CM Punk: Back Too Soon?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now i know how it is. Rumours spread like wild fire around the IWC.

CM Punk is on his way back after taking hiatus to heal up/get away/do whatever. In recent years especially, there has been this thing I have noticed with the WWE and its not just limited to the top guys.

A few years back, John Cena returned at the Royal Rumble after people expected him to be out far longer after his pectoral muscle was ripped from the bone. Rey Mysterio seemingly returns every year, but never seems to have healed up properly. Hell they did the same with Christian.

I guess my point is, the company seems to have this emergency thing where they bring back wrestlers before they should. Now I know Cena was fully healed and no wrestler gets back into the ring without being medically cleared, but I just feel like they rushed CM Punk back.

Granted the company needs him, he is one of the two top guys, but if he is burnt out/had enough for a while, why not let him have more time off. Jericho did it and we as fans appreciate when he isn't on tour, he is a very welcome addition to the roster, even if its only for a few months.

Do you think that Punk has been brough back to TV too soon? Do wrestlers when they have time away need as much as they can get before they go back on the road? Am I talking BS?
I think Punk has had plenty of time to heal, clear his head, and just do what he pleases. He didn't need any surgery or anything, he just had to rest up. Plus, I don't doubt that he wants to wrestle in Chicago. I don't see this as an emergency move. I'd bet dollars to donuts that Punk coming back for the Payback PPV was planned in advance to WrestleMania. Plus, Punk's a wrestler, through-and-through. I don't see him as the type to really want to be on the sidelines for too long. Nagging injuries and fatigue got him a break, he took the break, and now it's time to get back to the grind.

To answer the questions you posed:

No, I don't think they're bringing Punk back too soon.

I think how much time a Superstar needs off should be taken case-by-case.

No, you're not. I disagree, but I completely see where you're coming from. Seeing the thread title instantly took me back to "The Summer of Punk" a couple years back when he returned prior to SummerSlam. It's debatable whether it was too soon then just as it's debatable whether or not it is now. I don't feel it is, but your position is valid.
Who's to say that Punk is coming back? Paul Heyman said he accepted the match on behalf of Punk, but obviously never asked him. Punk could easily walk out at Payback and say that Heyman didn't have any permission to put him in this match, so he doesn't have to participate. It could easily lead to a storyline where Punk gets pissed off at Heyman, Heyman begs for forgiveness and when that doesn't work, he sends Brock after Punk or something leading to a match at Summerslam.

But if Punk does come back, I don't think it's too soon. It's been 6/7 weeks already and I didn't even realize it was that long ago. Raw's main event is super thin, so they could use him right now.
If Punk does come back, no way in hell is it too soon. I've been a devoted WWF/WWE fan since 1997 (well, since way before but I started watching Raw EVERY week in 1997), and the last month has been unwatchable for me. First I started delaying watching my DVR'd Raw for a few days. This past week is the first time I just decided I wasn't even going to bother watching.

Punk is in my opinion the only reason (outside of part-timers and Heyman, who isn't a wrestler) to watch Raw anymore. Even the Shield are getting stale imo. They are in danger of missing the boat by not having them "take it up a notch" so to speak and do something radical again.
CM Punk has been gone for about 6 weeks now. The purpose of him taking time off was not only to let his body rest up, but to also let his mind rest up as well. Based on what I've read online, Punk's been out enjoying himself left & right. It seems that there's a report daily on which latest sporting event Punk is attending. There's a picture that was posted on Twitter of Punk joyously cheering at a Detroit Red Wings game.

If Punk is feeling better both physically and mentally, then he's ready to come back in my opinion. On top of that, I doubt that WWE would bring him back if Punk himself didn't feel he was ready. If he needed or wanted more time off, he's someone who would have no problem saying so to WWE officials. Punk's a big player in WWE now and everyone knows it, so WWE not only wants to do what it can to keep him happy but healthy as well.

