, after all this bullshit which I am sure you enjoyed because there was a little white 'W' logo in the corner of your screen, the thing that got you about TNA was just THE NAME of a TNA persona. I've never seen you bitch about the rest of the things I mentioned. Wonder why.

Oh, and just for the record at least they're not making him look braindead until he hears a bell ring and go nuts on someone's ass. Festus I think was the name. Bet that was freaking badass.

The name sucks, the whole storyline sucks at this point but you just proved yourself to be a hypocrite.
I mean seriously people are complaining about a freaking name of a Wrestler, A Wrestler that nobody thought nothing of in the first place. It's not about the name it's about how he's booked, And based on first impression he's going to be booked like a badass killer. I'm sure people laughed when they said that there was a killer in the movies named Jason, But when he started killing everybody they stopped laughing.

And Doc plays into the theme of Ace's and 8's,, Wild Bill Hickock and Doc Holliday. The Ace's and 8's, have a wild west theme so the name fits.
I'm not defending the name, but I am calling you out on your bullshit. Really? That's the name that bothers you? And Ryback doesn't? If you don't like cheesy things then why the hell do you tune in on RAW?

We have Ryback who keeps saying "Feed me More" like some horrible Power Rangers villain. Then we have Brodus Clay, "The Funkasaurus" (bet that's less cheesy) who is billed from another planet and is, apparently, in captivity. We've also seen midgets disappear into walls, other dimensions existing under the pro wrestling ring like a court for instance, old men shooting lightnings and vanishing in thin air, crazy Italians who can knock someone out cold with their finger tips AS LONG AS they have a sock puppet.

So really, after all this bullshit which I am sure you enjoyed because there was a little white 'W' logo in the corner of your screen, the thing that got you about TNA was just THE NAME of a TNA persona. I've never seen you bitch about the rest of the things I mentioned. Wonder why.

Oh, and just for the record at least they're not making him look braindead until he hears a bell ring and go nuts on someone's ass. Festus I think was the name. Bet that was freaking badass.

The name sucks, the whole storyline sucks at this point but you just proved yourself to be a hypocrite.

Please, you're so full of shit your eyes have to be brown and if they're not, they should be. Again, like always, you have to try and make everything WWE vs. TNA. Whenever anyone says anything negative regarding TNA in any way, you ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS, try to throw WWE into the mix for some reason. It's just sad and pathetic that you can't defend any position you take without trying to make it about the same old WWE vs. TNA garbage. It's always "well look at what WWE does with this guy" or "WWE doesn't know what to do with that guy". It's just old man, it really is. You need some fresh material.

Names that are cheesy are part of wrestling, that's never been doubted, but the reason I dislike DOC is because it's beyond cheesy. It's like the title of an old school fucking comic book villain or something out of a saturday morning cartoon show. And yes, I'm sure you'll take that comment and, predictably as usual, try to make a TNA vs. WWE scenario out of that.

As far as cheesy WWE names go, can you honestly name one post in which I've tried to defend it whenever a WWE wrestler has a lousy name? No. You know why? Because people are entitled to their opinions. The fact that Gallows' character's new name is so over the top silly, even more so than most other wrestlers, was something that struck me. Go ahead, make fun of Brodus Clay or Ryback's names. I don't really care. Make fun of the names of every wrestler on the WWE roster if you like, it doesn't bother me. WWE has it's share of wrestlers with lousy names & lousy gimmicks, I've never denied that.
Well now we know him as DOC. Now as for the name I like the DOC acronym, and it's cool his name is a "title" rather than an actual name. Like ODB in a sense. I'm not too keen on what it actually stands for, "Director of Chaos" or actually just the Chaos part haha but it's not like I have a better idea. Carnage? :lmao:

And Doc plays into the theme of Ace's and 8's,, Wild Bill Hickock and Doc Holliday. The Ace's and 8's, have a wild west theme so the name fits.

Yeah I noticed that too. Was it intentional? I think so. It makes me even more intrigued as to what the other members will be called, hopefully they can come up with names for them too that have that sort of theme. Earp? Buffalo?

As for DOC's performance on Impact, I loved it! He really kicked ass. And then he took TWO low blows from Sting, before levelling him too! And that hammer damn that was really well done too.

A worthy adversary for Abyss wouldn't you say?
Originally I thought the DOC title was a little lame, but I think that was mostly because of how fond I was of the Isaiah Cash name he worked in RKK under. And here I thought I wasn't the jealous type...

Ultimately I don't think it's half bad. It doubles down as a play on words/acronym for both "Director of Chaos" (don't worry — I won't get into how this is an oxymoron) and Department of Corrections, so my guess is that it was intentional because of the latter.

Works fine for him, though it's still no substitute for Tenay's total no-sell on his real name from two weeks ago. "I know that guy!" was just an awful way to put that unmasking over. I'd just as soon have gone with the proverbial "WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" and cut to black we're so used to already.
I don't care what anyone says. D.O.C. seems like he's going to be a real bad arse. I expect to see bloodbaths between he, Sting, Bully and Abyss/Joseph Park in the future.
I reckon DOC WILL face Abyss as he returns. He just beat Joseph so I reckon Abyss will return and challenge DOC. Their gimmicks work together as well with the "Director Of Chaos" vs "The Monster" Abyss.

I Do think DOC will stay in TNA after the Aces & Eights come to an end. He has the potential and has really improved since his WWE departure.
I don't see what the huge deal with this being Gallows is? Why does this mentality persist that if a performer ever worked in another company, he's a "reject" when he leaves, is let go, fired, etc. and moves onto another company? Talent is talent. Years ago, when wrestling was actually good, we used to have these crazy things called territories, and performers FREQUENTLY moved from one "brand" to another.

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