CM Punk and the IC title

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Dark Match Winner
GOOD JOB WWE!!! Way to be last. :headscratch:
Soooooooo they made a big deal about the IC title tournament. The winner got a shot at William Regal and his IC title. CM Punk wins. CM Punk eventually beats Regal for the title. Regal gets a rematch and loses. CM Punk is the IC champ. Then CM Punk has to drop the IC title to JBL??? I thought WWE was supposed to be bringing some prestige back to the IC title. They have it on two wrestlers (Regal and Punk) that actually COULD accomplish this, then they put it on a talentless, waste of roster space called JBL that completely does away with what they were trying to accomplish with the title in the first place? And why was it that CM Punk had to win a gd tourney to get a shot at the IC title, but then JBL gets one when he hasnt won a match in God knows how long??? And I dont want to hear that crap that CM Punk had to drop the IC belt because he is going to be in MitB.... Shelton is in the match and he is US champ, and how many OTHER MitB matches have had IC champs or US champs in them?
What do you peeps think about this?
GOOD JOB WWE!!! Way to be last. :headscratch:
Soooooooo they made a big deal about the IC title tournament. The winner got a shot at William Regal and his IC title. CM Punk wins. CM Punk eventually beats Regal for the title. Regal gets a rematch and loses. CM Punk is the IC champ. Then CM Punk has to drop the IC title to JBL??? I thought WWE was supposed to be bringing some prestige back to the IC title. They have it on two wrestlers (Regal and Punk) that actually COULD accomplish this, then they put it on a talentless, waste of roster space called JBL that completely does away with what they were trying to accomplish with the title in the first place? And why was it that CM Punk had to win a gd tourney to get a shot at the IC title, but then JBL gets one when he hasnt won a match in God knows how long??? And I dont want to hear that crap that CM Punk had to drop the IC belt because he is going to be in MitB.... Shelton is in the match and he is US champ, and how many OTHER MitB matches have had IC champs or US champs in them?
What do you peeps think about this?

Personally, I think this is a great move, really. CM Punk hasn't done anything noteworthy as champion. Heck, all of his reigns as champ thus far (World Title, World Tag Title, ECW Title, and IC Title) weren't all that memorable, except perhaps his ECW Title run. If you wanted to put the IC Title back on the map, then you might as well put someone who either gets major heat or huge pop, and JBL is it.

I think majority of the IWC people who whines, bitch, and complains about it are probably the ones who think they can book a better show. You gotta give credit to JBL, he's over as a heel and he can bring prestige back to the belt, since the IC Title would actually get some attention now rather than just be looked upon as a meaningless strap.
I Think Jbl Deserved To Win The Tittle Cm Was Doing Nothing With It And Neither Was Regal Plus Regal Only Won The Tittle Because The Wwe Was In England On Tht Show Jbl Is Really A Main Eventer So Now A Main Eventer Has A Mid Card Tittle Will Make The Tittle Better Plus Jbl Can Make Fueds Great And Will Probably Defend The Tittle At Wrestlemania Against Someone Like Rey
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