I'd imagine that Punk either will be undergoing numerous medical exams & tests to see how healthy he is. Given that WWE has announced his return in a match, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Punk had already undergone said exams & tests and has been given a clean bill of health. Like or hate WWE, people have to admit that WWE is a company that almost always takes a look at the big picture and how things are in the long term and these medical exams are part of that.

Personally, what I'd do is keep Punk off television and have him return at Payback. Then, have him make his televised debut on Raw the next night. Or, if WWE really wants to make people wait, maybe even postpone his TV return until the next Raw.
The current roster is pretty thin on top stars. CM Punk is a big player and WWE needs him IMO. I am a big CM Punk and no I don't think he has not had long enough, his last appearance was April 15th episode of Raw and that was a while ago now. He has had enough time to heal up and heal and physical injuries as well as mentally.
Would wait until June or July to have him return. Punk has talent, and I'm a fan but I'm in no rush to see him return.
I don't think they bring punk back as others have stated paul Herman accepted on behalf of punk I feel it's going to be Curtis axel fighting as a replacement for punk and with that happening I feel Jericho as usual will put over axel. I feel punk returns after money in the bank and start a fued going into summer slam.
This isn't too soon. When Punk left with the WWE Championship in 2011, and came back 5 minutes later, THAT was too soon. He left, you blinked, he was back.
I would rather they keep him out for another month or two at least, not really for him but just for the sake of making his return a more compelling surprise. I hate the idea that after him walking off defeated from the Undertaker loss, now for no reason at all he's gonna come back with no explanation to face Chris Jericho who he's already had a lengthy feud with, and it's gonna have no build other Heyman making the match on his behalf.

If they were intent on bringing him back right now, I think it would have been way more exciting for the fans in Chicago if he just showed up unannounced and attacked Cena or something. There's no doubt the Punk/Jericho match will be solid, just seems kind of pointless.
Wait makes you guys all think this is really gonna happen, they could just as easily hit Punks music at Payback & nothing happens, he doesn't come out, then after a few mins. of everyone wondering wtf is going on Heyman come out & regrets to inform everyone that Punk is not there tonight , but Curtis Axel is, then Axel jumps Jericho from behind & we get Axel vs. Jericho instead of Punk vs. Jericho. This would surely piss off fans hoping to see their hometown hero make his long awaited return, thus give loads of heel heat to Punk, Heyman & probably most importantly Axel. Not saying this is what's gonna happen, but I would put it past WWE not to do something like this.
Agreed with Justin. What better way is there to generate a reaction in Chicago than to promise CM Punk and then go, "Just kidding! Here's Curtis Axel. Enjoy!"?

Punk coming back so soon, returning to face Chris Jericho in a nothing match, would be totally underwhelming. This is the guy that left after a 400+ day title reign and after going toe to toe with The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Even WWE aren't dopey enough to blow his return on this popcorn fart of a match.
Not too soon at all and it gives others a little chance to test there shine. Would Hennig be given a chance if no Punk
Wait makes you guys all think this is really gonna happen, they could just as easily hit Punks music at Payback & nothing happens, he doesn't come out, then after a few mins. of everyone wondering wtf is going on Heyman come out & regrets to inform everyone that Punk is not there tonight , but Curtis Axel is, then Axel jumps Jericho from behind & we get Axel vs. Jericho instead of Punk vs. Jericho. This would surely piss off fans hoping to see their hometown hero make his long awaited return, thus give loads of heel heat to Punk, Heyman & probably most importantly Axel. Not saying this is what's gonna happen, but I would put it past WWE not to do something like this.

This would be good I would prefer that over a Jericho match that is meaningless

Only reason why I would expect Punk to come out is it's Chicago
Raw sucks. Raw sucks BIG TIME in fact. Bringing back the one guy that might make at least part of the show seem like it's not an obligation is definitely a good idea. He couldn't get back any sooner, in my opinion. Raw is THAT bad.
You guys know wrestling's fake right? Punk isn't Jeff Hardy, I thought he was injured, if he isn't injured why is he sitting on his ass? That dude hasn't taken a bump since december and before then it was years.

