CM Punk fails the Wellness Policy (storyline idea)


Dark Match Winner
Ok, seeing as John Laurinaitis is Mr. Future Endeavour, I thought it might be a cool idea for them to run the storyline where CM Punk keeps the title against all odds for a few months, Maybe he can overcome Del Rio and Rodriguez again and maybe retain in the chamber (at the Elimination Chamber) However, on the RAW after the Elimination Chamber he gets stripped of the WWE Title and fired by John Laurinaitis for 'failing' the Wellness Policy in a hugely controversial angle. This would obviously be a complete ruse in order to get him out of the title picture. The next week the conspiracy continues as Laurinaitis announces that the title will remain vacant until Rock vs Cena fight for the belt at Mania.

Punk would be off TV again, for a couple of weeks but drops pipe bombs about how his face doesnt fit the company image again and how he swears by his straight edge lifestyle and how he has been victim of a huge conspiracy by John Laurinaitis and otherWWE higher ups like Vince McMahon, in order to put the WWE title into The Rock vs Cena match. This would be furthered by how Vince McMahon returns to personally build the Rock/Cena match (ala Tyson-Austin WM14) However, Punk would make his highly anticipated return during this segment and jumps Vince and Laurinaitis (ala Zamboni moment 1998 and gets hauled out)

Anyway, this would eventually culminate before Wrestlemania with Punk being pretty over and eventually would lead him to threatening to sabotage the main event at Wrestlemania if he isn't given his big money match what he deserves as he never lost the WWE championship (He could do this sabotaging RAW one night - when still 'fired'). Then, 2/3 weeks or so before Wrestlemania the WWE can serve up The Undertaker's streak / Jericho's best in the world compensation so that Punk does not sue Vince McMahon + offer Punk first dabs at the new WWE Champion after Wrestlemania.

Any good?
Are you saying that you wouldnt play Punk at wrestlemania? I dont like Punk, im not a fan of him, but not having him at the pay per view is just a stupid idea. If you mean that youll have Punk against Undertaker or Jericho, I say Jericho. Having punk against taker would ruin it because I think you need to have a worse star have a try, or Kane. So punk vs jericho would be the match for me and I think it would work really well.
I think the bare bones with Punk being stripped of the title, suspended or even fired due the wellness policy, is a good idea. They should try something like it down the line.
What an absolutely awful idea, what in the world make some of you think it's a good one? First of all, the Wellness policy is not something you fake results for, or of make light. It is a serious policy, which was implemented in the aftermath of the Guerrero situation, and then made more stringent after the Benoit situation, both times to stave off the US Congress. Are you really going to make a mockery of the one entity who could shut you down with a little more than a snap of their fingers?

Second of all, who in the world is going to know what Punk is saying? If he's suspended, he won't be on TV, so how can he lay "pipe bombs" :rolleyes: when no one is going to be able to hear him? The WWE has an audience which I would guess would number between 5 and 7 millions worldwide, and most of them aren't going to have any idea what is going on.

Finally, do you really want your best up and coming superstar to be attached with the label of drug user? Even if Punk denies it, it isn't going to change the fact Punk will be associated with it, just like Orton is still associated with the idea of being an immature hell raiser from when he was suspended a couple of times for unprofessional conduct. The last thing you want to do is create a stigma for a guy you're clearly grooming for a long main-event run, especially a guy whose gimmick is the exact opposite of said stigma.

Awful idea. Go back to playing with Barbies and thinking of new ways for Ken to ask Barbie on a date, because your ability to concoct a wrestling storyline has been found wanting.
^ Agree with SlyFox. What the OP doesn't realize is that this would kill CM Punk's entire character (you know, that whole "straight edge" persona that he actual portrays in real life). Thank god Punk (probably) has the creative control necessary to stop this kind of garbage from going forward.

If they're trying to screw Punk, Montreal Screwjob style and absolutely kill his character, this is the kind of bullshit that you pull. Otherwise, ridiculously stupid idea.

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