As far as a wasted match... every match is a wasted match when you start criticizing it this early, give it some time. I'm with some of you, who knows if it happens, but how is Jericho a wasted match. The only reason the last feud was underwhelming was because Jericho was jobbing like Zach Ryder.
You guys know wrestlings fake right? Punk isn't Jeff Hardy, I thought he was injured, if he isn't injured why is he sitting on his ass. That dude hasn't taken a bump since december and before then it was years.

Why is the bloke who hasn't had a lengthy break since 2006 - the guy who even while injured would appear on television and on commentary - taking some time off? My guess - laziness.
Why is the bloke who hasn't had a lengthy break since 2006 - the guy who even while injured would appear on television and on commentary - taking some time off? My guess - laziness.

Unless you are taking bumps left and right, I don't think you need one. But then again, I don't make wrestlers into idols and call'em as I see'em like I do with everyday people. I know some of you love them.... I don't think it's laziness I think it is more of being mentally soft, and I don't care about being XXX. most people are that way for that reason because they are afraid of addiction, but I already said more than they should, I'm sorry to the great punk, and his fans, clearly the most intelligent people on earth. I should know better than to detract.
Unless you are taking bumps left and right, I don't think you need one. But then again, I don't make wrestlers into idols and call'em as I see'em like I do with everyday people. I know some of you love them.... I don't think it's laziness I think it is more of being mentally soft, and I don't care about being XXX. most people are that way for that reason because they are afraid of addiction, but I already said more than they should, I'm sorry to the great punk, and his fans, clearly the most intelligent people on earth. I should know better than to detract.

I justified a guy taking a few months off work by pointing out how he'd not taken a break from said job for seven years. Obviously this means I think CM Punk is some sort of demi-god whose footsteps spawn beautiful floral displays.

You're right - I should bow to your intelligence and knowledge.
Now i know how it is. Rumours spread like wild fire around the IWC.

What exactly is the rumor? There was a segment on Raw where Chris Jericho challenged Punk to a match-through Paul Heyman-and it was accepted. How exactly is that a rumor when they devoted a 15 minute segment to it?

I guess my point is, the company seems to have this emergency thing where they bring back wrestlers before they should. Now I know Cena was fully healed and no wrestler gets back into the ring without being medically cleared, but I just feel like they rushed CM Punk back.

If the wrestler is agreeable to it and feels they have sufficient rest, why shouldn't they be brought back? Come Payback, this will have been almost 9 weeks off TV for CM Punk, and nine weeks since he's wrestled. In other words, more then two months.

If WWE and CM Punk have come to an agreement, who are we to say that it's 'too soon'?

Do you think that Punk has been brough back to TV too soon?

Well, he hasn't come back to TV yet, but the answer to your question is "no."Why?

1. Ryback has failed tremendously as a top heel. Tremendously. He's a stop-gap feud for Cena at this point, nothing more. WWE tends to heat up around MITB and Summerslam, and part of that will be a good challenger for John Cena. Who better then CM Punk, who, other then for a few weeks, has never chased Cena for the title?

2. Payback is in Chicago. Chris Jericho, marginalized as he is at times, is still a top guy. What better place and what better opponent for Punk to make his return against then Chris Jericho? Given the fact that Jericho is more then willing to put younger guys over, as he's done with Punk, a victory here could put Punk right back into the championship picture.

3. It's great timing. MITB and Summerslam are generally PPV's WWE invests a lot into, and giving Punk momentum headed in, whether it be in a title match against Cena or challenging for MITB would be smart business.

Do wrestlers when they have time away need as much as they can get before they go back on the road?

Sure. I'm a huge advocate for, as long as they're not champion, giving wrestlers time off. I'd advocate each wrestler, including John Cena, take a 6-8 week break every year in order to heal up, both physically and mentally. Wrestling is a grind on the body in several ways, and can burn out a person mentally as well.

It's no different then any other job- Vacation time is there for a reason. A tireless work ethic is admirable, until one crashes and burns. It was smart of Punk to take the time when he had the chance to rest up.

Wait makes you guys all think this is really gonna happen, they could just as easily hit Punks music at Payback & nothing happens, he doesn't come out, then after a few mins. of everyone wondering wtf is going on Heyman come out & regrets to inform everyone that Punk is not there tonight , but Curtis Axel is, then Axel jumps Jericho from behind & we get Axel vs. Jericho instead of Punk vs. Jericho. This would surely piss off fans hoping to see their hometown hero make his long awaited return, thus give loads of heel heat to Punk, Heyman & probably most importantly Axel. Not saying this is what's gonna happen, but I would put it past WWE not to do something like this.

The only problem with this scenario is that this match, especially being in Punk's hometown, is going to be one of the marquee matches on the card, no doubt.

So ideally, this would put great heat on Punk and Paul Heyman. Unfortunately, this puts even bigger heat on WWE for promising Punk and not delivering, a big screw you to those who ordered the PPV/bought tickets in anticipation of this match.

If they do this before the PPV, say the go-home Raw, that's fine. But to pull this during the PPV after people have shelled out $45-$55 dollars is an insult to fans. People who paid to see CM Punk aren't going to be satisfied with....Curtis Axel. And they won't blame Punk and Heyman, they'll blame WWE.

Which doesn't bode well for future business.

Unless you are taking bumps left and right, I don't think you need one. But then again, I don't make wrestlers into idols and call'em as I see'em like I do with everyday people. I know some of you love them.... I don't think it's laziness I think it is more of being mentally soft, and I don't care about being XXX. .

Bull. Even if you love you job, as I do, I take time off both in the summer and winter to re-cooperate. I need it mentally and physically alike, and my job isn't physically demanding whatsoever.

Why shouldn't wrestlers, who put their bodies on the line to entertain, get the same luxury? All other professional athletes get off-seasons, why shouldn't the same be afforded to professional wrestlers?

Have you heard the saying, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"? Regardless of it's scripted nature, it's a physical sport. Everyone needs time off to rest, regardless of career. Why do you think most professional athletes retire in their 30's? Because of the punishment they put their bodies through. Bodies slow down, and if not given time to recharge, the mind can follow.

CM Punk is 35 years old. If his body is telling him he needs time, and, God forbid, he needs vacation, how is that being mentally soft?
What exactly is the rumor? There was a segment on Raw where Chris Jericho challenged Punk to a match-through Paul Heyman-and it was accepted. How exactly is that a rumor when they devoted a 15 minute segment to it?

If the wrestler is agreeable to it and feels they have sufficient rest, why shouldn't they be brought back? Come Payback, this will have been almost 9 weeks off TV for CM Punk, and nine weeks since he's wrestled. In other words, more then two months.

If WWE and CM Punk have come to an agreement, who are we to say that it's 'too soon'?

Well, he hasn't come back to TV yet, but the answer to your question is "no."Why?

1. Ryback has failed tremendously as a top heel. Tremendously. He's a stop-gap feud for Cena at this point, nothing more. WWE tends to heat up around MITB and Summerslam, and part of that will be a good challenger for John Cena. Who better then CM Punk, who, other then for a few weeks, has never chased Cena for the title?

2. Payback is in Chicago. Chris Jericho, marginalized as he is at times, is still a top guy. What better place and what better opponent for Punk to make his return against then Chris Jericho? Given the fact that Jericho is more then willing to put younger guys over, as he's done with Punk, a victory here could put Punk right back into the championship picture.

3. It's great timing. MITB and Summerslam are generally PPV's WWE invests a lot into, and giving Punk momentum headed in, whether it be in a title match against Cena or challenging for MITB would be smart business.

Sure. I'm a huge advocate for, as long as they're not champion, giving wrestlers time off. I'd advocate each wrestler, including John Cena, take a 6-8 week break every year in order to heal up, both physically and mentally. Wrestling is a grind on the body in several ways, and can burn out a person mentally as well.

It's no different then any other job- Vacation time is there for a reason. A tireless work ethic is admirable, until one crashes and burns. It was smart of Punk to take the time when he had the chance to rest up.

The only problem with this scenario is that this match, especially being in Punk's hometown, is going to be one of the marquee matches on the card, no doubt.

So ideally, this would put great heat on Punk and Paul Heyman. Unfortunately, this puts even bigger heat on WWE for promising Punk and not delivering, a big screw you to those who ordered the PPV/bought tickets in anticipation of this match.

If they do this before the PPV, say the go-home Raw, that's fine. But to pull this during the PPV after people have shelled out $45-$55 dollars is an insult to fans. People who paid to see CM Punk aren't going to be satisfied with....Curtis Axel. And they won't blame Punk and Heyman, they'll blame WWE.

Which doesn't bode well for future business.

Bull. Even if you love you job, as I do, I take time off both in the summer and winter to re-cooperate. I need it mentally and physically alike, and my job isn't physically demanding whatsoever.

Why shouldn't wrestlers, who put their bodies on the line to entertain, get the same luxury? All other professional athletes get off-seasons, why shouldn't the same be afforded to professional wrestlers?

Have you heard the saying, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"? Regardless of it's scripted nature, it's a physical sport. Everyone needs time off to rest, regardless of career. Why do you think most professional athletes retire in their 30's? Because of the punishment they put their bodies through. Bodies slow down, and if not given time to recharge, the mind can follow.

CM Punk is 35 years old. If his body is telling him he needs time, and, God forbid, he needs vacation, how is that being mentally soft?

Then you are lucky you can do that... I'm not doing this stuff, but I know a lot of waitresses working 3 jobs, and different kinds of construction and carpenters who can't take a day off.

You want to pity him then fine, but I don't really care.

And to the other dude wow, where did I start talking about my intelligence and stuff? However, if you are going to go there yea you probably should just bow down.

Raw just garnered the lowest rating of 2013 this week. That's with John Cena advertised to wrestle in the main event. That after Triple H was scheduled in a main event last week, and they almost dipped below 4 million viewers for the first time in I don't even know how long.

Who do people care about right now? And when I say "people" I mean the vast majority of wrestling fans, not the vocal minority. John Cena, CM Punk, and...the part timers like Triple H, Brock Lesnar and The Rock. That's who sells the donuts. Sheamus and Randy Orton have a very vocal fanbase, but they can't carry a show.

Cena was just injured. The Rock is gone, again. Brock Lesnar has fulfilled his contractual obligations until Summerslam (or beyond). The current reigning World Champion is injured.

WWE is doing a lot of things right, but the mainstream audience just doesn't care. Yet. I love Curtis Axel as Heyman's new #1 guy. I love Fandango. I love The Shield, and I'm psyched for Bray Wyatt's debut. But people just aren't connected to them yet. It's going to take awhile. Proof: WWE just hosted Bret Hart appreciation night...with Shawn Michaels...IN CANADA...IN BRET'S HOME TOWN...and nobody cared. Did you watch the post-show material? Crowd was absolutely dead. Even HBK only got a mild Sheamus-like pop when he came out.

I don't care how long you think Punk needs to stay gone to futher some perceived story. Being out 5 months is no different than one month. He was gone, and now he's back. That's going to be the story no matter when he returns. It's the same argument I had in 2011 with the same guy. WWE needs Punk. The ratings are terrible, and despite a lot of young talent coming up, the product is boring as all hell. It reminds me of the mid-90's in WWF. You had tons of young talent coming up, but the fans didn't care yet, and the week-to-week prodcut and PPV experience was, by and large, garbage.
If Punk wasn't ready to come back, he wouldn't come back. Because it's CM Punk. Like someone already said, he's been going to all kinds of sports events and his Twitter account shows just how much fun he's been having.

At the same time, 6 weeks off is an awfully long time when your career takes up so much of your life. As much stuff as Punk is doing, I'm sure he has missed wrestling every single day he's been gone, because that's what happens when someone is as passionate about the business as he is.

Punk's injuries obviously weren't all that bad to begin with if he was wrestling a pretty hard-hitting match at Mania. And although his earlier than expected return may have deprived us from the biggest return pop of the PG era that we would've heard had he been gone for 4-6 months, I certainly have missed Punk and I'm glad he's returning so soon and I hope he feels great.
It's too soon.

I know the event's in Chicago, but to make his return meaningful, you should leave him off TV for a longer period of time, possibly until the Fall. Punk's earned his keep and has earned some time off from the road, and to me, make a return bigger than anything. Punk's music hitting should jar us out of our seat, not bring us a sigh of relief.

Honestly, I would love it if Punk simply didn't show up, Heyman comes out and says he's not going to be at Payback because he's tired - tired of beating the same ol' folks over and over again. I understand it's Chicago, but that doesn't mean anything in the long run. I'm sure they'll run Chicago again before the years' over with.

Give Punk some time to enjoy life and not hate wrestling, and unless he's working all of us, I get the sense he's borderline sick of wrestling in the WWE.

Raw just garnered the lowest rating of 2013 this week. That's with John Cena advertised to wrestle in the main event. That after Triple H was scheduled in a main event last week, and they almost dipped below 4 million viewers for the first time in I don't even know how long.

Punk's return so soon won't spike the ratings as much. It makes a huge difference when it's one month vs six to eight months.

Who do people care about right now? And when I say "people" I mean the vast majority of wrestling fans, not the vocal minority. John Cena, CM Punk, and...the part timers like Triple H, Brock Lesnar and The Rock. That's who sells the donuts. Sheamus and Randy Orton have a very vocal fanbase, but they can't carry a show.

Nope, but interesting feuds, stories, and angles can. That's on the WWE, not on Punk being gone. Wrestling's in a down cycle right now and unless someone comes out of the wood work to give the WWE a booster shot, then it's going to stay that way regardless of Punk coming back.

Cena was just injured. The Rock is gone, again. Brock Lesnar has fulfilled his contractual obligations until Summerslam (or beyond). The current reigning World Champion is injured.

And Punk is injured. Why not give him more time to heal instead of putting him at risk for a long-term injury?

WWE is doing a lot of things right, but the mainstream audience just doesn't care. Yet. I love Curtis Axel as Heyman's new #1 guy. I love Fandango. I love The Shield, and I'm psyched for Bray Wyatt's debut. But people just aren't connected to them yet. It's going to take awhile. Proof: WWE just hosted Bret Hart appreciation night...with Shawn Michaels...IN CANADA...IN BRET'S HOME TOWN...and nobody cared. Did you watch the post-show material? Crowd was absolutely dead. Even HBK only got a mild Sheamus-like pop when he came out.

So bringing Punk back to the fold will HELP those guys get over? As opposed to him taking a higher spot on the card, which means one of them falls to the wayside. Leave Punk alone, let him heal, and let these young stars make their way in the WWE. Things take time. And also, the Screwjob's played out. There's been DVD and interviews done over and over and over and it's worn out it's welcome.

I don't care how long you think Punk needs to stay gone to futher some perceived story. Being out 5 months is no different than one month. He was gone, and now he's back. That's going to be the story no matter when he returns. It's the same argument I had in 2011 with the same guy. WWE needs Punk. The ratings are terrible, and despite a lot of young talent coming up, the product is boring as all hell. It reminds me of the mid-90's in WWF. You had tons of young talent coming up, but the fans didn't care yet, and the week-to-week prodcut and PPV experience was, by and large, garbage.

I don't care how long you think Punk needs to stay gone, either. Why be such a chode about your views? I mean, if you're going to be one, at least have some knowledge about the product. The WWE's not going bankrupt anytime soon because there's no competition to take viewers away from them. They can afford to let Punk heal up and build him up to a major league return instead of an absence of a month. Punk's banged up and bringing him back further risks his health and career. But ratings and you being 'bored' with the product are more important than his health right?

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